One of the biggest bummers of this entire generation was the cancellation of The Last of Us Online, or Factions as it’s perhaps better known.
Naughty Dog announced it was working on a standalone version of its popular The Last of Us multiplayer prior to the release of The Last of Us: Part 2.
It later teased the project multiple times, describing it as incredibly ambitious and even showing off concept art. But the online outing was eventually cancelled in 2023 when the developer made the decision to focus on its single player output instead.
Speaking as part of an interview with Sacred Symbols+ (paywalled), ex-PS Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida revealed that he “played the game and it was great”.
“The idea for The Last of Us Online came from Naughty Dog and they really wanted to make it,” he explained. “But Bungie explained [to them] what it takes to make live service games, and Naughty Dog realised, ‘Oops, we can’t do that! If we do it, we can’t make Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet.’ So that was a lack of foresight.”
Yoshida continued that, to his knowledge, no first-party studio has been forced to make live service games. He noted that sometimes teams see the direction the company is heading, and pitch their titles accordingly.
“From my experience, when studios see the company has a big initiative, [they realise] riding on that gives them a better chance of getting a project approved and supported,” he explained. “It’s not like [current PS Studios boss Hermen Hulst] is telling teams they need to make live service games, it’s likely mutual.”
Sony recently cancelled two live service projects from Bluepoint and Bend Studio, which has left fans feeling frustrated. Many feel both teams have now wasted potentially an entire generation on projects which will never see the light of day.
Yoshida, who’s been focusing his time and energy on indies over the past four years, didn’t have much to add on the status of those projects, but he simply concluded: “Yeah, it sucks.”
[source patreon.com]
Comments 65
I'm sure the comments will be filled with people saying he is wrong... because they clearly know better.
So if studios like Sony bend and bluepoint chose to make live service games, without having any experience making live service games instead of single player games it isn’t Sony fault it’s the studios.
thanks Bungie.....
I can believe him when he says it was great, but I just can't imagine such an experienced studio going "oops, guess we misjudged that". It leaves too many questions unanswered.
Did Naughty Dog intend this as a live service game since its conception? If yes, why, and how did they not realize how many resources that would take? On the other hand, if not, were they pressured by Playstation management to turn it into one? Were Bungie mandated to judge it viability rather than just offer advice? Etc.
I like Yoshida but the view he's presenting here seems overly simplistic.
@Oram77 from not only Shu's words but also Druckmann, Naughty Dog would literally have turned into Rockstar and only made content for TLOU Factions for years, only being able to work on other projects very slowly.
So I'd say taking it off their hands was a good solution. I only wish it hadn't been cancelled and was handed over to another studio or Bungie themselves.
Players just want updated last of us online from ps3 tlou, players didn't want live service last of us game 😕
'I Played Concord Online And It Was Greater,' Says Me
@Ainu20 Do you think Rare realised that when they made Sea of Thieves that 7 years after its release they wouldn’t even be close to getting their next game out?
Ofc they were not forced but they had no options either. We have already heard reports from dev teams
@KillerBoy Share some of these reports from dev teams then
It’s worth noting, while it’s unlikely, there is always a possibility they find a way to make this work in the future.
If it really was as good as everyone says, it might not be dead forever. I wouldn’t be shocked if it re-emerged at some point.
This sure seems like being forced to me. How many times do you pitch a game that goes against what the parent company wants and have it rejected before said parent company has enough?
A few years ago where I work, we were "not forced" to sign new contracts that were less beneficial than the prior ones. The alternative was no longer working there and not being offered redundancy because not signing the contract was "a choice".
@get2sammyb Yeah I can see them using the assets for sure.
@Ainu20 if we take your view as 100% rigght, that there would never be mistakes from experienced people. But its not reality. They wanted something more. They started at it and after many years and possibly more deeper consultation with Bungie for example they understood that creating game is only small part of live service and maintaining live service would need same resources again and again. Why it is so hard to believe in simple truth around this? Not everything must be so difficult and hard to figure out. They tried, got knowledge how it would look like and at the end decided they dont want to go that route anymore. If you are not ready to make mistakes on your journey, you will never start any journey.
@ProfessorNiggle Oh trust me I didn't want Naughty Dog to be tied down by Factions either, just feel like they could tag it onto TLoU 3 maybe?
If it was really good and they believed in it, then I don’t understand why they couldn’t upscale to meet the demand for it, so as an excuse that doesn’t fly with me.
You know what that means, it's time for them Last of Us online leaks so The Last of Us multiplayer fans around the world can rage online once they see how good it looks.😂🤐
I'm not surprised by this, Naughty Dog would have had to spend the majority of their resources and man power to make sure the game had a steady stream of content, that constant flow of content is needed to keep live service games alive. Look at Rare with Sea of Theives, and even Respawn have had to open a new studio specifically just for Apex Legends content.
@Czar_Khastik you can still play TLOU factions PS4 version though. Still has more people playing that than Concord ever managed.
@get2sammyb I think the core of a live service game can be "really good" but that doesn't mean it is set up to make money or be successful.
Look at Concord, almost all reviews and people who actually played the games praised the core mechanics, the shooting felt satisfying and beefy. It was everything else around the game, the lack of modes, the characters and more that didn't resonate.
No one was forced to make live service. They were just made to feel that no project would be approved if it wasn't. That's some hair splitting that only an executive (even a good one like Shu) could ever pull off.
@ProfessorNiggle good point. Online games from the PS3 times are very different from nowadays. A live service is too resource intensive. Though I wish we could have again have some online games that aren't live services.
The ps3 days of online gaming was better then todays. Why has everything got to be live service? Why couldn’t they just build an online game, release the game and be done with it. Why has it always got to be built upon and supported for years.
@Czar_Khastik And I've played Concord offline and it was even better.
Of course it was
The biggest tragedy in human history
Noone needed a "gaas" just a great follow up to the already best multiplayer out there - Factions 1 (Still playing daily)
You could've just took the No Return mode and added real players. Would already be the greatest multiplayer ever. But ND had even way more ambitious plans.
It's not about cosmetics, variety or whatever else gaas have to have. It's about the greatest mechanics, in 3rd person.
Just the way shooting feels. How you can survive firefights because it's slow (and don't die instantly like in every other shooter), get back up, etc
Still have not lost hope yet, it should release with TLoU3...
A new factions would have been fantastic. This was probably the only other live service title I was interested in along with Helldivers 2
@Oram77 Yes thanks ill keep my singleplayer games i go on my knees and thank them.
@Czar_Khastik was waiting for your input 😂
We can only hope @get2sammyb
This was at one point my most anticipated release after TLOU part 2 released. I hope they can do something with the assets. Even if it's just releasing it as a self sufficient multiplayer mode without the live service. Factions was a fantastic online mode as it was already.
Even if the studios were never directly "forced" to make live services, it's still a complete failure of management, talent utilization, and foresight on Sony's end to allow these pitches to be approved in the first place. Bluepoint is the prime example of this. How did no one in PlayStation's top brass see that a God of War live service from this talented team with a specific skill set was a bafflingly stupid idea?
For all the ish Sony gets about everything, i actually think they give their studios a lot of autonomy in their creative decisions. I think Naughty Dog really just went too big with the scope. It became much larger then the previous Factions multiplayer and a live service with the fidelity of a TLoU2 game, would just take too much to maintain and provide additional content for.
I do hope they use the assets for a smaller factions though, as previously suggested in a comment. Something on the scale of the previous Factions, i think that would still work
This always the trick to when a publishers says they're "hands off" "leaving them their independence" etc. There are more subtle ways to change a company than laying down the law. You can let your desires be known and people will try to match them. You can make sure the hiring choices for the top posts are people who want to do what you want.
My all time favorite online multiplayer mode! I was so excited for it. And then, it was not to be. I had a duo team ready to go.
@RBMango Sony give they’re studios creative freedom some time things work sometimes things doesn’t. Sony has probably cancelled a lot of games we don’t know about each generation. The problem is some gamers are starting to act like they know how to run PlayStation better than Sony themselves, when they should just be playing and enjoying video games.
Yeah okay, but still... A god of war live service game? From Bluepoint... That shouldn't have been greenlit.
It is disappointing we shall never see factions in any form, I'd have been happy with a small factions project! The first was great fun
@Jay767 There's a big difference between a creative risk that doesn't work out (like Sucker Punch's Prophecy and Santa Monica's canceled new IP before GoW 2018) and something batsh*t insane like approving a first-party studio with single-player talent and pedigree doing a live service that goes nowhere and gets canceled after a few years.
Also, I guarantee you some people on this site would have made much better and more sensible financial decisions than PlayStation's top brass this generation.
@ProfessorNiggle do you really believe that ND didn't understand the cost of putting out Live Service... I mean, do you really think they don't see how other GaaS work? Also... they more or less had finished the game. Wouldn't it have been better to re-scope it to a standard MP game than to throw it in the bin - so that it meant nothing. Hell, even putting it out for USD30-40 as a 1-2 season game but with on-going MP servers (like the original factions) would have likely made a significant amount of money... even without the on-going seasons.
Something doesn't add up... and yes, I understand tax write-offs... but unless this game had an insurmountable amount of debt/development, that's a very aggressive strategy.
@ProfessorNiggle they are already like rockstar and haven't produced a new game in 8 years! What are you going on about?
@RBMango so was it batsh*t crazy for Sony letting Guerrilla Games make horizon when they had no experience making single player games before. Like i said before sometimes things work sometimes things doesn’t. I think one of the reasons PlayStation is really great is because sony take crazy risk unlike Nintendo and Microsoft.
@Boucho11 We mustn't avoid important topics like these
So basically I see it as ND realising that FFXIV, Destiny are run by entire studios and even then struggle to maintain constant content.
Hopefully they put a small scope factions 3 in TLOU3.
The biggest mistake was turning factions MP into a live service game.
I'm guessing they made the decision to pivot to live service around the time that Fortnite was blowing up because of the pandemic.
I mean an expanded take on factions does sound GOOD, that's why everyone was dissapointed when it was canned, but going all-in on live service is what ultimately killed it. And it's a shame because it didn't have to.
Another victim of Herman Hulst's poor management and leadership most likely.
All the goodwill and rep earned with the PS4 gone down the drain. This man was a disaster for PS.
In my opinion it's playstations execs seeing how much xbox will make from COD and its micro transactions and probably try pushing the live service path for the last of us to get all that dollar bill yall
@Zeldorf yeah because they were working on the live service game for years, how do you not understand the effects of that 🤣
Studios wasn't force to make live service games is such a disingenuous statement.
It's like BioWare with Anthem. Casey Hudson knew that EA wanted to hear "live service" so he gave them pitch for live service.
So basically, studios ARE forced to make live service games. But not in a way where Hermen Hulst came to visit a studio and told them directly. In a way that you know that only project you will get money for will be live service.
@Oram77 it would be a dream, but in this day and age, no. Not when the suits have seen how much anything multiplayer can make.
Not many studios will or can make a multiplayer game with a gameplay loop as polished and good or better than Factions on TLOU was and then add it as a mode to their single player game, unless it is priced separately, given seasons and ends up snowballing into what this cancelled Factions game was.
@Markatron84 yup, it's a slight variation of the whole "it's not FORCED overtime" excuse they used for years. You don't HAVE to say yes...but everyone else will, you'll fall behind/have your commitment questioned and be replaced
I would love to see new leadership in Naughty Dog going forward after the release of Intergalactic.
To get so far into the development of Faction 2 which many of us really wanted and just leave us hanging like that is as big a letdown as TLOU2 was for me (I still rate it 8/10 overall due to the skill of the team). Let's not forget ND fired a lot of people following this act of backsliding.
Factions 2 didn't need to be a forever game. Many games are bloated and I would have loved a scaled-back slow-paced, grounded team-oriented focus. This could still happen if they fold the experience into a new installment going back to the roots of good SPs with solid MP modes.
@ProfessorNiggle I miss the days of Uncharted 2 mulitplayer.
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare simply, yes. Factions clearly fits ND's ambition but became a gamble of drop everything that made us ND or chase that billion dollar revenue.
We all work jobs, we all see that companies capable of making millions, even billions make countless mistakes everyday. Let us break this habit of putting these businesses high up on pedestals and saying there has to be something more than what was clearly a bad business move. It doesn't make them dumb but when looking at charts, trends and figures, you can make decisions that would've been amazing a year or two ago but now would land you in a cash loss.
To produce 12 live service games all at once, meaning ALL your studios would pitch a live service game at around the same time (because you have internally stated that is the approach from the company now) when the live service bubble was already popping is simply a bad decision. ND decided to pour that Sony money and dev time into what they do best, action adventure games with high production and quite frankly I understand them cancelling Factions even though it would've been an instant hit.
@Oram77 that, GTA IV Cops & Robbers and Warhawk on repeat. PS3 generation was simply unbeatable. Gaming has stagnated due to the greed of the industry
Is a relief to know that cheap 3.6 Billion purchase of Bungie was good for something, they saved us from a fantastic and fun TLOU online experience 😒
ND should've just made FACTIONS part2 w/ about 8-10 maps and called it a day
It's a shame that Naughty Dog and Sony didn't come to some agreement to hand the actual development work off to a studio that could/wanted to handle a Live Service game with Naughty Dog acting more like the overseers of the project.
It sounds like this could have been the Live Service hit Sony was looking for as it seems like it was something original rather than chasing over-crowded trends. Plus, people were genuinely excited for it.
I don't think anyone is doubting The Last of Us Online might've been great. I do think most everyone is in agreement that nobody wanted Naughty Dog to become a live service only studio. I still think the project could be salvaged by handing off development to another studio leaving Naughty Dog free to work on it's medium defining single player games.
Most disappointing thing of the PS4/PS5 generations. I was waiting since 2015 for it, was promised it in 2019, and they took it away in 2023...
Absolutely! That's what I wanted. The multiplayer experience was great. I don't want more live service games.
Top MP experiences in the last 20 years:
Helldivers, TLOU, Watch Dogs (hide & seek) / AC when they did the same thing.
I don't just want CoD, EAFC and GTA online to be the MP staples. Some added innovation in this space would be great.
B-B-B-B-But people said Bungie (who clearly knows nothing, they just revolutionize online gaming twice) killed that game! lol
I still think that work can be used in the future. Maybe as a multiplayer for the last of us 3 or in tlou 3 itself but one thing is certain, ND is not going to do it. Maybe Haven if everything works with Fairgame, maybe someone else.
I could’ve swore that I remember reading articles five years ago from Ryan and Hulst that a big focus of PlayStation’s direction is gonna be GaaS going forward and it sure as hell seem like at that point that studios didn’t really have much of an option. Seems like I remember them bragging they had 12 in the pipeline.
Really hoping we see the fruits of this labour in some capacity down the road. Of all of the publicized cancellations, this one hurt the most for me.
all people wanted was a next gen factions- just take the assets and publish that with out a battle pass or any other live service trappings
Such a shame. After the campaign, I enjoyed the multiplayer a lot, poured hours into it. The game was simple, slow, and very balanced. Felt unique, the tension was great. Very disappointed this did not make it. Even as a standalone multiplayer would have been amazing for me
Not surprised it was fun to play as ND has been adding fun, if inessential, MP modes since Uncharted 3. The problem was the insistence on having it be a live service project rather than a 1 and done attachment to The Last of Us 2, like was originally meant to be.
@themightyant I mean 10 live service games all in development at the same time with there studio count and the vast inexperience involved in making those games there had to be some kinda push for it
I really think they should have considered releasing the game, but not dedicating the studio to endless support. Launch the game, give it a year of support and then mainly leaving it there as a finished package for people to keep playing, only minor updates to maintain the game's stability. It's not like people will stop playing a game immediately if there isn't constantly new seasons with tons of content. Smash Ultimate still has a captive base, as just one example.
Either that or hand off post launch support to another studio.
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