God of War Fans Gutted with Free 20th Anniversary Goodies 1

God of War is enjoying its 20th anniversary, and while developer Santa Monica Studio already telegraphed there’d be no remasters or re-releases of the original games to celebrate, fans are still gutted with the way the maker’s marking the occasion.

In addition to an update for God of War Ragnarokwhich is available now – you can claim a free PlayStation avatar, celebrating both the Greek and Norse eras of the franchise.

All you need to do is enter the following code for your corresponding region:


Not everyone is satisfied with the offering, however.

“So much waiting for the 20th anniversary of God of War and they give us pure crap when they know very well that they had to remaster the entire Greek saga for PS5,” one irate follower remarked. “They have no respect for their fans who support this saga since it came out.”

Another added: “We don’t care. This was disappointing as hell for the 20th anniversary, I just can't sugar coat it.”

There had previously been rumours that Sony was planning to re-release the original Greek era games on the PS5, potentially as part of its PS2 emulation efforts, but the company already communicated earlier in the month that it wouldn’t be releasing any titles as part of its 20th anniversary efforts.

To be fair, it’s likely the Greek era games will still get ported to the PS5 at some point, so we don’t necessarily think this is the end of the world.

All good things come to those who wait.

[source x.com]