According to prophecy and conventional video game industry wisdom, GTA 6 is expected to make staggering, unprecedented amounts of money. Rockstar's next entry in the legendary series is also expected to suck up much of gamer's mind share, and most valuable of all, their time; so much so that at least three major publishers are willing to delay their games to get out of its way.
The Game Business, the new venture from former GamesIndustry.biz editor Chris Dring, spoke to a trio of executives from some of gaming's most prominent publishers at GDC, whose identities have been kept anonymous. The first GTA in 12 years is expected in Fall 2025, and according to the boss of one of the world's biggest video game publishers:
"Rockstar games always suck a lot of money and, more importantly, time out of the market. We don’t want to be anywhere near that. We are working up multiple different plans for our titles."
A senior executive representing another pub added: "Even without GTA, it’s immensely difficult to find free time for new games to shine. Time is the real scarcity for us, not money. It’s tough out there." A third person, this time the boss of a AAA European publisher, said that the specific timing of GTA 6 in Fall will have consequences for them in the notoriously busy release window:
"We don’t want to launch just before or just after the game. If it arrives in late October, that means you either have to launch early – which a lot of people seem to be doing with the recent glut of summer release dates. Or go later, putting you up against the Black Friday sales."
The Game Business also spoke to developers who think GTA 6 will likely have lots of games either pushing forward or holding back updates, too: "GTA 6 is basically a huge meteor and we will just stay clear of the blast zone... . Of course, the problem is everyone is going to do the same. So three to four weeks before or after GTA 6, you’re going to get a load of games dropping content in what they believe will be the safe zone."
Another put our own thoughts into words, as you'd have to be quite foolish to ever go up against Rockstar's behemoth: "There’s no point swimming against the current. We just need to prepare to win players back once the excitement has started to die down."
Can you believe what a big deal GTA 6 is to the video game industry at large? With no firm release date, publishers are going to have to do what they can to say nimble. Anticipate Rockstar's next in the comments section below.
[source thegamebusiness.com]
Comments 25
I can see it launching alongside the next Horizon game 😏
Got a couple of games in backlog ready to play, in case of a lull around GTAs release.
Also, I would be more concerned about games being launched early, in unfinished states, than those delayed.
I am beyond ready for this game to have a release date, so we can finally move forward with the industry. It feels like the industry’s been idling in some capacity because “GTA6 is coming.”
I'm probably the only person that doesn't have any interest in GTA 6 as I don't really like the multiplayer focus it's that very reason why I've never Touched GTA 5
@Areus So you think GTA online is GTA 5? Interesting...
@somnambulance Then we’ll have to deal with how every game on the market isn’t like GTA6… By the time that passes, we’re be talking GTA7… the cycle will repeat itself all over again.
@Areus I don’t have any interest either. I don’t really know why, but GTA has just never drawn me in.
@NintenGuy At This point it might as well be The Fact that Rockstar Cancelled The Single player Expansions in Favor of Complete Focus on the multiplayer Half of the Game.
@Areus I put well over 100 hrs into GTA 5 and have never touch multiplayer so I cant agree. Even though GTA online was extremely popular and got crazy amounts of continued support. Let's not pretend that the single player campaign wasn't bursting with content.
Understandable, but also annoying. 🙄
I'll look much closer at any game that releases around GTA VI's launch.
Get the game out the door in a great shape before the launch of GTA 6 and spend a couple of years supporting your game and/or making the next.
Rockstar can do the funniest thing and just drop the game with two weeks notice. Have everyone scrambling.
I just hope GTA6 plays better than a constipated PS3 game. I dunno how GTA 5 players have tolerated it for 1000 years.
While I understand the train of thought, this sucks for me because I’m one of those devil worshippers that turns heads when I say I don’t care at all about GTA. If there’s no other games near it then it looks like my money goes elsewhere, the horror!
@Areus You are not the only one.
Never liked GTA's and the online version was just a money grab. That said, I can see why devs would not want to compete with it. I can't for the life of me find the allure, but it is clearly popular.
@Areus I also have no interrest in GTA series anymore. It was fun for few hours when I was teen, but none of its entries could catch my attention to finish story.
RockStar is the gaming boggieman 🤣. Did hear rumour they could be releasing in April next year and guess what is meant to be releasing then too........ Horizon online game.
And heres me, one of the 13 people who have never played a single second of a GTA game, and the trailer for 6 will keep that streak going
Everyone's tastes are different. I have no interest in the GTA franchise. So, dear publishers, if you're thinking about releasing a turn-based RPG around GTA 6's time, please release it!!! That's where my money'd land!!
@Areus you can play the entirety of GTAV single player and pretend multiplayer doesn’t exist. They’re not one and the same. And as mentioned above there is a lot of content. It’s not like buying Call of Duty for a 5 hour campaign.
My last GTA was Vice City and that was enough
I won't buy GTA at launch. So if any game I want to play releases same time as GTA, I'll get that.
Going to be honest, I'll probably buy this at launch and take a couple days off to play it. I don't have faith in the game being truly GTA since all the creative minds are long gone but I'm sure it'll be fun enough to warrant some hookey
My supervisor pointed out I have a lot of PTO Hours and encouraged me to use them before I lose them. I agreed and said I have enough to turn the launch of GTA 6 into a staycation. He told me to request it off already before someone else does. I replied I can't, we don't have a date yet.
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