The Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League disaster has finally come to an end for Rocksteady Studios, as its last main season of content deploys onto PS5, accessible for free for PS Plus Essential members. However, as it says goodbye to the title, it's got one final trick up its sleeve: a big story retcon. We doubt most of you care about Suicide Squad spoilers at this point, but you'll find a significant twist in the video embedded above as well as in the text below. In actual fact, the thumbnail of the video has already spoilt it. Sorry!

In one final twist at the end of Episode 8, it's revealed that Batman is actually still alive in the Suicide Squad universe. Apparently, it was Batman's plan all along for Brainiac to create clones of the Justice League, which are who you actually fought in the game. On top of that, the final story beat is delivered in comic book fashion with static images on screen rather than a proper cutscene.
This is how all of the introductory episode cutscenes have been presented for the past year in any content delivered after launch, so it's no surprise this approach has continued. However, it would have been nice to see proper motion attached to probably the biggest twist of the entire game. The cutscene does at least end with a tribute to the sadly deceased Kevin Conroy, who played the voice of Batman for over three decades.
Now that Suicide Squad is done for Rocksteady Studios, fans will likely hope it returns to making a proper single player Batman: Arkham entry. First, though, at least some of its team is reported to be working on a Definitive Edition of Hogwarts Legacy. What do you make of this final twist? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 72
You're right we don't care
Looking for this kind of article about Fairgame$.
Superhero stuff had its time. It's over now. Before that, it was vampires. Right now, it's the Midwest Cowboys or old time westerns. US entertainment media always goes through these ebbs and flows.
Can’t believe they didn’t just make another Batman game. When your dev cycles are 6 or 7 years long, there is plenty of time between games for people to want more of the same character. You know, the one really popular character you have.
If only there was a twist to make this game just one bad nightmare.
@Max_the_German As am I 😅😂
Arkham knight a game that came out 10 years ago looks and plays way better than this
Is it really a twist when anyone with even a passing familiarity with comic book storytelling saw it coming immediately? This is what anyone with half a brain has been expecting to happen this whole time.
Just a correction, this is not how every cutscene has been since after launch. Each update started the game with a motion comic like this but after each boss fight was a fully rendered cutscene. This was the first time the post boss fight cutscene was a motion comic
So basically, this just means we are going to pretend that Suicide Squad never happened and Rocksteady can hopefully start their redemption arc with the next Batman game.
Here's hoping they succeed and we can all move on to happier times!
Somehow this makes the terrible story even worse.
Self-foreversleep Squad: Unalive the Justice League. RIP in peace.
@PloverNutter Thanks for pointing that out!
@Max_the_German I'm actually really curious about that game. Would love to see some gameplay.
That's a relief. The game being finally over now, I mean.
Another bullet dodged 🤐
@wildcat_kickz just listened to that episode of the podcast today 😅
@wildcat_kickz Actually, I am also interested in seeing some gameplay. What I don’t like about these games is the approach of „We are throwing enough money and star directors on these established game concepts to ensure the next Fortnite“. Helldivers 2 is successful because it is original and a bit flawed, not a sandblasted pebble. You can’t replicate this commercial and creative success with a thorough plan and tons of money!
"Everything you've done never mattered and your impact was negligible!" The final message to fans of the game.
Batman wakes up in bed with a start, Alfred over his shoulder. "Master Bruce, thank were suffering from the lingering effects of Scarecrow's nightmare gas for a solid week. You were tossing and turning and seemed to be in terrible pain...what did you dream about?"
"I thought I trained myself to suppress fear Alfred...but that terrified me."
So Rocksteady not only made a terrible game but they also retconned it's entire plot in the laziest way possible, bravo.
Thankfully there has been an actual great Batman Arkham game recently, just a shame it's only on the Quest
Jesus this is just sad. Perhaps a necessary evil to teach publishers a valuable lesson.
@SeanOhOgain comedy gold 😅
I've never really enjoyed the "Batman planned everything from the beginning" stories. Especially as it's usually something super high tech.
I prefer the idea that he's an incredibly smart man on the street level, picking up clues, reacting to the situation and planning on the fly - like a detective not a super scientist.
I always figured the story about Batman being prepared for the Justice League turning evil should have been about understanding their characters and planning based on that instead of supersonic bullets and magic neurotoxins
@Max_the_German That's certainly true, but I don't really fault Sony for trying to get another live service hit. As long as they aren't severely diverting resources from their single-player focused teams (which I don't think they are), I have no problem with them getting new teams to tinker with the idea.
Once we get a proper look at the game, I'll be able to tell if it's a game for me or not, but, for now, I'm just curious.
So basically they just lazily wrote a way to “fix” the plot after all the horrible backlash at how stupid the story was? So none of the Justice League actually died then?
@ThomasHL Well said. Learning a situation was engineered from the beginning robs the whole story of stakes. Batman, to me, is at his best when he's portrayed as being smart enough to think on his feet, overcoming adversity - not manufacturing it...
@ThomasHL Batman + prep time = undefeated!
@Keyblade-Dan @Max_the_German That seems a bit premature. What if they show gameplay and you end up liking it? 😄
@Keyblade-Dan @Max_the_German Unless Haven pulls off some kind of miracle, Fairgames doesn't have a chance in hell. No way.
Rocksteady basically committed suicide with this game. Maybe I'll like Gotham knights better. I just picked up a used copy so I'll see if that's less nauseating.
@LogicStrikesAgain You‘re right! I want to see gameplay not to feel confirmed, but because I‘m curious. Maybe Fairgame$ will have some character and unique qualities, who knows.
I just dislike an attitude of „We create a hit“, that’s the impression I got from everthing around this game and Marathon. There is just too much luck involved in achieving a hit!
@Truegamer79 We live in a world where Gotham Knights, a very meh game, is better than a game made by Rocksteady.
This is an odd timeline we are in.
I wonder was the plan always to bring back the real justice league or did they just chicken out and bring them back 🤔😂👀
@Can-You-Believe-Sith There was people actually finding clues and theorizing that the brainwashed heroes we were facing weren't the actual ones themselves. Still a ***** twist though.
@ATaco That would be perfect dx
The problem we have got now though is that this game was so much of a disaster that the core people who made rocksteady.... Rocksteady
So what is left? Can they really come back with a quality single player game when the ones we trusted have all left?
I purchased the game the week at launch knowing the issues it had, especially with the 8 hr campaign. But Rocksteady stated they would be adding story missions later, so I assumed that the story would be longer and told throughout the seasons. That was a total lie. I don't care what they make from here on out, I'm not buying it. This whole game was a S-show travesty.
Funny how Rocksteadys games from the PS3 are better than the one they were forced to make.
I mean, it’s a pathetic excuse but at least now it doesn’t entirely sh*t over the storyline they had created across 4 games, hopefully they can truly continue the story with another Batman game.
Rocksteady have spent enough time in Gotham If they must do another superhero game let them try a different hero. I really liked the detective aspects of the Arkham series so I would be curious to see what they could do with Green lanterns who are technically space police.
@AhmadSumadi "Superhero stuff had its time. It's over now"
Nah. People had enough of bad superhero movies / games. But people always dig for the decent / good ones.
@PuppetMaster Amen. I still go back to Arkham Asylum and Spidey. Even been tempted to bust out the PS3 and play Arkham Origins!
So if I understand correctly, the story of this game ends like “it was all a dreeeammmm”. Wow
They can't even commit to killing Batman. That is even more sad.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League's Clones wouldn't have sounded as cool.
@AhmadSumadi right right, that's why Marvel Rivals is struggling so badly...
@JohntheRaptor to be fair, oh god it hurts to defend them, but they had this all done before the game probably even launched as Kevin Conroy would have had to have finished his voice lines before he died of course, which I believe was before the game even released.
@B0udoir this is what happens when bad writers pick up a pen.
@z0d15g0d oh god, at this point I'd rather someone else does it. Rocksteady is cooked at this point. I could be mistaken, but I don't think anyone who was responsible for the amazing Arkham games even works there anymore.
This was never a retcon these endings were datamined from the start.
Very glad I skipped out on this game honestly.
@dskatter Recently i just rewatch Wanted and replay the game Weapons of Fate. I never get bored with solid superhero games and movies. I probably gonna replay Arkham Origins or Knight after i finished with a couple of my backlogs.
@JokerBoy322 Yes! Because 1 successful thing out of the last 10 means Borat voice great success!
@AhmadSumadi no, but what it means is that people obviously aren't tired of hero games. They're tired of BAD hero games.
An awful recton ending, like in the majority of superhero comic book series since the genre's beginning. Gee, I wonder why I don't feel surprised…
Big "It was all a dream" energy.
@AhmadSumadi For video games, the recent Marvel vs Capcom Collection, Insomniac Spider-Man 2, and Batman: Arkham Shadow also did well. And despite the low-mid sales, some people enjoyed Marvel Midnight Suns, Gotham Knights, and Guardians of the Galaxy with Midnight Suns and GotG got positive reviews.
I'm also confident that Insomniac Wolverine not just gonna sell well but also will get very positive reviews. But not sure if Blade and Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra will do well or not. Maybe Marvel 1943 have some chance to do well since Amy Hennig is involved.
The thing is people still wants superhero games and movies. But like i said, they just don't want the bad ones.
They can redeem themselves by making a Justice League game. And it must be titled: JUSTICE LEAGUE: KILL THE SUICIDE SQUAD.
@Alps_Stranger and this data was in the files from launch too iirc
And I thought that great twist is they are closing servers by the end of the month... One way or another, Sony made pretty ugly move by wasting one Essential monthly pick slot on this garbage.
@LavenderShroud this was always the plan.
My "attempt to at least save the story" Ending:
Main villain is a hive mind that is invading multiple earths throughout the multiverse, right? And he dominates minds.
So, in the end, you end up being saved by the actual JL and find out you were under all along. The game was you resisiting in your mind and fighting back, along with everyone else. The reality you see is "constructed" by all the minds taken over by brainiac trying to fight him together. This ends up weaking the villain, which gives JL the opening to finish him the real world, thus releaisng all minds.
The End
Speaking of Gotham knights, my actual real name is Jason Todd. No kidding. Well Todd is my middle name but still ain't that funny? Guess I'll be playing as myself LOL! 😉
I've really enjoyed suicide squad and love the combat loop. Shame it's coming to an end
What a Joker. But at least they fixed the mess they made. Last one out the door make sure you turn out the lights.
@JokerBoy322 If that's the case then I agree that another studio should do it. There was talks of a GL tv show like True Detective but that seems to have fizzled out.
@Max_the_German I think Fairgame$ is going to be quietly cancelled.
Bold of push square to believe that Rocksteady will last long enough to give us another game.
@theSpectre A quiet cancellation of Fairgame$ would be drastic and surprising.
I’m surprised they didn’t go with the classic Henry’s Cat ending of ‘it was all a dream’. Having just played through all 4 Arkham games for the very first time on PC (why the hate on Origins, it was great), I do hope they expand on another Batman single player game.
@RBMango Oh yeah that game is DOA I'm expecting a disaster of Concordian proportions 😅
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