Frantic, split-second action is what the Strider franchise is all about, and with developer Double Helix's newest entry into the beloved series, fans will be glad to hear that the hectic feel of the older games has been recreated well. The question is: can ageing hero Strider Hiryu maintain the pace with newer sidescrollers?
Unfortunately for our deadly Super A agent, the answer to that question is a mixed one. While the release can certainly serve up a lot of slick, speedy fun, its newly introduced Metroidvania-style map design and segmented progression sometimes takes the sting out of the otherwise blistering experience. Dashing and slashing your way through robotic enemies and watching them crackle before exploding makes for some brilliantly satisfying moments – but that's all they ever are: moments.
In between these tiny bursts of enjoyment, you'll be guiding the slender protagonist through a futuristic Eastern European-style city that's currently in the grasp of a tyrant and his army of mechanical soldiers. It's full of rooftops, alleyways, train tunnels, hidden laboratories, and military bases, which are all ready to be explored as you complete singular mission objectives. It's not that navigating the title's world is difficult as the game controls absolutely beautifully, but it just feels like the inclusion of such a vast map and the need to frequently backtrack doesn't quite gel with the star's quick feet.

Sprinting from area to area feels great the first time, though, as you'll need to adapt to your new surroundings fast before you're pelted with bullets. Hiryu's movements are as smooth as butter, which makes transitioning from sliding to jumping to cutting through opponents feel incredibly fluid and natural, as each push of a button results in something that looks extremely cool on screen. Whether it's a last second leap over the head of a foe or a finishing blow to a burly mech, the release is often quite dazzling to see in motion, except when Hiryu seems hell-bent on sticking to a wall or ceiling instead of simply diving out of the way of an enemy's attack.
Indeed, the level design may be the architect of at least a few frustrating moments. As previously alluded, the title's titular warrior has a nasty habit of latching onto platforms and walls that you weren't necessarily trying to reach, which can unsurprisingly result in losing a good chunk of health as you're barraged by numerous projectiles. It's definitely not a huge problem, but when you're gracefully gliding through a location only to awkwardly grab onto a nearby ledge, it becomes a bit of a cheap way to kill the mood.
Avoid these minor niggles, though, and it isn't hard to get into the rhythm and flow of the game. There's no doubt that Strider is at its absolute best when you're effortlessly bounding above and behind adversaries before slicing them in half, then launching yourself over a chasm and continuing the slaughter on the other side. When you're really in the zone, the title offers a ride that's not too dissimilar to the dizzying adrenaline highs of something like WipEout, and it's during these frantic free-for-alls that you'll be glad that you decided to make a home for the game on your hard drive.

Staying in that sweet spot takes some practice, however. The dash-'em-up is capable of throwing some rather demanding scenarios at you that'll keep you constantly on your toes, and if you're not quick to react, you'll likely get pummelled from just about every direction. The fact that almost every foe makes use of some sort of ranged weapon means that most of your brainpower will be depleted in trying to deduce the best way to get in close and go for the kill. With no dodge mechanic and no way to deflect incoming projectiles until later in the release, you'll need to rely on Hiryu's reliable jump, and, more often than not, you'll just need to take the hits on the chin. Thankfully, defeated opponents yield health pick-ups, and prevalent floating green containers also grant you a life force boost, meaning that much of the title is spent healing back the damage taken from the foe that you just mowed down.
This creates a somewhat simple, pure style of gameplay where you're always trying to minimise incoming damage while also striving to wipe out your aggressors as quickly as possible. As such, Strider is actually quite accessible despite its love of dropping you into tricky situations, as your overall goal in combat rarely becomes anything more complex. Similarly, the swordplay itself shouldn't take too long to master. You'll be mashing square almost as much as you would in Dynasty Warriors, but each slash and swipe of the Cypher blade looks and feels fast and deadly. You'll also gradually build up a selection of flashy special moves as you progress through the seven or so hour adventure, which add a little bit of spice to encounters, particularly when you're pulling off self-made combos in the heat of the moment.

Bosses, however, conjure up battles where you'll need to learn attack patterns and know just when to strike. Sadly, compared to the addictive pace of the standard gameplay, these brawls can seem a little static, which will perhaps disappoint long time fans. While the baddies are a necessary component, and, for the most part, provide a fair fight, they're just not very memorable or exciting. Even near the beginning of the release, when you're busy climbing up a mechanised dragon, it just isn't as bombastic and over the top as it arguably should be. And sadly, this is also the case when it comes to describing the title as a whole.
From the bland environments and generic audio to the predictable enemy design, Strider doesn't really do much to stand out, despite its silky smooth performance on the PlayStation 4. When you're not blitzing your way through scenarios that closely resemble past titles, journeying through the somewhat soulless city – especially when you're lost and looking for the correct corridor – can feel a little bit boring. It's a shame, too, because as we mentioned earlier, when the release is doing what it does best, it can be extremely difficult to put down, which makes us wish that it stuck to the series' classic formula more often.
At its blistering best, Strider is a joy to play – its silky smooth controls making it difficult to not feel like the unstoppable agent himself. It's a welcome return to a beloved franchise, but it falls just short of maintaining the momentum that's expected of it, and instead opts to slice its way into a new generation with some less than exhilarating gameplay additions.
Comments 16
Not really a fan of side scrollers, but I might pick this up seeing as I've had a man-crush on Strider since Marvel vs Capcom 2 (arcade version). Judging by everything I've seen and heard, I can't help but think that this would work great on the Vita.
Neither my son nor I liked the demo. No double jump? And no multiplayer?Deleted it. We both agreed Moon Diver was MUCH better.
@rjejr I should point out that you do get a double jump later on, but like many of the power ups, it possibly comes too late.
I'm looking forward to playing this. I agree that the environments look a bit bland, but I'm glad to hear that the gameplay's silky smooth!
I had the original on megadrive and loved it. But was kinda disappointed by this, it's not a bad game, but I was surprised it was still a side scroller, plus it seemed to basic. Quite pretty though.
I really like it! Keep in mind, however, that it would be over-the-top if it had a larger variety of levels - like the original(s).
That said, it's quite good and, as the OP noted, can be quite hard to put down!
It's a fun game to play and I don't regret my purchase.
Solid game, overall, and a worthy return for Strider. I'm really enjoying it.
Great review, @ShogunRok!
@ShogunRok: Great review.
I have never played a Strider before this one for some reason that series alluded me back in the day so I can't honestly compare it to any of those. Still I tried the demo and fell in love with this game. I think what sold me was the whole metroidvania style, I am such a sucker for that style. Easily my top game for February.
If only this game was out on Wii U, I would have already downloaded it. My PS3 Hard-drive is pretty much consistently full and my Wii U is begging for more games to be downloaded.
@ShogunRok - "you do get a double jump later on"
A double jump is NOT a power up. A ground pound is.
I liked Blade Kitten better also, though I am partial to sassy anime cat girls.
Good review, I'll have to get someday. I enjoyed the demo, and my only problem was how hard it was to avoid enemy fire (and the accident clinging mentioned in the review).
I grew up playing Strider! I downloaded the demo a few days ago...I'm getting the full version today.
I'll have to read the review more thoroughly, but I had a feeling some of the additrions would be questionable. I was going to wait for a sale unless it turned out to be stupendous or something, but only because I'm short on cash at the moment.
We'll after a far few hours with the game I can safely say it's a very solid game, the controls are very responsive which is important for a action game like this as well as being 60fps.The game is based around speed with light & heavy attacks as you progress through the game you unlock other abilities, on your first playthrough you not going to be lighting speed taking out everything you come across obviously as your learning the game. But things do start to click soon you'll be able too fly through a mission taking out enemies while not taking damage, and this is where the leaderboards with speed runs plays it's part if your into that. But at first you'll want too explore the levels for upgrades, and just get used to the game as you unlock abilities, the game looks gorgeous in full HD 1080p with the art style. In the review thay did say about Strider latching onto walls, I myself have had any problems with this. Strider will latch onto a wall if your pressing the stick in that direction and right by the wall, same goes for ceilings if your pressing up on the stick Strider will latch onto the ceiling.Otherwise I can be right by the wall and still not latch onto the wall only when I want too but I do play games a lot, as I've say the controls are excellent in this game. Overall I love this game for me it's definitely an 8/10.
I'd give it an 8.5, myself. My only beef is that there are not enough variety to the levels compared to the original(s). As a Strider game, it certainly holds its own. As a "Metroidvania" game, it again holds its own. The controls are perfect (on the PS4 version, anyway. XB1 has some slight control lag when doing multiple actions). The graphics are awesome. The sounds and music are top-notch. (I THINK I hear some "Shaun of the Dead" music in a couple of areas...)
Easily an 8.5, IMO. A variety of levels like the Amazon and an actual snow level (not just the "quick, you're in snow, get to the building!") could have taken it from "nicely above-average" to "classic" status.
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