Republished on Monday 28th May 2020: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of June's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
Each Call of Duty since Modern Warfare 2 has put the player in higher positions of power. Whether you’re the unspoken, do-it-all heroes of Modern Warfare 2 or the literal commander participating in all of Infinite Warfare’s combat, feelings of helplessness and limitations have been de-emphasized. This also extends to the series’ adoption of wall-running, boosting, leaning, and superhuman abilities. Sledgehammer Games’ Advanced Warfare heavily contributed to this by ushering in a frenetic era where movement became as much of a necessary skill as gunplay prowess. Infinite Warfare took this to a controversial extreme, so it’s only appropriate that Sledgehammer would helm another drastic leap forward – or backwards, we should say – with a back-to-basics approach for Call of Duty: WWII, which is a solid if unremarkable return to form that hits the mark well enough.

This focus on stripping down the series to its core mechanics comes through in the opening level, which puts you in the blood-soaked boots of Private Daniels. You can’t slide or boost your way across the chaotic beaches of Normandy, but are restricted to running and diving to cover. You can’t even regenerate health or pickup ammo, with the former not being seen since Call of Duty 2 and the latter being a franchise first. As you make your way into the trenches past the Nazis’ machine gun nests, you’re forced to adopt a slower pace to switch weapons and look for health packs. You truly feel more vulnerable and grounded, but these changes don’t chalk up to simply dumbing down the formula, especially since there are fitting, new features to offset this.
One of the most radical changes involves your band of brothers having unique abilities. For example, your best pal Zussman can toss you health packs, whereas your platoon leader Pierson can call out enemies that temporarily highlights them in white. They’re your source for supplies and support that act much like Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite, but the idea doesn’t pan out as widely as we would’ve liked. Half of the characters seem there as excuses to put faces to abilities, so your comrades are more like filler with minimal stakes in the story. With the small handful of characters that do get attention, they’re typical archetypes and forgettable. The most interesting ones – like Rousseau Crowley in the French Resistance – are dropped after two missions.

The same goes for Heroic Actions, which give you carpe diem moments to pull downed soldiers behind cover or save others caught in hand-to-hand combat. While your actions have impact on some dialogue, it would’ve been truly interesting to see this further impact level progression and more main characters. After all, the game is centred around the visceral, unforgiving drama of its conflict, which it visually captures with aplomb. However, it doesn’t let this theme personally touch you with gameplay or most of the main characters in ways that grip you, so you and your squad end up feeling a bit immune to the war’s devastating effects, especially with its ending.
This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong or distasteful about the level design of the missions, but besides a neat infiltration sequence involving the French Resistance, all of them feel safe and cookie-cutter; you’ll feel like you’ve played a lot of these levels before and they simply fail to stand out despite being all-around solid. It doesn’t help that we finished the campaign in less than seven hours on the Veteran difficulty. Call of Duty campaigns are short, but even we were a bit surprised by the rushed pacing near the end that caps everything off with 11 missions. Regardless, we can definitely say this is one of the best-looking and sounding titles yet in the series with impeccable sound effects, motion capture (even in-game), and a gorgeous, gritty presentation with its environments.

As for the multiplayer, it’s similar to the campaign in adding and removing big stuff. The create-a-class system forgoes the customizability of the “Pick 10" system by limiting players to more traditional loadouts. Indeed, the introduction of Divisions reworks how to approach additional attachments and perks. For example, the Expeditionary Division exclusively contains benefits geared toward shotgun loadouts with incendiary shells and perks like being immune to tactical equipment, taking less explosive damage, and extra ammo. You can only have one extra perk in the new Basic Training category, but if you want to have something like being immune to radar detection with a submachine gun, you have to use the Mountain Division that’s geared toward snipers. It encourages players to stick to specific roles, especially since you can gain more abilities by sticking with certain Divisions.
There’s also a social hub called the Headquarters akin to Destiny’s Tower, where you can shoot down a range and challenge friends to beat your scores, play Atari games in the R&R camp, and test out scorestreaks. However, it's not exactly an engaging social space. Only friends in your party populate the small area currently, which is weird when you’re playing alone. Even when the developer patches in the fix to make it public, the main reason you’ll be returning to this space is just to accept timed challenges to gain Armory Credits, which can be used to unlock outfits, calling cards, emotes, and camos. These are mainly acquired through lootboxes, and while the idea of these “supply drops” is troubling, all of these are merely cosmetic with the exception of some camos that grant negligible XP boosts.

We’re happy to report that WWII feels more like traditional Call of Duty multiplayer overall. Scorestreaks and movement have much less sway, further emphasizing that gunplay is the key to combat effectiveness. Older fans will feel at home here, and everyone will appreciate the innovative mode War. It combines a hodgepodge of objectives in uniquely-designed maps. Operation Neptune is a superb example with a Normandy-style map that tasks one team with taking out two machine gun nests and the other team with defending them. Should the offensive team succeed, the mode transitions to destroying (or defending) 10 pieces of comms equipment deeper into the map. These matches emphasize teamwork and can come to the wire with exhilarating results.
However, this is definitely one of the strangest Call of Duty titles in that it has notably mediocre maps. Pointe du Hoc and USS Texas are exceptions, but the rest suffer from being biased against sniping and having poor flow, spawning, and too many intersecting pathways that leave you feeling constantly exposed. In addition, WWII feels great to play, but glaring hitscan issues and jarring stuttering are still present from the beta, which impacts our performance in and enjoyment with matches more than we’d like.
If anything caught our interest before the game’s release, it would be Sledgehammer’s take on the Zombies mode. Without a doubt, the zombies’ designs and level of detail in the Final Reich map are unparalleled in horror. The greater diversity of enemies is much appreciated to keep players on their toes, but if you enjoy a stationary, camping approach like in Treyarch’s older maps, you’re going to have mixed feelings toward this iteration’s objective-based approach. You’ll be moving constantly and complete different tasks as you climb through the rounds, which can be fun as you go from defending areas to flipping switches across the map. It may feel like busywork to some that detracts from the purer goal of simply surviving, but we’d say the Final Reich’s many secrets and depth will entice you to return, even if it doesn’t succeed at inducing scares and horror through gameplay as we’d hoped.
Touching base with your origins is necessary to not lose touch with your audience, and that’s exactly what Call of Duty: WWII does without simply regressing. It gets to the core of its key modes and seizes on their intrinsic appeal with some neat, little twists thrown in. However, its campaign and zombies modes (while solid) feel unusually safe, whereas the multiplayer suffers from lacklustre map design and technical issues. You could say this Call of Duty is a sign of hopeful action to ground the series once more, but doesn’t go beyond its iconic namesake to deliver something truly special.
Comments 46
I'll admit it looks better than the latest cods but I'll skip this one too. There are rumors that next years cod will be a modern one, which is the kind of cod that I like.
Wow lowest score I ever seen for cod game. Rented this game in hoping you could play single player without a internet connection, sadly no. Downloaded the day 1 10gb update finished the campaign took it back in 2 days time.
Like I've said before, multiplayer first person shooters have just gotten stale for me. Games like PUBG manage to be entertaining to me because they're so different from traditional shooters, but shooters like COD and Battlefield have gotten old IMO. Poor man's Splatoon.
I really wish you could buy a stand-alone version of the campaign for games like this and Star Wars Battlefront 2.
The campaign in Infinite Warfare was so underrated in my opinion. It was brilliant.
I'm not sure about this one. On the one hand I guess it's nice to go back to basics, and it does look decent, but I kinda expected a 7/10 TBH. Not that there's anything wrong with a solid 7, it's clearly still a good game — I just have better games in my backlog.
Big shame about the maps, mind!
You guys should try Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. Doesn't have multiplayer, but it's a great shooter with a decent campaign mode.
I haven't played a Call Of Duty since World At War, but if I'm honest I've got half an eye on this. I can see me picking it up cheap next summer.
I still didn't play any COD on this generation, i'm also not a mp guy.
My favorite FPS games recently are Wolfenstein and Doom, soon i will start Wolfenstein 2.
Edit: I also really liked the campaign of Titanfall 2.
@DrJoeystein Not quite sure if you know this, but right now the headquarters mode is not working right so Sledgehammer disabled it. Once they fix it you will be in a fully lobby with 64 I think it is other people. So yes it's empty now but once they fix it it won't be.
After having played it for a few hours this game has two major issues. Friendly AI keep getting in the way and on the level where you have to use one of those guns you sit in, when you die the checkpoint doesn’t recover health and you can’t use a Med kit so if your health is seriously low you cannot carry on and have to restart the level. Otherwise graphically great and a great story for campaign.
@Tasuki Didn't know this! Corrected to reflect this. Thank you.
@DrJoeystein Not a problem. On launch day it was packed with other people which was really cool but as I said problems caused SHG to disable it. Sadly at this moment they don't have an ETA when it will be restored but just follow Sledgehammer on Twitter for more info.
@Tasuki Interestingly enough, I started playing on launch day, but I suppose I missed when the public state of Headquarters was active! Must have disabled it quick.
Meh, another COD game I will never play since I dislike the gameplay and themes.
The Campaign started well in WW2 but it really dragged on for me and was a chore to finish! The MP however is a great blast and I'm having tons of fun with it (very unusual for me as I prefer Battlefields large scale game play).
@get2sammyb Yeah, I really enjoyed last year's campaign when I reviewed it but the rest of the game was pretty poor.
Shame about the campaign in this one, as that's what I was looking forward to most. I'll probably pick up Wolfenstein 2 instead considering how microtransaction-ridden this is. Still, good review Joey!
@Anchorsam_9 Actually their are no microtransactions. You can't buy the supply drops at all.
@DrJoeystein Yeah it was pretty quick to be honest I was only in it for 5 mins when there were other people and even then it was very laggy and froze a few times.
Anyone remember the game Vietcong? Reading about squadmates with diffrrent abilities remind me of that game, and how brilliant it was.
If it were to come out with modern day graphics it would be considered superinovative (even though it was released some 15 years ago or so..).
@Tasuki They're being introduced this week
@Anchorsam_9 I stand corrected, thanks. Makes sense now why they work they are doing this weekend to fix the servers is taking so long.
@Tasuki Yeah, I'd imagine they'd want to get the server stuff sorted out before they roll out the new currency. Here's hoping it doesn't affect the multiplayer too much!
@Anchorsam_9 From what I have played so far the supply drops don't affect multiplayer at all. It is just cosmetics and the weapon varieties the do have don't affect the weapon stats at all just the look of the gun.
The ww2 setting is overused, I like the new future cod campaign as long as the story isn't weird like bo3. My favorite cod single player campaign on ps4 is from advanced warfare.
This is definitely the best CoD to date IMO. Almost finished with the campaign and I’m enjoying it a lot more than every other past CoDs. I’m yet to properly play MP and Zombies. It looks and sounds amazing in 4K HDR and Dolby Atmos on my X1X.
I hope the next CoD is set in the Pacific theatre, with the opening level at Pearl Harbor and ending the game delivering “Little Boy” in the Enola Gay at Hiroshima.
@Splat That's a great idea. They should sell SP, MP and MP versions of the game. That way we pay for what we want.
@Anchorsam_9 Well, I'm that much more glad I didn't buy it now.
@MaccaMUFC cant imagine the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings going down too well in Japan. A Pacific based cod would be interesting (though iirc a large amount of World at War was set in the Pacific theatre), but I'm not sure they would be able to make fun gameplay out of what was effectively a show of force by way of vapourising civilians.
Still, interesting review. I'd say a definite 7 from what you've mentioned. I may pick this up at some point but not for a while yet.
@Johnnycide I can see it receiving a backlash, much like the “No Russian” mission in CoD: MW2 where you can massacre civilians at an airport but what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki played an important role in ending WW2, although some say it was the Soviet invasion of Manchuria that made the Japanese surrender, there’s been countless documentaries on TV about Hiroshima and Nagasaki where real graphic footage was shown of the victims in the aftermath of the bombs but it’s not okay to just drop one of the bombs and see the mushroom cloud in a game? 🤔
@MaccaMUFC Well, they removed all mentions of Nazis and Swastikas from CoD: WWII so as not to offend anyone.
Trust me, the campaign is good enough and it picks up after the second mission! The first two missions are so mediocre, my god!
The zombies mode is the really great part of this game!
MP is meh, it's cool that not everyone is jumping around walls and stuff but I don't feel like it's a MP like MW2 (the best one ever period) or the Black Ops one...
Anyway, 7 is a fitting score. 5 is the score they deserve for the server issues and making me mad.
@Tasuki Who did that? In the UK version you hear the word Nazi mentioned and the Swastikas was definitely all there to see, in most missions too.
@MaccaMUFC In multiplayer mode all mentions of Nazis and Swastikas are removed.
@MaccaMUFC it's a question of context. A documentary is there to inform as opposed to entertain; a game is there purely to entertain in the case of CoD. They could do it in modern warfare because it's a fictional storyline, this would be based on real events- which are still problematic for many- and could potentially cause a great deal of offence.
I know where you're coming from with it, but this is a level beyond "No Russian" as it would be a depiction of the most destructive attack in history, in the name of entertainment.
Agree 100% with you about Infinite Warfare, what a belter of a campaign, it was a close run thing with Titanfall 2 for coolest robot/mech in a videogame I thought.
@wiiware I really loved the BO1 story. I really like the COD in this time or in Vietnam. Then again the Modern Warfare stories had the most boring lead characters but i liked the multiplayer.
@Cpt_Price Yeah crimes against German's during WWII, that's like saying that a child murder shouldn't get the death penalty.
I’m so glad to read a review by someone who wasn’t paid off by Activision. Gamespot and Ign didn’t touch on some of the games issues and then sugar coated the issues they did report on.
The tech issues are a disgrace. I absolutely agree with you about the problems with the maps having too many paths and horrible spawns, and lastly the games overall catering to snipers. It’s not a horrible game at all but there were poor choices made to what could have been a much better game and a solid launch.
I played it for a few hours and tbh I expected more but I’m satisfied as well - all this hate about Infinite Warfare which i never understood by the way lead to high expectations and tbh WW2 is not the new Holy Grail - it plays like CoD should , the graphics are somewhat on the same level (although I was more impressed with the IW scenario), the game looks as great and polished as you can expect - haven’t got a chance to play much of the Campaign or Zombie mode so far but what Ive seen was typical COD - nothing shockingly new , but hmu a bit more immersive due to the „realistic historical setting / background“ - multiplayer overall was some good Fun for a few rounds. Many snipers and People that lay down as soon as they see you - welcome back good old days - no more double jump and sliding , but the gameplay still feels fast enough and precise - Weapons and Maps are good as far as I have seen. Still haven’t tried out Zombies or War Mode.
Haven’t had any lags or connectivity issues on any time I played , no long waiting in lobby or whatsoever. Big improvement over Infinte Warfare in this regard. The headquarter is a nice idea , especially that you can try out weapons.
I play on PS4 Pro with a 4K TV by the way and I have a pretty good connection overall.
I think the score for this is a bit too low lol haven’t fully experienced what all the game has to offer but just from what I’ve seen so far it deserves a higher rate. But yea , maybe cuz I’m a Fan of CoD - who knows - it’s more modern to hate on the series I know but I skip on that trend and rather enjoy the game
Finished the campaign over the weekend. It wasn't much better than OK. A score of seven is pretty much right.
@Flaming_Kaiser I heard bo1 and 2 story is good, if activision remaster bo 1&2, want to try it.
I wish they sold the single player bit separately on these things so I didn't have to wait like four years to play each one at a semi-reasonable price.
@get2sammyB Old review I know, but COD2 introduces health regeneration. It was only the original and pre-COD2 console “spin-offs” games that has health packs. So the part about health packs no health regen not been seen since COD2 isn’t accurate.
Probably give the campaign a go it will be the first cod since MW2 on PS3 I've been playing MW RM on PS4 but that don't count. I bet there's a crop load of MP trophies for it but I don't care for MP
Multiplayer is 10/10. This review is wrong. Significantly better multiplayer than modern warfare.
@Nakatomi_Uk It's the best campaign in the series IMO, maybe second only to COD2. I'd give it a 9/10 for the campaign personally, it's full of personality and action! MP doesn't interest me either, can't imagine it's anything outstanding but it may be one of the few COD games to change MP with the change of setting.
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