Love the series or leave it alone, The Last of Us Part II Remastered is a stunning game and a perfect way to showcase the power of the PS5 Pro. In a new trailer, developers from Naughty Dog explain why this is the ultimate, definitive, absolutely ideal way to play; we got distracted thinking about how many versions of these games we've played at this stage.
Activating our current annoyance, Naughty Dog extolls the virtues of the sequel while making an implied dig at the base PS5 ("PS5 Pro allows us to make an emotional journey rather than a technical one"). Our bugbear is that it's not immediately clear whether the update is live from the trailer itself. Support was added last month, in case you missed it, and The Last of Us Part II Remastered does thankfully have a bespoke "pro mode" rather than simply supercharging the existing performance and fidelity modes.

Descending into the comments section, it seems we aren't alone in this thinking: "Don't forget to remaster it on the PS6," says the top-rated quip. "I was literally expecting a remake of the remaster," admits another. But it was user Flursh who best managed to capture our current sentiment: "It feels like there have been 90 different remasters for both games. We get it. Just give us something new already."