Arguably the most talked about PlayStation exclusive of all time turns 10-years-old today.
Bloodborne, which first released exclusively on the PS4, is considered a contemporary classic. The FromSoftware release offers a cosmic horror twist on the developer’s tried and trusted Soulslike combat format, with aggressive mechanics rewarding you for forgoing defence in favour of all-out attack.
In our original Push Square review, we awarded the game a 9/10, noting: “Bloodborne revels in its unique – if somewhat masochistic – approach to entertainment.”
But while the game was praised for its artistry, its technical performance left a lot to be desired. The release is still restricted to 30fps to this day, with frame pacing issues and a laundry list of other performance problems.
An unofficial mod which unlocked the game’s framerate was widely distributed online, until Sony’s legal team took umbridge with it, and filed a DMCA takedown. It’s worth noting, the platform holder’s issue was with the patch’s use of its trademarked name, and not necessarily the contents of the unofficial fix itself.
As you’d expect, though, there’s been pent-up demand for some kind of remaster or remake for several years now.
In an interview earlier in the year, ex-PS Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida – who signed the original game – implied that he believes the lack of activity around Bloodborne may be due to creator Hidetaka Miyazaki’s busy schedule. The former executive speculated that, out of respect, the platform holder may have refused to touch the project without his involvement.
As we’ve just witnessed with God of War’s 20th anniversary, it’s rare occasions like this are marked with meaningful game announcements. But the Bloodborne community is waiting with bated breath today, hoping for some form of recognition from publisher Sony.
Personally, we do believe there’ll be a remake or remaster of the grotesque gothic outing at some point, but we’re certainly not expecting anything in the immediate future.
Perhaps, much like with Demon’s Souls, developer Bluepoint will get given the keys to this classic to remake it for PS6. What a launch title that would be!
Comments 37
Let it go Indy...just let it go.
not happening... move on. Heck PC gamers have the modded version now too so they can just emulate it.
“You’ll get an awful PSN avatar at best and you’ll be happy with it” - Sony
Not expecting anything for several years. But Bluepoint it free now... Do they still have an appetite for making their own game after having their last cancelled? And if not do they want to make remake / remaster Bloodborne?
They're releasing an unavoidable patch that locks it at 15fps with a maximum resolution of 480p, solely because Sony cares so deeply.
I remember Lance McDonald (the 60fps Bloodborne modder) saying it was only a 2 line update to get the game running perfectly at 60fps.
Deep sigh...
Am I the only one who would prefer a Blood Borne 2 rather than a remaster??
"Bloodborne Fans Wait with Bated Breath"
Nah... burned far too many times to care too much anymore.
We'll see in 2026 or directly on PS6 - no announcement or release until then.
@Oram77 At the point of release, a Remaster would be a waste.
Either a Remake or a sequel.
I've spent 700+ hours in BB, platinumed it 3 times already on various accounts, seen and done everything I'd care to - I'd like a Sequel too.
Why do people still whine for 60fps??? It doesn't matter how fast refresh rate is while you die again and again.
I find it slightly humerous that with all the numerous remasters/remakes made that very few people actually ask for, the most asked for remaster/remake hasn't been made, particularly given the fact that the original is still locked to 30fps.
I still think it will happen, but similar to Demon Souls probably at the start of PS6.
Despite certain viewpoints out there, proper AAA soulslikes are far, far too few and far between these days.
I played this once, wasnt for me, reminded me of nightmare creatures for the ps1.
@Jrs1 yeah and that game was 100x better than this overrated game
Masterpiece. I only appreciate it more over time, still From Software's best
@Jrs1 And just like that I need a remake of Nightmare Creatures.
If they do ever remake it I would assume a PS6 lauch would make sense similar to Demon Souls.
I wouldn't expect anything big without a State of Play/Playstation Showcase anyways.
It'll be a PS6 exclusive, it worked with Demon's Souls and PS5. Also, hate to be that grammar nerd but ... *umbrage
Bloodborne fans constantly getting their hopes up for an announcement is far more masochistic than actually playing the game.
Do a lot of people really pray for yet another remaster of a PS4 game? It won't be a new game, nor a remake, it's absolutely playable on PS5.
@themightyant I still can't understand why Bluepoint were purchased and then pivoted to an original game. Their work on the DS and SotC Remakes were sensational and fulfilled a niche that we don't really see elsewhere in the industry. Sony also have a stack of dormant IP that could truly shine with their work.
It's a bit like hiring an amazing guitarist for your band because of their jazz ability, and then once they're in telling them not to play jazz.
I thought some anniversary happened recently already?
And guess what, today nothing will happen.
And no one would need that remaster anyway.
I just had the Simpsons “Stop! He’s dead already!” popped into my head…
I doubt anything will be announced for the anniversary. I hope after this, those constantly asking for a remake or remaster finally stop. Because it'll be clear nobody is listening.
@Kanji-Tatsumi Agree, but I think I enjoyed playing the Otogi games more.
Are PS fans really waiting with bated breath or is that what the website thinks to turn into a sensationalist headline news story
I’ve heard more chatter about it needing a PC version if anything, in the last few years.
I actually just tried it on the Pro, and it still looks like a slide show. Not sure if its frame rate or frame pacing. But, nope, hurts my eyes now
I’m expecting absolutely NOTHING from this game today, but I did coincidentally buy a Bloodborne T-shirt yesterday at Hot Topic that I happen to be wearing today. That’s about all I can reasonably hope for Bloodborne related happenings today.
Yeah I don't see any sort of announcement, but hey, happy anniversary Bloodborne.
I swear most gamers just demand this to happen because the next person said so as well. The same with any trending outrage (psn pc), hate campaign (Ubisoft), demand (Bloodborne) or hype (silk song, which people act like is the friggin rapture). It's like you people are so desperate for online approval that you are playing echo with eachother.
The remaster is coming out at the same time as the FFXIII remaster and Beyond Good And Evil 2.
@MrPeanutbutterz It's pretty simple. Bluepoint were acquired because they are talented developers and because they had worked with Sony on almost all their previous games. They had also assisted PlayStation Studios on titles like God of War: Ragnarok, PS All-stars Battle Royale & Flower.
Why were they "pivoted to an original game"? Again I think it's simple, they are creatives and wanted to work on their own title. Simple as that. Sony is pretty hands off with their studios and lets them do what they want to within reason. If you force studios to make something they don't want to you will get sub-par results and staff will leave.
Gamers may want Bluepoint remaking games forever but some of the key devs have said in several interviews they don't want to be doing that forever.
I disagree with the jazz analogy. Many great musicians play across disciplines. E.g. Jazz Pianist Geoff Eales who plays jazz piano solo, or as part of trios, quartets, or larger big band ensembles etc. But he ALSO plays non-jazz for film scores, tv, and even advert jingles. Many creatives don't want to be typecast to just one thing, no different with developers.
Dark Cloud 3 was supposed to release in 2010. I had high hopes. But I’ve moved on to other games. Bloodborne fans should try it. There’re so many other great games out there.
Happy 10th to the GOAT
Umbrage. Not umbridge, as much as JK Rowling would make you think it is.
Happy 10th anniversary Bloodborne! Still the undisputed king of all "souls" games!!!
@roe GOAC you mean?
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