Sony has today set a new PS Store sale live, themed around New Year Deals that offers PS5, PS4 game discounts from today until 29th January 2025. Below you'll find a selection of the best offers available in the sale:
- Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Edition — £53.99 / $49.49 (40% / 45% off)
- Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart — £34.99 / $29.39 (50% / 58% off)
- Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance — £32.99 / $35.99 (40% off)
- Unicorn Overlord — £32.99 / $35.99 (40% off)
- Lost Judgment — £9.99 / $11.99 (80% off)
- Fear the Spotlight — £11.99 / $14.99 (25% off)
- Metal Slug Tactics — £14.99 / $18.74 (25% off)
- Live A Live — £15.99 / $19.99 (60% off)
- Hellboy: Web of Wyrd — £9.99 / $12.49 (50% off)
- A Space for the Unbound — £8.79 / $10.99 (45% off)
For a complete list of all PS5, PS4 games on offer in the PS Store New Year Deals sale, click the link. Has anything taken your fancy? Share your digital haul in the comments below.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 36
Does anyone recommend Lost judgement? Been sitting on the fence for ages about getting it.
Ratchet and clank is free with PS+ Mid tier and above and GT7 is still highly priced to this day but the don't really have any competition anymore for driving games since Forza 8 flopped and Xbox don't really compete much
Its been a while since I played it, but I remember it being an enjoyable enough game, on a similar level to the 1st Judgement game (if anything Lost Judgement was probably a little bit better as a whole). Graphics are nothing special though.
£10 seems a pretty good deal for it, but if I remember correctly the 'school stories' (or something like that) expansion added quite a bit of decent side content particularly a new fighting style that worked very well.
Finally. A sale!
@Oram77 I really enjoyed it mate. I was surprised as to how the story gripped me and I enjoyed the little mini games like 'tailing' people.
I hope you enjoy it if you jump in!
@Oram77 Yes, £10 for it is a steal.
@Oram77 I'm about half way through at the moment. Excellent so far, also picked up the DLC for about 7 quid recently!
Nothing for me since last month i bought like 8 games and this month i already bought 2 games; White Knight Chronicles 1+2 and Splinter Cell: Double Agent.
@Oram77 Yes i reccomend it especially if you enjoyed the 1st game.
@Oram77 - Definitely worth picking up, the season pass is currently £8.69 too. Basically getting you the £75 Digital Ultimate Edition for under £20.
Why is Ratchet and Clank $42 for us in the UK (converting from £) but only $29 in the US? Taking the pi$$
Sophstar for me to add to my bulging shmup folder pew pew 😉
@Dimey Because regional pricing exists on everything.
No matter what, Sekiro ain't breaking its posture at £29.99.
Already bought a load of PS5 games over Black Friday but I'll definitely get Oxenfree 2.
@MrPeanutbutterz Plus don't you have to add tax onto US prices? Is that a thing with digital games?
@Oram77 I 100% recommend it. If you enjoyed the original at all, this is just better than it in every way. Such an awesome title
@Fyz306903 I pay taxes on my digital games in NY, think it’s about 9%. I feel like I used to pay taxes on PSN and eShop cards in retail stores and not on the digital purchase but I could be wrong, and that was like a decade ago. But there are always taxes somewhere. I’m currently not paying any taxes on my $39.99m fiber internet so that’s something I guess. And all the games I play online are free so no PS+ “tax” to play online. Until PC players have to start paying to play online it’s a tax. 🤑
@Dimey I think you’re supposed to blame Brexit. Personally I think Brexit is just cover for corporate greed to run rampant unchecked, but you’re supposed to blame Brexit. 😝
Checked my wishlist, nothing on sale. Well I should say no games on sale. The Tales of Arise dlc is on sale but we’ve all decided we’ve had enough of that game. So I’ve taken that and GoW:R, which I bought myself for Christmas for $30, off the list.
It took a long time for tax laws to catch up with online purchases. Now, you pay sales tax based on what you have as your address. Before, places like Amazon, Newegg, and PSN didn't charge sales tax because it was unclear how it would be handled and there was no laws around this in place.
@rjejr you’re not wrong. I was thinking a few days ago about how during the PS3 era we didn’t have to pay taxes on digital titles. Then either late ps3 or early ps4, the govt realized digital games were a thing and forced companies to start taxing us. Also, sales for us here on the east coast (NY represent!) won’t show up for us until 12.
@Dimey how much is your VAT?
@Fyz306903 correct. US pricing doesn’t include sales tax. In the Pacific Northwest, where I live, it ranges from 0% in Oregon state to 10.35% where I am in Seattle. Not sure how much UK VAT is. But there’s also other things in play, besides just sales tax.
Not that great this sale, is it…?…
@AgentGuapo VAT over here is 20%.
There are some weird conversions going on, probably 'cos PlayStation is about as Japanese as Mom's Apple Pie now. Remember that the US was the only place to not get a £30 increase bunged on the cost of a PS5. Still not seen that equalise yet...
@enrickUranium Is it just me or is it the same things in the sale as last time where everything is slightly more expensive?
1,400+ sounds great, until you realize, that 95% of it, is shovelware, in game currency and DLC.
@naruball ikr! I don’t even look at them anymore as it’s just obvious what’s going to be in it lol
Unicorn Overlord for $36 is fantastic!
@AgentGuapo it's irrelevant as it's just this one game that's so much more expensive in the UK!
@MrPeanutbutterz I realise that, it's just odd this ONE game is so much more expensive in the UK, compared to all the other games! Hey ho.
@Fyz306903. Thanks for pointing out Oxenfree II is on sale. I loved the first game (thought the dialogue choice mechanic should become the standard in games with branching dialogue) and 70% off is quite a deal. Grabbing it now.
@Stevemalkpus I just add anything that I'm super interested in to my wishlist and just check that during sales. There usually at least one thing there that's very cheap
@CrispyMango92 " sales for us here on the east coast (NY represent!) won’t show up for us until 12 "
Man, is this one of those situations again? Don't they know we're special. I need Playstation1995 to put them in their place. 😂
@The_Wailing_Doom " Amazon, Newegg, and PSN "
I used to miss those days, as they all fell 1 by 1 year after year, but it's been so long now I've kind of forgotten, it's just pretty much tax everywhere now, no escape. Well maybe on CD Keys for my kid's Crunchyroll, but that's a roll of the dice in and of itself.
Metal Slug Tactics
I got a notification about a wishlist game being on sale, but I don't see a new sale heading in the PSN store. Was it just added to the Holiday Sale?
@Mikey856 that’s why wishlists are the best
@naruball agreed 👍
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