While Naughty Dog's incredible follow-up, The Last of Us Part II, mostly stands out in our minds for the intensely violent nature of some of its more fraught scenes, PlayStation (and, by extension, Sony) thinks it could make for a pretty decent holiday season IP, provided you squint hard enough.
On X, the official PlayStation account shared a carefully cut trailer for the cinematic game, which is primarily concerned with destructive cycles of violence. The undeniably depressing title could, however, soon become a reason to gather the extended family around.
"Any game can be a holiday season classic if you want it to be," the PlayStation account ominously suggests. We're pretty sure Grandma hasn't had the opening act's biggest surprise spoiled yet, so this holiday season, we look forward to introducing the entire family to one of gaming's most brutal sequences.
What do you think? Should The Last of Us Part II be considered a Christmas IP, considering the events that take place in Wyoming over the holiday break in Naughty Dog's take on 2038? Stay optimistic in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 82
I hope not. There are literally millions of games thru history, so I don't see any reason why should be holidays ruined exactly by this extremely overrated IP.
Yeah, I like TLOU a lot but no, not that much. It definitely does not deserve something like that lol.
Haha I love it! That video is hilarious
I play Hitman in my Santa outfit, that's a Christmas classic for me.
Happy holidays everyone!!!
Well, Joel does look a little like Santa if you squint hard enough (sarcasm mode).
It's Christmas, it's been that for nearly 2000 years. All this 'holiday' business is a modern day, secular joke. Much like TLOU2's story. So, I agree, the game is a 'holiday classic' in his eyes.
I think some of us may be taking this too seriously. If you don't know what happens to the bunny after it cuts in the video you may not understand the joke 🤣
By your logic any video game who had a snowy level is considered a Christmas classic.
At least you tried, Naughty Dog.
Banjo Kazooie is a Christmas classic.
@riceNpea FYI “Holidays” isn’t secular, it’s literally derived from “Holy Days”. It may specifically be “Christmas” to you if you believe a Jewish man walked on water around 2,000 years ago, or lived in an area that was dominated by his followers teachings. But there are many other religions and cultures that call this annual festive period something different and celebrate other holy days including Jesus’ own people (Happy Hanukkah friends). Others celebrate Yule (far older than Christmas), Winter Solistice, Kwanzaa, Los Posadas, Soyal, The Martyrdom Of the Sahibzade and many more.
And then there’s many heathens like me, who still wish all believers a happy holiday, whatever you choose to believe.
This is such a funny video that the negative reaction to it is unintentionally hilarious.
Gee! I see a lot of people doesn't understand a joke and salting the game instantly...sad. This video is hilarious!
The first game perhaps, what with its themes of father and daughter, family, making hard choices for those that you love...
The second game? The perfect Christmas for the modern age. Depressing, dark and with a sad ending.
@themightyant All completely true but it's still odd to call it the holiday season since there are religious holidays all through the year. A Muslim wouldn't refer to Ramadan as the holiday season despite there being other holy days around that time. Look at this, it's neverending: https://www.xavier.edu/jesuitresource/online-resources/calendar-religious-holidays-and-observances/index
GTA Online is mine. Always log in over Christmas for a snowball fight in downtown Los Santos.
That doesn't make any sense, but I'll take it over watching "Le père noël est une ordure" for the 900th time. It's a french comedy that has been broadcasted every single Christmas on every single channel for the past 40 years.
I don’t think people realise what makes die hard a Christmas movie. I was thinking this watching carry on on Netflix, they trying to push it as a Christmas movie but it’s just taking place at Christmas. Die hard has Christmas theming and heavily utilises it, coming home for Christmas, family, Christmas party.
You can’t just say something is Christmas because of the month
I don't know about being a Christmas classic but it does make for a great Halloween classic! 😄
Also lighten up folks it was just a silly joke!
@Matroska I get that, but wishing people “happy holidays” is not anything new at this time of year. Personally I don’t really care either way, was just pointing out that “Christmas” is only celebrated by a minority of people, would they be as happy if another religious holiday was stated instead? Either way “happy holidays” is not secular!
The Last of Us 2 is more cheerful than EastEnders at Christmas so that's a plus.
It's a pretty funny video but it's more funny reading the negative comment about it.
Like dang, it's almost 2025 but some people let TloU 2 rent free inside their head for 4+ years and it still going on.
@PuppetMaster I could say the exact same thing about its defenders.
Well TLOUS2 is pretty much a 'misery simulator' so I would say it's perfect for Christmas!!
@LifeGirl at the least they enjoyed it. Being bitter over a video game of all things after so many years is just sad.
When it comes to Christmas movies Die Hard is up there! Ho ho ho now I have a machine gun! Alan Rickman what a legend RIP bro
It could be a holiday movie if your a Scientologist maybe, basically the whole game is about people living in 1 cult escaping from people living in the another cult. 😂
I can tell half of u can't take a joke u must be fun at parties lmao
@gollumb82 the anti-santa
@Slayer25c who says they get invited to parties.
Isn't Christmas an appropriated pagan holiday that originally had nothing to do with Christ and wasn't even considered the birth date of jesus until hundreds of years later.
@Areus lmao then they sneaking in them
@Thatguyoverthere Penguin Land, Steep and I Am Setsuna: 😎
@themightyant I know all that, the etymology, the religious festivals ect, and yet all my life at this time of year in many countries across the world we've specifically put up Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, bought Christmas presents, seen towns tranform public areas with Christmas lights, wished everybody Merry Christmas,....and the last few years its been eroded by the awful, wishy-washy, non-specific Happy Holidays nonsense like its a good alternative. It's Christmas, we are all celebrating Christmas at this time of year, we get bank holidays for Christmas. The constant reference to 'Holidays' instead of Christmas is bad form, to me.
😂😂😂…oh, they were serious 😮
ND is really making Ls for themselves, especially with that little holiday pic they released with a certain someone celebrating next to the person they, uh, did things to in part 2.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Yes, misery and revenge porn, that is exactly what I've wanted to pair with the cheerful holiday season.
What are they even thinking?
Not trying to trash TLOU2 overall, though personally I find it overrated, but its themes are about as much a mismatch for Christmas/Hannukah/etc as you could possibly imagine.
@ChrisDeku careful now, they’ve been trying to eliminate inconvenient truths like this for centuries 😂
@glennthefrog that's... the joke.
Why does everything descend into politics and virtue signalling it’s tiresome
I’m not sure I can name any game I associate with Christmas though lol. Maybe Clay fighter on the 64 but only cos of the snowman 😁
I mean there’s people who count the Harry Potter movies and the first die hard movie as Christmas movies 🤔
So however one choose to see it 👀
Might as well add the last of us and even saints row 4 😆
@themightyant - Considering more people follow Christianity than any other religion on earth by a large margin, Christmas is absolutely not celebrated by a minority of people, quite the opposite.
People here either didnt bother to watch the video or really cant take a joke
@naruball The joke...is not funny at all. Therefore it deserves to be ridiculed.
@glennthefrog lol! ok, buddy.
@LifeGirl I rarely see anyone defend TloU 2 as much as the haters keeps hating on the game and acting as if their opinion is a fact.
@Shigurui Minority as in less than 50%. Also the vast majority are only nominally Christians
Did anyone read further than the headline? Unbelievable how so few get the joke
It's clearly a non serious post, yet the haters are getting triggered...... Again.
@Shigurui Minority - noun "the smaller number or part, especially a number or part representing less than half of the whole."
Around 30% of the world population follows Christianity in some guise, but that means around 70% doesn't making it a minority of the global population. It's not a criticism just a fact.
As for "by a large margin" Islam is behind at around 25% but the major difference is Christianity has been in decline, and the rate of decline is increasing, whereas Islam is still growing and will likely take over as the most popular religion in the next decade or two if trends continue, depending whose figures you take. Hindus represent around 15% of the global population but is currently increasing fastest of the big three.
1. Sony’s post is 100% satire.
2. It’s not just Part II. It features scenes from Part I as well.
But hey… I’m getting a chuckle out of the replies that only read the headline and didn’t watch the video.
Lol no it is not also its funny people r falling for it 😄
The only Christmas classic is Die Hard film.
Sony says and us sheep agree while wondering why the ps5 is so unsupported by them
If I had to pick one it say the division 1. Beautiful Christmas-y atmosphere.
I could watch die hard every year. I really can't see myself playing through TLOU2 every year. Way too long for that.
SM Miles Morales comes pretty close in my eyes - its predominantly set at / around Christmas, and certainly contains some appropriate themes.
It felt like a Christmas game, without being a game about Christmas - or at least that was my 1st thought when I played it!
Comments didn't disappoint lol
One of the worst games of all time. The furthest thing from a classic
@themightyant Christianity is the largest religion in the world so I wouldn't say they were a minority.
Merry Christmas you filthy animal
All I want for Christmas is a 9 iron.
The level of misunderstanding and lack of comprehension in this comment section is hilarious 😂
Apparently satire goes way over peoples heads nowadays
Die hard counts in my book, the last of us is a no from me in terms of christmasy feelings
LMAO, how ridiculous. Outrageous.
Basically: "please please please buy the last of us 2 again please. Oh and you PC folk please please please buy TLOU2 for the first time please please please."
@PuppetMaster the biggest downfall of modern society in my opinion is people thinking their opinion is fact.
A lot of y’all are some miserable mother🤬ers!
@CVCubbington brilliant!
@ATaco This game won so many GOTYs and sold so many copies, i hardly see this as them begging for sales.
They’re just making a funny video juxtaposing a violent post apocalyptic setting with a jolly, feel good christmas vibe, and i like how they take themselves less seriously than the people commenting here 😆
It'd be funny if this wasn't already what happens with Diehard being associated as a Christmas movie. This is just them trying to remind people that the "remastered" PS5 version exists and that the PC version is coming soon.
@ATaco Im confused, what does the movie Die Hard have to do wether this is funny or not? People seem to have some pretty serious standards for humour around here! 😝
Of course they’re reminding us of the PC release, but its just a little bit of playful marketing. They did it in a funny and creative way, nothing to take so seriously, but hey to each their own!
Humor is subjective, as I'm sure you know. Where you were doubled over laughing slapping your knees I simply found myself rolling my eyes. To each their own!
@ATaco I never said you had to find it funny, just pointing out how people are taking it too seriously! 😁
Lmao like always most of u did not know this a joke really some of u should go outside more 😂
@riceNpea Xmas aka another Pagan import. There's a reason Jewish people don't celebrate it and its because it has very little to do with Jesus.
@Mikey856 "Alan Rickman what a legend RIP bro"
He certainly was. Even in Harry Potter his acting was sublime. Die hard will always remain a favorite of mine.
My christmas game is and always will be Parasite Eve.
P.S. Not all jokes are funny.
@DennisReynolds so? You celebrate Christmas and I'm willing to bet you're not a practicing Christian. Or are you going to tell me you don't buy presents and have a tree.
@Dalamar Definitely true, whats funny in this case is that Sony is obviously joking about making this a christmas game and people are seriously discussing, comparing it to more worthy games and movies that deserve to be associated with christmas and getting mad about it, as if Sony is really suggesting such a thing 😉
People dont have to find the video funny, but they might wanna take a chill pill about taking a joke so seriously
Well it wouldn't feel like Christmas holidays if I didn't see some TLOU2 hate online lol and ofc this joke flew over some bitter heads.
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