Update []: Tech experts Digital Foundry have weighed in on Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ meaningful PS5 Pro upgrades.

The site says that it’s the game’s 60fps performance mode which benefits best, which “looks generationally improved over its base console counterpart”.

It adds: “The RTGI does seem to have a considerable performance impact here, but it's absolutely critical for lighting in this particular title. It's hard to overstate how diminished the game is without the technique.”

For those out of the loop, RTGI stands for ray-traced global illumination, and it’s turned off in the base PS5 console’s performance mode.

“Having this lavish pass of per-pixel RTGI, bouncing light through each space to capture a realistic indirect diffuse lighting response, totally transforms the game. Shadow detail is greatly improved, diffuse bounce lighting transfers colours from skies or surfaces, and the entire world feels more true-to-life.”

Having it available at 60fps on the PS5 Pro leads to a transformative upgrade, and it’s true to Mark Cerny’s original promise of the supercharged system blending performance with best-in-class visuals.

There are also potentially future improvements to come: while the game doesn’t currently support Sony’s AI-based upscaler PSSR, there are plans to implement it in the future, likely further improving performance and/or visual quality.

While the price of the PS5 Pro has been questioned quite a lot, we’re beginning to see games developed with the hardware specifically in mind, and the results are starting to show.

Original Story: Ubisoft’s latest and greatest is peak Assassin’s Creed, as we pointed out in our Assassin’s Creed Shadows PS5 review. But depending which version of Sony’s system you own, you’re probably wondering how the title stacks up.

Well, we’ll freely admit we’re no Digital Foundry when it comes to the tech facts, but we’ve still put together a hearty comparison of this historical offering so you can see how the title fares for yourself.

The video shows off the game’s various graphical toggles, across both PS5 Pro and the regular PS5. Weighing in at a hearty eight minutes, we recommend watching this one in full screen in 4K at a full 60fps if you can.

Which console will you be playing the game on? Is the PS5 Pro slowly beginning to show its worth as more games are developed specifically with its advantages in mind? Or are you still satisfied with the graphical quality and performance of the standard PS5? Let us know in the comments section below.

How will you be playing Assassin's Creed Shadows?

[source youtube.com]