It's almost hard to believe that the first Red Dead Redemption released more than eight years ago. Rockstar Games achieved something quite special with the gritty tale of John Marston, delivering an open world title that was ahead of its time. The genre's come a long way since, but with Red Dead Redemption 2 -- a prequel, despite the number at the end of it -- the developer has once again raised the bar.
Although Red Dead Redemption 2's map, which is made up of several different states, is a good deal larger than the one in the first game, it's not the scale that makes it more impressive. Where other open world titles have expanded outwards as hardware limitations become less of an issue, Red Dead Redemption 2 instead aims for depth in the form of interactivity.
Every single non-playable character that you meet can be talked to, greeted, or antagonised. They can be robbed at gunpoint, threatened, followed, or goaded into a fist fight. Animals of all shapes and sizes can be tracked for miles across the wilderness, secluded homesteads can be broken into, trains can be hijacked, and enemy camps can be raided. The game's world is so rich that you can't help but become intoxicated by it. It's engrossing like no other open world on the PlayStation 4, and that's incredibly high praise when the likes of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Assassin's Creed Odyssey exist.

So Red Dead Redemption 2 follows the life and crimes of Arthur Morgan, an outlaw in his mid thirties who happens to be second in command to Dutch van der Linde, the silver tongued leader of the notorious Van der Linde gang and the man John Marston is forced to hunt down years later in Red Dead Redemption. The first game told us a good bit about the gang but rather conveniently left out a lot of the finer details. In this prequel, we see those specifics firsthand, as the group's adventures play out from the perspective of Arthur.
And boy are they adventures. These are some of the best story missions that Rockstar has ever crafted, and although there are certainly softer moments peppered throughout -- the opening hours in particular are very slow and deliberate -- it's the action that punctuates each of the game's chapters. When sh*t hits the fan in Red Dead Redemption 2, it sprays absolutely everywhere. Missions are excellently paced, often drenched in tension, and are held together by a strong cast of characters.
Indeed, the Van der Linde gang are a colourful bunch. There's a lot more dialogue here than in previous Rockstar titles, and it works wonders for the game's cast. They're all given ample opportunity to express themselves since the majority of main missions have you band together with at least one of your partners in crime, and everyone bounces off each other especially well. Whats more, the writing's as sharp as ever, matched only by top notch voice acting. However, it's the direction that really caught our eye. Rockstar has always tried to recreate the kind of dramatic shots that you'd find in a movie -- the kind that heighten atmosphere and sell character interactions -- and Red Dead Redemption 2 pulls them off better than any of the developer's previous games. In short, this is one of the most engaging stories that you'll find on Sony's system.
But it's not just the overarching plot that keeps you glued. The open world itself is stuffed with smaller stories, whether they're housed within side quests or freeform activities, and all of them serve to embed you even further into game. You can quite easily spend hours at a time just exploring, hunting, and fishing, and you'll never quite know what you might find. It's a living, breathing, dangerous virtual world that the developer's created here -- one of the most impressive on the market.
Meanwhile, dynamic events can spiral out of control in seconds as your crimes are discovered by random passersby, and a seemingly simple hunt for a grizzly bear can turn into a bloodbath as bandits attempt to steal your kill. Put it this way: you're going to be reaching for that share button more than a few times.
Having said all of that, it's worth noting that Red Dead Redemption 2 is not for the faint of heart. It can be merciless in its portrayal of late 1800s America, and it tackles very mature themes throughout. In fact, this is the first game in a long time that's made us feel genuinely uncomfortable at points, but that's not necessarily a criticism. Arthur and the gang are outlaws -- the bottom line is that no, they're not very nice people. They may stand up against greater evils now and then but they're undeniably baddies themselves, and if you're anything like us, you'll gladly wrestle with the internal conflicts that the title presents across its 50 hour runtime.

The story isn't the only thing that's heavy in Red Dead Redemption 2, though. We are, of course, referring to the lead underpants that Arthur wears, which make him move like an overweight gorilla. Obviously the underpants thing is a joke, but the controls in Red Dead Redemption 2 are no laughing matter. In 2018, Rockstar's typically weighty controls feel outdated. Arthur's always either walking at a snail's pace or he's sprinting like a madman, and neither speed gives you enough responsiveness.
To make matters worse, cover is iffy at the best of times. You hit R1 to slide into the nearest object or wall that you can hide behind, but then Arthur has a habit of clinging to it like he's an extra in Titanic. Put the effort in to peel him off and half of the time he'll stop crouching and stand up facing away from the enemy, only to get turned into Swiss cheese. At their worst, the controls are infuriating, and it doesn't help that just about everything requires a held input. Hold square to interact, hold X to run, hold L1 to open the weapon wheel, hold L2 to lock on, hold R2 to pour yourself a drink, hold the left stick down to keep your balance... When a game makes it feel like your controller has suddenly doubled its button count, you know something's wrong.

Fortunately, the controls are serviceable for the most part, and we dare say that you eventually get used to them, it's just that given how supremely polished the rest of the game is, frustration is unavoidable when Arthur doesn't respond to your commands as intended. Luckily, it almost balances out thanks to largely fantastic gunplay. Near necessary auto aiming aside, fans of the first Red Dead Redemption will be delighted to hear that the bullet impact physics are back, with enemies twisting and falling based on where they've been shot. It's gruesome stuff, but it's satisfying in the most brutal sense, and the effects really make each gunfight feel deadly. Dead eye also returns, allowing you to pick your shots in slow motion, and new cinematic camera angles add so much extra flair. As gory as it is to see your bullet pass through a man's eye, the way the camera then cuts back to Arthur's unwashed mug as he watches the carnage unfold before him makes you feel like a legendary gunslinger.
Speaking of unwashed mugs, if Arthur's covered in mud from head to toe, you should probably have him take a bath at the local hotel. Indeed, "survival" elements have wormed their way into Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar's no stranger to sim-like mechanics, but here they're more prevalent than ever. You'll need to eat or sleep to restore Arthur's 'cores' -- health, stamina, and dead eye meters that deplete over time -- and determine how quickly each bar regenerates. The same rules apply to your horse, and overall, there's a clear push for "realism" throughout the game. You can only carry one sizeable animal carcass at a time on the back of your trusty steed, for example, and it'll decompose over time so you'll have to get it back to camp sooner rather than later.

This stuff sounds tedious and, at first, it does seem tedious -- but don't let it put you off. The further you get into the game, the more you come to realise that the survival mechanics don't have a huge impact on the experience. They're more about grounding you in the game's world than they are about stifling you and stopping you from having fun -- just remember to take a nap every couple of days and you really don't have to worry too much about Arthur's well-being. Thankfully.
Before we wrap this review up, we have to give special mention to the soundtrack, which is phenomenal. One of the best musical scores we've heard this generation, it's everything you could want and more from a follow-up to Red Dead Redemption. A range of instruments breathe life into every scene, and every mood is amplified by the soundtrack's shifting tones. It's incredibly intricate and masterfully implemented, and we'd go as far to say that it elevates the entire experience.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar's best game, and it's gripping from start to finish. It sets a new bar for open world interaction, providing an absurd level of detail across the board. It's an immaculately polished release that pulls no punches in its delivery, pushing both brutally mature themes and perfectly placed satire. While its clumsy controls and convoluted button layouts can ruin the fun on occasion, it's easy enough to look past these flaws when everything else is of such a high quality. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a modern masterpiece.
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Comments 157
Awww shiet is still has the clumsy controls, the one thing that i wanted changed.
If you've got questions about the game, @ me!
This review could have easily been double the length and I'd still have things to write about. If it misses any details you want to know, just ask!
Yeah boi!
Bullseye. Great review!
I just played and finished the first game for the first time this last week, so instead of having to wait 8 years for the sequel, I had to wait a little less than a week.
Doesn't sound like it deserves the 10/10 what with the controls not being updated to feel more modern, but eh, I guess that's hype for ya. I'm really excited to play this. Gonna be a big leap from the first game since I haven't played any other Rockstar game before.
hi Robert Ramsey, what button to open up the map while touchpad button is for change first and 3rd person ?
It's a shame they still haven't tightened up the controls, but there's so much about this game that sounds EXTREMELY exciting. I can't wait to play it now.
Thanks for a brilliant review, @ShogunRok.
It wasn’t really in doubt that it would be masterful but it’s nice to see it confirmed as a masterpiece. Counting the hours until I can play it.
@ShogunRok My main question is whether you think it's better to play the original RRD first, or just go straight for this one? I started the original for about an hour years ago and not touched it since.
Either way it'll probably be a while before I think about picking this up. I'm sure it's amazing but I just can't imagine having the patience to get through it all. I'm interested but not excited. I must be getting old...
Didn't like GTAV's controls either. Looks like it's something Rockstar struggles with.
@ShogunRok How are the side quests like in terms of variety?
Awesome review. Even though I seriously doubt it,I have to ask. Does this have difficulty level to choose like other games?
I’m excited to pick my copy up but this doesn’t read like a 10 and seems like the rockstar effect has taken hold. You have clumsy controls and superfluous survival elements which I called back when they were announced which in a game matter more than the story being really good. I do want to know though are the sidequests worthwhile or like gta 5 monotonous and boring
@SegaBlueSky You'll be fine either way, I think. This is a prequel so you can totally just jump into this with no prior knowledge. Whereas if you've played the first game, you kiiiiinda know where the story is going, but not quite.
I will say that if you played RDR2 first and then jumped to RDR, it'd feel like a significant step back.
@ShogunRok awsome and fair review!
so i heard that the story has around 90/100 main missions is that true? does it realy take 50/60 hours just for the story or is it for the game as a whole? (side missions included)
@ShogunRok what button to open up map while using touchpad button for change 3rd and first person mode ?
Ok, very minor spoiler. But noticed the game begins in the snow. Someones walkthrough on you tube was over 90 minutes,and he still was in the snow,how long till you get into town?
@WanderingBullet The whole game's quite varied, to be honest. Obviously you'll be shooting a lot of things a lot of the time but side quests in particular have their own little twists and turns. You can tell a lot of effort has been put into each optional thing to make it as unique as possible.
@hulkie No, no difficulty options, but there are ways to make the game easier. For example, you can increase the level of auto aim in the options menu.
Thanks for the review! Sucks that they still haven’t sorted out covering, which is the biggest issue I’m having with the first game (currently playing).
Another great game. This gen has been outstanding.
@jdv95 I think if you ignored the majority of side content and played straight through the story you'd probably finish it in 40-ish, maybe 50 hours. Somewhere around there. There are a lot of main missions.
@SegaBlueSky I played the original last week for the first time, and having finished it, I kind of wish I had played it second. I feel like it probably spoiled some elements of the second one.
@RDR2October26 Touchpad changes the camera perspective. It goes from close third-person to middle distance third-person to long distance third-person, then first-person.
The map is in the main pause menu, which is opened with the options button.
@hulkie If I remember right, it's a couple of hours or so, maybe a little less. The opening is very slow, but it sets the tone and atmosphere perfectly.
@Cpt_Price Almost 70 hours by my count.
@ShogunRok is graphic look stunning and better than God of War and Spider-Man ?
@LN78 You can shrink/enlarge the mini-map at any time by holding down on the d-pad, and you can turn elements off/on in the menu. It's not as in-depth as something like Ass Creed Odyssey but it's still thoughtful enough.
@RDR2October26 No, God of War definitely looks better than this but then it's a much more linear game. Not sure about Spider-Man because I haven't played that properly yet.
RDR2 isn't amazing graphically but there are times when it looks superb thanks to lighting effects and weather effects. At points it can look photorealistic.
@JoeBlogs I think it's going to win the most GOTY awards, put it that way.
But on a personal level it's incredibly tight between RDR2, Dragon Quest XI, Monster Hunter: World, God of War... This year has been insane!
@ShogunRok oh ok i see.. i heard this game don't have fast travel so is that true ?
@RDR2October26 It does but you have to unlock it.
@Shepherd_Tallon yeah but xbox one version is 99. lol
Grown up with Sergio Leone movies, so this is a must buy for me.
@ShogunRok Did you test the game with the D1 patch installed? If not, the game could be even better!
@ShogunRok So you are saying auto aim at its maximum level, will be shooting at its easiest?
@andreoni79 I believe the review copy came with the day one patch, so all good!
@ShogunRok Maybe its just me,but to me the best looking game graphics wise for 2018 is Detroit Become Human. Although god of war and rdr2 are no slouches either,lol !!!
Going to be hard to not pull myself away from Dragon Quest to play this.
Great review, Rob.
@ShogunRok I know you said it was a tight race but would you say it was better than the current front runner gow which had superb combat and controls and an amazing open world which while not the biggest was meticulously designed with the way it opened up and wrapped in on itself almost like dark souls especially since most most reviews I’ve read said red dead struggles with gameplay
@ShogunRok thx for input,also can you see how many missions there are like in gta v,or does it just count your current progression?
@hulkie Yeah, if you enable 'wide' auto aim, I think it's called, your aim will automatically snap to an enemy on screen. You still have to move it a little if you want a headshot, but it makes the game much easier for obvious reasons.
@ShogunRok is it 1.03 ? why it not prompt up for me yet ?
@jdv95 All of your completed missions are in a list in one of the menus. You can go back and play them, too. It has a bronze, silver, gold medal system depending on how effectively you complete a mission, so there's replay value there.
nice I'm actually playing the first red dead redemption.its a masterpiece.and red dead redemption 2 is also a masterpiece.rocksatar and Sony are master's of the universe.word up son
Damn out of all Rockstar games this one I have the most intrest in.Srsly only rockstar games I beat was Vice City and San Andreas.
Looks Like gonna have to order this one.
I was gonna leave this site if it didn't get a 10 lol. Great review Robert!!!
@dark_knightmare2 I wouldn't call God of War open world. That and RDR2 are very different games, both have their own strengths and they're both brilliant.
@ShogunRok Awesome! Thanks.
Ive read over 10 different site reviews for this game, and just as I suspected all of them except 1 site gave it 10s. I knew it was going to be gamespot that wouldn't give a 10,they gave it 9. Seriously,what is their problem? Why do they underrate every game in history?
I actually liked the controls on Red Dead, sure it works like a tank, but it's not that bad...
@ShogunRok can you challenge everyone (with a revolver) to a duel? Thanks for the review, was everything I was hoping to read
Nice review, chief. Aw man, tomorrow can't come soon enough.
@hulkie a 9 is not bad.
not everyone is going to give it a 10,heck a 10 is a rare thing.
it's kinda sad when people are getting mad at the german IGN site for "only" giving a 9.5.
If the controls sucked as you say they do in any other game this would have got a 9 out of 10. The handling of your character's in GTAV was sluggish and I dont understand why they haven't worked on that. Im sure I'll get over it and adjust accordingly.
Great review, playing the first game and finishing last week was such an amazing experience!! Can't wait for tomorrow (please don't screw me over amazon) @ShogunRok, how was the side content and stranger missions? Do they still have the trademark rockstar weirder/darker missions?
@ShogunRok so no mention of microtransactions. Does that mean the single player doesn't have them?
@jdv95 Not saying its bad,9 is great. But they do this constantly. Its as if they wait to see what the other sites give,and rate it lower.
@Johnnycide If im not mistaken,gta 5 had the micro transactions for the online portion only.
@ShogunRok Was the online side active yet and did you take a peak? And early thoughts? I imagine other reviewers were the only ones online...
@AFCC Nah, you can't challenge just anyone to a duel. Pull a gun on most people and they'll either run, freeze on the spot, or pull their own gun out.
@R1spam Oh yeah, a lot of crazy side stuff to see. Some of it is absolutely hilarious, some of it is pretty dark. You never know what you're gonna find — I was about 50 hours in and I was still discovering super weird stories.
@Johnnycide Yep, no microtansactions at all in the single player stuff.
@Bigkopman Nah, we've gotta wait for the online portion to release just like everyone else. The good news is that even without it, this game's still a 10.
@ShogunRok Cheers Robert!
I won’t be able to play day 1 unfortunately. But I will have by the end of this year along with Spider Man.
Did you also have access to the day one patch, or was that not ready for you? Just wondered if that might tighten up the controls, I remember Witcher 3 had new control options patched in.
Also I guess you haven't had a chance to try playing whilst having the app on to use as map, inventory etc?
Was determined to finish Spider-man off before getting this, but am teetering after seeing this and other great reviews.
@ShogunRok See I would it’s open like dark souls not huge open like an ac odyssey but open all the same. There’s sidequests,completely optional areas that are pretty big,optional bosses as well as other optional things like treasure hunts,rifts,collectibles etc and you can go anywhere you want outside of story missions as long as you have the necessary upgrades. I don’t see it has linear at all besides the main story path which can be said about any open world game. I really don’t see how it’s not open world and most people I’ve talked to that have played it say the same
@Futureshark Yeah, I think I played with the day one patch installed. And no app, unfortunately, although I do want to try it out.
@hulkie no idea but remember the story is 60 hours lol
@ShogunRok cheers!! Thanks for the review again, can't wait to play it!!
My baddie is ready!
So at what point in the game, does it allow you to ignore the story/and or missions to do free roaming and side activities?
Also although its too early to predict this,I have a bad feeling that they wont add new game plus.
@JoeBlogs I played on Pro and it was flawless the entire time. Not once did I notice any dips, and not once did I hear my console's fan whirl. Seemed incredibly well optimised to me.
@JoeBlogs Id say let them have the better version, at least we have a much bigger selection of titles than they do. Let the poor people have something.
This sounds just phenomenal. I won't be getting it right away, but it has jumped much higher up on my "to-buy" list.
Maybe after Christmas.
Great review. A shame about the controls. They should have clearly crunched harder.I am very excited!
@ShogunRok well now I'm sad...
I love the idea of having more duels with random people, like go to the saloon and challenge some dude...
Anyway, thanks!
@ShogunRok Ok, so hard question here, and I apologize, but I’m a little torn:
So I loved the first Red Dead Redemption for its story of redemption, ethical dilemma, a man trying to correct his past mistakes and protect the people he loves, and yet I quite dislike GTA games mainly because of their anti-establishment, overtly sarcastic and nihilistic and destructive vibe. Where does this fit in? It seems to carry a heavy subject matter and Arthur seems to be a virtuous outlaw, but yet clearly you play as a criminal the whole game. Where does this fit in as far as narrative and thematic gameplay - more akin to RDR or GTA? I guess simply put, is this merely GTA set in the Wild West?
Nice review, it somewhat eased my concerns over the survival mechanics.
@Th3solution Nah I'd say it's more in line with the original Red Dead, just expanded. I think GTAV had its good story moments but much of it felt disjointed. RDR2 does a much better job of pacing the missions, which makes the whole thing feel much more organic.
I think one of the key strengths of RDR2 in the storytelling department is how good most of the characters are. I thought the three main characters in GTAV were a little lopsided, but here you've got Arthur in the middle and everyone just kind of bounces off him in their own unique ways.
Despite them all being wanted criminals, there's definitely a humanity to RDR2 that wasn't present a lot of the time in GTAV. You'll be hard pressed not to sympathise with these characters even though you know that they're outlaws and they've all done terrible things. The game does a fantastic job of asking you whether the ends justify the means, something that I don't think GTAV did well enough.
@ShogunRok You already mentioned auto-aim, so I bet I can disable it to up the challenge. Anything else that we can custom aside minimap on/off to increase difficulty or raise the immersion level?
A screenshot of the menu would be enough!
@andreoni79 You can change the minimap to just a compass which naturally makes the game more difficult, and like you say, you can turn off auto aim completely. As far as I remember that's about it when it comes to increasing the difficulty.
This game is getting amazing reviews, 97 on aggregated, that’s crazy. It will probably win the GOTY awards.
Just one more sleep to go!
@PS_Nation @ShogunRok Yeah, I just checked that out. But on a related note, how come the same game is scoring a point higher (98) on Metacritic on Xbox One? Could it be the superior X version is offsetting the inferior Base/S version that much?
@ShogunRok That sounds great! Thanks for the reply. I’m thinking I’ll like this then.
Not really shocked it's a 10. Rockstar probably have a bat struck with lightning somewhere.
I can't get it right away, I splashed $184 for an 8TB drive, but it's high on the list once that drive comes in.
Still playing spider-man but sure, I'll try it .
Just bought it on psn, can't miss 10/10 game from pushsquare
@Turismo4GT Less reviews for xbox one version (78 ps4 reviews vs 25 xbox one reviews).
Great review and I'm not surprised by the score but surely anything to criticise in a game such as the clumsy controls means it's not perfect..meaning it should be a 9.
@Wazeddie22 Ah, but a 10 isn't perfect on our scoring scale — I don't think any game can be truly perfect.
Here's what a 10 is according to our policy:
"The pinnacle of a given genre at the time of release, these titles raise the bar in virtually all critical categories. You can be sure that a game awarded this score has the highest quality presentation and expertly honed gameplay, but also breaks boundaries and pushes the industry forward in a meaningful manner."
And that right there is RDR2.
@Turismo4GT I haven't checked by maybe there are just less reviews for the Xbox One version? Less reviews usually means a better overall score.
10 out of 10 with dodgy controls? It must be great
@ShogunRok Can we play all the side quest after finishing the game? Are there missable trophy?
@wiiware I'm not entirely sure about the side quests, but I don't think there are any missable trophies.
EDIT: No, actually, there are one or two missable trophies as far as I can tell.
Great review. Can‘t wait to play. Unfortunately I am travelling until tomorrow night.
The control issues mentioned sound pretty troubling, something that would usually take 0.5 point down from the score. And so is the gruesomeness.
WOW, I am ready 🤩
At 97 on Metacritic.
@Turismo4GT That version has less reviews.
@ShogunRok Can you play as Django? Is Tarantino related to this?
@LN78 From left to right: health, stamina, dead eye, horse health, horse stamina.
@PS_Nation I think there are definitely some Django references in this game, same with Hateful Eight. Rockstar loves Tarantino.
@ShogunRok @PS_Nation @wiiware Thanks for clarifying that. So, care to wager a crisp HobNob* on what the ratio of sales of the PS4 version to the Xbox version will be?
*The biscuit. That's all I can afford to bet. I'm low on funds at the moment, so I can't even buy the game yet! 🤣
Has bad controls, gets 10/10.
Seems legit.
Excellent review @ShogunRok and thanks for answering all the questions in here. Appreciate how little story (or even moment to moment gameplay) spoilers there are here, unlike some of the other major sites out there.
@RainbowGazelle Questions validity of review without properly reading it or the comments section.
Seems legit.
@roe Thanks as always for reading!
@Turismo4GT 60/40 I reckon.
@PS_Nation yep
Clumsy controls! That's the hype train. Every other game would have gotten a 9/10 because of the controls. The controls were always the problem with that developer. Great games but never perfect controls.
@Sanctanox The Witcher 3's got clumsy controls as well and that also got a 10...
My nipples are hard.
@get2sammyb yeah, I reckon that's about where it'll be. However, with all the gloating there apparently is by some XB1X owners, it'll be interesting to see if that spurs them on to actually buy the game and skew the results a bit. I guess we'll see the initial tally soon enough, because the first week sales of RDR2 are going to be phenomenal.
@Onion 🤣 ermm, wrong comments section? I think the site you're looking for has a name that starts with P and ends with B...
@ShogunRok sorry but I have to agree with some of the minority here and question the perfect 10 Score. You stated in your response regarding 10 scores the following
"The pinnacle of a given genre at the time of release, these titles raise the bar in virtually all critical categories. You can be sure that a game awarded this score has the highest quality presentation and expertly honed gameplay"
So I ask, is the controls on a game not counted in terms of its own category or adds towards honed gameplay? As from your own review from the dodgy controls it literally pulls you out of the immersion of the game. That to me states it hasn't raised the bar at all with its homed gameplay. Considering that GTAV did/Does the exact same thing with its clumsiness. I accept all OTHER aspects may be perfect. But when something this big pulls you from the immersion and comfortability of playing said game. Then it needs to be judged accordingly. Not given a pass considering the other aspects are great? Well that's my view and I mean no disrespect personally as I thought your review was good.
@jonny_aces I think this part of the review is being glazed over though:
"Fortunately, the controls are serviceable for the most part, and we dare say that you eventually get used to them, it's just that given how supremely polished the rest of the game is, frustration is unavoidable when Arthur doesn't respond to your commands as intended. Luckily, it almost balances out thanks to largely fantastic gunplay."
While the controls are an issue, as the review states, they're ultimately not enough of a consistent hindrance to take away from the overall quality of the game. Hopefully that clears it up!
TF is wrong with people! So your teacher should give you a 9/10 even though you got all 10 questions correct because of bad handwriting? NO GAME is perfect, does that mean 10 can never be used...jeezus!
@ShogunRok Yep, Roach by far the most clumsiest of all horses ever.
I wouldn't call R* controls clumsy. Thing is, realism in their games like GTAV gets in the way, gamers want unrealistic response times when they push a button like how unrealistic MGSV Snake goes from 120mph sprinting to an all of a sudden crouch position in just a split second, horrible! No, I prefer difficult realistic controls. Remember when people complained about RE4 and 5 having tank controls, I liked it, it was realism.
You just can't get it right with gamers nowadays, they would complain about everything!
@ShogunRok I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I mean end of the day it's all subjective to that person who plays it i suppose, if you deem a game perfect or not.
@TheArt to be fair if one of those questions is based on your handwriting. Then yes you deserve a 9/10 for bad handwriting. Imo.
There are some right party poopers in here.
@ShogunRok Noo, I don't like missable trophy. Oh well, thanks.
Hmm a 10 when it has horrendous controls? Ive never understood why rockstar cant get controls right. Maybe if enough people complain loudly in the right places they will fix them. It worked for witcher3
@LN78 I think if we just give to many 10/10 to games when there are actual problems which can be improved upon. Then it's less likely the devs will see the problem and make a great/near perfect game better! If they just see perfect scores flying around they won't be thinking oh right we need to improve the controls. Whilst if they saw alot of 9's (still a great score) they may think right what is it we can improve which will make this game actually perfect. That's my thoughts and what I'm trying to get at. But I'm not in any way detracting from the review which is a good write up or bashing on what seems to be a really great game
@ShogunRok hey shogun, is the1st person the same janky mess as gtav had or does it feel better like a proper fps?
@Gmork___ Nope, I still play Witcher 3 and Roach still hasn't been fixed. He gets blocked by invisible walls on the sides of horse trails. It's animation, handling, horseracings are still behind 2010 RDR.
As expected,
While its clumsy controls and convoluted button layouts can ruin the fun on occasion, it's easy enough to look past these flaws
not for me.. every rockstar game i've played (or more precisely tried to play), which is only 5 to be fair, has been unplayable because of the controls. i've never lasted more than a couple of hours with any of them. they've ranged from fun-killingly bad to unplayably bad for me. i don't care how well (and i can see that it has) the rest of the game has been made..
@Gmork___ I didn't play a huge amount in first person but it's definitely better than GTAV. Movement and shooting is way better, but it's still not as good as what you'd expect of a game that's actually been designed around a first person camera, like Call of Duty or another shooter.
But yeah, it's a cut above GTAV for sure.
@ShogunRok Do you perhaps know how it runs on a vanilla PS4?
@Octane Sadly not, I played the whole thing on Pro. However, Digital Foundry says it's fine barring some frame rate dips in busy areas. I imagine it's perfectly playable but not perfectly perfect.
‘Arthur's always either walking at a snail's pace or he's sprinting like a madman, and neither speed gives you enough responsiveness.’
‘To make matters worse, cover is iffy at the best of times.’
‘When a game makes it feel like your controller has suddenly doubled its button count, you know something's wrong.’
@ShogunRok Thanks, I'll check out their analysis!
I need a Pro. Thankfully Black Friday is just around the corner.
I like how people are cherry-picking where Shogun ragged on the controls a bit, as if that somehow detracts enough from the game's already high score. Would it REALLY matter that much if the game got a 9/10 over 10/10? Seriously.
Besides, that's kinda par the course for Rockstar games and as Shogun said, Witcher 3 didn't control 100% perfect either. It's pretty clear that the controls weren't a damper on the overall experience.
@Fandabidozi Try reading the full thing next time before getting snarky, you plum.
@ShogunRok Great review. Thanks for having it not all positive. To me that makes it a more trusted review. Now I'm not sure if I can hold out for a Black Friday deal.
I'm not surprised at all..had this preordered but needed to cancel due to financial reasons.
I'll definitely pick this up during Black Friday/Christmas sales though.
@LN78 I said Black Friday or Christmas .
I don't mind waiting until Black Friday/Christmas 2019 if I have to, got a massive PS4 backlog that will keep me distracted for 3-4+ years.
@ShogunRok You said the controls can be downright infuriating at times. Surely, that's at least a point off the score? How can it be a 'perfect 10'?
@RainbowGazelle A 10 doesn't equal perfect. No game is perfect.
@Fandabidozi It's almost like you can pull quotes from anything to paint a specific picture.
"It's engrossing like no other open world on the PlayStation 4"
"These are some of the best story missions that Rockstar has ever crafted"
"In short, this is one of the most engaging stories that you'll find on Sony's system"
"It's a living, breathing, dangerous virtual world that the developer's created here — one of the most impressive on the market"
"largely fantastic gunplay"
"One of the best musical scores we've heard this generation"
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar's best game, and it's gripping from start to finish"
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is a modern masterpiece"
Perhaps worth re-posting our "definition" of a 10/10 on this site: "The pinnacle of a given genre at the time of release, these titles raise the bar in virtually all critical categories. You can be sure that a game awarded this score has the highest quality presentation and expertly honed gameplay, but also breaks boundaries and pushes the industry forward in a meaningful manner."
Note that it never mentions "perfection" or "flawlessness". No game is ever 100% faultless. Red Dead Redemption 2, despite some niggles, still categorically raises the bar for the genre.
@get2sammyb how is clumsy controls expertly honed gameplay? Surely when critiquing and scoring a game, you have to do this honestly? Not glazing over a very clumsy experience because you like the rest? What one thing one person may be able to mostly ignore and handle another may have severe trouble with and make said game unplayable. You guys fail to realise you have a direct influence on people's decisions to buy a game or not? And by not giving an honest review score, your failing to live.up to that responsibility right? Also it doesn't help the devs improve their game where it needs improving by giving glossed over scores.
@LN78 I actually did mean this year originally, for Christmas sales.
I was replying to your "pre Christmas" sales comment. Though now I realize you meant literally any sales before Christmas Day, not sales prior to December.
Either way, not in a big hurry to play the game now, still have a massive backlog that's surely to grow during Black Friday/Christmas sales.
@jonny_aces Robert and Sammy have given the game an honest score. The conclusion is a summary of the reviewer's thoughts and if someone glossed over the main body of text just to get to the end and the final score, and still were surprised by the trouble they had with the controls, that's their own fault for not reading the whole review. A 10/10 can have problems.
I might be the only one but I am just not feeling the game, controls are very clunky, story is ok but nothing special, most of the time it is putting me to sleep. Graphically looks good but other than that I just don't feel like playing it anymore. Will be returning it to get my money back. Just my opinion of course.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Yeah it's just on the basis that a 10 doesn't necessarily mean a game is perfect — it's just the pinnacle of a certain genre that pushes it forward in the most important ways. And honestly, you do get used to the controls after a while so it's certainly not a game-breaking issue or anything like that.
Thanks for reading!
@ShogunRok great review and I've got to say I wholeheartedly agree with you on most counts. I'll admit for the first few hours the controls were putting me off and i dont suppose it helped coming off the back of just playing God of War and Spiderman which probably exaggerated that somewhat, whilst the menu's are a little clumsy and it's a bit annoying that the game keeps taking my guns off me. However the world is utterly amazing, it's about time I had something to explore without every little thing being labelled on a map after climbing a sodding tower. It feels much more alive than any game I can remember and I've spent probably about 90% of my time just wandering around talking to people and seeing what I can find. Overall the positives massively outweigh what have become fairly inconsequential negatives and no game is perfect. People just seem to get upset that a game gets a higher score than one they like more and seem to forget that it makes no difference to how much they enjoy the games they play.
This year has been amazing and this game is definitely up there with God of War and Spiderman as my game GOTY contenders
@carlos82 Glad you're enjoying it!
Been playing it for about 20 hours now and the controls are ok. The first hour felt clumsy but you get used to it. I'm really really loving the slow pace the game sometimes forces on you. The mud- and snow physics are awesome and overall graphics are truly amazing and full of details. Just look into the sun and pan the camera behind Arthur and see his ears shine red from the light passing through them.. for me it's a deffenite 10!
I think the controls are perfect and finely weighted. They work well with Rockstar's excellent physics engine, just like GTA does. I'm a bit baffled as to why so many have issues with the controls but I suppose I'm just used to it having been playing GTA Online for years.
The greatest entertainment triumph in the entirety of the known history in all of mankind. I haven't played it, but is that the sentiment?
I definitely made a huge mistake finishing Spider-Man and the jumping straight into RDR2.
Literally hate the controls with a passion right now. So clunky. Keep hitting R2 (fire) to sprint. And X to Sprint!.... seriously? it's 2018 not 2008 Rockstar. Also probably just me but I'm finding sometimes holding down L2 to aim doesn't work. Everything just feels unnatural with the controls.
I so want to love this game though. Gonna come back to it after some sleep with refreshed eyes, mind and expectations. Just getting too frustrated with it right now.
@get2sammyb @shogunrok
Might want to have a look at this.
@get2sammyb @shogunrok
Still haven't dived in yet but am hearing a lot about too much busy work and long horse rides to not do very much at the end.
Some calling it a 'horse-riding simulator' more then anything else.
I know you said it's a slow burner but I usually only get an hour in a night so thinking might not get too far into it before getting frustrated with lack of progression.
Is there too much horse riding in your opinions?
@Futureshark Well you have to travel from place to place but in my opinion that's part of the game. It's open world and there's a lot of horse riding.
That said, there's plenty of action, too. I think if you're genuinely complaining about too much horse riding then you have to just keep playing. Things aren't always as slow paced as they may first appear.
I know I’m soooooo late on this game but I still don’t have it. Something went wrong with my preorder and due to the responsibilities of being a husband and father I had to put off buying the game until 9 Nov, 18. I think I have seen every piece of media and I’m chomping at the bit to get this game, no one will see me ever again I will be lost out West for a long time!
It took time for me to warm up to Red Dead 2, but I think now for me it is a 10/10 and likely one of only games to touch my current champion of quality The Witcher 3. I honestly don't think controls to be too clunky and admire their complexity - because honestly they required it if the detail was going to be that extensive. You get used to them after awhile, it becomes second nature. The game is one of the most organic AI-wise, I know it's said a lot but this one truly felt like a living breathing world. This game has a much more serious vibe to it then GTA, so I really don't see a big comparison of the two. They are very different to me as far as overall tone. Yes, you play criminals in both, but being an outlaw in a different historical time plays different even if you went on a bloodbath. Although some of the ideas aren't a new revelation that some make them out to be, like some of the survival elements. A lot of it has been done before - they just came up with more polished ways of presenting it. The graphics I think are on par with most of the other photorealistic games, the lighting especially is amazing. I'd be surprised if Red Dead isn't most sites Game of the Year, but I do agree this year has been amazing across the board so either way there's a lot of competition. I also thought Spiderman and God of War were both near perfect in their type of category and Far Cry 5 and Assassins Creed Odyssey only had a few misteps from being on the upper tiers with the rest of the lot. The year isn't over, but I don't see anything else topping what's come out already. There's still quality stuff before the year is done, but I think the Winners have already dropped.
Am I really the only one that doesn't think this game deserves a 10. The controls just feel terrible for me, and the character moves so dam slow! And the wanted system is bad too. There seems to be a witness to every crime I committ, even out in the woods. People shoot you just for looking at them and then if you defend yourself you're wanted for murder. It's good but not a 10 for me.
RDR2 as is on release is not a 10. Clunky controls, spastic character and horse movements, and blur, lots of blur. Then there is the fun factor. RDR2 is interesting but how much actual fun does the player experience?
I am in act 2 with a lot of free roam time. What i have experienced so far has me giving RDR2 a 7. I am finding RDR2 is more interesting than fun. The fun is often reduced or ruined by clunky controls, and or the amount of blurry graphics.
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