Random: Sony Enjoys Some Free Game Marketing with More Jeopardy! PlayStation Questions 1
Image: Push Square

Sony Pictures Television produces the evergreen American game show Jeopardy!, so it makes sense to throw some PlayStation questions into the mix, right?

At least a couple of questions directly related to first-party PS5 games have appeared on the popular show recently, as shared on social media. Firstly, Insomniac Games highlighted a clip in which its iconic Ratchet & Clank series starred:

Alongside that, the official Jeopardy! account recently picked out a God of War-related question:

It's pretty transparent what's happening here, but you've got to admire the effort. Again, it only makes sense for Sony to do this — it's essentially free marketing for PlayStation and its games.

Are you an avid Jeopardy! viewer? Have you spotted any other PlayStation-related questions on the quiz show lately? Pick your category in the comments section below.

[source x.com, via x.com]