Update []: Tech experts Digital Foundry have weighed in on Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ meaningful PS5 Pro upgrades.
The site says that it’s the game’s 60fps performance mode which benefits best, which “looks generationally improved over its base console counterpart”.
It adds: “The RTGI does seem to have a considerable performance impact here, but it's absolutely critical for lighting in this particular title. It's hard to overstate how diminished the game is without the technique.”
For those out of the loop, RTGI stands for ray-traced global illumination, and it’s turned off in the base PS5 console’s performance mode.
“Having this lavish pass of per-pixel RTGI, bouncing light through each space to capture a realistic indirect diffuse lighting response, totally transforms the game. Shadow detail is greatly improved, diffuse bounce lighting transfers colours from skies or surfaces, and the entire world feels more true-to-life.”
Having it available at 60fps on the PS5 Pro leads to a transformative upgrade, and it’s true to Mark Cerny’s original promise of the supercharged system blending performance with best-in-class visuals.
There are also potentially future improvements to come: while the game doesn’t currently support Sony’s AI-based upscaler PSSR, there are plans to implement it in the future, likely further improving performance and/or visual quality.
While the price of the PS5 Pro has been questioned quite a lot, we’re beginning to see games developed with the hardware specifically in mind, and the results are starting to show.
Original Story: Ubisoft’s latest and greatest is peak Assassin’s Creed, as we pointed out in our Assassin’s Creed Shadows PS5 review. But depending which version of Sony’s system you own, you’re probably wondering how the title stacks up.
Well, we’ll freely admit we’re no Digital Foundry when it comes to the tech facts, but we’ve still put together a hearty comparison of this historical offering so you can see how the title fares for yourself.
The video shows off the game’s various graphical toggles, across both PS5 Pro and the regular PS5. Weighing in at a hearty eight minutes, we recommend watching this one in full screen in 4K at a full 60fps if you can.
Which console will you be playing the game on? Is the PS5 Pro slowly beginning to show its worth as more games are developed specifically with its advantages in mind? Or are you still satisfied with the graphical quality and performance of the standard PS5? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 83
This year is so good for the Pro now that we're getting games that had the Pro in mind. Kingdom Come 2, MH Wilds and AC Shadows clearly show why the best console to game on this year is the PS5 Pro.
I've been very happy with my Pro. I'll be even happier when I get Shadows Thursday. Looks awesome.
tbh it looks like you could just work around this if you have a base ps5 by adjusting your tv settings; adjust the brightness, contrast of black & white, saturation (maybe hue too since the trees are a different shade of green) and sharpness.
@nomither6 shhh you could disappear for information like that 🤣🤣
I’m glad someone else said there is not much difference from the quality to balanced, like 10fps.
I always try all the modes but quality to balanced from a frame rate and blurry point of view when panning around is not that different.
Now 60fps wait a difference so smooth when panning a lot less panning blur and definitely the way to play.
Shall be playing performance 60fps VRR, PS5 Pro.
This game looks stunning and I couldn’t be happier with my Pro. With this game it annoys me though that I still have to choose between two things I want both. Other games I’ve played offer 60fps with full ray tracing. Why not here?
I’ll be playing AC:S tomorrow on PS5 Pro (after the day one patch of course). And really looking forward to it. The only downside being that the weather forecast looks good, so I might have to spend a bit of time soaking up some rays on the patio!
Yeah still doesn't look worth it for the small upgrades you get for the price
I think if you have the PS5 Pro(not me) you can appreciate the slightly difference in visuals, but if your'e playing on the base machine, you won't be missing out since it already looks marvelous and plays smoothly. So, works for everyone
On the Pro, performance mode looks like a no-brainer. RT global illumination in an open-world game at 60 fps, yes please. RT reflections are never worth the 50% cut in framerate. I would've liked the video to go a little deeper on how locked the framerate stays across the different modes, but I guess we have Digital Foundry for that.
Since Pro is three monthly salaries where I live, I'll be playing on PC or PS5 depending on which version will get a discount first.
"They're the same picture."
Shiny or shinier is the choice. I will be waiting for a sale. Not bought a full price Assassin's Creed since Black Flag.
@Ainu20 I'd play it on balanced where you get the full house with everything turned on at 40fps.
@Cornpop76 The corrected chart no longer states that balanced on the Pro features "Extended RT", but "Standard RT" which is identical to the performance mode. I personally never found 40 fps modes satisfactory, but even if you do, this one doesn't include RT reflections.
@Ainu20 they didn’t much have any mirrors or windows back then anyways so I’d pass on that aspect of RT
-man this guy looks plain wrong in is game reninds me of Neolithic times
Been more than happy with the Pro since launch (the couple of games with bad enhancements were just teething issues / insufficient effort).
I upgraded because the base PS5 just wasn't cutting it for me anymore in most 3rd party titles (and 1st party games looking / running better is a really nice bonus too).
However, the Pro was always likely to shine more on titles released after its launch (or be used to fix games that dont look good / run well on base).
This video does a pretty horrible job of comparing the modes as how they've saved it and YouTube compression eradicates the fine detail. But the Digital Foundry video makes a much clearer case on the difference between things like lighting in the Performance and Quality modes, and the Pro version (currently locked behind their Patreon but will likely release today) shows that the Pro handles the quality settings well, especially at 60fps. Then there’s 40fps, which is usually the sweet spot for me.
Nice work Pushsquare.
The Performance mode on Pro looks the bigger winner of the 2 modes, but that is where it should be imo.
The video mentions nothing about how close it sticks to the targetted fps - I assume this is because you dont have capture that does that, and that comparatively (to your eyes) there was no discernable difference between Perf and Pro Perf, and between Quality and Pro Quality?
Any option with 60fps will do me!
40 is exactly halfway between 30 and 60 fps in terms of how the human eye perceives refresh rate:
"40 FPS is perceived as a halfway point between 30 and 60 FPS because it offers a significant improvement in responsiveness and fluidity, with a frame time of 25ms, which is exactly halfway between 33.3ms (30 FPS) and 16.6ms (60 FPS)"
Knowledge is powerful.
If the 40fps mode feels fluid, I'd be happy to play with everything turned on, but that will vary for different people - some people won't even notice there is a difference, but they will not have invested in a pro. They will still play a great looking game.
I just bought my first gaming pc well laptop ...got a free copy ...so yeah will hopefully blow the pro out the water lol
Jk I bet I won't be able to notice a difference between the base ps5, pro and the laptop...why I just don't see the point in a pro if you already had the base ps5...will wait for ps6
Only got a laptop cause I wanted some new tech lol ..and i open myself to more games
@Ainu20 the corrected chart ? For what I've seen on numerous websites the pro offers extended ray tracing in fidelity and balanced modes , with 40fps available in balanced with a capable tv.
Bought it for my PC. Time to see what's left in the GPU tank of my 3080
@lazarus11 There's this reddit post with the updated chart by an official Assassin's Creed account: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/1j8q53g/assassins_creed_shadows_update_on_the_console/
You can see that extended RT is now only available in the 30 fps mode on the Pro.
Looks nice!
But I still thing that ray-tracing is not a thing this console gen. Maybe next gen...
PS5 pro still disappoints not keeping hair strands on performance mode, and RT reflections are not present even on 40FPS balanced mode, you really have to go down to 30FPS to have those RT effects.. Also they could make available the option for unlocked frame rate in all modes
@Ainu20 if the information provided was wrong, I don't see the point in the 40fps mode.
I'd question what the Pro would even be doing at 40fps. Just twiddling it's thumbs and peeing it's power up the wall.
It’s incredible what they can do, but I’m on console. Base PS5. I’ve already given up max performance for the ease a console offers and cheaper point of entry than with a PC.
Not bragging by any means but my set up is an 8 year old OLED that is still looking superb and I have Atmos surround sound from a fairly hefty AV receiver to really give games and movies that immersive feeling.
Might be just be, but immersive sound and smooth frame rates are my kink
@Ernimus_Prime plenty I am sure!
@Cornpop76 Your guess is as good as mine. Balanced mode might upscale from a higher base resolution than Performance, but it isn't specified. Digital Foundry will probably provide some insights, they were planning on doing a dedicated video for PS5 Pro.
Totally get your stats and facts and agree.
Must be my eyes or the human eye. I see the difference a little between 30fps to 40fps slightly smoother and less panning blur.
But once I go 60fps my old eyes and brain go wow that is so much better.
Will order assassins tomorrow, will go digital though.
@Ainu20 well that's strange , guess we will know for sure when DF uploads the pro video
People don’t understand how computationally expensive ray tracing is. The fact we have any at all in real time boggles my mind.
@Cornpop76 @Ainu20 apparently seems that the balanced and performance modes are 1440p dynamic internally before upscaling to 4k, so I assume performance would drop lower within the interval range.
The main difference between these modes on the PRO is the loss of hair strands on the perf mode. Also some visuals are decreased like shadows, draw distance, textures
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRTWf49NI5Y&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits
@Titntin I find 40FPS fascinating as I just cannot use it. There's a weird, uncanny feeling to it that's undoubtedly a product of a lifetime exposure to 25/50Hz, 30/60Hz games.
@Toot1st Hard to make claims like this without actually viewing the differences on a television suited to benefit from the Pro. So many people (I’m not addressing this to you) are giving opinions on Pro images from most probably their smartphone while the difference on a good television is night and day. All these comparison videos tell me very little.
@DennisReynolds it’s a £700 console - you shouldn’t have to wait and see if it’s the best console to game on. It’s roughly double the price of any of the base systems, the minimum expectation is that it will outperform every other console on the market.
The more pertinent question is, are you getting double the performance for double the money? How do tangible are the differences between the pro and the base consoles? Are these differences and performance gains sufficient to justify the price and therefore convince you to purchase the pro over the base model?
@StylesT the PS6 will see an even smaller gap... Unless we're paying over 1k for the console! Let's see what Sony plan
@Neither_scene you'll never get double the performance for double the price. In terms of diminishing returns, the PS5 pro is likely the best value on the market in terms of an upgrade. Looking at PC gaming you're looking at over double the costs for less of a jump in performance in terms of upgrading your "potato"
@MrPeanutbutterz I also have that lifetime exposure my friend (I'm now in my 60's).
However, in a few cases, I've found it's the sweet spot for me and had smooth movement with all the bells and whistles turned on.
Fortunately, it's a choice so you have your 30/60 option as well! 😁
@Neither_scene Who expects double the performance? Surely only people who have no idea?
The only thing its ever claimed to double is your storage. Its clearly about how much you notice improvements and how much you are prepared to pay for them. Having made AAA games for over 2 decades I notice that stuff and cant switch off noticing. I value that better performance and am prepared to pay for it. Many people might not, and that's why I've always said the pro is only for the %10 of users who will value the difference.
Fortunately, the OG machine is not discontinued and its players who have the choice, or are you against players having a choice? Do you bristle at all the PC GPU models on sale, often with very marginal gains and only in certain situations?
You could apply this to almost anything you buy. I could buy a cheap little run around car and get effectively from Ato B, but I drive a Merc at a huge uplift in cost because I value that difference. No one's forcing anyone to buy anything..
There must be a lot of original ps5 owners that don't join in this site because I don't believe for a second that many people have shelled out for the next 1/2 gen when games are still being released for ps4.
This miniscule visual upgrade is supposed to be worth $700? Seriously?
Very excited to play this tomorrow. By far, the best looking AC game to date.
I am curious if it's a typo that 40fps only has standard RT. If extended RT is only available for 30fps, why would anyone bother with the 40fps mode, even if your TV supports it?
@Titntin I think you’ve completely missed the point and I’ve obviously hit a nerve for you to respond so defensively.
It obviously won’t have double the performance for the price if you have any knowledge of how computing works. If you’re a parent or just a casual player in a store it’s not completely stupid for you to ask yourself “am I getting double the performance for twice the price?.” Or even, “what was the performance uplift like between the ps4 and ps4 pro and how much extra did that differential cost me? How does ps5 pro compare?”.
I never said it’s an obsolete product that shouldn’t exist. I said that anyone looking to purchase one has to make a decision as to whether the performance increase merits the price. For a few people it will, for others it won’t.
I’ve no idea why you’ve gone on a massive rant about choice or it being a niche product that still serves a purpose as if I’ve said anything to contradict that view. Crazy.
@Neither_scene Lol!
I think its you on defence mate. You are the one to write:
"The more pertinent question is, are you getting double the performance for double the money?"
If you now agree its completely obvious you won't, then why did you ask the question? How can it be pertinent (having clear decisive relevance) if the point under discussion is subjective?
If you wish to define 'massive rant' as four sentences, then I really don't think you understand the word 'massive' or even the word 'rant' which implies shouting in an impassioned way. I merely explained, quite concisely, that people are allowed to choose luxury items!
If you wish to suggest I'm 'crazy' thats obviously your prerogative, but I'm not the one who seems to have a problem with language.
Either way, there is a clearly a communication break down I regret, and I'd rather wish you a good day than bicker any further in a comment section. So do have a good day! 👍
The Pro performance mode looks so much better in this case. Actually insane what a difference it makes.
@Slippship Well it's a Pro focused article so Pro owners are more likely to come into the article and also more likely to take place in the poll.
There is a difference, but not enough imo to sell my ps5 and buy a ps5 pro
@Titntin no problem, I agree a break down in communication and an error in the wording of my original comment. “The more pertinent questions are…” should have replaced “The more pertinent question is…” as was the point behind the line of questioning.
Sorry for misunderstanding your intent.
@Neither_scene No problem mate, have a great day!
@Matroska it's a comparison article. So I reckon there's more standard owners trying to work out what the fuss is about. Zero was the answer.
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter how well this game runs, I for one won't be playing it... Far too many controversies around the game to enjoy it now
@DennisReynolds Maybe not Wilds....more the engines fault and bad optimisation but it doesn't look very good outside of the curated story cut scenes. Awful textures, like seriously the worst textures I've seen since the PS2 in a AAA game (and the PS2 had an excuse being a..well PS2) I constantly have the textures disappear as well, the oil well basin is terrible for this but it happens on the monsters, nerscilla (sp) and the octo literally look like blobs. It's carried by it's art style because from a technical standpoint it's really bad.
@DennisReynolds Dennis i am a man of my word when i say i keep receipts. I see what everyone say’s and often times upset them when i call upon those receipts. With that said, it’s time for me to eat some crow. I said a $700 dollar upgrade isn’t something we should have to zoom in at 200-400X. I said that it looked like Dev’s were being lazy with the Pro cause dollars and time is limited and they might not support it in big ways due to it being the lower install sku. Well if this is what we will be seeing going forward. I am buying a Pro, that is NIGHT and DAY different. No need to zoom in on that. I am impressed and again proven wrong in the ways i wanted to be wrong about. I knew the power in the Pro was more than what we were seeing. Likely before the end of summer i will get a Pro. I just need to see more games for it and some that of course i want to play as Assassin’s Creed isn’t my thing.
Day 1 base PS5 owner here with no plans to get a Pro but.. hooooly moly, that's a pretty stunning difference.
Not as big in quality mode, but performance? It just can't be denied.
Always thought it was silly and premature to judge the console based on mixed results shortly after launch, even then a few games showed clear substantial improvements. Not too hard to figure out that things were going to get better eventually.
You can keep pushing as much as you want. I might've even gotten it. But, it has no drive and therefore can't play my games. It's not an option. Sorry.
And no, I am not paying 1 thousand euros for the whole package when the PS6 is around the corner.
"Or even, “what was the performance uplift like between the ps4 and ps4 pro and how much extra did that differential cost me? How does ps5 pro compare?”"
I have owned a PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, and now a PS5 Pro.
Overall, from my experience, the actual, in game improvements PS5 Pro has given over PS5 has already been much bigger than PS4 Pro over PS4, both in terms of enhanced games, and games operating under "boost" conditions.
The PS4 Pro was not a bad console - it was a decent console, but I would have been highly disappointed if I had paid anywhere near £700 for it (or whatever £700 now equates to back then) - but, I have been very pleased overall with my purchase of PS5 Pro.
@StylesT laptop CPU’s and GPU’s are a little different experience on PC vs the full desktop GPU’s. So you are right in saying you might not notice a huge difference. But if you had a 5080 in a desktop it would destroy the Pro in every way possible. I think i am going to PC desktop at some point. Steam is just to good to miss out on for me.
For all those that said ray tracing is just a resource hog and doesn’t add much visual improvement. This should show you that indeed ray tracing is a big leap forward in visuals and atmosphere. Lighting is making a big difference here and i am happy to see it. That is an area PS6 can greatly expand on and bring life like worlds to games. Color me impressed and that isn’t easily done this generation, now just wait for GTA 6 on Pro. That is going to be the one that makes players pay more attention to Pro.
"This is next-gen." Correct me if I'm wrong but the ps5 Pro is out so this is actually this gen..ps6 would be next gen.@nomither6 indeed tweaking your tv settings is something that's always overlooked by a lot of gamers. I've always found the ps5's hdr to be a bit off (console calibration) and sometimes I've spent a long time adjusting things..the crew motorstorm was a horror to get to where I was happy with it. This is where I actually prefer pc to console because with a PC you can save those settings and load them up for each game..I can't do that with the ps5 so i always have to faff around with the TV values..maybe Sony should look into having your console being able to store game presets and yes I know there is already a rudimentary process available but something more indepth would be nice.
Good lord some of the comments here from people trying to convince themselves they made a good purchase with the pro. 'I'm so happy I have a pro'. Good! It's a great machine but it's not for everyone. It's almost like they are trying to start a console war with base PS5 owners
Get a grip!
@BolkaRover Same with people arguing the Pro is terrible value for money or not worth it for the meagre visual upgrade. People have paid their money; stop trying to piss on everyone’s parade. Get a grip!
@Skippermonkey that’s not me at all. It’s a good machine and if it’s value for money for an individual then it’s value for money.
@nomither6 Im sorry are you blind?
@Northern_munkey Never knew you double the framerate with your TV and i dont even own a Pro but it looks a million times better on the the Ray tracing alone is a game changed.
@HonestHick I know right i dont understand what people mean with no different, ray tracing, double framerate.
@Flaming_Kaiser I was talking about colour gradient not frame rates.
It’ll always happen. Article will show Pro is a legit upgrade. People who own one will dare to say they’re liking what they bought….then the super savvy naysayer pops up to tell you how any benefit is minimal and then proceed to lay on the snark.
I don’t get where people got the belief that, when others are happy or content, someone was waiting for them to pop up and say why they don’t like it and will never get one. Sure, you’re free to say what you want. But why do you get a kick out of trying to tell others they’re wasting money just because you opted out?
Got to love these generation leaps nowadays ..need the bionic eyes
Ofcourse you will get the people who make out it's night and day as always ..and tell us we need glasses if we can't see any difference...or insanely minimal difference
Maybe better, but certainly not 700 quid better. Base PS5 still looks stunning.
@StylesT I am blessed with bionic eyes and can see a BIG difference in many games.
@MrPeanutbutterz the trick I find, is do NOT play the game on 60fps mode first!!!!
Even with 30fps games, I tolerate them better if I select 30fps in the menu on first boot, and then NEVER change to 60!
The second you select 60, even if just to "quickly test it", it's game over and you will never accept 30 again!
If I select 40fps from the start, I become convinced that it's running at 60fps. Actually a good way to enjoy 40fps is play a couple of hours at 30fps and then change to 40fps. You will really appreciate it, but as I say, no going back!
Those are good stats for the PRO. Yes it’s a PS centric site obviously but still encouraging.
All that video did was make me more hungry for Ghost of Yotei
@Cornpop76 @Titntin Yeah more options for all is the business. I was always happy with the 30Hz that most games aimed for over the PS3 and 4 generations, but PS5 has spoiled me. Hard to look at anything that isn't 60.
Hahaha, sound advice about not starting with 60. My thing is I find 40 "weird" to look at as it just hasn't been a thing until this gen on consoles.
You are correct in that the RTGI makes a massive improvement in this game, but I would still put it under performance and general image quality.
60fps is a minimum for me, and a lot of people - anything much less and it renders the game literally unplayable (motion sickness / headaches - my eyes do not adjust over time, and it just gets worse) - a not uncommon issue these days (newer TV workings etc).
RT which causes too many drops in fps, or isn't present in 60fps modes, is completely pointless to me.
Similarly without a good image quality, I find RT to be wasted - much better to use the power to upgrade image quality.
However, once you have that performance and decent general image quality - then adding RT can make a really big difference, and its great to see Ubisoft mostly achieve this, with a night and day difference.
I say mostly, because I was completely sold on this game from the review here on Pushsquare, and DFs review, right up until the bit where they state that the hub area is 30fps only, even in performance mode (I would have been ok with 30fps in cut scenes only as cut scenes dont affect me as much). Sadly thats an instant no buy from me. Hopefully they will fix it in a future patch.
@Rich33 yeah i agree with you and the great points you made. 60 fps and high quality graphics are just so hard on console due to the CPU being so underpowered. Now i expect Sony and MS are working on getting better CPU’s in their next gen hardware due to how loudly console players have been about 60fps being the minimum fps they want. AI tech will help some with that as well.
Assassin’s Creed isn’t my game, i mean it’s ok and if they were smaller titles in their next gen 30 hour range i would give them a play but i do not like it enough to do 80-100 hours. I seen where cut scenes and hub area were 30. I had a feeling that might throw some people off. You could wait for a patch and let’s be honest in less than a year this game will be $45 bucks on sale. They always are.
Yeah - given their really good work here (I mean outside insomniac how many games run RT at 60+fps?), I expect a patch to fix the hub area at some point, even if it is added as an option to drop the 'extended' RT (or whatever Ubi call it) in the hub area, and maybe Pro only.
I do agree with your comments as a whole though - for those that care about 60fps, this is a really strong advert for Pros capability, and a really good use / advert for RT.
@StylesT Lol my thoughts exactly.. what 'generational' leap in performance?
@Rich33 i want to see more games really use the Pro to show it off, which i think some will. The main game that will get people excited for Pro will be GTA 6. Cause if that can do this much a difference with the graphics that will be insane. Granted the game will run 30fps this generation. These CPU’s in PS5 and Series X can’t run a CPU heavy game like GTA 6 at 60. But likely PS6 and the next Xbox will. It pains me to say i have no faith i will ever get my 60 fps patch for RDR2. I kind of gave up on it haha
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