The story of Rean Schwarzer continues in Trails of Cold Steel III as the often obnoxiously nice protagonist finds himself back at school, only this time, he isn't a student. After graduating from Thors Military Academy following the events of the second game, Rean now leads the all-new Class VII as an instructor at a freshly constructed campus. At first it feels a little bit like the plot has been reset, but after just a couple of hours, it becomes clear that this is still a direct sequel -- a narrative that requires knowledge of the previous Cold Steel games to properly appreciate.
And this is really the biggest sticking point that so many potential players have with Falcom's series. If you haven't played Trails of Cold Steel and Trails of Cold Steel II, then you're going to be lost, especially when returning characters start showing up every ten minutes. Cold Steel III does include a written recap that can be viewed via the start menu, but as you'd expect, it doesn't have anywhere near the same impact as playing through these 60-hour adventures for yourself.

Getting the most out of Trails of Cold Steel III requires considerable investment, then, but the good news is that this latest tale does not disappoint. Clocking in at roughly 80 hours, Cold Steel III is another engrossing character-driven journey, but it's elevated by better pacing, more meaningful character moments, and an improved battle system. In short, it's a cut above what's come before, and that's high praise.
The game's structure is rather rigid, with Rean and his students' monthly field exercises acting as story chapters, but this allows the pacing to ebb and flow quite nicely. You'll come to appreciate the relaxed atmosphere of the campus before you're sent off on another mission for the Imperial Government, and when certain story beats do reach their climax, it always feels like the stakes are higher than ever.
We won't spoil anything here, but the game does a great job of funnelling previously unresolved plot points. The Erebonian Empire's civil war may be over, but as always, plans have been set in motion behind the scenes, and it's not long before familiar baddies start popping up all over the place. This is where members of the old Class VII enter the fray, as Rean's pals from the first two titles lend their aid throughout the story. Fans will no doubt enjoy seeing their favourite allies take action, and every reunion's got an emotional edge to it.

It just goes to show how well developed many of these returning characters are. Its huge, in-depth cast remains Cold Steel's greatest asset, and its ability to not only reintroduce, but build upon existing personalities is truly impressive. Sure, some characters do rely on tired anime tropes (villains in particular), but it's not enough to take away from such an expansive and well connected web of relationships.
Cold Steel III's world building is top notch as well. Rean and company's field studies take the group all around the Empire, and each new location has its own story to tell. Through main missions and optional side quests, you get to learn more about the land and its people, giving way to a distinct sense of place. Couple this with so many likeable, well-rounded characters, and it's hard not to fall in love.
It also helps that the world's got a better sense of scale this time around. Cities like the technologically advanced Crossbell, and Ordis, with its glistening blue buildings, are made up of multiple bustling districts, while the monster-ridden wilderness offers plenty of opportunities for exploration. Each field study feels like its own carefully curated adventure, and all of them top things off with a story revelation or suitably epic boss battle. Usually it's both.

The way that Cold Steel III balances its quieter moments with scenes that would make even the most boisterous anime blush is impressive. Not many games can jump from believable conversations between old friends to giant robot battles so easily, but Cold Steel III does it time and time again, and somehow, the escalation is always intense. It speaks volumes to how well realised the game is as a whole, but we suppose this is what happens when you've had three whole instalments (more if you're counting the entire Legend of Heroes library) to construct such a robust fantasy world.
When you're not being swept away by the story, you'll be getting into turn based battles with beasts and baddies. The combat system's core components remain in place as you're given access to standard attacks, character-specific abilities, and magic spells of your choosing. Cold Steel has always been reasonably tactical, but now, with the addition of the break gauge, it feels like the system has finally found its identity.
Alongside an enemy's health bar, their break gauge depletes every time that they're attacked. When it hits zero, they forfeit their next turn, and you're encouraged to hit them with everything that you have while they're in a weakened break state. This new mechanic means that timing the use of your most powerful techniques is more important than ever, as you can even stop bosses from unleashing devastating attacks if you're able to break them before their next move. With the right reads, you can take even the most fearsome foes apart with perfectly timed assaults, and it's incredibly rewarding.

Orders are another new addition, bringing an extra layer of strategy to each skirmish. Orders are party-wide buffs that can be applied on any of your turns, and throwing out just the right order at just the right time can turn the tide. There's an enjoyable risk and reward to orders since they're tied to your brave points -- currency that's also used to activate team attacks -- so it's all about spending your points as effectively as possible.
Lump all of this together with characters that you can customise with magic and equipment to suit your needs, and you've got all the makings of a thoroughly engaging gameplay loop. When you're watching cutscenes play out you're looking forward to getting back into the action, and when you're knee-deep in a climactic boss fight, you can't wait to see where the story goes next. Simply put, Cold Steel III strikes a consistently brilliant balance.
Given just how good Cold Steel III is, it's a bit of a shame that the visuals still look so dated. Built from the ground up for PlayStation 4, this latest entry is a clear improvement over its PlayStation 3 and PS Vita predecessors -- and their PS4 ports -- but aside from its detailed new character models, the game struggles to impress. It's frustrating to think that some people won't give the Cold Steel series a second look based on graphics alone, but ultimately, we'd take an engrossing RPG with great characters and systems over a visually stunning but hollow experience.
Trails of Cold Steel III is the best game in the series so far. You're going to have to play the first two titles to get the full picture, but you'll be rewarded with one of the most enjoyable RPG sagas in modern gaming. This latest entry strikes a near perfect balance between story and gameplay, all while juggling an ever-growing cast of great characters and an in-depth, hugely rewarding battle system. Cold Steel III is JRPG joy from start to finish, and it sits alongside the likes of Persona 5 and Dragon Quest XI as one of the PS4's finest.
Comments 31
Hey everyone, thanks for reading. If you've got any questions about the game or the review, just let me know.
Better than Dragon Quest XI because that game was amazing in my opinion
I got the demo, which I'll try at some point in the next week. I have been wanting to try these games, but I'm worried there will be way too much blahblahblah and Persona type restrictions. I guess the demo will help with that.
@GKO900 For me Dragon Quest XI is the better game overall, but that doesn't stop Cold Steel III from being right up there with it.
Sadly it looks like I won't be playing this one till next century since I'm only near the end of Trails in the Sky FC Evo.
@ShogunRok I might give it a try but I would have to start from the first one or it's ok to just jump into this one?
@GKO900 It's possible to start with this one, but you'd be missing out on a lot. I'd recommend starting from the beginning of the series if you can, otherwise much of Cold Steel III is going to be lost on you.
For what it's worth, the first two games are also really good, so if you've got the time, it's definitely worth a shot.
@ShogunRok But I Thought You Liked Tired Anime Tropes.
Good to see my favorite series is back. It will be a pity not to be able to play it on PS Vita. Was a perfect on the go game. 80 Hours. haha That will take me 6 months to complete.
Excellent review @ShogunRok as a huge fan myself I'm excited to see the score you have it.To be honest the visuals don't bother me.
The updated battle system sounds similar to Octopath Traveller (which I'm 70 hours into) and it's one of my fave battle mechanics in any rpg.So another plus for the game.
I have my copy on pre-order as I'm only 20 hours into the sequel it's going to be a while before I start the 3rd in the series.
Best rpgs series right now.im playing trials of cold Steel 1.great game.word up son
As one who's played all Kiseki games (that includes Sen IV), i am glad this review hit everything spot on. this game set the foundations that make IV such a great conclusion for fans of the series. it's basically a love letter to the fans from Falcom saying thank you for sticking with us for 15 years.
@ShogunRok Make sense thanks for the response and I will look for a deal on the first one on ps +
@Areus Haha, depends on the trope I suppose. They're a bit on-the-nose at times in Cold Steel and I personally find it a bit tiring — not sure the story really needs them, because it's great already.
@KratosMD Yeah, it's got a lot in common with the first game — same kind of structure, but as the review says, I think it's better paced, and there's a lot more drama since we're not starting from scratch.
Can't wait for Cold Steel IV!
@Uki @Wazeddie22 @WillMerfi Glad you all enjoyed the review. Hopefully you like the game as much as I do!
My most wanted 2019 !! Can’t wait until tomorrow!!! I finished 1 and 2 both with over 140 hours of playtime and also Tokyo Xanadu which I can highly recommend to any fan of TOCS !! now all I need is confirmation and a date for the 4th game asap ^^
@ShogunRok On The Nose is An Understatement. You Can See Them Coming A Mile Away And The Irritating Thing Is They Keep Doing It!
@Areus I'm glad someone else feels the same way!
@ShogunRok great review. I'm holding off reading the story parts as i am still working through the 2nd game, but i have this ready to go when im done. So pleased it lives up to expectations. This has become one of my favourite JRPG franchises ever!
I really hope people won't be put off by the visuals. Falcom have never been a technical powerhouse, but their games are just wonderful. Recommend everyone gets on the Ys series too. Ys 8 was sublime
Welllllll if I already didn't want to play the series after the previous reviews, the thoughts in the various threads in the forum and trying the demo for this one... Then I do now after this glowing review (and a few others for good measure) as it sounds delightful!
All I need is to find a physical copy of the first Cold Steel now for PS4 to sink my teeth in and start my adventure... which is proving hard to do as the silly thing has sold out everywhere in the UK 😂
@ShogunRok Sorry if I misread the first paragraph of the review but did you play through Trails 1 & 2? If so did you notice any name or translation differences since this is by Nisa instead of Xseed?
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Yeah, i have 1 and 2 on my vita, and they were printed in very small quantities i think.
I suspect the PS4 version is similar - the series isnt that well known, so probably had a short run. Falcom games seem to get very limited print runs in the west.
Its why i pre-ordered 3, just in case. I see 2 is available at around 25 pounds in a number of places, so you might be recomended to pick up 2 and 3 asap if you want physical copies. And keep searching for 1. Maybe it will get a reprint, now the first game is out.
I am keeping an eye out myself. Really frustrating if Falcom want to get people into the series. But they can't do that unless they create routes to get the game to consumers
@sonicmeerkat Yeah, I've played both of the previous games, and I didn't notice any translation differences. I think NIS America actually hired the same localisation team for this.
WOW!... Great review. Loved the Demo, one of my favorite JRPG series. It is almost here!
@ShogunRok are the first 2 available on ps4?
@ellsworth004 Yes, both released earlier this year. The first one is really hard to find a physical copy of however (but available on psn).
Bear in mind they are ports of the PS3/Vita versions, so graphically won't be anything special on PS4, but the games are brilliant.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Legend of Heroes: Trials of Cold Steel - Decisive https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07J329666/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_UqTRDb5T4TGE7
Well thank you very much @Panic_Attache!
I suupose that's what I get for trusting stupid ol' google that kept linking to the sold out standard version 😂
I would get all them now @Rob_230 but there's every chance I could dislike it over the course of 80 hours... I'll just get the first for now but cheers
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Just doing my good deed for the day, hope you enjoy it.
Packaged delivered for the Thors Academy Edition on Monday - the day before the release date, but by a twist of fate I wasn't able to actually get a hold of the package until yesterday. Played about 2 1/2 hours last night and loving it so far.
Oh, and BTW, that is correct that NIS America got back the previous localization team.
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