Republished on Wednesday 31st March, 2021: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of April 2021's PS Plus lineup. The original text follows.
The world comes for you is an incredibly apt slogan for Bend Studio’s apocalyptic sandbox. The latest in a long line of Sony-published story-driven exclusives, Days Gone doesn’t quite have the character of a Game of the Year contender like God of War, but it’s just about imaginative enough to set itself apart from the many open worlders already on the PlayStation 4 – even if it lifts ideas from virtually all of them.
As alluded to above, it’s the white-knuckle tension of the sizeable Oregon-inspired map that sets this debut current-gen effort apart. Playing as mercenary biker Deacon St. John, you’ll rarely feel truly equipped for what the world is about to throw at you. This means that preparation is key when you’re out in the field: run out of fuel or ammunition, and you’re going to find yourself Freaker fodder faster than you can say, “They’re zombies, actually!”
There’s just enough survival horror in this otherwise formulaic open world experience to distance it from the likes of Far Cry, and that can help to ease fatigue. The motorcycle is your sanctuary out in the field: the only place you can save, and the fastest means of escape. But it’s delicate: gas is in short supply, and one bad crash will leave you hunting for scrap. Actually tending to the bike is straightforward, but factoring it into your plans is essential.
The same is true of your artillery. Ammunition is generally easy to come by, but weapons are weak in the early exchanges, and the headline hordes are devastating. They’re so brutal, in fact, that the game takes its sweet time introducing the really deadly undead armies – it gives you some time to hone your craft, so that you can build traps and get creative with how you want to bring the bleeders down. All this preparation is the most entertaining part of the game.
Unfortunately, the missions don’t really involve enough of it. There are some excellent objectives here: some inspired by Uncharted as you work alongside another AI character, and others which subscribe to that popular “black box” style of design, where you have multiple opportunities in order to fulfil the task at hand. And then there are the fetch quests – so many fetch quests, many of which are anti-climactic and borderline inconsequential.
You can’t fault the effort that the developer’s invested here: it wants to go toe-to-toe with Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica and feast at the top table of PlayStation’s first-party developers. But the story drifts like its protagonist, wasting time with far too many sub-par supporting characters and trying your patience in the process. The cut-scenes look impressive, but the direction is sometimes weak and the script is as ham as a hog roast.
That’s not to say it’s bad by any stretch of the imagination: it’s entertaining in a popcorn flick kind of way. And there’s some cool lore here that will keep you engaged about the nature of the world that you inhabit: what actually happened to Oregon, and how do those still living survive without any good tattoo parlours lying around? It just takes far too long to get to the point sometimes, which may kill your interest all together.
This is a sizeable game, with multiple plot threads to uncover and a hearty selection of open world busy-work to keep you occupied. You’re looking at a good 30 hours to see the campaign through, and that’s going to be extended depending on how you play. Mechanically it’s dense enough to support many different play styles, so while stealth and caution is generally recommended, a guns-blazing approach is a possibility – assuming you have the requisite resources.
Perhaps second to the way the bike is implemented is just how many layers there are to the gameplay. There are encounters where you’ll need to clear out enemy camps, but if you want to get creative you can craft a little radio alarm and use it to alert nearby Freakers, pitching the living against the living dead. Of course, if you’re approaching during the day then there’ll be less zombies to leverage – but at night the larger swarms will generally be weaker.
It feels like there’s an ecology to the undead, which is neat. But there’s also a logic to the world itself, like the way snow muffles your footsteps or rain affects the handling of your chopper. It’s just a shame that the developer falls into copy-and-paste mission objectives, as tasks like eavesdropping on scientists in insta-fail stealth sections and burning down nests feel like they’re going through the motions – sometimes less is more, we’d suggest.
At least there’s plenty of eye candy to ogle while you’re ticking boxes, though, as at its best this is a visual feast. Naturally it never hits the highs of a Horizon: Zero Dawn, but the sandbox itself is extremely varied, spanning dense forests to deserts and snow-capped mountains. It’s a fun location to traverse with some unique, authentically American landmarks – it’s just a shame the framerate’s prone to failing as it streams in certain areas of the map.
Bugs can be problematic as well – at least in the review build we played. One side-quest completely glitched out on us, rendering it unsolvable; clipping, sound issues, and other minor technical hiccups also detracted from our experience. The game generally suffers from a lack of direction at times, too: we don’t expect to have our hand held every step of the way, but when you’re running around in circles looking for the entrance to a bunker for 25 minutes, we’d argue that’s dodgy design.
There’s heart here that’s easy to admire, though. Forgive us for trotting out clichés in order to accommodate a more favourable rating, but you really feel Bend Studio poured its all into this project. Beyond the long load times and the occasional signs of creative bankruptcy, there’s something here – a moreish kind of comfort food, with just enough identity of its own to set it apart from its many contemporaries.
Days Gone’s survival horror underbelly gives it just enough personality to distance it from the dozens of other open worlders already available. A dense selection of overlapping gameplay mechanics make for entertaining action, even if the title’s unremarkable mission design doesn’t always make the best of them. The story can drift, and the overall package isn’t quite as polished as its PS4 exclusive counterparts – but as far as gaming comfort food goes, you could feast on much worse snacks than this.
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Comments 196
Didn't expect that but hey picking it up anyways.
this game got 72 on Metacritic is not good sign.. Sony Bend studio is medicore
I'll obviously answer any questions you may or may not have about the game, so feel free to shout at me.
Hmm about what I expected, if perhaps a little disappointing. I'm hoping it'll click with me as I feel this will be one of those games that some people adore while others just see it as a bit "meh".
a 7 eh?
alright i can see why tbh.
still getting the game delivered tomorrow though !
and to all the obvious incoming bait coments the usual suspects will have over a PS exclusive that scores under an 8,just go and play crackdown 3 or something.
Good review - feels very fair. I think I will miss this at launch just because of being burnt out on open world games but i will give this a go at some point to support Sony Bend and because I do love the look of the hordes.
I was hyped because it had some RDR2 vibes but after seeing some awful wolves animation, running faster than his bike....I'm like Naah. Plus I read he can't change for real? Mafia 3 in its early days all over again. With the same just the ONE bike... I'll just stick to RDR2.
Eh, it’s what I expected tbh. Maybe in a sale after PS5 launches. Without a Pro, these games feel like a wasted opportunity anyway.
7 seems about the middle of the road amongst the reviews I have seen so far. I hoped it would have averaged around an 8 or so as I expected the game to perform better after all the delays and more fleshed out, more variety to the mission structure.
Of course I will make up my own mind when I get round to playing my copy and, after hearing that they have 'plans' to add things to this, I hope that they fix the performance first!!
Seeing as I don't play many open world games (...I think Horizon is the last one I bought?) I still might get this sooner or later
@get2sammyb is it good or medicore game ?
Not that there's anything wrong with a 7, but I was kinda hoping Bend had a few tricks up there sleeve with this game. Their past games are great and they've been working on this for years 😔
Nice review, though the game looks pretty derivative, I've remained fairly interested as I generally like the style and gameplay elements described. I like the idea of having a bike as a consistent save point, certainly interested in trying the game out, though perhaps not at launch. I'm still playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which is massive...
@TheLastOfUs2 Read the review.
My main concern is the performance of the game. I hope they can patch up the glitches and stabilize the frame rate. Other than that, this looks like a fun "guilty pleasure " type of game. The studio appears to be prepared to support the game quite a bit after launch so hopefully it will improve over time.
This was always gonna be a 7 imo, though anything higher would have been a (welcome) nice surprise. May get it when it drops in price. Tbh I’m more hyped for Rage 2, which is only a few weeks away now.
Great review. Thank you.
It’s about what I would have guessed. Good but not excellent. I, like many, feel I’ve got plenty of third person open world action games to suit me until Days Gone is on the cheap.
I was expecting that.... from all the previews/gameplays I have seen it always looked very generic and I never really got hooked.
Bargain bin for me.
@Nightcrawler71 the same for me.
Rage 2 looks like Doom Gun/Gameplay meet Borderlands crazyness and I am totally sold on that
Not shocking, still interested in this game, seems like a perfect holiday pickup when it'll be $25. Thanks for the review!
Surprised at the amount of bugs I'm hearing about. Seems like they've had ages to polish this game.
Well I just brought chrono trigger on the ds from cex today for 40 quid so a part of me is glad this wasn't great as it now further confirms I made the right choice
Sounds like the game should have been delayed more than the initial release date. Does not sound like there is any real innovation in the game condsidering the amount of time they had to work on the game. Glad I picked up World War Z instead. Would consider picking it up when it hits the £20 mark and if they iron out the bugs.
I expect better but I’m still interested in playing this game, although maybe not on day one.
This is about what i expected from when this was first announced. It always felt like they were pushing size, scale and numbers above enjoyment (not to say enjoyment wont be had). Bend have always been best at their curated, linear stuff like syphon filter and uncharted, and so whilst the ambition cant be faulted, it was a big step up. Definitely see this one flying under the radar and being a cult classic of the genre though (like gun for westerns).
Look forward to giving it a try at some point. The backlog is too huge at the moment to be picking up on release though
@MonkeyDLuffy19 crumbs is that a rare find now then? I swear i paid 30 pounds on release. Absolutely brilliant game (and a great port)
See you in two years time when you're £11.99, Days Gone!
A 7/10......
I willl wait till its been dicounted heavily under a tenner next year maybe, in no rush to get this game.
Last Physical copy I purchased was Red Redemption 2 and was disappointingly easy.
Digital was Far cry 5 add ons 4 a tenner with far cry 3 too so with the money I saved I purchased Far Cry Primal should keep me busy till "WILD" get's released.
As allways a trusted review.
Good review @get2sammyb
With my huge back log I think I will be picking this up later in the year, still yet to get past the first Act in RDR2!
Now I am just waiting for all the articles on the web about how single player games are dead in the water because of the average reviews for Days Gone 🤣
Not surprising, games like Mad Max/Far Cry/Dying Light etc don’t really do it for me and this seems to fall into a similar category so it’s probably a 4/5 out of 10 from my perspective. Still, I’m compelled to give it a go when it’s £15 or something.
It feels weird to hear of a first-party game, years in development having rendering issues on matured hardware so close to the culmination of the generation.
I know this is Bend's first PS4 game, but still.
On the gameplay review front, it's about what I expected.
Good review @get2sammyb
I'll wait until the game is on sale in the future. I still have a few others games, along with MK11, to finish in the meantime.
I'm getting Ready at Dawn flashbacks here. Two companies who made great PSP/Vita games but struggled on PS4. I hope Sony don't close Bend :/
Great review. Had a feeling this may fall a little short of Sony's usual standard. I'm still planning on picking it up but I was never gonna get it on day one. Even if it was a 9/10. I'll pick it up when it's around £20.
It's worth remembering that a day 1 probably fixes most of the bugs. I hope not many people put off by the score cos it'll be a sad state of affairs if 7 out of 10 games don't sell.
Why do people keep saying 7/10 is a bad thing? Considering it's Sony Bends first ps4 outing I'd say its done a great job. I was never expecting them to compete with naughty dog, santa Monica or guerrilla as they have had plenty of console experience. Still a better exclusive than some experienced studios have made cough the orderunconvincing cough
Looking forward to playing it but with my backlog teetering on the edge of an abyss, I think I will wait for the inevitable price drop and subsequent patches.
7 still a good score but not in the same league as most of the PlayStation exclusive ,glad I didn't pre-order will wait for a price drop as better open world games out there at the moment , red dead 2 and the gift that keeps giving assassin's creed odessey, 70 hours in and still seems no end in site and good DLC and great free content.
the Xbox fan bois are having a field day with this , Sony was bound to have a stinker, u cnt win them all..
I'm not surprised the internet is divided tbh. It's not a game for everyone.
Thank you for the review but I wish it spent more time detailing gameplay than sounding jaded.
The review seems very fair. Even handed with regard to the positives and negatives of the game. A 7 is far from a bad score and it sounds like a good dose of “summer movie” may not stay with you for long after you’ve finished it, but it’s a blast while it lasts. I’m sure I’ll give it a try, but it won’t jump the line on other games I’m whittling away at, like RDR2 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
Solid review. Lines up with abouuuut what I expected. I've played games lower scored than this and still ended up liking--even loving--those games.
At the end of the day it's about what I like, and I think I'm gonna like this one.
As someone from Oregon I am excited for this
About what I expected. Not horrible but not on par with Spiderman, God of War, Horizon and so on. Im sure Bend can make the sequel a notable improvement on PS5 if Sony lets them.
Lets be honest the first Uncharted was far from perfect afterall.
@Danloaded I speak for myself but I presume mine is a common sentiment.
I am not saying that 7 = crappy game.
I am saying that 7= given my huge backlog and the fact that the game seems nothing special, I can wait, reducing the backlog and pick it up second hand or on a sale...
HI Sammy.
What are the difficulty modes like.? Your saying the freakers are tough. You playing on hard? How bike handling like vs modes? How are the saving points?
Always looked to be an 7/10.
As expected. Will probably pick it up once heavily discounted.
@Rob_230 The price varies on ebay so its in the middle but its just nice to own a physical copy although I was originally going to buy a switch game but thought it's chrono trigger no regrets
Disappointing! This is one of the higher scored reviews I have seen. Many other reviews gave it a 5 or 6. This year could be the worst of Sony exclusives if TLOU Part 2 doesn't release this year. GOT and Death Stranding are most likely next year.
Ouch a 7? Reading the review felt like an 8 (not that it matters)!
But thanks for the read, I will spend the rest of the day thinking about buying this day one or not
It's a 7 far from a stinker!
I’ll probably end up getting this later, I still have some games I need to take care of.
@get2sammyb purely subjective but do you think the middling reviews hurts Bends budget or scope for next project. Even if it sells well enough Sony seems to be a stickler for overall quality. Something this game seems to lack
Don’t care about “review” scores at all ..
I’m picking up the collectors edition with all the bells and whistles that comes with it tomorrow !
Yeah !! Best weekend in a long time ,
Cobra Kai season 2 + Days Gone ..
Life is good 👍
@get2sammyb. A fair enough review. Concerning the "review" code, I take it this was before the reports of a 17gb+ bug fix patch 1.03 coming in ahead of day 1 release occurred? Like @JJ said, are there GOW, HZD style tiered difficulties to enjoy the story enough?
Also,do you feel that it might be a decent enough game but get overtly judged due to the high standards of last years exclusives?
This kind of confirms everything I've seen about the game since it was announced. It just looks like yet another decent by the numbers open world game with a gimmick and I suspect The Last of Us 2 will blow this out of the water. As for now I have my zombie fix with the excellent Resident Evil 2 and my open world needs are currently catered for with a combination of Witcher 3, RDR2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey so I'll give this one a miss.
Sony have had a great run though and no doubt will have many future stellar titles
I always felt this would be a little too hyped compared to the final product.
It seems like a game I'll love, but maybe not at release/full price.
@get2sammyb hey Sammy, this is a semi-random question but in combat do you have the option to toggle between shoulder viewpoints while using a gun or are you limited to the over the shoulder view on the right side? I like being able to switch shoulders while playing, although I typically use the right side
Great review @get2sammyb I'll be giving this a go when it's on sale next year sometime!! How was the human enemy AI? In the video clip you loaded it looked a bit dodgy?
@JJ2 Read as if Sammy was jaded on the gameplay to me, which speaks volumes.
Disappointed myself. The early previews grabbed me, but like others I found everything since underwhelming. Was hoping the final product would pull something out of the bag, but it doesn't seem to have managed it. Bigly shame.
a 7 is a good score so I don't know what people are talking can be a 7 for pushsquare.but I can play days gone and it's a 8 or 9 for me.i play the surge and I l💖ve that game.the surge gets a 8 from me.some people don't like hard games.i welcome hard games.word up son
@PaperyWhiteBoy since when a 7 is a bad it yourself.dont listen to reviewers if you like a game.word up son word
@Kidfried I think a 6 can still be a good game i have quite a few of those in my collection. Skyrim is praised everywhere and that game was a trainwreck on the PS3.
@get2sammyb would any of the recent “post” launch patches affect your score? Asking since they supposed fix quite a few bugs in the last 2 updates.
7 out of 10 and people treating it like its a 2 out of 10 stay away, wait for it to be 99p come on there's actually a lot of 9 and high 8 scores on meta aswell.
I remember driveclub getting 5 and 6 out 10 score and some reviews saying terrible graphics and gameplay well the games graphics were amazing from day one and the gameplay was exact as advertised and in between sim and arcade racer the problem was its online function didn't work crazy how many reviews never mentioned that, 5 and 6 scored and its probably ps4s best racer
@get2sammyb Can i ask what patch you had i saw 1.04 is out already? Im getting my copy tomorrow.
Huh no?
I mean i cant help feeling a bit sorry for Bend because it seems review scores are important for studios. Reviews arent ever going to tell me if a game is good or bad as a fact and even less tell me what I like.
I just like to find some useful information helping enjoy my game more which I dont find much here
pass, i'm done with these run of the mill open world games, don't care if its a sony exclusive. Bring on rage 2!!!
@arnoldlayne83 a fair point and one I agree with but I see alot of people downright crap on a game these days if it's not a 9. I know we want every game to be brilliant but I've had plenty of fun with games that were rated 6/7 out of ten. Just dunno when the internet decided that a 7 isn't good enough anymore. Just a pet peeve is all.
The first review I read so far. Seems you're the first, Sammy.
@pimpjuice It's not a stinker. Everyone's lost their minds today. Geez.
This game could of been scored even lower than a 7 and I’d still get it, I just know I’m going to enjoy it anyway as it’s my kind of game.
@get2sammyb What is the open world like to explore? Are there buildings like houses and shops you can go into for shelter and to scavenge? I like open world games where I can soak in the atmosphere and check out all the little details, like the contents inside of a house/shop.
For some reason I usually have fun with mediocre open-worldies so I'm gonna check this out once the price is down.
Read the Digital Foundry 'review', seems to be running pretty steady on there which is good news...
@playstation1995 I know 7’s not a bad score son. My response is based on the apparently unanimous agreement between reviewers that the gameplay, beyond the horde encounters, and the story are bland and generic. That’s disappointing to me so I’ll probably pick it up down the line. Peaceout
@JJ2 I find it quite challenging on Normal; haven't tried the other settings. I like the way the bike handles personally. Save points are limited to safe spaces/your bike (there are also random checkpoints). I think it's a good system that maintains tension without being frustrating.
@Kanji-Tatsumi I think Bend will be fine. They'll have learned a lot on this project, and I expect it to sell well.
@roe It's quite big in scope so I'm not massively surprised by the bugs. There's actually a lot going on under the hood.
@Kidfried There are definite similarities to Mad Max, yes.
@d_philly33 Yes, you can! You press X when aiming.
@R1spam It's not amazing but they do flank you. More fun is the way you can set Freakers against humans and vice versa.
@shafedog247 No.
@PaperyWhiteBoy Not jaded at all. I actually really like the gameplay loop and have been thinking about the game when I've not been playing it. I enjoyed it. 7/10 is a good score.
@Flaming_Kaiser I reviewed on 1.03.
@MaccaMUFC Yes, there's lots of that. You'll enjoy that aspect of the game for sure by the sounds of things.
I should add that the music is excellent as well!
I'm going to trust my gut on this one and I'm still going to buy it. Maybe this is one of those times when I disagree with the reviewers. After all I will never understand why they give Far cry games as high marks as they do.
OMG guys, 7/10 is NOT even close to a bad score. Give me a break...
Division 2 got a 7 from PS as well and that's my current GOTY. People are freaking out over nothing haha.
just as expected. anyone who was expecting another 1st party masterpiece wasn't paying attention. hopefully bend won't be shut down after this effort... gamespot gave this game a 5/10!!! sales will be the deciding factor now.
@get2sammyb Lets hope this new patch fixes some more stuff they fixedthe Witcher 3 quite good. Thanks for the info anyways. 😁
I think the open world game these days suffers more from its genre being overpopulated rather than if its a good experience. I'm bored to tears from Multiplayer games and prefer these types of games, despite their similarities. Pre ordered it digitally, can't wait to play it. Sammy's review sounds well rounded, a 7 is far more positive than some of the other reviews floating around out there. Words in other reviews include "mediocre", "bland" etc. The only bit I'm concerned with is that there are apparently forced repetitive stealth bits that are quite hard? apart from the usual "7? Ugh! PASS!" (I know, backlogs and all) now we're closing a studio because a game got a 7?
@jFug gamespot gave this game a 5/10!!!
@Lurker gamespot gave this game a 5/10!!! and no, sales will be the deciding factor now if they get shut down or not. sadly, this effort will push people away from purchasing the game.
About what I expected - solid but not mindblowing. Don't think it's for me as nothing about it has really clicked on a narrative or gameplay level, but it might well be one of those games I watch some let's plays for. Anyone thinking a 7 is a bad score though is out of their damn minds.
Whelp, that was just about review and score I was expecting. It looks technically impressive and looks like it has some fun elements to it, but it just doesn't do much to distance itself enough from other open-world or zombie-style games for me. I might pick it up down the road when it's a bit cheaper but I have many other games to play throughout the next few months.
@FrequentlyFreaky sweet, thanks for reminding me about Cobra Kai season 2 😎
We were spoilt last year with so many great games releasing but I have a fear especially after reading this review that this year is ok but nothing special. Realistically all the big games people are looking forward to tlou2 and cyberpunk etc will release next year so this won't be a vintage year
@Kidfried that game was good , unfortunately It came out the same time as MGSV and got buried.
I hope this doesn't put Bend on the chopping block = /
@Get2sammyb I thought this was a really good and balanced review
@Porco are you serious? i have to look it up.
Well, I said from the first trailer that the game is a "piece of trash"(personal comment).
I mean, cloning games are usually like this.
Sony knew it too. that's why they showed like 2 hours of gameplay on GI.
it's kind of sad to see an AAA game failed. it was obvious, but somehow everyone decided to reject the fact that the studio didn't make any games on last GEN.
we should give the studio a second chance. they made this game after like 10 years of nothing.
It's really sad when the games industry and gamers give that much power to some individuals according to their own 'feelings' about a game.
@get2sammyb Sweet! It’s nice to be able to have the option to toggle between shoulders, glad that’s in there!
@Aspergillus Come on, man! It's not trash and it's not a clone. I feel like people lose all perspective sometimes.
@get2sammyb how does game run when fighting giant hordes?
This will probably be a game I buy for 20 bucks, so I won’t feel bad if I don’t complete it.
I'm locked in at this point because I pre-order the digital deluxe edition. It's open world, zombies, story driven. I enjoyed Dead Rising 3, and going outside the genre I've enjoyed games like Darksiders 3, Crackdown 3 and The Order 1886. As long as the game is fun to play that's all I'm looking for here.
Never really had high expectations from the day it was announced and have been saying I wish Bend made a new Syphon Filter instead. Hopefully this game sells well enough that they get that chance. Or a chance to redeem themselves with a Days Gone 2. Don't want another unfortunate situation like what happened to Evolution.
@MonkeyDLuffy19 you are totally right. Incredible game worth owning physically 😁
It's quite reasonable. I hear next gen, meta critics and Gamespot will be owned by Skynet. If reviews scores less than 8, a drone will be sent to treat the studio and terminate it.
@Danloaded not disrespecting what you say (i agree that a 7/10, heck even a 6/10 can be excellent games), but i think thats a little unfair on ready at dawn. Yes the order was by all accounts a let down, but id argue they are less established than sony bend. They had only worked on psp (daxter, god of war ghost of sparta/chains of olympus) and a couple of console ports prior to the order. Their firat release was 2006! And they got that out on a brand new system near launch when everyone was still trying to work out its quirks. Id be interested to see what they come out with with a few more years experience. Bend meanwhile have been a playstation studio from the start (1996).
JUST my 2 cents. Im not disagreeing with the points you have made
Btw, love your avatar
@get2sammyb i agree with you in your response to aspergillus. But sites like Eurogamer dont help. The headline of their review is "Days Gone review - a shallow copy of many better open-world action games"
After 3 years of excitement about this game I have decided that the most meaningful review will come from myself in due course... I’ve really enjoyed being hyped about this game and while I have read a lot of reviews about it so far (1st being here) I remain psyched to be able to play it tonight. I guess I must add that the only open world games I’ve played are HZD which I really enjoyed and RDR on ps3 which became overshadowed by Last of Us... so Days Gone should present some new things to me?
I feel like I’m missing something. A 7 is a good score. If you glance at the review breakdown over on Metacritic, the majority of critic reviews have been positive. Some of the comments here are treating the game like it’s been universally panned. What I’m taking away is that it’s an enjoyable, solid experience, but not on the level of some titles that really changed/influenced the open world genre as a whole. Not everything has to be industry altering to be worthwhile.
We’ve been so spoilt with high quality PS4 exclusives up until now it feels a bit of a shock for a game to “only” get a 7!
Anyway I remember The Order scoring below expectations and I loved it so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this too...
Eurogamer thinks Spyro is a Dark Soul game if that helps 😎
" Not everything has to be industry altering to be worthwhile." doesn't mean i'm still going to pay for cookie cutter mediocrity, that talking point never makes sense to me..
@Dodoo only thing I found wrong with The Order was that it was too short.
@JJ2 😂😂
@get2sammyb Thanks for the review. Can a player get plenty of enjoyment from simply exploring the environment? Is there plenty of collectables, wildlife and natural landmarks to keep them engaged? I expected the story to be cheese, but hoping for some quality exploration off of the main path.
@youreyesonly00 Fair enough. Far be it from me to encourage someone to purchase something that’s a bland waste of time. But...I guess my disconnect is that the most of the reviews I’ve read don’t seem to paint Days Gone in that light. The game seems to have flaws in its current state, but it also appears to offer a compelling experience in many respects, one that seems notably different from The Last of Us. I guess I’m just not perceiving the game as being of poor, or even mediocre quality, based on the majority of what I’ve read. But, everyone has a different measure of what’s worth playing.
Thanks btw. I got intrigued and started to read EG review and they go 'oh no, a lady would never go on a stranger s bike..' etc. Stopped reading but I can't stop laughing haha
@get2sammyb The real problem with gamers is they take anything less than an 8 as bad. It's like people don't think for themselves anymore, and just depend on review scores. "It got a 72? Canceling preorder!" It's quite hilarious in a way, but also sad that people are that way. Personally speaking, I'm still getting it despite some flaws it will have. From your review and other sites that I trust, I'm confident that it'll still be worth playing.
@Rob_230 valid points mate and thanks for the avatar compliment lol honestly it was just the first disappointing exclusive that came to mind.
Standards have changed because outside of PushSquare I rarely see reviewers use the full 10-point scale, the average is an 8/10 these days and pretty much any game can expect to get that as long as its 'woke' enough and matches with Western reviewers politics. If not, they lazily slap anything from a 4/10 or 7/10 and pretend they're being tough, legitimate critics and call it a day. That's why I no longer trust any other outlets. This is the only one where if a game gets a 7 I'm still ok making the purchase because a 7 here actually does mean good, it's the only place left that reviews games like they used to get reviewed back in the 90s and early 00s before game journalism became the complete fake activist nonsense it is today.
Sounds like the kind of game that I should wait a while before getting. Give the devs time to squash plenty of the bugs and possibly add new content.
@TheLastOfUs2 I'm going to go with 'medicore' because as a word, it sounds totally badass.
I've only read as far as... 'Days Gone doesn’t quite have the character of a Game of the Year contender like God of War'. This has now got me interested in a game, which beforehand, I'd dismissed.
I'm looking forward to reading more of the review, for more positive reasons to consider purchasing.
*Edit: 10 mins later, and I've read the rest of the review. It sounds (reads) like a bag of predictable boring poo and I won't be buying. Thanks for the review, and for helping me to make an informed decision. Much appreciated.
I saw Rebecca loved the game but posted her review on Daily Star instead of Pushsquare. Damn haha
@JJ2 Thanks for the heads-up, I'm gonna go and read it on the Star. However, make sure that you don't post any 'no-ad' YT video game footage, or you could be moderated for spamming
@youreyesonly00 Well, that's simply your opinion. If you think it's mediocrity, then simply don't buy it. I think we get it already. Lol.
@Gamer83 Agreed. Can't say I always agree with every review on this site or any other reputable site, but I do take the time to read before just looking at a rating score. I don't think many really do that often these days, and it kinda shows when you see comments like some on here. Is it really that much of a chore to read around before deciding on purchasing a product? I think what you said is spot on. People just have high expectations nowadays.
@InsertUsername Aww, I've got my pitchfork ready and was looking forward to joining a popular mob... Then you come along and say (write) something sensible.
@JJ2 P.S. I've just read the review over at the Star, and it's now put me back on the fence about purchasing. I keep telling myself that other people's opinions are just made-up things, like Elves and Eskimos, yet they still sway me.
Anyway, thanks once again for the alternative pov.
@Hengist I think it's always best to go with your gut on any purchase, but it's nice to read honest opinions if you're on the fence.
@Hengist I think the game is a perfect representation of such a situation. The Freakers being that popular mob, and Deacon that rare person who dared to say something sensible.
Actually, that's quite an interesting analogy, Mad Max scores hovered around 7 and despite its flaws, I had a fab time. I have bought Days Gone anyway as my son wants to play it, but I feel confident I will enjoy the game.
I love the description of 'open world comfort food', it does a great job of setting my expectations as a gamer who loves open world games.
I have to get Maximo on PS2 out of the way first and then I hope to jump into Days Gone.
Hmm and I was being accused of being negative because it didn't seem like a great game. Seems like all my concerns were right that it won't be a great game.
But I gotta say, the reviews was lack luster and missing key elements. It needs deep details on bike handling mechanics, gun combat and melee combat. No real info on how exploring is or how the big horde missions work etc. You really didn't say much but generally how you feel about it. Luckily there are better detailed reviews out there.
That being said I watched a lot of reviews to see exactly the good and bad aspects and have come the conclusion that it's seems an ok enough of a game that can be a bit fun. So to me this will be a buy when it goes on big sale and bugs get patched. So I'll get it, eventually.
After much thought, I went ahead and purchased this, despite my backlog. I always say "Vote with your wallet", which I have done multiple titles (most recently Battlefront 2, Fallout 76 and Anthem), so I'm offering support for a decent game (currently a 72 on Metacritic with 81 reviews) that just happens to not be God of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Horizon, etc. Hopefully Bend can follow up with something awesome!
@Kidfried I say it every chance I get. Mad Max is one of my favorite games of this gen. Open world but with direction. Every mission felt important Fun in unconventional ways. The car combat was amazingly fun.
@InsertUsername i'd practice what i preach, wont lose sleep on not purchasing this game...
@InsertUsername why not have high expectations with so much s*** ve churned out of these gaming studios?
Language please! - Quintumply
@dd8900 I didn't get Mad Max till it was free on psn+ but when I did I really enjoyed it. Free games are always better, but the car combat was a blast. That game engine with a modern day remake of Autoduel would be awesome.
The game is amazing to me so far, 8 hours in and already getting last of us feels from it.
60% of the scores are 75 and above which shows it is a good game but not a great game.
That's the problem with people nowadays, it either has to be a master piece or its trash, there is no in between.
@youreyesonly00 There's nothing to practice. What I said was a perfectly sound point. You just got defensive over it. Not sure what your point was in your last sentence. Makes no difference to me on whether you lose sleep or not.
@youreyesonly00 Cause having high expectations is exactly why people often end up disappointed. It also sets up unrealistic ones at that. Not every product you purchase will always be what you hoped. That's life and always will be. Lol. Even I'm not expecting a masterpiece, and that's okay. Not every game has to be. I'm positive that I'll get my enjoyment out of it despite shortcomings.
Just an FYI, you're on ignore for me now. No offense, but I find it better to avoid people who are far off from my wave length. Have a good one.
Why everybody talking like 7 is a bad score or the end of the world lol. One of my fav game, gravity rush 2, score 7 and I enjoyed it. I think this game will sell better than gravity rush 2, reviewer maybe bored with open world, zombie, and “buff, white male protagonist” but most people don’t.
@InsertUsername high quality & masterful products are completely different. sad you have to put me on ignore, people are truly sensitive nowadays over discourse. The internet has produced a myriad of cowardly people...
@Rob_230 At least they managed to resist the urge to say the game doesn't do enough for trans rights. Maybe they're improving.
I agree with your feeling about this review content. People keep saying 'good review' but that's not helping. I respect the reviewer and I'm sure genuine feedback are what he wants to hear.
Thing is you get jumped on for saying something a bit negative about a site, review by the fans even more than if it was about the typical console wars (on any site)
Now people are going to say I'm salty or something but whatever haha
Glad to hear. Im waiting for Amazon delivery. See though, your saying you find the game amazing but on the other hand you r saying the game is not great because reviews. Haha. It's sad when reviews have that much power on people's mind. Not a dig at you man but just some thoughts of mine 😎
We all get caught in some way at some point. I remember when I first played The Order 1886, I was not enjoying the game as much as I should have because I was looking at flaws way too much. Enjoyed the game a lot better when I replayed it later. Its a classic in my collection now haha
The scoring arguments here and all over the net is why I never care about scores. It leads to mess of "it deserves a 7 not a 6.5" etc and either defending the numbers or gloating. You HAVE to read why it got the score. Ever notice how people complain about a score but rarely complain about the content behind the score?
Take a new Bloodborne game and supposes it quite easy. Those who love the past games will score it maybe a 5. But Im terrible at those games so easier would be more fun so I'd give it an 8. See how the score is useless without context?
It is like Whose Line is it Anyway, the points don't matter.
Having played the game a few hours it actually exceeded my expectations. The gameplay is tight and the visuals are impressive but the biggest issue with the game seems to be the desicion to use a 3rd party engine which resulted in long loading, framerate issues and no ingame cut scenes which kills the immersion a bit but outside of that id say 7.5 is appropriate but a inhouse engine could have this game in a 8-9 territory
should be a 8 has its not got boring mulitplayer
sammy scored detroit:become human (the last game i bought) a 7/10, and i really enjoyed that, though i know that's a rather different type of game than this. i'll be honest, i think sammy has reviewed this without finishing half the game. powerpyx (who's got the platinum guide up already!) says the story is about 60 hours long on easy (the map of all 6 regions looks pretty sizeable), and 80 if you do all the camp sidequests.. that kind of length is as off-putting to me as a middling score.
@JJ2 I never said that? I said it is amazing to me so far, I couldn't care less about peoples opinions on games, they don't decide which games I like or buy.
I meant there are so many people, not me, that look at the final number and just assume well its not in the 80s so it must be straight trash. They wont look closely and see that the majority of reviews, 60% think the game was good but not great and there is nothing wrong with that.
Interesting. Thanks. I had no idea really what to expect from this game, review wise, as it seems a lot like other games out there already. It's another one that i might pick up somewhere down the line, when it's in the £20 - £30 price range; but then for every 10 games that i say that about, i usually only pick up one or two in the end
Couple of hours in and I'm really enjoying it. Handling the bike will take a bit of getting used to. Testing the Freakers detection system just now. If they are feeding on something they don't seem to be aware your there.
Is there a plot point that the Freakers vision is based on movement or something? Because during a stealthy bit there they were looking right at me but not rushing me?
Ok cool. I dont give a 8k how many % reviews think its something though haha.
I just got delivered from amaz. Im so glad I went for steelcase instead of digital. Its awesome. Game is downloading but only problem is I just got some Sim expansion for daughter s birthday so I may have to wait a few more hours to play DG. Kids holiday still
@JJ2 They have been pretty negative about this game for a long time now so I wouldn't take much notice of them. Also it's a pretty poor review overall and i'm not talking about the score.
Took a day off for this release... I was a little worried from the polarized reviews but a few hours in and I’m loving it. It seems to have some good depth.
This game had some negative press from day one... and it seemed it never recovered.
I hope Bend Studio get the chance to build on this release and offer an ever better game next time... I like their vision and I’d be sad the « low » metacritic score translate to low sales and pushes Sony to close them.
I agree with those comparing it to Mad Max. It feels like we might have a cult classic on our hands!
I'm on the first mission and loving it so far. It is exactly what I expected, and exactly why I pay no attention to review scores.
@JJ2 I'd say you're spot on. Not a knock on anyone, but I do believe that most people who read reviews across many sites tend to let scores dictate what they should or shouldn't like. At least with this review and some others, they're at least being honest and not knocking on the game. The rest tend to stay within status quo.
@Paranoimia I normally pay attention to what is said within reviews, rather than looking at a score. Scores are pretty pointless when what you read tells you so much more.
@InsertUsername For some games (and this is one of them) I don't even read the text, as I know I'll like it regardless.
But if I'm on the fence about a game, I will - like you - read the text to find out more detail about the mechanics of the game. The score, however, is always irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. I've loved games which are relatively low-rated (such as The Order: 1886) and completely ignored highly-rated games (such as RDR2).
Uh i dont get the is just freakin gorgeous and totally has my attention. I actually like Deacons lack of empathy. Its kinda refreshing knowing your vessel is tits up about wrecking shop. Shew whee!!
@get2sammyb I have completely lost sound for my bike and combat. Did this happen to you? I tried to quit and reload didn't help.
@Splat On the Digital Foundry analysis, over at Eurogamer, they reported something similar happening. Hope it may help, but I don't recall them offering any solution, apart from restarting (which you've already tried).
@Splat I didn’t experience that bug myself but I know others have.
Though I was going to put it off, I got the game and played couple of hours... I really like the environmental effects of rain and wind, the combat seems fairly standard. Had some crashes but may have been as I was still waiting to download 1.4 patch.
One other odd moment occurred when a character was radioing me, while I was standing next to that very same character in the world and they were completely inactive. Stuff like that, while not particularly important, detracts from the 'realistic' tone the game is going for.
First impression is, its not quite up to the polish of those other 1st party games. Will keep playing though, certainly aspects I do like.
@Splat I heard on ACG review that only solution is to start a new game..... :/
@arnoldlayne83 It came back but the audio as a whole is a bit of a mess in this game. Sometimes Deacon yells his lines and I'm like why is he yelling? Sometimes I fire my gun and there is no sound?
That being said I'm still enjoying the game...
@Splat yeah, Ive also had two people radioing him at the same time... which was confusing. I'm also still enjoying the game though. Its at update 1.5 at the moment, so guess they are working to improve those glitches.
Come on men !!give one more point , this game is a Solid 9 or 8.5 , i respect your review but 7 ?
I'm surprised for these scores. This game goes similar ways like hzd or tomb raider. For me best was hzd. Next is days gone and last tomb raider(rise of the ...). But don't take it bad. I had lot of fun with tomb raider, but it didn't catch my heart. It was very good game. Days gone isn't as polished as hzd (or h
Gow) , but catched my heart. I like story, mechanics, graphics and the tension. It's like TLOU in open world. Ok not so much polished but similar experience. For me something between 8.5 and 9.
I think this game looks better and is better hzd. Kind of a poor review, this game is dope AF
@TheLastOfUs2. Obvious troll, xbox as a whole is garbage. Days gone is better than any xbox exlusive EVER lmfao
@Porco except reviewers really screwed the pooch with these garbage reviews. This game is GOTY material
@carlos82 this game is better than the last of us gtfo
@bbauer36 it's just not though, not even close. A 7 is about right for this, it's a decent game with some good ideas but not up there with the best of this generation
@bbauer36 highly doubt it is goty material... not by a longshot. also, the game was patched about 12 times since release, so that fixed a lot of the performance problems/bugs etc. it is a better game now than it was on release date so perhaps that could have afforded it a 1 point increase across the review board in many cases.
Has anyone been experiencing any performance issue on PS4 Pro for days gone? I have encountered numerous frame drops, stuttering, and glitches. Boy I had high hopes for this game just like God of war and Spiderman but the performance just makes it bad for me and its also unavoidable. Please anyone provide suggestion to fix this if they had same issue.
@wardener007 An SSD... The thing the "Pro" should've had by default. - It probably smooths out stutters, as it loads the world in the background from a sluggish little hard drive, and will definitely cut down on loading times.
I don't know if they've optimized anything about the game in the mean time, possibly, but if you have a stock PS4 Pro, you shouldn't be surprised about hangups with a game like this.
Myself I will get at least a 2TB SSD of proper speed and load all games onto it, and there's nothing more you can really do to "fix" performance issues. I'll hold off on even purchasing Days Gone until I have an SSD for it.
Not that many will read this now, but as a latecomer to the game, I have to say I'm thoroughly impressed. Playing on a vanilla system I've had a very stable experience with only the occasional audio glitch (late) to break the immersion slightly.
What has impressed me is the environment and weather handling. The transition from wet to dry, day to night, fog to storm and snow are superb. Haven't seen puddles that look at good out natural in a game like this, and the snow effects and the subtlety of which they blend in at... How did that not get mentioned in the review?
The game actively encourages invention, whilst constantly keeping you in your toes. I'd recommend playing on hard difficulty for a much grittier experience. Even the simplest encounter in the wilderness can get you killed which creates an understanding of your survivability on a minute by minute basis.
I think this game reviewed at a time when it was good to take shots at Sony. Death Stranding faired similarly. But to me, a good game is a good game and this is definitely a good game.
I'd give it an 8.5, with no doubt the PS5 4K 60fps version ramping up to a 9.
And wait until you encounter the hordes. Prepare to be terrified!! 🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️
@billyboyblue666 I loved it on my Pro and it's AMAZING on PS5. Seriously, it looks like a native PS5 game.
Honestly a 9, and if you overlook a few cosmetic and animation issues then maybe a 10. The story and gameplay is underrated.
7/10. I will never agree with this mark.
Really isn’t a 7 at all. Especially when reviewers where given broken early builds.
This game is at least an 8, imo a 9
I played it sometime, after a total of about 8 hours, I was quitting. It was too boring, the open world build didn't suit that game.
7/10 is okay, I would even say 6/10.
I really enjoyed Days Gone despite its flaws, in fact it was my first platinum ever after gaming for 20+ years. People seem to focus on it having the same aspects as other open worlds but for some reason that is only a problem here. Deacon's story is up and down but I was really interested in what had happened (despite guessing really early on) and the evolution of the freaks.
The hordes really stood out for me. I remember seeing the first one from afar, being ripped to shreads when I ran into one by accident, then scraping through killing my first one and finally killing them all.
Have to say I felt the performance improvement from base PS4 to PS5 was significant so if you can play it for the first time on PS5 I would recommend it. I think the foundations are there for a really great sequel
Fun game, with good writing. Toxic douchebag lead character really grates after a while though. No idea why this boring played out archetype was trotted out in 2019.
@Nintendo4Sonic Same here. I bought it 2nd hand and sold it again before completing it which is sometime I rarely do. Was there more focus I wouldve completed it but the numerous filler missions really tested my patience (eavesdropping on the lab guys for example...). Also after about 10 hours I still hadnt taken on a horde which imo was the headline act for this game..
Now that it's free I'll give it another try and pick it up where I left it. Maybe I can see it through to the end as I dont like leaving games half finished.
Why does the original review say 7, but on the top of the page it says 8? I enjoyed this game. It takes a little while for you to get settled in it, but afterwards, its really great.
Loved this game when I first played it. Its easily a 9 out of 10 for me. Interesting story, fun gameplay and a great lead character. And the hordes are some of the best gaming I've experienced. First time you wipe one out is a great feeling.
I part exchanged it a while ago, so happy to get it next week and I'll probably play through it again on my PS5.
Yeah, found this game totally dull. Having to 'clear areas' to get to them on the map and constantly battling against them to crack on with a mission got really boring after a while.
I quit when the story started getting good because of a particular mission (can't remember which now) so maybe I'll return one day but with the likes of The Last of Us completely bossing zombie games I'm not interested in many others.
Definitely a solid 8,what they managed to achieve on a standard ps4 was brilliant ,their first big game really and a great effort ,cant wait for the sequel on ps5 and a 30k horde 😁
@itsfoz you found a 1000 strong horde dull ? Well we can't like everything I suppose and I agree some of the story missions where dull,but the hordes made up for that with me ,so epic
@Serialsid yeah the hordes where great ,competing with my partner on the horde challenges where great and I was gutted that she beat me ,until I found out she was using an exploit on one of the maps ,I still mention it from time to time ha ha ha ha
Comfort food?? 😂 😂 😂 😂
The last thing anyone who has properly played this game and had massive hordes chasing them down would describe that game as comfort food.
Finished 6 times now, the game is so undervalued it's rediculous.
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