God of War is enjoying its 20th anniversary, and while developer Santa Monica Studio already telegraphed there’d be no remasters or re-releases of the original games to celebrate, fans are still gutted with the way the maker’s marking the occasion.
In addition to an update for God of War Ragnarok – which is available now – you can claim a free PlayStation avatar, celebrating both the Greek and Norse eras of the franchise.
All you need to do is enter the following code for your corresponding region:
- America
- F27X-L946-8PTH
- Europe
- Japan
- 6F3K-RR8X-2KEM
- Korea
- Asia
Not everyone is satisfied with the offering, however.
“So much waiting for the 20th anniversary of God of War and they give us pure crap when they know very well that they had to remaster the entire Greek saga for PS5,” one irate follower remarked. “They have no respect for their fans who support this saga since it came out.”
Another added: “We don’t care. This was disappointing as hell for the 20th anniversary, I just can't sugar coat it.”
There had previously been rumours that Sony was planning to re-release the original Greek era games on the PS5, potentially as part of its PS2 emulation efforts, but the company already communicated earlier in the month that it wouldn’t be releasing any titles as part of its 20th anniversary efforts.
To be fair, it’s likely the Greek era games will still get ported to the PS5 at some point, so we don’t necessarily think this is the end of the world.
All good things come to those who wait.
[source x.com]
Comments 79
The original 6 games are amazing and I would definitely buy and play them again because I just don’t like 2018 or ragnarok 🤷🏻♂️.
Poor social media managers. Leakers like Grubb insinuated stuff, games media ran with it putting it in people's head that this was actually happening. Santa Monica said there would be no announcements but now people will keep clamoring for this and get upset at every post they put out ignoring that they gave us an entire epilogue as free DLC just over a year ago.
It's their own fault for convincing themselves they were getting something they weren't without any evidence.
Santa Monica don't owe us anything. I would love the original games remastered and I would buy them day one. I expected nothing so I can't be disappointed. People need to stop listening to everything grubb says and stop the entitlement.
“They have no respect for their fans who support this saga since it came out.”
If this is true, the person who wrote this is an adult. At least in age, but obviously not in maturity. It's a bummer sharing a hobby with these people.
I am very dissapointed because the same amount of effort is needed to remaster the six original games and to make a single avatar and they chose to give us the latter
@Czar_Khastik gotta find that Cory "Balrog" and make him pay for this!
Yeah it's time to retire the concept of making "news" from comments that come from that sh*thole called X, some users are perfect reflections of the owner.
God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla was FREE. Anyone who call themselves "fans" and dare to talk trash after that content don't deserve an opinion nor deserve to play Santa Monica games.
"They have no respect for their fans who support this saga since it came out.”
These X people have weird logic and beyond obnoxious. Since when didn't remaster old games for 20th anniversary means the devs have no respect for the fans??? 🙄
@GymratAmarillo ikr
Valhalla and these DLC's are free but these people somehow claim Santa Monica didn't have respect for GoW fans. Like huh???
It is what it is a no one owes anyone anything but, Sony don’t even have to try anymore.
PS5 up on PS4 worldwide, Sony making more profits than with PS4 according to their financial results. Sony releasing less games than PS4 era, big AAA campaign games and now have more PSN members.
Sonys main competition not really selling consoles that much and now even releasing games on PlayStation.
Sony loving the results.
This is why I wish Xbox have taken it to Sony and given them some good competition.
Sometimes I just read what people write on social media and I just sigh very heavily.
I’m surprised twitter users aren’t upset about kratos’s woke nipples
As a Metroid fan. I would have loved a free avatar for an anniversary gift.
Mad. Santa Monica never implied remasters were on the way and probably have their hands full with the new ip they are developing
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Let's be honest, you shouldn't want those games remastered. Santa Monica studio will absolutely take out or censor the "problematic" scenes and that'll just cause an even bigger explosion of outrage.
Time to run my PS3 and replay greek saga. I disliked 2018 so much I skipped Ragnarok at all.
I can't believe Santa Monica didn't follow the age old tradition of remastering your entire franchise on its 20th anniversary, this is an outrage.
@breakneck regardless of leakers, it's still disappointing that they didn't do anything more to celebrate. Maybe some extra arena fights where you fight old enemies? Something with actual gameplay and a trophy or two would go a long way, imo.
I actually don't understand what's going on with gaming now... one day everyone is up in arms because everything and the kitchen sink is being remastered... next day they're rioting at the gates of parliament declaring civil war because GoW wasn't remastered... and if it had been remastered they would be burning cars in the street that somehow they'd screwed it up - and this was Sony disrespecting the fan-base.
I give up. It used to be Console gaming was fun and easy. Now it's just getting painful.
And for the love of all things holy... stop listening to leakers and wanna-be pundits.
@naruball I'm surprised we didn't get a rogue-lite version of GoW1-3... then again, I think the problem was they kinda did this in Valhalla already (btw - that's a joke... I actually didn't need any remaster/extra-content... I think it would have been just good to have heard what was next in the GoW series)
Talk about self entitled
Noooo, but i wanted games, waaa..... 😭😭
Sheesh... bunch o' spoiled cry babies.
It's ok to point out when you want something else (hell, i want a Remake of the Greek saga too), but making such a drama out of it helps no one...
And they talk about no respect for fans... how about fans having no respect for the devs? It's not a one way street...
People screaming for remasters and when they get remasters they scream there are no new games and Sony is just after money. Cannot win.
There’s a word for this… oh that’s right… entitled.
You shouldn’t expect anything and everything you do get is a bonus.
Wow gamers nowadays are so entitled 🙄
Complaining about free DLC is wild.....
@breakneck I've said this on other articles but Grubb the Scrubb shouldn't have a platform at all, remember what he said about Wukong and Sony....
Crying about free stuff, so entitled.
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I forgot to add:
The people who's angry at Santa Monica for not doing Greek Saga re-remaster / remake, these people maybe forgot that the studio is busy working on Cory Barlog game and the next GoW. So i don't think they have another free team that big enough to do re-remaster or remake.
Heck. I'm not surprised if Dark Odyssey DLC was done by a very small team or got helped by Bluepoint since they helped Santa Monica with Ragnarok.
I personally wants Santa Monica just focus on finishing Cory's project and then continue with the next GoW rather than spend their resources for Greek Saga re-remaster or remake.
Self entitled gamers is not news.
Would've been cool to see the PS2/PSP games on PS store, but oh well. I don't personally care if games are released to celebrate anniversary, so I would be more than happy if they get released some random week in the future.
Considering it's Sony, those fans should be happy there are still games being made for this franchise after 20 years. Not many PlayStation franchise can say that.
I really don't see the sense in highlighting those negative comments in the article. How many more people were happy to receive a free update and some extra content? Half the reason people are critical of absolutely everything is because they know it gets attention.
Demanding remasters in this way... good grief, do people not realise what entitled children they sound like!!
Completely takes away from the point that it feels like this anniversary was just given no real thought or attention.
GoW fans are eating good compared to what Halo 2 fans got for that game's 20th. It took a mod for them to do anything.
Always manage your expectations, kids!
To be honest, this idea of "celebrating" what's basically the birthday of a franchise has snuck up on me. People celebrate the anniversary of their marriage, the birth of a loved one, religious ideas like the supposed resurrection of Jesus... And also the arbitrary point a videogame franchise happened to start.
It feels like celebrating the day your washing machine was delivered every certain number of years. "What? Hotpoint didn't send me a card and miniature bottle of champagne? Why don't Hotpoint respect me?"
i still have my ps3 & will never ever get rid of it, so i’m good. i prefer to play on it these days anyways. & besides, i agree with @Residentsteven .
If we don't hear anything today than I don't think it's happening.
Wasnt expecting a remaster of the old Trilogy announced out of nothing or shadowdropping today, but still a bit disappointing they havent done a bit more since its such an iconic big PlayStation franchise.
@nomither6 thanks they are just brilliant games imo 👍🏻. I just can’t get into these new games no matter how hard I try I get bored. The camera angle is to close, is annoying son shouting every 5 minutes 😂. The shoulder buttons for combat not the buttons the axe I always forget to recall it 🤦🏻♂️🤣. The blades of chaos that appear to far into the game for my liking and many more.
One of the downsides of rumourmongering. People being disappointed and angry that they didn't get something that was never promised.
Where is the February Nintendo Direct???? It was rumoured to happen!
Haha, I do get the letdown, but seriously!? Grow up you entitled man babies. This is no news, but congrats push square... you got the engagement
They dropped the ball. They coulve released the ps2 version of the games AT LEAST. Its unbelievable how no one at sony thought about doing something BIG for their 20th anniversary. Ridiculous. And no this has nothing to do with rumors. People expect ***** on big anniversaries and rereleasing old games shouldnt be too much work
Sony is going to be sony.sly cooper.killzone.and now god of war all should of have a remastered collection.Word up son
Unfortunately now that Microsoft has become a 3rd party publisher, PlayStation doesn’t even have to try to please fans. So they can do whatever they want and we will accept it
This notion of expecting freebies just because you bought a game 10 / 20 years a go is utterly ridiculous. I actually started Ragnarok a few days ago and seeing the free mogs was really impressed as they could have just not bothered at all.
Can you imagine if it applied in other aspects of lfe. I'm not far of 10 years in my house, does someone have to give me a free extension or garden makeover to celebrate.
@playstation1995 Sly Cooper and GoW already got a remastered collection for PS3 and Vita though. And GoW 3 also got remastered for PS4.
I’m a huge fan of the series. Have played every single iteration of it save for Vahalla. That being said, I don’t care for any of the stuff they’ve given for the 20th anniversary. But it’s free 💩. They don’t owe anyone anything.
@Ilyn lol I’m a Bank Manager. Sometimes people ask for a toaster when they open an account. That’s a thing banks used to do in the 80s. We don’t charge fees to have accounts anymore. That’s your “free” you’re getting from us.
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare it's the "herd" mentality in full effect...
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The stuff they added into Ragnarok is cool though lol.
I don’t see any hypocrisy in saying Horizon: Zero Dawn doesn’t need to be remastered while also saying the original GoW does.
Being disappointed that old games aren't playable on modern hardware is understandable and Sony choosing to remaster or remake games like TLoU/TLoU2/Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy/Until Dawn/HZD/Days Gone that already had a native PS4 version adds to that disappointment.
However, expecting Greek saga remasters just because Grubb says it's apparently happening is not the way to go.
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare I don't totally disagree, but it's more what games are getting remastered, Until Dawn, Last of US, Horizon, Days Gone. Games that are easily accessible, games that already look great on current Gen.
The GOW games are stuck on PS2 and PS3, and could be updated.
Not to mention the inflated expectations:
This is still embarassingly low effort tbh
Not surprised, gow ended on the ps3 really, now it's woke dumbed down like a family sit com. Ragnarok was way to boring, 2018 was ok but I knew right away thats the end of gow. would never be as great as the PS3 versions.
Believing in rumors aside...you have to admit this is extremely underwhelming.
I've been a GoW fan since the PS2 like a lot of others but the fact of the matter is I've moved on from Ragnarok. That game came out in 2022, a color swapped skin really isn't going to bring me back. Great game, but I've got everything I can out of it a long time ago lol
Well, thanks Push Square for the codes at least!
Some people think they are entitled to anything and hype it up themselves and then get angry with the dev/pub even though nothing was announced.
They don't HAVE to give anything for an anniversary. How many spouses forget their anniversary?
We're not entitled to anything and the sooner people realise that, the more bearable society will be.
@PuppetMaster we want a sly remake - same game with better graphics .
I have absolutely no concerns with remakes or remasters happening when it comes to Playstation. Far more of an eventually than an "if" and a game gets checked off every time it happens.
Speaking of which, Bloodborne's anniversary is in 3 days... I would joke that we need to prepare for the outrage but it feels like that every day.
This is what happens when you believe wild rumors. Now you are sad that there isn't anything coming in the near future.
@nomither6 If Sucker Punch doesn't want to go back to Sly Cooper, which studio that you think have the quality to do Sly remake?
@PuppetMaster i don’t know. i would think that it wouldn’t be much trouble for sucker punch just to re-release the games for a second time, but with a graphic overhaul this time…
considering how mediocre thieves in time was, i don’t think fans would be disappointed with just replaying the trilogy again instead of a brand new game
There's no way sony california remaster god of war greek saga, it will be full of censored gaming that for sure lol.
Wild rumors aside, it would've been nice to see a port of all the other God of War games releasing on PS Plus. Not a remaster, a simple port.
Its the small things you do to respect your consumer that really fends off a PR backlash.
The Last of Us gets a PS3, PS4 AND a PS5 version.
God of War 1&2 get a PS2, PS3 and Vita release.
Numerically it seems fair…but dang a straight PS4/5 port of the PS3 collection plus the PSP games would be nice.
@wiiware That's likely a significant part of the reason we haven't gotten any remasters yet.
There's going to be internal pushback if someone suggests releasing the originals unaltered. Yet if they are altered there will controversy. Easier to just leave it alone.
@glennthefrog Now I think even (usa) goverment censor is different, year 2000 era is like ages ago, back then gaming isn't big as now, especially after covid where every investors put their money into gaming.
And I think there's money and national interest to be made in the censoring business, that's why some games can show nudity (tlou 2, cyberpunk 2077, baldur's gate 3), and why I'm sure stellar blade will be made AO (adult only) if it even show smidgen of nudity, lol.
There's exactly one good God of War game and that was 2018
@breakneck i wish i could like your comment more then once , people should be more upset with guys like that who put out these rumors get people excited and if it doesn't happen they get upset at sony even though they didn't even tease a game was going to be announced.
It's a single player game. Once the main quest is over it's finished. What is it they wanted out of all this? The team have already moved on to the next game.
I don’t follow leakers or any of that junk. Don’t need remasters to line up with the 20th anniversary either.
This is a franchise that’s been resurrected, and not in a “reboot” kind of way, but in an evolved way. Yes, they should be doing more than an avatar and skin. Valhalla wasn’t free DLC for the anniversary, but stuff that they planned for ahead of Ragnarok’s release.
They should be making a splash, so that other media can follow and God of War can grow. Remember, GoW: Ascension was a “side-story” and arguably killed the franchise for a good while. That can happen again with this new side-story…so maybe let’s get some more comics going and some sort of interest in an animation, rather than the possibility of a stinker and then they hide it away for another 5-6 years.
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