Prior to the release of Starfield, Xbox bigwig Sarah Bond described the game as “one of the most important RPGs ever made”.
The latest from Bethesda would go on to receive a lukewarm reception, but hype for it ahead of launch was out of this world. There were rumours that Sony had been trying to sign the title as a timed exclusive, which prompted the Team in Green to push the nuclear button, and buy out the entire publisher.
Whatever the case, it looks like a PS5 port of the game is imminent. With much of Xbox’s catalogue making its way to Sony’s system, this won’t come as a huge surprise, but YouTuber 510deshawn discovered a mod available for the game with a PlayStation symbol.
This information reached Reddit, before the creation was removed from the game’s official website. This definitely existed, then – there are screenshots to prove it – but may have been published publicly too early. We’re guessing the mod was created by a developer or beta tester.
Rumours of Starfield coming to PS5 aren’t new, but this is the first tangible proof we have of the port being in development. With the sheer glut of Xbox games planned for Sony’s system this year, we wouldn’t expect this to release until later in the year, perhaps alongside a major expansion or update for the game.
The question is: are you still interested in the sci-fi adventure? With the initial hype gone and the word of mouth tame at best, it feels like the world has moved on from this underwhelming Bethesda game.
[source youtube.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 94
Played it for about 6 hours on Xbox when it released. Have absolutely zero interest in ever playing it again.
I don't expect it to sell that well. BGS peaked with Skyrim and have been exposed ever since. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not expecting a return to form with ES6.
This game is creatively bankrupt. I can't even fathom how any studio can work on something so boring and lame for so long.
I like bethesda games. I'd try it for sure.
System seller, ahhhahahhahahahaha.
System seller is a stretch! This game was a disaster and didn’t sell well never mind systems.
@betasector The system seller that convinced Microsoft to stop having exclusive games and maybe even PS competitor system in general.
It’s not the greatest of games, some get into it.
Somehow I ended up putting in 60 hours and I don’t know where the time went, so it’s a strange game in that way.
The fps mechanics were good and the idea of the game is good.
It’s more its implementation and what seems like aging systems and UI sets that really let it down. In one way the game engine is clever in others it seems old and sluggish.
For me a love / hate type game relationship.
Have not played it for ages and once I stopped never thought of going back.
I did try it again after all the patches and adding the buggy 🛺 , made some improvements but not enough really.
It scored higher than say a game like Avowed by a few points, but I playing Avowed now and it really is a great game and worth more then Starfield to me. And would pay for Avowed but not Starfield. Of course I used game pass ultimate.
Anyway that is my honest take on Starfield.
@OldGamer999 The big problems are presentation and quest design. You expect a AAA studio like Bethesda to be flexing muscles especially in the intro, but they are doing the bare minimum. Dare I say below the bare minimum for a AAA game in 2025. It honestly feels like a Bethesda inspired space game made by a AA studio.
And the quest design often made me ask that iconic question "Don't you guys have phones?". And even Mass Effect 1 in 2007 felt and looked more impressive as a space RPG.
Could anyone who's played the game let me know; is it anything like Fallout 3/4 / Skyrim in space? If it's even a little like that, I'll probably enjoy it despite the lackluster reception.
I have never gotten into a Bethesda RPG I tried oblivious, fallout 3, Skyrim and fallout 4 and couldn't get into any of them. This just always looked like a space re-skin or the formula so it never appealed to me
@glassmusic it is more like Oblivion and Fallout 4. I enjoyed my time with and occasionally still pick it up. If the game feels dated, like playing a game from 2008. Whenever I start playing I do spend hours playing it. I can see why it isn't for everyone but I enjoyed it.
& to think Xbox gets forspoken in return for this lol. i mean , i get starfield wasnt good , but is it really on forspoken levels of bad 😂
I'm just curious to find out what Microsoft can do with the PS5pro
Yes I think you have summed it up really.
God knows why it took them so long.
They definitely should have focused more on plot and story and created more major planets and got rid of that procedural stuff they did with some planets.
It felt like an old generation game in some ways for sure.
Most definitely a system seller. I literally bought my first Xbox (Series X) solely for this game two years ago and many others did the same.
Traded in my Series X and PS5 for a PS5 Pro in the meantime, but would absolutely love to play it again. Especially on the dualsense. I put in over 250 hours already, but was nowhere near discovering all planets and haven’t played the DLC.
PSA: Starfield is garbage.
I've said it before and will say it again. Don't get too excited for this. It's repetitive, empty and outdated.
Don't listen to the obvious haters, often parroting opinions of others. I put well over 100 hours into this, whilst it lacks the exploration of other Bethesda games, and the loading screens aren't amazing, the main and faction quests are fantastic. It's a good game.
@Darude84 have to say as somebody who really loved the game, I was so disappointed with the DLC. Didn't feel nearly as engaging as the main quest, or the faction quests tbh.
I don't get Bethesda's appeal tbh. All their big RPGs, elder scrolls, fallout and now starfield feel like genre templates that haven't been given any personality. I do understand their relevance in game history and really wanted to give them all a shot, but just couldn't get into it. At least I enjoyed the fallout TV series.
I don't support M$ in any way, shape or form. Buying up studios so they can bruteforce their way onto PlayStation, no thanks. And demand you have an M$account attached to your PS5 , hell no LOL. This site feels like a new xboxsite for people like me that have ZERO interest in xbox and their crappy games. And as I'm in a group boycotting U.S as much as possible due to Trump and his regime, it's even easier to ignore M$ and all of their (imho) boring games. Hopefully PlayStation starts to deliever soon. 🤷
I had fun with it, but it was my first Xbox game and the controller buttons (specifically the letter placement including the shoulder buttons) were a constant struggle for me. I never got used to it even after almost 100 hours when I got through the game xD
I sold my Series X after that, but I'll be glad to play this game again if it comes to PS^^
I have to be honest i really dont care about this one.
@Dimey Good to know! There’s tons left to discover in the main game luckily.
If you like Bethesda games ..it's great tbh...I am kinda burnt out on them having played so many hours of fallout...I played this for about 24 hours (play time) and burnt myself out doing side missions ..I did plan to return to it and try to focus on the main story line but never got round to it.....maybe one day
@tameshiyaku same.
While I loved the world they made in Skyrim I couldn’t understand why people were so blown away with it. Found it shallow, monotonous and boring myself!
Put in around 200 hours over the game and DLC and had a rollercoaster of emotions. Loved parts, hated others, ended up a bit disappointed.
However there’s nothing else quite like it and enough there that some will love it, but it is a mixed bag.
Not the best game ever, but worth a play if it hits PS plus Extra
I'd rather wait for the PS5 port of "Watching-Paint-Dry-Simulator"...
RennsReviews on YouTube has brilliant videos on Starfield fyi 😂
@Dimey That's like saying that haters of cancer or corporate greed are just parroting opinions of others. Starfield is just lame.
@Boxmonkey They were expecting it to be, though.
It's weird thinking back to when Xbox was saying stuff like "one of the most important RPGs ever made" about this. Even then it seemed like a bad idea. Looks even more idiotic in hindsight.
On the plus side I like Bethesda games and I like space so I'll probably pick this up.
I enjoyed my time with it, i must have done as I played for over a 100 hrs ,I enjoy space games though love elite and no mans sky ,for the life of me I can't remember one memorable quest,cant even remember the characters names , I remember the guy in the cowboy hat he was kind of cool , he was my main companion , single parent , with an estranged wife , we had a lot in common, until the end of his quest line he said the equivalent of "do you fancy a bum" kind of ruined it for me.😂
@HMazzy111 did you not like collecting space rocks
Would be exciting news if the game wasn’t crap.
Well, Starfield managed to sell some systems, just not Xbox.
I know at least two friends who traded their Series X for a PC and PS5 because of Starfield.
Only reason I had left of keeping the xbox, in the minority, but I have an absolute blast with this game and have played it since launch. Room in the TV cabinet for the Switch 2 now.
I'll give it a go at some point, but only when it goes cheap or PS Plus.
If you'd told me in 2008 that Bethesda were making a space game I'd have been all over it. Got to check it out, just out of curiosity.
Give it to my PS Plus Essential monthly pick and I'll try it.
Yeah. I'll play again
I own a series X, and even got Starfield on disc last year on discount.
I’ve tried getting into it twice, and bounced off twice. I just can’t get into it. I’ll give it a third try someday, but anyone calling this a “system seller” with a straight face needs their head examined.
@djlard This isn’t Veilguard, it’ll take at least a year for that.
I believe this game being a “system seller” is one of the reasons (alongside COD exclusivity) for MS’s purchase. When the results failed to materialize, MS decided to change course. Shame…
@KillerBoy it didn't rock.
I always wanted to try it despite the mixed reception. I must say though I'm surprised Xbox is going with such an avalanche approach of seemingly just dumping everything they got on Playstation in just this year. I figured it would be a bit more of a drip feed approach but it's seriously getting a bit overwhelming how much they seem to be bringing over this year if all the rumors turn out to be true.
@Zeke68 Jeez. Angry much?
It’s going to sell well. It’s Bethesda, it just will do decent.
But there will be a lot of grumbling and disappointment with it. Just as there was on Xbox/pc.
It was a 7/10 on release it’s probably 8/10 after some QoL
I played it for around 125 hours on Series X and absolutely loved it at first. But then I began to realize how tedious planetary exploration was, how locations were copy and pasted, and just how segmented the game world was. Still, overall I had a good time with the game, and would love to revisit it on PS5 with all of the new features and quality of life enhancements.
@dskatter I like Dragon Age, so I avoided Veilguard even for free.
"System seller"?
@glassmusic I couldn't disagree more with the idea it plays like Skyrim/Fallout in space.
Except for being a Bethesda game, it doesn't have much in common
Exploration is bad, really really bad. Some pretty sky box's/ planets though.
Weapons are 1 note and boring for the most part.
Some of the " key" systems are, I'm not joking, possibly the worst I've played in a long time.
Quest design and dialog is just really poor.
Can you still have fun? Sure, I got 100 hours out of it( I'm pretty sure 20hrs were me falling asleep- not joking)
SKIP THE TEMPLES....... for your own sanity.
Don't know why everyone loves to hate on games. It was overhyped, but it's still a game I'm excited to try! Let's see how it is
This game never looked good to me anyway and the more I saw of it the more boring it looked. I'm sure there's some diehard Bethesda fans who'll be happy about this though.
@djlard A very good decision!
@OldGamer999 100% agree with everything you said.
I put a lot of time into Starfield, and am scratching my head as to how that happened.
People criticise Avowed for being "just OK" but I think the term "just OK" really does apply to Starfield.
Still, as it's included in my Gamepass sub, "just OK" is still a darn good value bit of "OK" fun. You won't get more fun for £10 anywhere else.
On the other hand, I think Avowed is more than "just OK". I think it's "pretty good".
In my view the negative reception of both games can be entirely blamed on gamers.
In the case of Starfield, they'd hyped up the game to be something it wasn't. I was shocked at the hype, to the point I Googled to see if it was a sequel. To my shock the hype-monkeys on the forums were going crazy over something they had no clue about at all.
They expected it to be an advancement over Fallout 4, but it didn't move things along at all. 100% expectations issue. I like it as much as Fallout and people raved about that game despite the flaws I pointed out with it at the time.
Then there is Avowed, which again was the consumers fault as they were expecting an entirely different game aimed at an entirely different audience from what I can tell. When rated for what it is, and not what dreamers wanted it to be, it's a good 8/10.
Got it free with my RX6600 I wished I waited a month instead as Resident Evil 4 Remake was free after. Star field is absolutely rubbish the character design looks better than say Skyrim I'll give it that but it's no Skyrim or Oblivion for that matter.
Space battles are the same over and over you can't travel to a planet bot like No Mans Sky you don't seem to get anywhere and then just warp to it. Planets are barren and I had such a hard time remembering where shops where which galaxy and planet etc. And it's that bad modders won't even create hardly anything for it also optimization is rubbish no matter what high end setup on PC you have it still barely goes above 80fps in some reviews
Starfield has its moments on some quests but overall I thought that it was quite mediocre. The companions are just really, really boring, in my opinion. The best part is building your own ships.
Yes the internet and gamers expectations have a lot to answer for this generation.
Sometimes I think but I don’t like it, Sony and Nintendo have the right idea. They just release the game with little previews and sort of say here you go have a try at this, like Astro Bot I think came out of nowhere really.
Will be interesting if nothing else to see the reviews of Assassins creed shadows next Tuesday, then Atomfall and south of Midnight. All games that have had some preview time and some hype to a degree.
Yes Avowed at the moment not half way through yet is a good 8/10 so far for me.
System seller? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Can Sony say no to this one?
@Gr8VngnzN4esAngr I would argue they peaked with Oblivion or Morrowind.
@cburg Yes
I know this is not a popular take, but I really enjoyed Starfield. I think Bethesda marketed it as some sort of cross between a deep RPG and No Man’s Sky, which was a big mistake. It was absolutely not the game they implied. It is also one of the worst games at onboarding players I have ever seen. There is a lot thrown at you in the opening hours that isn’t fun, and it is really not comfortable.
But……there are some really good questlines in here. The pirate one is one of my favorites in years. The UCL questline has a great horror vibe. There are some individual sci-fi themed quests that had some really interesting choices and mechanics.
I was not looking for galaxy spanning exploration, or great base and ship building (although I enjoyed building a fleet of ships I captured). I was looking for some interesting questlines with a space skin, and that is what I got. So I was happy. I understand why others are not, especially since the advertising for the game leaned on the elements of it that were under baked.
I've had a superior game for years and it's called no man's sky. It does pretty much everything this mediocre looking game does and then some and if there's anybody who has not tried no man's sky yet I can't recommend it enough.
@Blacksmith1985 good to see you pal hope all is well as always.
The constant loading screens going in and out of buildings killed this for me. And it was just an absolute snooze.
Played it on PC Game pass & lost interest after 2 hours.
I liked it and completed it and will buy it for PS5
Like most games today if its not great GOTY contender its dismissed as trash when the truth is somewhere in between
It’s a good game.
No interest at all, have never enjoyed a single Bethesda game after many attempts and I don’t think this will be the one. Far too many other quality games to consider.
System seller my ass. This was one of the most disappointing releases they have had this generation and so much was riding on it that after it's mid reception Microsoft completely changed their future plans.
I've been a huge scrolls like lover but even I have no interest in this.
You want a perfect example of what AI can do in video games it's not about just the voice actors and cutting that cost and all the other blah blah blah we hear about, it's this *****: procedurally generated tiles of repetitive slop to cut even greater cost. Does that reduction in cost equate to shorter dev time and lower prices for the gamers?..... No!
Dev times are longer than ever while executives and shareholders milk the entire process for everything they can.
We need a true revolution.
Just re-re-restarted a great space RPG by a proven studio, called Outer Worlds. The sequal was also recently revealed, so...
A mediocre space RPG? Nah, I'm good.
I bought a xbox series x only for this game when it releases. Played every bit out of it and then New game + with the changed universe bevause of my decisions in the first playthrough. Only thing what bothered me was the 30FPS and would so love to play this with 60 on my Pro upscaling it to 4K. I will definitely play this again on playstation.
It sure is a system seller. Sold a lot of PS5 by being kind of a letdown. Not interested in this one tbh but happy for those who were waiting for it.
We actually played a bit of it on Oc with my husband and dropped it in 7-8 hours because it was genuinely boring
I only played Starfield for about 10 hours, it had a really nice special edition controller and that is the only positive thing I can say.
Am i interested? YES! I played it for a couple of hours on the cinema screen of my Meta Quest 3, where i could fiddle around with Microsoft's Xbox streaming service for just €1. It was kinda playable but the hiccups grew from minor to seconds long screen freezes so i gave up on it entirely. Thing is, i love Bethesda RPG's and always wanted to play Starfield. The couple of hours i had with it i enjoyed, so i'll be definitely picking it up. Downside is that i turned to the religion that is VR for me for almost eight years now and generally i don't give a rat's ass about anything flatscreen these days. The time i can spend on gaming is all about PSVR 2 and Quest 3, and after 500+ hours of Skyrim VR i want everything Bethesda to be in VR. The possibility of that happening comes a little closer if Starfield actually gets a PS5 release but i doubt if i'll ever again put hundreds of hours in a pancake game ever again to be honest. Maybe GTA6 can manage that, i'll be picking it up for sure just to be part of the cultural phenomenon it has become but any other ordinairy pancake game is destined to get very little interest from me
Just play No Mans Sky instead tbh
The same people who called it starfailed on release are gonna be the first to pre order it on PS5 and get it to #1 top sellers list on the ps store
Since we were spared the hype of a Day One, I can wait for this to go on sale.
” it feels like the world has moved on from this underwhelming Bethesda game.” You clearly haven’t played it? It’s honestly really good, especially if you like Sci-Fi. Better than Skyrim ever was in my humble opinion. And it keeps getting support, the DLC is nice and the ship builder and creations are great.
I’d say it’s the best Bethesda game in a long time. I played it on PC in 3440x1440 Ultrawide oled maxed out (doesn’t take a 4080/90/5080/90), and it looks really good.
I tried it on Series X as well, and with 60fps support arriving after a few patches, it plays great.
I see what you did here. "System seller". We know Xbox sales were disastrous, so...
Xbox bigwig Sarah Bond described the game as “one of the most important RPGs ever made”.
Give me a break. Even though they kinda have to say things like this I guess, I don't hear this from too many other companies talking about their games.
The game is a solid 6 but the dlc was absolutely ass 😴 😤
I bought my ROG Ally in preparation to play this and Forza Motorsport at work. Both turned out to be massive disappointments for me. Luckily the ROG Ally is brilliant so it wasn’t a waste of money.
I’m sure some PS5 users will enjoy Starfield. I really wanted to, I think I put about 15 hours in before giving up. There wasn’t anything keeping me engaged. The travel (constant loading screens even on Series X) and empty worlds killed it for me.
Wow, they really need this game to sell more copies. It has to be one of their biggest bombs ever. I'll stick to No Man's Sky.
I've been done w Bgs since Fallout 4 and 76. The whole "ocean wide, puddle deep" thing doesn't work for me anymore.
I'm glad it sold a system though, that's neat.
I was hoping for something like Elite Dangerous with a back story that wasn't all text on galnet. Shame it turned out less so. But if it comes to plus, which would be hilarious as the game was the reason xbox bought them, then okay.
@Boxmonkey It might not have turned the tide for Xbox, but calling it a disaster is just fanboy coping.
By all metrics it was a successful launch and it was the only SinglePlayrr game in the Top 10 most played games the year it launched.
However, it's unlikely to go on to have the near evergreen Success that Skyrim has that's for sure.
it was a bad game on xbox. it was a bad game on pc. it will be a bad game on ps5. who cares about starfield?
Playstation gamers can have it, it's not a lost. It's just a very boring game.
@SoulChimera I can really understand you. I was also disappointed in both games. Some people really liked Starfield, but I didn't enjoy it.
And Forza Motorsport ist visually awesome and it played well, but besides that, it's just a very barebones racing game with no variation or so. The base game also has very low content in the career.
I've completed a couple of loops on the PC version. It's definitely nothing to get excited about, at best it's OK and that's being generous. If it was system seller then I feel sorry for the players who must be so starved of decent games they flocked to this.
@Nintendo4Sonic Yeah, they aren’t dog**** by any stretch, but the level that they could’ve hit is far from what we actually got. Forza Motorsport is the first Forza (including Horizons) I haven’t sunk hours and hours into. I actually don’t think I got past 10 hours. Really gutted with how it turned out.
I hear it’s got better, maybe I’ll give it another shot one day.
Skyrim is my favorite game of all time, and I still play it 13 years later. There are a lot of things about Fallout 4 that I don't like, but in spite of that, I have replayed it several times to scratch that Skyrim-like itch. If Starfield is anything like that, then I want to give it a shot as well.
Pretty bold to call Starfield an Xbox system seller. Bold to call anything an Xbox system seller really.
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