While it's a common story, Attack on Titan managed to pull this particular scribe into the anime world a couple years ago. How could it not? It has a striking art style with bold lining and subdued colour, a European setting with an intricate culture and inventions, and an irresistible world that draws you in with its mysteries and cliffhangers. We could divulge the great characters that always bring on compelling drama or the excitement of watching them use Omni-Directional Mobility Gear to kill Titans in aerial dances of slaughter, but this praise is widely known and held for one of Japan's most successful properties.
It's only natural that a video game would come along, and Humanity in Chains marked the first serious stab at the franchise, but the 3DS exclusive demonstrated the difficulty of translating the franchise's fast-paced, unique action to an interactive experience. Now, Omega Force seeks to succeed where Spike Chunsoft failed, and against all odds, the studio has jumped this giant hurdle with Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom, which fans of the show and the developer's work will really enjoy – well, mostly.

Dynasty Warriors' signature imprint is immediately evident. You'll be travelling within and beyond the walls of humanity's last bastion in a series of missions where you zip your way across open fields, completing main objectives and side activities until you take over a territory. The process is continuous as you level up and take breaks in between combat to purchase new equipment and items that help you perform more effectively on the battlefield. This allows you to develop, modify, and fortify your gear, and while we found fortifying to be the most useless system, these upgrading systems coincide well with this framework based on Omega Force's staple franchise, which fits the flow of where you'd go and what you'd do in Attack on Titan's universe. When it comes to the action, though, this is where the similarities start to wear thin.
Instead of being grounded with hordes of minions to decimate with hack and slash gameplay, the game's like Treyarch's Spider-Man 2, but with gory violence thrown in. Soaring over rooftops in the town near Wall Rose or past trunks in the Forest of Giant Trees as Survey Corps soldiers feels so satisfying as your iron wires don't extend into nothingness, but realistically attach to tall objects in order to propel you forward. And if you're not around any, you'll only be able to run or use your horse, which will have you analysing environments just to make sure that you can escape a Titan's grasp with speed if need be.

Most of the time, you'll be locking onto Titans to attach to their limbs or necks. You'll then be able to adjust your entry of trajectory by turning yourself in the air, and when you've got a straight line to your target, you cease aiming and boost, which sends you zooming forward to execute a swift strike, either killing or amputating your colossal opponents. You can do more complex moves such as adjust where your wires are anchored mid-air to change your intended target or confuse foes, but what we described is largely what you'll be doing over and over again. It's a lot to get used to at first, but this initial complexity with the controls belies their ease to master after a few hours, and even though there are other characters, items that disrupt Titans, and new enemies, these additions can't stave off the intense repetition that eventually sets in.
This is also true for the missions themselves. You take out groups of Titans and aid fellow soldiers across maps by taking out more of them – and that's it. Variety is hardly a strength of the gameplay, and we concede that this is hard to avoid since Titans can only be killed by attacking their necks from a lore perspective. Slight camera issues and wonky AI behaviour don't help either, but that's not to say that the game isn't a rush while it lasts. The sheer amount of mechanics allow the game to maintain its appeal longer than it should, and since gameplay moves along without many hitches at top speed, it initially feels excellent in execution.

You add tiers of soldiers to your team as you play a mission; there are soldiers that you specifically approach who resupply your gas and blades, and characters have a special ability that lets them rally soldiers to their position. On top of that, some characters, like Eren, can transform into a Titan for a brief amount of time, and this is perhaps the most exciting element of battle, as you pummel your competition and buildings around you. As you can imagine, there's a lot to do and keep track of in any given mission, but the ease of accomplishing and balancing all of your goals washes away the thrill of the game once you finish its campaign mode.
Speaking of the title's story, it follows the first season of the anime, even adding bits of dialogue and other characters' perspectives on events to flesh out the plot that fans already know. While we recommend the anime over the game as a primer, it serves as a faithful adaption that newcomers can enjoy despite its less elegant pacing. However, it's a bit of a shame that the entire new epilogue extending beyond the first season's end is annoyingly locked until you've completed all of the Survey Missions and banal "requests" from supporting characters. Still, it's a decent incentive for hardcore fans to pursue.

What's more, unlockable Titan statues, characters, bios, and more that will attract collectors, but we don't think that they're good enough reasons to extend the already substantial life of the 10 hour campaign. Even the Expedition multiplayer mode feels somewhat lacking, consisting of Survey Missions that you complete with others, and while this helps those who want to unlock episodes of the epilogue faster, unique approaches or twists that come with cooperation don't really exist.
Fortunately, the graphics bring the anime's art style into 3D beautifully. Sometimes, these transitions don't look so good, but the developer has done an exceptional job capturing the colour, lining, and exact dimensions of every character and space in 60 frames-per-second. That said, there's a load of pop-in and a few animation oddities with the Titans and in cutscenes, but overall, it looks stupendous, and is further amplified by authentic sound effects from the anime, a decent soundtrack that emulates Hiroyuki Sawano's epic scores, spiffy redesigns of the Omni-Directional Mobility Gear to equip, and exclusively Japanese dialogue courtesy of – as far as we can tell – the original, excellent voice actors.
It's an accomplishment in itself that Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom is a robust, sensible game that does the beloved show justice, and it should be the groundwork guiding potential sequels. Commandeering any character is an absolute joy with the excellent control scheme and host of activities that fight for your attention on the battlefield, but this initial depth gives way as the title runs low on gas several hours in, failing to refuel and catch up with your sustained interest. Initially, fans will eat this one up – the story and visual presentation acting as delectable dressing – but even the best of meals lose their allure over time if that's all there is to swallow.
Comments 18
Thanks for the review, I'm definitely getting this now. Honestly, I just wanted them to get the action right, and to relive the story once more, cause it's been a wee while since I watched it. Sounds like it ticks both boxes, so I'm happy
So basically- great game, but gets repetitive. Nothing to switch things up as you progress.
Seems to be the consensus.
Huh this review made me want the game I'll wait for a bit of a discount.
Great review,six out of ten is the score I was sort of expecting.Only seen one episode of the show on Netflix but was enough to get me interested in the game and will definitely pick this one up
When it's 40 euros...insta buy!
Absolutely top pun in the title, by the way.
@DrJoeystein Hi, so how does the matchmaking in multiplayer actually work? Does the game pair you up with three other randoms? What about Eren, can he transform into a Titan during multiplayer mode?
Ha! Good one
@DrClayman It does! For the 8 or so hours it takes to beat the campaign, it's definitely fun, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
@JaxonH Exactly. They mainly just need to add more types of side objectives and ways to take down titans to make it less repetitive. But hey, Dynasty Warriors games are known for this anyway, so some will love it while others will grow bored of it after about 5-6 hours.
@Wazeddie22 Cool! Glad I convinced you.
@johncalmc Unfortunately, I didn't come up with that one this time, but yes. it is top notch!
@Tsurii Whoa, watch out now.
@WanderingBullet You join up with party lobbies (either random or wirh friends) or create your own to complete missions. And yes, he can for a brief time once you unlock that ability by leveling up as him! It really makes missions go by so fast when someone goes Titan on the last subjugation target.
Very well written. I will probably agree with everything you said. As a fan of the show, I'm getting this day one just to play as my favorite characters. I think this'll be fun in short bursts.
So PushSquare rated this Game lower compared to the 3DS Version which got a 7 from NintendoLife. I don't get it. This Game is far superior.
Not to say that the 3DS Version was horrible, i enjoyed it for what it is, but the PS4 Game is so much better.
I know different reviewers have different tastes, but it still feels strange.
@Nagi_Nagisa I didn't play the 3ds version because it was digital only, and I heard it was crap. But as a fan I think this game will be at least an 8 out of 10 for me. Other sites have rated the game similarly.
@NinjaWaddleDee The 3DS Version was a ok Game in my opinion, but the PS4 Version is a much better Deal. I also would rate it 8/10.
It's just sad that the PS Vita Port isn't that good, since you can't see the Titans until you're right next to them. Even in the 3DS Game you could see the Titans from a distance.
@DrJoeystein Thanks. I think it was Kotaku who mentioned that missions can be completed a lot quicker in multiplayer (if you have good teammates) unlike in story mode where it could take a while to complete some of them. Other than that, the combat system looks fun enough, which is why I'm thinking of getting the game.
@NinjaWaddleDee Oh yeah! That's the best way to approach it. As a fan, you'll definitely enjoy it.
@Nagi_Nagisa Yeah...NL is one of the rare few who gave the game such a high score compared to most reviewers. I do agree that this game is FAR better than the 3DS one, but I probably would've given that one a 4/10 had I played it. I was originally going to give this game an 8, then a solid 7 as I played on with the repetition, but when I got to the end and its lackluster end and side content, it barely edged out of receiving a 7. In all honesty, this could be a low 7 or a high 6, but I went with the latter in the end. Still a lot of fun while it lasts though!
@WanderingBullet Exactly. And yeah, like I've told others, it's great if you take your time with it for 6-8 hours, but beyond that, the repetition is a major downer despite the solid gameplay. It was so close to a 7/10, but we went with a 6 in the end...a high one at that!
@DrJoeystein Thanks for the review. Have you, by any chance, tried the Vita version?
@belmont I have not, but I have seen videos of the Vita version and it...oohh, it looks so bad from a graphical standpoint. I would avoid that and do the PS4 version if you can. The PS3 version looks decent enough, but yeah...it's a no go for the Vita from what I've seen. :/
Seems a fair review - I'm definitely still interested but might just hang back until it's a little more affordable.
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