Broken Sword 2 Remaster

Revolution Software, the developer that brought us the fantastic Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Reforged in September of last year, has teased a remaster of the series' second game, Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror.

The tease was part of a Christmas message video from Revolution Software, which seems to have passed just about everyone by — including ourselves. Thankfully, GameWatcher happened to spot said tease and spread the word.

Near the end of the video, co-founder and designer Charles Cecil is looking through some old Broken Sword concept art, and comes across a drawing of protagonist George Stobbart wearing a specific, summery outfit from Broken Sword 2 — the one with sunglasses and shorts.

Cecil then raises his eyebrows and shrugs to the camera, in a not-so-subtle nod to anyone who's familiar with the second game. It's fair to assume that another remaster is happening.

Obviously there's no timeline on this supposed remaster yet, but we're sure Revolution Software will drop an announcement when it's ready. Until then, let us know if you're ready for more Broken Sword mysteries in the comments section below.

[source, via]