Today, 22nd March 2025, is officially the 20th anniversary of the God of War series. The original game for PS2 released in the USA 20 years ago today, and made its way to Europe a few months later in July of 2005. To mark the anniversary, Sony has released a tribute video documenting the journey Kratos has taken from the first release right the way through to God of War Ragnarok.
Santa Monica Studio also shared the following message:
On behalf of everyone at Santa Monica Studio, we’d like to thank all of the fans who have supported us over the years. You are the ones who have made it possible for God of War to reach this milestone and we’re more grateful than we can ever express that you’ve given us the chance to keep creating.
In addition to the tribute video, the developer is celebrating the day with new armour and skins in God of War Ragnarok, and you can also buy special merch and t-shirts if you so wish.
Comments 39
Amazing video! One of my all time favorites series! I do miss the old gameplay though.
Great franchise!
I am curious though, were those leaks actually based on anything at all? Like, might there still be a remake of the original trilogy? Or is that something we can just totally forget about.
One thing’s for sure, i’m not listening to those damn “leakers” ever again 😭 lol my fault i know
Just announced the collection of the original 6 games already and stop teasing 😭
I was never overly enthusiastic about the original games - they were good, but nothing massively special imo.
2018 and Ragnarok however, I thought were absolute masterpieces and proved that a good IP can can return in a big way, with the right team behind it.
I was hoping though that we might have seen an announcement by now, of a sequel to Ragnarok - featuring Atreus as the lead (with Kratos entering later to help him) - as I really thought there was a story to be told there.
It's honestly so sad that we can't play so many of the games in some of Playstation's best and most iconic franchises on PS5. Of course God of War being a great example. Come on Sony do something.
pretty odd for them to do this nowadays since an overwhelming majority of GoW “fans” didn’t even like the franchise until they changed it almost entirely
I recently started playing GOW 3 and I gotta say that it's just perfect mix of gameplay and cinematics. I only fear that due to testosterone levels dropping globally we will never have a game that awesome ever again.
@nomither6 it's the other way round..the majority of the god of war fans disliked the 2018 reboot and ragnarok. They all loved the original games more. Me? I love all of them.
@Rich33 that would awful imo I really didn’t like 2018 gow it took me nearly two years to finish the game and ragnarok I’ve played the demo in 2023 and now the full game on plus this year and can’t get into it at all I’m about 3 hours in and can’t be bothered to play anymore 🤷🏻♂️. I just can’t stand his son at all 😡 he’s so annoying imo. Plus I don’t like the camera in this game the use of the shoulder buttons, I would always forget to recall the axe 😂 the blades of chaos not appearing till way later in the game. Gow3 was perfect I would have preferred the same type of game in a new setting not a completely different game.
@Northern_munkey I still don’t get the popularity of the newer games kratos is not in the least bit violent anymore it would be like mortal kombat without the blood oh wait that already happened 😂.
@Residentsteven I like the newer games personally. I understand your point but I quite like the battle weary kratos. He just wants a peaceful retirement but as always he thinks he's out then they pull him back in..he should have put that axe in the kids head.
@Northern_munkey I love all of them except ascension the only thing I'm upset about at the minute is the fact I can't play the 1st and 2nd on playstation plus on downloads except stream them which is a pretty awful way play any game or should I say crap way surly it's not that hard to sort that out other than that I adore the series
@Dan12836666 PS3 emulation on PC is in a great state so you should just dump your copies and play it that way. You don't even need a good PC to run them upscaled and at 60fps.
@Dan12836666 you'd think they would remaster them so they can be played properly. I'm not a fan of the streaming service.
Happy 20th anniversary for GoW 🥳
I still remember the first time i played the 1st game on PS2 back in 2005. The first stage against the Hydra was jawdropping and i think it still is. Fast forward to the 2018 reboot and it also made my jaw dropped on the floor like a lot.
So here's for another 20 🍻
@Northern_munkey "the majority of the god of war fans disliked the 2018 reboot and ragnarok"
Where's this official poll that showed the majority of GoW fans dislike the 2018 reboot and Ragnarok?
@PuppetMaster you do read the comments section here yes? Since the 2018 reboot the majority of the comments have always been of the opinion that the reboots lost their way and the originals were far better. The fans just don't like the older kratos and the way the games have gone.
@Northern_munkey really? because the reboot was the most successful and popular the franchise has ever been
@Northern_munkey ye you would think so hopefully it happens I wouldn't get your hopes up though same as the oblivion remaster doing the rounds at the minute
@Bingoboyop seems to me all sony care about are trying to make garbage gaas games now I hope they all fail and die a death like concord did
@nomither6 and I still don’t know how 😂 these newer games never clicked with me all the older games were better imo.
@Northern_munkey 100 percent I hate older kratos he’s just so dull I really hope the next game goes back to what worked. Cory really dropped the ball with gow 2018 after he did a great job with gow 2.
@nomither6 they are very successful agreed but most of the fans prefer the original games. Like I said I like all of them and I like the way the series has progressed but if I had to choose (a difficult decision) I would favor the originals too especially god of war 2..what a cliff hanger ending that was.
@Northern_munkey I didn't know this site comment section is the official poll that represent all GoW fans voices around the world 😮
Must be tough for PushSquare staff to count millions of comments since GoW series sold around 60+ million copies. But i guess the poll didn't get my voice since i only joined this site last year. Oh well...
@Residentsteven I love the angry,murderous revenge fuelled kratos of the original games but I really like the older kratos too.
@PuppetMaster not sure why you are trying to pick an argument. It's my opinion. If you don't like it click the ignore button buddy 👍
@Northern_munkey Argument? I only asked you where did you see the official poll that showed the majority of GoW fans says they dislike the 2018 reboot and Ragnarok. And you said this site comment section. But now you said it's just your opinion? You confused me buddy.
@Residentsteven i know how - because sony knows what most people that play games want nowadays , they basically want visual novels with cinematics and easy gameplay . the less that a game is actually a “game” the better. you have a handful of exceptions like astrobot - but look how easy that game is. it’s so easy you could play it blindfolded. the original god of wars are from a bygone era when video games were still video games. nowadays it seems like modern AAA games are like MGS4 😂 so much emphasis on story and cinematics coupled with ubisoft open world bloat 🤮
My first GOW is chain of olympus on PSP. Time flies 🥹wish i can turn back time. Thanks Santa Monica for the memories and Happy Anniversary God Of War ❤️
@Northern_munkey wasn’t it said that they took the series in the direction they did because they “matured” and are all dads now? that’s great that you vibe with both versions of god of war, i wish i could , but maybe i still have some growing up to do 😂
@nomither6 definitely the adding of the kid can’t stand him or kids in general 😂 which is probably why I can’t stand this version of him. I don’t mind like in gears of war when they introduced his kid because the games still had Marcus in them. Plus the new characters were actually likeable 👍🏻 unlike Atreus in god of war his annoying face I even can’t stand his voice actor 🤣.
@PuppetMaster I've followed every god of war game since the first on the ps2. I've played every game in the series. Since the 2018 reboot every time there is an article there is an overwhelming consensus that most people prefer the originals. OK maybe saying you are trying to pick an argument was wrong of me but the way you were putting yourself across made me think you were. I apologise for having misconstrued your comment. I do not know if there is an official poll as to dictate actual numbers as to which god of war games are the actual favorites but going off pushsquares readers opinions over the years since the 2018 reboot its the original games that are favored. That is how I've formed my opinion or maybe I should say assumption? Any way let's agree to disagree and not fall out over something that really is quite trivial.
@nomither6 not sure how old you are but I'm in my 50's and can relate to kratos wanting a more peaceful and relaxing mid to old age 🤣
@nomither6 I personally never feel GoW 2018 reboot is "easy" or easier than previous GoW where you can just brainlessly mash button and play it blindfolded like Astro Bot, unless you picked the easiest difficulty. I finished 2018 reboot on Hard / Give Me Challenge difficulty and i still died multiple times. Heck, i died a lot when i fought the nine Valkyries especially against Sigrun and at the trials of Muspelheim. I can't imagine how challenging the normal enemies, the trials, and those Valkyries at the hardest difficulty. For the note, i finished all Greek games with Hard difficulty.
And GoW always has strong focus on story and cinematics since the 1st game. I mean, the 1st game showered the players with a lot of cutscenes with total running time around 1 hour, it has a lot of setpieces and QTE, and also has great voice acting. The succes of GoW 1 was one of the main reasons that influenced Sony to made more games with heavy focus on story and cinematics.
I still remember watching my older brother play the first game in the series on the ps2 on release. Crazy that it's been 20 years.
@nomither6 an “overwhelming majority”?! Where did you pull this “fact” from? I’m a God Of War super fan and I love all the games. But I prefer older gameplay. Many feel the opposite. But there’s no evidence that an overwhelming majority feel heavily about the games one way or another.
Once again I'm at a loss of words regarding the comments section. Rather than enjoy and celebrate a franchise that has almost 0 bad games and every mainline title is a certified banger, we still argue and put them down in a irrelevant competition.
Modern gamings constant state of unhappiness and need for permanent hype in a nutshell.
Old or new is irrelevant. What is, is Santa Monica did something exceptionally rare. They carried the franchise forward, successfully built new gameplay systems and got new fans in the process while also pleasing the old ones.
@Northern_munkey Majority GOW fans dislike the reboot? Dont spread lies brother 🙄. In term of gameplay style,that thing is a subjective. I love classic GOW and I adored the reboot GOW. Both are great and both find their own audience. I do love both of them
But your statement said majority hate the reboot is absolutely BS
@breakneck modern gamers are way too entitled. Ignored them.
@amatmulisha OK no worries. You are entitled to your opinion.
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