Persona 5 is a difficult game to review – not because of its quality or lack thereof, but because it's such an intricate release. It's a role-playing title made up of many different parts, and explaining each and every one of them in detail would take way too long.
With that in mind, we'll try to be brief: Persona 5 is a Japanese RPG. It has turn based combat, a broad cast of characters, and text boxes. The twist is that it's also partly a life simulator. Since you play as a highschool student, much of your playtime will be spent living out your day-to-day life as you attend class, socialise, and visit various areas in and around the game's modern day Tokyo setting.
On paper the concept of bolting an entire social life system onto a rather hardcore dungeon crawler may seem odd, but Persona 5 effortlessly combines these two key components. After being branded a criminal and kicked out of school, our teenage protagonist finds himself awakening to a spiritual strength. Just like in past Persona games, the main character is able to manifest his inner-self as a persona, a powerful otherworldly being that grants strange abilities.

With this newfound power, it's not long before the crux of the game reveals itself. Throughout this 80-plus hour journey, you'll be using your power to enter the twisted minds of corrupt people, whether they're mobster bosses, perverted teachers, or rotten politicians. Bit by bit, you look to reform society as the 'Phantom Thieves' – a group of anonymous teenagers who steal the distorted desires of Tokyo's most despicable inhabitants, thus changing their "heart" for the better.
It's a tale of friendship, belonging, and standing up against very relateable corruption. The plot plays out in an episodic fashion, with each new target giving way to fresh story arcs and characters. With the title clocking in at nearly 100 hours, this structure ensures that each chapter doesn't outstay its welcome, and there's always a satisfying conclusion or exciting twist just waiting around the next corner.
The overall plot of Persona 5 is nothing particularly special, but it's told in such a clever way. Background events are constantly in motion, and subtle hints at the overarching narrative are dropped so frequently that running through the game a second time will make you realise just how intricate the storytelling really is. Of course, this is all helped along by an absolutely brilliant cast of characters, both primary and secondary. From classmates to shady weapons dealers, the personalities on display are incredibly well realised. Genuinely caring about video game characters can be a rare occurrence, but we don't think we've ever cared this much about almost an entire cast before.

The icing on the cake is that you can interact with all of them. By spending time with each character and getting to know them, you'll gain access to bonus abilities and more powerful personas both in and out of combat. Basically, the bonds that you forge have a direct impact on gameplay – and that's what really ties the experience together. That said, while the advantages are nice, you'll be hanging out with these characters because you want to – not because you have to.
In fact, you'll only be doing a lot of things in Persona 5 because you want to. The whole game runs on a calendar, so your time is ultimately limited. Outside of major story scenarios, you're generally free to spend your time however you like both after school and in the evening. You can use this time to meet with friends, further explore a dungeon, or partake in some other activity, such as studying or visiting a maid cafe – obviously. Whatever you choose to do, time ticks away and the next day arrives without fail – then the process repeats. In many ways, Persona 5 is always asking you to make tough choices – you won't be able to see everything in one playthrough without resorting to some sort of strict guide, and that'd honestly take the fun out of forging your own path through the game.

Consequence is what the Persona series is all about after all. Because time is always falling away in chunks, it very rarely feels as though what you're doing serves no purpose. There are always goals to work towards – no matter how trivial – and this creates a hugely addictive gameplay cycle that has tangible rewards. Once the game's structure clicks, it becomes extremely difficult to pull yourself away.
The same is true of combat, which boasts quite possibly the slickest turn based battle system that we've seen in years. All of your standard stuff is here: physical attacks, magical spells, items, equipment – but animations transition so smoothly that clueless onlookers would be forgiven for thinking that they're watching an action title. Success in combat hinges on your ability to exploit enemy weaknesses. Truth be told it's a bit like Pokémon, only here you attack weaknesses in order to gain an extra turn. Hitting an opponent that's weak to fire, for example, will knock that foe to the ground, and if you're able to floor every enemy, you'll activate the 'hold up' mechanic, which allows you to unleash a devastating team attack or negotiate with your adversary.

Yep, the negotiation system is back from Persona's parent Shin Megami Tensei series, giving you the option of sparing an enemy's life in return for their assistance, money, or items – providing that you're able to actually convince them. Dialogue choices are abundant throughout the game, and although most only have a brief impact on conversations – you're often presented with some brilliantly comedic lines – they play more important roles during negotiations and when you're trying to build a relationship with someone. They may not offer branching narratives like they do in other titles, but their presence definitely allows you to set the protagonist's tone, which is always welcome when role-playing.
Moving on, it's hard not to talk about Persona 5 without at least mentioning Persona 4 Golden. The enhanced Vita re-release of the original PlayStation 2 title is largely considered a masterpiece – but it isn't without its own flaws. The game's dungeons are somewhat basic and uninteresting, but thankfully this is something that its sequel does infinitely better.
Being a Phantom Thief, there's an unsurprising degree of stealth to your work. You can take cover behind objects in order to ambush your enemies, for instance, and throughout your adventure, you'll encounter traps, locked doors, and other obstacles that you'll have to overcome. All of these new elements make for more engaging environments that have you constantly interacting with them – but their true strength lies is their design. Previously inaccessible paths lead back to areas that you've already cleared, and basic platforming sections open up some especially neat area transitions. Trekking through hellish mindscapes has never been so enjoyable.

Whether you're putting cognitive monsters to the sword, zipping around a secret reality, or trying to secure a hot date, Persona 5 is a startlingly cohesive experience. What truly cements everything, though, is the art direction. As far as presentation goes, the game is virtually unmatched. Graphically it's very much a PlayStation 3 port, but its sense of style and attention to detail is mind-blowing. Menus shift and bounce with every button press, character portraits are immaculately drawn, and even the victory screen following a successful battle is enough to make your eyeballs pop out of your skull. We've never seen anything quite like it, and we daresay that it's possibly the most stylish title ever made. Sometimes you feel like you're flicking through the pages of a comic book rather than playing a video game.
And as if you needed more sensory pleasure, the soundtrack is sublime as well. Once again composer Shoji Meguro has crafted something special – a jazzy, effortlessly cool selection of music that further solidifies the game's immensely confident tone. It's simply a joy to listen to.
Persona 5 sets the benchmark for modern Japanese RPGs: it oozes style, charisma, and polish quite unlike anything we've played. With this fifth entry, the series' trademark formula of dungeon delving and socialising has been perfected. Addictive, engaging gameplay, incredibly endearing characters, and a consistently rewarding narrative loop combine to create a spectacularly cohesive whole – whether or not you're already a fan of Persona. A masterpiece from top to bottom.
Comments 106
Any questions, let me know and I'll try to answer them.
2017 - the gift that keeps on giving.
ITS FINALLY HERE!!! Cannot wait for next week great review @shogunrok.
God I am loving 2017 had this on pre order since it came on psn cannot wait now after reading this thanks Robert
I'm so glad this game appears to be as amazing as I always thought it would be.
I can't believe I'm coming off of Zelda to perhaps Atlus' greatest ever Persona game.
Oh man oh man oh man. I am phenomenally excited about this. Pre-order for the Take Your Heart edition got charged today and I literally cannot wait. 2017 has been incredible so far and we've barely started!
Not a massive fan of P4G after spending 20 hours with it but perhaps that would have changed had I given it more.. maybe I just didn't like playing a game that big on my Vita.
Either way, I owe it to myself to try any 10/10 so will be putting my preorder in today
I really wish i could get into these games. I tried to start up P4G twice on Vita and just got bored two hours in. I'm not big on the whole life simulator aspect I guess, but i did enjoy the little bit of combat I got to play. Good to know it's a quality release, something I may take another crack at eventually.
The game sounds amazing but I just have this niggling feeling it's not going to be my cup of tea. Really looking forward to trying it out and seeing for myself, though.
HYPE!! And I've got the day off work
Already preordered the special edition, will play it after finishing nier, gravity rush 2 and horizon.
@ShogunRok Are there multiple ending in this game?
Aww geez. Is 2017 the best year in gaming yet? It better be confirmed by now. RE7, Gravity Rush 2, Zelda, Nier Automata, Horizon, Persona 5, Prey(possibly), Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey. And those are only the confirmed games.
@ShogunRok If you had to compare it to P4 Golden (if you've played it that is), how would P5 stack up in your eyes? P4 was simply amazing for me and one of the best games i've played in recent years.
@ShogunRok So it sounds like p4g's basic formula iterated on?
Another question: how kid-friendly is it?
Great to see this being so well received, I look forward to filling my calendar with this game
@ShogunRok How's the voice acting in this game? And does the combat differ much from earlier games (particularly P4 and P3), it sounds roughly the same apart from more stylish animations?
@wiiware As far as I'm aware, yes.
@NinjaWaddleDee It's definitely impressive so far. I've never known a first quarter as strong as this for PlayStation.
I remember one year they had... Erm, MAG, Heavy Rain, and God of War 3 I think. That was like the gold standard for me, but it's been utterly destroyed by 2017's lineup.
@General_Spiller I'd give Persona 4 a 10/10 and I think Persona 5 is better in just about every way.
@Mega-Gazz Yeah, it's like Persona 4 perfected in many ways.
It's not very kid-friendly. It's not full of gore and sex or anything like that, but it deals with mature themes from start to finish.
Well this is great to see. Especially after the unfortunate problem of the much anticipated Mass Effect falling on its face. Might have to pre-order this now.
@ShogunRok @get2sammyb Any plan to make spoiler free ending guide for this game?
@Dichotomy The combat is pretty much the same, but you have more options in the form of passive abilities and more elemental weaknesses to consider.
I found the English voice acting to be of a high quality across the board. Some background voices definitely sound a little goofy, but part of me thinks this was intentional. You know how generic people always have stupid voices in anime? It's like that. But yeah, the English cast do a fantastic job, I think. Pretty much the best you can expect from a Japanese game translated to English.
@wiiware Yeah, I'll be giving it a go once I have the facts down!
Alongside Horizon this was the game I was most looking forward to this year, so glad it sounds like it lives up to expectations and I can't wait for it to arrive
I got P4G just because I was bored and there was nothing more interesting at those sales. Now it is one of my favourite RPGs and I can't wait for P5!
Sound's good but I dont really like the calender thing in game's it act's more like a time limit, I won't be getting it launch but i'll try it sometime for sure when it's cheaper.
@xMEADx The calendar thing does limit your time but without it the game would fall apart. It's all about doing things bit by bit - if you had all the time in the world none of its systems would have as much impact as they do. It sounds weird but honestly don't let that put you off.
@Ralizah horizon is better than zelda
I will get this game for ps3 word up
Whilst the good reviews are making me happy the fact it is still a week away makes me sad.
Still I have it on pre-order so hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home from work next Tuesday and that makes me happy again.
Then I remember that is still a week away.....
@get2sammyb 2013 was the best year.God of war.sly Cooper.the pupeteer.rayman legends.ni no kuni.metal gear revengeance.gta 5.the last of us..etc
@NinjaWaddleDee nioh is the best word up son
I hate turn based combat with a passion so will be skipping this, however, I know a lot of people here were hyped for this, happy for them that it appears to have turned out even better than expected.
@shogunrok The only turn based game I've ever enjoyed and played right through to the end was south Park: the stick of truth. And that was mostly because I'm a fan of the show. So this game really isn't my cup of tea, neither is the JRPG genre. I can see it has a big following though and I hope that everyone enjoys the game once it's released. Bring on south Park: the fractured but whole
@ShogunRok Such a brilliant well written review. I can't be anymore hyped after reading it!
Now it's time to blitz P4G prior to April 4th and trade in the awful MEA for a proper game.
Great review. Looking forward to it!
What are you guys thinking about the difficulty level? I'm new to JRPGs and thinking that safety mode might allow me to go through the game without frustration and just enjoy the story and style. Do you think it will take the fun out of the gameplay?
@ShogunRok Two questions: what is the difficulty level like in this game compared to Persona 4, and do you get a game over if Joker kicks the bucket?
@ShogunRok My only concern is that, other than Pokemon, I don't play turn-based games. If the combat is more engaging and involved than that...I think I'll be fine! I should be...right?
Excellent review,a high score was already a given with this game but excited to see you think it deserves a ten.
My steelbook version is already on pre order and I'm very excited for it
"Truth be told it's a bit like Pokémon" ... Well, that's all I needed to hear for it to be a day 1 purchase for me.
Joking aside, this sounds great. I've never played Persona before, so I don't know much about it other than that it gets a lot of praise. Maybe I'll buy this at some point, but there's a lot of games I want to play at the moment, so I'm in no rush to get this one.
I played P4G on my Vita and I sold it after a week of trying my hardest to like it. I really want to get excited for this but I can't!
Ah well, just finished FF XV and going to buy HZD very soon, so I will be OK! Will probably still get this in a mega sale at some point though, just to make sure I'm not missing out.
@Alstil There are four different difficulty levels to choose from at the start of the game. You can switch between all of them at any time aside from the very easiest one, which locks you in if you select it.
From my experience, easy still keeps the gameplay engaging. Safety does too, but you can't actually get a game over in battle. For some, knowing that might take the fun out of it.
@Ralizah Difficulty is more streamlined than Persona 4, if that makes sense. I barely had to grind - I just found enemies as they came and I was always a high enough level to see the game through. That said, there are definitely some tough bosses towards the end.
And this is going to sound like a complete stealth brag, but my main character never actually died during my playthrough so I don't know from personal experience. However, I have seen one or two reviews mention that if you go down it's game over, like in Persona 4.
@ArkhamKnerd I think if you like Pokemon's battles, you'll find something to like here, regardless of your experience with turn based combat outside of that. I'd say give it a go.
@themcnoisy My work here is done.
@ShogunRok thanks!
@ShogunRok Does it take like 5 hours to get going like P4?
@kyleforrester87 It can definitely slow the pace at times but no, you're dropped into the thick of it right from the start here.
@ShogunRok Tasty, thanks
The PS4 and Switch are making this my favorite year for gaming!
@ShogunRok Haha, not sure if you not dying is another example of modern Persona games being ridiculously easy compared to their older and more hardcore parent series or just a reflection of your skill as a gamer. Perhaps some of both. Thanks for answering my questions, though: looks like I'll be opting for the hard mode in this game.
@get2sammyb I think 2001 PS2 run of exclusives is probably the only one that can be compared too.
Eurogamer's review of the artstyle sums everything up for me "Persona 5 is not stylish, it's style INCARNATE. It's the alpha and the omega".
Yes! I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this. I'm off to New York for 5 days on Monday, though, so I'll have to wait a little longer.
@ShogunRok Better than Persona 4 in every way? Stop it, I can't play it yet! I don't think I can survive this.
Finally, the game is almost here. It looks like we'll get more Persona goodness and I am not complaining a bit.
@ShogunRok Is any of the character dialogue as delightfully British style sweary as in P4G?
I've never played any of the Persona games.
Great to see it's doing well, though. Especially for fans of the series.
@Ralizah Ha, I like to think I'm pretty good at RPGs (I've definitely played enough of them) but Persona definitely has gotten easier over the years. Not necessarily a bad thing, though - I think it's great that P4 and P5 offer a range of difficulty options that cater to everyone.
@ApostateMage There are a few swears dropped in here and there, yeah. Ryuji, one of your party members, says "'effin'" all the time which I found quite funny.
@Jake3103 Yeah, like I said I think Persona 4 Golden is like an absolute top tier RPG. I'd have given it a 10 if I had reviewed it back when it came out - but Persona 5 is just... The story's darker and more interesting, the characters have more depth to them, the combat's slicker, the social links are way more varied and add more to the gameplay, the art direction somehow manages to go way beyond what came before... Both games are incredible but I don't think I'd pick anything P4 did over how P5 does it.
@ShogunRok I'm stuck in a hotel because of my job with a cheap 19" TV which clearly ignores any resolution higher than 720p. Should I play P5 now or wait this fall to enjoy it at its best? I fear I'd lose a lot of its magic with low graphics and audio specs...
@ShogunRok My only problem with Persona is that higher difficulties tend to be "artificially" difficult, and require little more than excessive grinding to beat. Shin Megami Tensei games, on the other hand, are difficult because they require planning, forethought, and strategic approaches to battles. You can be ten levels higher than an opponent and still get wiped out if you don't cover your bases adequately.
Nevertheless, there's enough SMT DNA in modern Persona games that they don't feel entirely mindless, like older DQ or FF games.
@ShogunRok Wow. Can't wait to play it
@andreoni79 Hmmm, it's a tough one. I think Persona 5 is going to look good no matter how you play it - I think if you're dying to try it, you may as well just go for it.
@get2sammyb Lol how about funny feeling! I guarantee you'll like the combat maybe not the social aspect.
@playstation1995 but brutally hard
@smythelove The social aspects actually intrigue me the most. The calendar systems sound like Bully/Shenmue, two of my all-time favourites.
@Eternallover21 There are lots of points during dialogue where you can be friendly/comedic/a jerk, but the speech options rarely have an impact on the story aside from how some conversations play out. There's no morality system or anything like that, either.
@b1ackjack_ps All the main Persona games have totally different stories from one another. Some of the themes are the same, and there are a handful of returning characters, but you can absolutely jump straight into Persona 5 and not be lost. I'd say it's actually the most accessible of the bunch.
Judging by the comments, first line of the review should be, it's a bit like Pokemon. SOLD!
This'll be my first time playing a Persona game, can't wait!
The HYPE for this is unreal...Can't come soon enough!
Meanwhile, I'm trying to rush P4 but I doubt I will be in the middle of the game when P5 hits my hands
Why are Sony not hyping this one up? The game is getting perfect scores across the board, it's exclusive and it would really benefit from being pushed. Come on Sony - this game is magic. Let's raise some awareness
@Rob_230 This is something that's surprised @ShogunRok and I for a while. Appreciate Sony doesn't really need to hype it given it's an exclusive already, but I'm surprised they haven't put a little more muscle behind it.
@get2sammyb bully is in my backlog 😀
100 Hours! That's 3 months worth of my gaming time!
Review score was expected for me. I mean you guys gave P4G a perfect score too if I remember correctly and from the gameplay I've seen of this, it is that game with a 2017 coat of paint. As much as I know I'm gonna love this game, I'm still playing Horizon and don't have the money for it just yet. I've also decided to start buying games after they have dropped in price a bit. As much as I would love to support my favorite developers with day 1 purchases, it just doesn't make sense to me to fork over $60 for a game I know will eventually be $20 or less in a few months. Since I came in late to the PS4 party there are tons of great games that are cheap now too. So I'll be patient and save some money while I'm at it.
TL;DR This game is amazing and I am broke!
@7yL3rB Haha, I stopped buying games I didn't intend to play right away, too. No shame in it.
Sounds like Altus can count on your sale eventually, which is all that matters really.
Excellent review @ShogunRok! These games are really hard to explain to someone who hasn't played one yet, but I think you did a brilliant job of it!
@get2sammyb Yup, this game will definitely be in my collection at some point. I'm just another victim of "too many great games, too little time" and money. Fortunately, it's actually not such a bad spot to be in.
@ShogunRok It's not put me off i've been checking the game out a bit since I read the review and i'm feeling good about it, i'll be picking this game up sooner rather than later maybe even at launch. I started Tale's of Zestria again today, a game I picked up cheap age's ago and totaly forgot I had and it's definately put me in a Persona 5 mood, i'm quite excited now tbh.
@xMEADx Hopefully you end up enjoying it as much as I did!
That sort of structure reminds me of Dead Rising, it sounds restrictive on paper but makes for an addictive experience. Cant wait to give this a go, JRPGS are not normally my cuppa tea but you cant ignore a 10, or that sort of art direction.
What a year ! WOW can't believe that persona 5 is coming out after all
Great review <3
Now it's show time....
@Rob_230 yeah i feel sorry for sony because they diden't show any thing from it last year! Not in E3 ,not even on TGS !!! Why ?! even some of the news said game would be coming for PC or Xbox!!! Thats because of sony diden't show any thing from some thing like a year and they made news like this to gamers remember that persons5's publish time is near
Any way sony could do really better with japanese games
This has been my most anticipated game for years. And years. Since before it was even formally announced.
I'm so glad it appears to be doing well. The awesome reviews and some positive word of mouth might make this Persona's breakout moment. JRPGs need it.
@xMEADx the calender put me off when I prior to playing P4G. I hate time limits within games usually. Persona uses it in a different way, it's not so much a time limit as a set of choices you have to make most days. Going on your game preferences and the fact you play more games than most people on the site I think you would like Persona, and if you have the free time should buy the game.
@JoeBlogs 'With the real world sucking so much right now'
The world's always sucked in one way or another. I'm sure our caveman ancestors would happily swap our current predicament to being chased by dinosaurs. If you mean politically, the March of the neo conservatives is a worry but open minded individuals like us can stop the inevitable stroll to a caveman like apocalypse. Great time to be a gamer, so let's game on.
@themcnoisy Yep mate i'm sold on this one now I just wish I paid it more attention to it in the past but with my ignorance (which i'm working on lol) I just dismissed it and I don't really know why, i'm really looking forward to it now it look's right up my street.
So I've never play a Persona game. The only Atlus game I've ever played is Catherine, which I loved, however. I'm intrigued by P5 and all the positive vibes you all send out about it, but I've never been a huge JRPG fan (FF7 is the only one I ever truly got in to) and have limited time available to devote to games of this size. Given these things - that is, limited time, lack of devotion to JRPGs, but enjoyment of Catherine's gameplay, art style, story/characters etc - would cats still recommend I give it a whirl? Bear in mind this isn't about the quality of the game but if it 'matches' me, for lack of better words. Hit me...
I don't want to get all art student but the themes in these games have always fit my life at the time.
"you are slave, want emancipation?"
@PaperyWhiteBoy If you really liked Catherine, I think Persona 5 is worth a shot. Very similar art style, and in many ways it has a very similar tone. Obviously the key difference is that this is an RPG, but it's a top-tier one - you couldn't really pick a better starting point.
It's a very long game, but the fact it runs on a calendar at least means that you can play it in chunks.
@VotesForCows No, it doesn't pass in real time - days are separated into pieces. So you have morning, afternoon, after school, evening, etc. You get one action per chunk of time, and once you've carried that action out, the day moves forward.
It's pretty much life as a turn based system.
I'm pretty rubbish at old school turn based RPG's but I will certainly give it a go as it looks stunning.
@ShogunRok Cool, thanks. If it's got that same kind of tone running through it I might just give it a shot then. Anyway, what's the worst that could happen, right?...
@ShogunRok Ah! I thought of something I don't think anyone asked about...trophies! How did you manage on your playthrough? Are they pretty straightforward? Any that are really hard or require a second run?
@ArkhamKnerd I got plenty over my playthrough, but without spoiling anything, some of them are very time consuming. I imagine most players will only be able to get the platinum after at least a couple of runs.
@themcnoisy Hate to tell you this and I know it will devastate you, but, outside of 50s B movies, dinosaurs and cavemen never existed at the same time
Not surprised Sony isn't really pushing this, considering how Western they've become. Bleh. At least they're getting good Japanese support in the first place.
@ShogunRok Another great review, thank you! You have totally swayed me in to getting this but I'm not sure where i'm going to get the time to play all the stuff I have at the moment.
There was a comment earlier about dying and 'game over', it does just go back to a checkpoint yeah? It's not a start over from scratch thing?
@Throb Yeah, dying in battle just results in a game over, then you have to reload your last save.
I was ready to wait a while for this. Kind of wanted to see if there would be a better version later on, but I absolutely loved P3 and P4. Reading this review makes me want to pre-order it right now.
How the hell am I supposed to find the time to play all these games this year????
This game looks like a masterpiece JRPG, and will certainly land itself among giants like Final Fantasy X, Lost Odyssey and Xenoblade.
This will be the first game I play after I finish Zelda, which, at this rate will likely be the end of April (130 hrs in so far).
Got the special edition locked in, and a regular version for display.
@playstation1995 Horizon is better than Zelda? you should be on the stage with comedy like that! lol
Horizon is a great game but Zelda is phenomenal.
I've never played a Persona game and this is getting me hyped now to pre-order! great review thanks!
@morrisseymuse you know people can have differing opinions right? I personally enjoy HZD more than Zelda as well. Sure Zelda has open gameplay but I can't stand the weapon duration system (in any game actually) and the story so far has been pretty bleh (I have about 60 hrs in both games). I honestly don't see myself returning to Zelda once I'm done with the story.
But hey, opinions. Glad you're excited for Persona 5. I'm about to die from anticipation myself.
@AcesCharles I'm all for differing opinions, I think you should be addressing the person I was replying to..
Personally I find Horizon more fun to play too, but the better actual 'game' is Zelda in my opinion.
Persona is pre-ordered! 😁
I am enjoying playing this game and I hadn't played any previous Persona until this release. Not sure how long it will keep my attention however as I do think it is one of those games you have to be in the right frame of mind to play.
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