Sitting down to write this review makes us feel a little like Alan Wake himself, tapping away at his typewriter in the Writer’s Room. We’re not quite sure where the page will take us, even though we have so much swirling around in our mind. That’s the effect of Alan Wake 2; a rip-roaring horror experience from Remedy Entertainment that innovates in just about every way possible. It's the sequel fans of the series have been waiting over a decade for — but it’s also so much more.
We’re reintroduced to Bright Falls, the quaint lakeside town from the first game, in brutal, bloody fashion. A ritualistic murder has brought FBI Agent Saga Anderson and her partner to Bright Falls to investigate. The opening hours feel like a classic murder mystery, hitting all the hallmarks of the genre with stunning finesse. But it really doesn’t take long for Remedy to do what Remedy does best: get weird.

This will start from the very get for some, as Saga’s partner Alex Casey doesn’t just share the name of Alan Wake’s most popular detective character, but also the likeness of Creative Director Sam Lake. It’s the first strand in a web of the meta-mystery that the developer is spinning, that only gets weirder and more impressive the deeper you get into its 15-20 hour campaign.
To say that we were enthralled is putting it lightly. While the 2010 original certainly has a pseudo-cult following, reignited with the Control/Alan Wake DLC back in 2020, Alan Wake 2 is on another level. Hell, it’s on a different planet. Gone is the stilted narration for intriguing and purposeful dialogue — the alternating camera perspective is now swapped out for a Resident Evil-like third-person one — and while the original was never really a looker, Alan Wake 2 graphically trumps most games on PS5 with ease.
One of our favourite improvements, though, lies in the dual protagonists. At a certain point in the game you are able to choose between missions as Alan or Saga. You can rinse through the Alan story before getting into Saga’s, or vice versa. We personally opted to alternate between the two after each Chapter, which resulted in flawless pacing. Each protagonist has their own mission style, with Saga going down the more traditional horror route, and Alan opting for labyrinthine mazes of the mind. Much to our surprise, however, both connected campaigns maintain the same level of entertainment. There's never a dull moment or a “not another one of these” segments, which were regular occurrences in the original game.
Yet despite all of these changes, Alan Wake 2 stays true to the series with a novelistic flair to its storytelling. There are twists and turns aplenty, amplified by the returning episodic structure, weird side characters both new and old, and creeping doubts that’ll leave you questioning what’s real. And that’s all wrapped up in an palpable atmosphere that’ll leave you practically smelling the damp forest pine of its setting.
We couldn't get enough of the story, which becomes all the more ambitious the further it goes on. And as the third entry in the Remedy connected universe, fans of Control as well as Alan Wake will be thrilled to see the two interweave — and in more meaningful ways than we ever expected. There are moments of this story that left us with fullbody chills, and some particularly creepy levels that we’ll not soon forget.
All of this is aided by a streamlined gameplay experience. You’re still tasked with dousing an enemy in light before blasting their brains out, but it's now much snappier. Ditching the rechargeable batteries from the original and giving each one a set number of light charges means you're a lot more battery conscious as you delve deep into darkened areas. The new perspective certainly makes you feel like you're in the trenches, so to speak, but with your expanding weaponry and a degree of tactics, combat maintains that perfect vulnerable badass balance. The only minor disappointment is that the enemy variety has remained pretty similar to our first outing in Bright Falls. There's never that spine-tingling feeling like when you first encounter a Licker in Resident Evil 2, although we'd argue that you're comparing two different types of horror at that point

If we really had to bring up some kind of complaint about the game, it would be the puzzles. Quite often you’ll be finding keys and codes to unlock gates and stashes. On the surface they're fairly inoffensive, but more than once we found ourselves traipsing through levels confused as to where to go and what to do. Without any objective markers, some of the mandatory puzzles can be frustratingly tedious, although the minimal HUD also amplifies the immersion.
Speaking of immersion, we’ve got to talk about visuals and the masterful presentation that Remedy has conjured up here. Whether you’re exploring the dense forests surrounding Cauldron Lake, or the nightmarish rendition of New York in The Dark Place, the detail and visual flare that Remedy has achieved is nothing short of astounding. The game bounces back and forth between in-game cinematics and gameplay, and even full live action material — sometimes at the same time. The lighting in particular will leave you begging for a photo mode (something Remedy has confirmed is coming post-launch). It’s hard to think of a game with unwavering direction quite like this.

What impresses even more, though, is how much of a technical feat Alan Wake 2 is. While graphics are nice, the non-existent loading times will really make you perk up. Whether it’s switching to Saga’s case-cracking Mind Place, or entirely changing the look of a level in an instant by rewriting its narrative, you’re constantly reminded why this release ditched last-gen. While it’s not as flashy as Spider-Man 2’s fast travel transition, the instant switching of levels continues to impress all the way to the very end.
DualSense haptics also does a good job of highlighting those changes with thuds and rumbles tying into the sound effects and level switches. It's not the best haptic functionality we’ve ever felt, but it weaves into the experience in a way that amplifies it, rather than pulling your attention away from it.
Like a mystery once thought solved, Alan Wake 2 reopens the case for what’s possible in its genre. It’s a delight to relive classic horror titles through modern remakes, but what Remedy has cooked up here is something special — a gust of fresh air aiming to revitalise video game horror. There’s expansive lore and a twisting story that might not be for everyone, but the developer packs so many exciting and unique ideas into this ambitious sequel that you can’t help but play along with a nervous smile on your face. With stunning visuals, pitch-perfect tone and atmosphere, brilliant pacing, and a fascinating mystery to sink your teeth into, there are no twists or turns about it: Alan Wake 2 is an all-timer.
Comments 168
I'm still reeling from my time with this game. I loved every second of it! If anyone has any questions about it I'll try my best to answer them. Thanks for reading!
It's been a ridiculous year for gaming.
No minus points for lack of physical edition is bad decision. You're letting them win, just because it's a good game.
If this was a review for the PC version, I'd get it.
At least stop acting like you care for physical media, in some other articles of yours.
Agree here! I still have the Collectors edition of the original Xbox 360 that came out way back in Feb/March of 2012 and I would have liked to add to it with a hard copy of this edition.
I wasn’t expecting a 10 tbh… I’ll frikkin’ take one though!
Oh wow, I wasn't expecting a 10. I'll have to pick it up sometime.
I tried playing the first one, but couldn't get over the bad dialogue, is this one better? Also should I give the first one another Chance?
@Sil_Am "You're letting them win, just because it's a good game."
Not sure if trolling or not.
Damn. I didn't even really have it on my radar but I feel like I need to at least try it. I remember the 1st one was on PS+ so maybe I'll fire that up to see what I think.
@Sil_Am I'm sorry, but can you please explain to me how there not being a physical version makes the game worse in any meaningful way? I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around this
@radic202 @Sil_Am
As much as I don't like a digital-only release, it would be unfair to the hard-working employees of Remedy who have painstakingly created something most review outlets love. If the game is a 10 it would be a 10 either way. If we start taking points off not having a physical release there would be a lot of 10/10 Indie games on this list.
Lack of enemy variety actually seems like a pretty big con to me.
@AaronBayne do you have to play the first one to enjoy this one?
How do we have a 10 without any word on how it runs? Does it hold the 60fps in performance mode? If not, does it go outside the PS5 VRR window? Question like these should have answers in the review of a game getting a perfect score.
@Sil_Am The inevitable review bombers will deal with that. Let the devs have their praise for releasing what sounds like a masterpiece.
@Nightcrawler71 Yes or watch an in-depth synopsis of the first one. From what I've heard, there's a pretty good one by Sam Lake himself on IGN.
@Americansamurai1 I have to agree with your opinions on the dialogue of the first game. Having replayed the original last week in preperation for this game, I couldn't really get on board with the writing. It's miles better here.
This is such a different level of game that if you had troubles with the first I'd watch an in-depth story recap rather than forcing yourself to play through it all. It is essential though that you are up to date on your Alan Wake and Control lore, at least to a basic degree.
@AaronBayne From what I've seen and other reviews they say the PS5 version is very soft and almost blurry. Did you find the visuals to be the same way? I can't stand when a game looks soft/low rez and not sharp and won't be able to handle it if it is.
@Sarcasmatwork The more you know about the original and Control the better I'd say. Although I reckon a YouTube story recap or two would do the trick. I'm not overly famliar with Control, having played only half the game, but watching some videos meant that I didn't feel out of the loop here.
Wow, this is getting amazing reviews everywhere. Whilst I'll be getting this on PC for its ray tracing potential, it's clear they've done an amazing job in making the console versions look great.
I'm a big fan of Control in particular and really looking forward to playing this tomorrow
@Splat it certainly has ! I can't imagine we'll see it like this year again
Physical games usually don't even come with the game itself these days, just a key to download it, due to the Xbox Series X being limited to single layer blurays (50 gb max). If the disc was to contain the actual game, you would have to put in multiple discs, which is monumentally more expensive in terms of SKU costs but you also have to develop the game in such a way where the disc split makes sense, so most people don't bother.
And if they do bother, it'll have a massive day 1 patch anyway.
No point in physical games whatsoever.
@Chaotic_Goat I played the game on performance mode and the framerate was solid the entire time. I had no crashes, no major issues with the game.
@dschons I second the Sam Lake recap. I actually happened on it when I was taking a break from the game and found it really handy.
Digital only is also a lot less risky, since you won't be sitting on a huge amount of physical copies of the game if the game sells below expectations. If that happens, retailers will also push the price down due to the huge supply, meaning the publisher and developer make even less.
In addition, digital games don't have to compete for shelf space in the same way physical games do, meaning it's also less risk. This in combination with the above allows for more risk taking and more niche games to be made.
Less environmental impact as well.
Well, I was on the fence because it was digital only but I went out? Sat in my chair and pre-ordered, also helps that I had $15 in PlayStation bucks.
Not sure on this, first game was boring and i fail to see how a sequel is 10/10, however opinions are like ar"oles, everyones got one 👍
Looks like this will be my game to play in all of October Halloween 2024. Hopefully a good chunky digital sales on it by then. So much to play as is. Paying bills can kiss my ar**
@AaronBayne thanks
Excellent score for alan wake 2.this game is a masterpiece.word up son
@jmac1686 Hmmm not personally. I thought there was an really impressive level of sharp detail, especially with contrasting lights. Sometimes the live-action elements within gameplay would have a soft trail to them, but I personally didn't find the visuals to be soft.
@Wiggo Incorrect. Thats a self made problem that Xbox has. This game could fit on a 100GB PS5 disc with no trouble (Its 85gb).
The vast majority of PlayStation releases come fully working on the disc.
Check out
Another 10/10 game?!? What a year it’s been for games. I guess I’ll add this to my backlog, along with BG3.
@Americansamurai1 Yeah I couldn't get into the first one because(And I understand that he is a writer) Alan just would not shut the ***** up.
And I quoted Xbox, so what does the Playstation have to do with it?
Besides, the fact that it can fit on a PS5 Bluray, doesn't diminish the fact that everything else I said makes it a good decision to go "Digitally".
I like how you went out of your way to prove me wrong on the PS front. Bravo.
@Nepp67 yeah definitely kind of like forspoken lol
Hearing that this is incredible doesn't surprise me at all. I have complete faith in Remedy and anything they release. Guaranteed purchase once I get paid next week.
Pre-ordered this months ago. I drink Remedy's Kool-aid and I had a great feeling about this. I've basically watched nothing and read nothing other than a couple of reviews. I also replayed AW1 this past week and am doing the Control DLC finally.
Basically, I am beyond hype.
Wow, this seems like a must-play game! I’m not going to read the whole review in fear of spoilers, but do you guys recommend playing the first Alan Wake before I start with 2?
@Sil_Am a review of a game is about the experience itself, it has nothing to do with physical media. taking points away for something external to the gaming experience makes absolutely no sense
@Wiggo We're literally on a PlayStation fan website. Why would I care about Xbox's terrible disc situation?
As for the rest, they're not reasons that benefit the consumer so I didn't acknowledge them.
I'd like to be able to trade a game in if don't like it. I'd like to be able to refund it if it doesn't work. I'd like to not have my game purchases tied to an account that I may not always have access to. Thats three reasons off the top of my head as to why I prefer physical games.
@Darude84 Outside of the initial premise of the game I've steered clear of spoilers as much as I can, but totally understand!
Regarding whether you should play the first game, yeah I would recommend that or a in-depth story recap!
@AaronBayne thank you, sir. Much appreciated.
@MikeOrator you realize this is the first AAA game with no phsyical release right? Nobody is expecting an indie game to get a physical version, that's just a bonus.
They knew what they were doing. They knew fomo will push even some die hard physical fans to buy it digitally.
Man, this really is one hell of a year.
@Smiffy01 you should say in my opinion I found it boring
Another game of the year contender
Or has it missed the boat for 2023?
As the dates are weird for that award.
@Logonogo enjoy your all digital future then, cause this is the starting point, the success of this game, with no physical.
Let’s be honest all the developers all the big three companies would love all digital tomorrow if they could click their fingers.
So much business sense for them all.
It’s gonna happen one day.
Wow I didn't see this one coming. I might actually buy a game for once this year.
@Sil_Am so dramatic
@AaronBayne Thanks! And with “spoilers” I meant I want to know as little as possible about these sorts of games before jumping in. Also gameplay wise.
@dschons Some people will get the remark, just not you.
@Toot1st Totally was though lol
@Sil_Am Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what it is. (lol)
Did people complain as much about Baldur's Gate 3 being digital only on consoles as well? I'm pretty sure it sold quite well despite that.
I already read DF's article on the performance and while it doesn't seem to be a steady 30/60 the whole time according to them, it doesn't sound like a hot mess, which is enough for me, especially with how amazing the game seems as a whole.
WHAT THE FCK??? 10/10 outstanding?! I mean I would have guessed it will be a great game but a 10/10?!?! Sweet jesus I need to preorder and preload that beast right now
This has easily been my most anticipated game of the year, and it’s nice to see the game lives up to the hype. Remedy knocks it out of the park once more!
@Glotny Actually a great point you dont really see people complain about Baldur's gate 3
@Sil_Am I personally enjoy all of my digital library. It’s much more easy to maintain, and easier and quicker to access than a physical copy. Additionally, to your original comment, I’m unsure how not having a physical copy detracts from the overall quality of the game. Moreover, BG3 didn’t have a physical copy and look how successful that game is. Did you complain then, or is it only about games that are of interest to you?
Everyone’s gone crazy on this one.
Now I really enjoying the RE4 remake and the game has plenty of action and a few puzzles to take you out of action a little bit.
Which is perfect for me as I like to be in the action shooting etc.
What I would like to know in the roughly 17 hour campaign play through is how much time is spent in the action and watching video clips and investigating around. Because what reviews I’ve watched so far there seems to be a lot of watching videos and investigating going on.
@LN78 Remedy have said they will add a new game plus with difficulty options and changes to the narrative. It will have free content in the future and paid content
Awesome news! It's a pity that I can't try it out today because in my region (Hungary) it will be unlocked at 6 AM, not midnight like most of the releases.
Sounds incredible! Definitely interested in getting to this. Have to play through the first still. As the physical/digital debate rages on, all I can offer is a truth: if this launched physically, I would have purchased it at full price tomorrow.
@Sil_Am its not the first AAA game with no physical release. Baldurs gate 3 has no physical release yet either and there are probably more too but i cant be arsed to check. I agree with you that no disc version sucks as i would love to have this but i refuse to pay the psn store prices. Deducting points from the score is a moot point as the score reflects the quality of the game not the purchase options but again i can understand your point even if i dont agree with it. I'll wait on a sale besides i have way too much to get through.
Today this game went from being one of my most anticipated games of the year to something I have zero interest in playing because it doesn’t seem like a game for me. It’s super important to actually read reviews and not just pay attention to scores.
@Northern_munkey Agree, there are a lot to play anyway. Yes, deducting points from score may be a bit too harsh, at least a minus point in the conclusion. If reviewers don't say anything, who's gonna do it? Nobody with a major audience anyway, apart from some Tweeter nuts. 😄
Holy smokes, I thought it’d be a solid game, but not this good. This year has been absolutely nuts.
@Sil_Am why I would prefer a nice physical version ,marking it down because it doesn't have one would be silly,games don't get extra points for physical maps or steelbooks ,cyberpunk had a really nice physical edition, didn't get any extra points for it, wasn't even mentioned.
Just platinumed Spidey 2 so i'm all ready for Alan Wake 2 tomorrow, glad to hear its fantastic.
I like the sound of this one, but I wasn’t a fan of Remedy’s other games. Control looked pretty and was really ambitious but the gameplay quickly got repetitive. I also felt the protagonist and the story wasn’t all that interesting. I’m definitely going to look into giving this one a go though.
@Sil_Am You do realize every game gets patches and bug fixes at launch, right? When the servers get shut down, you'll be slightly better off than the digital only gamer. This is the last gen foe physical media. Next Xbox and PS6 will be digital only. Just like music and movies will be streaming only.
Leave it to this comment section to somehow find a way to complain about a game that got a 10/10.
@Tchunga tbf there’s been ridiculous cons for much less in the past
Removed - trolling/baiting
Removed - unconstructive
Those dummies at Sony should have left Alan Wake: Remastered on sale the day reviews went live for the sequel. Just went to buy it and now the sale is over 🤬 lol
Glad to hear it’s good but I can wait for a heavy discount or a physical release. I feel like there’s very little buzz around this game (outside of gaming websites like this) so the price will probably plummet in a few months.
I love Remedy, but the publisher for the game cheaping out by not doing a physical release makes this an easy add to my backlog. I'm glad it seems to be a fantastic game though, and even if it got a physical release, I doubt I would have been able to play it anytime soon anyways. I'm still slowly making my way through Spider-Man 2.
@HotGoomba gamers complaining about things that are raved about, surely not!
Wow a 10/10. Damn I've got to pick this up now.
Gutted no physical release, looks like I won't have a choice if I want to play it.
@AaronBayne How long the campaign is?
@AaronBayne I never played all the way through the first game. How imperative is it that I finish the first before trying this one?
@ear_wig Coincidence? I think not!
Wow, It is one amazing game after another. Love it!
Big fan of Remedy.
@Sil_Am Stop whining and accept physical gaming is dying. Whether the game is digital only or not has no bearing on the game itself so why should it lose points?
A 10/10 on Pushsquare. These are rare, folks. I couldn’t be more excited to start this one.
15-20 hours sounds like the perfect length! I’m really looking forward to this, though it’ll be a while before I get to it.
….but i need to save some money!!!
I’m so happy this is being so well received. I’m not going to read the comments because I don’t want to trawl through 30 people whining about digital only releases but I absolutely LOVE Remedy - I think they’re my favourite dev.
Please tell me that Alex Casey pulls this face at least once 😁
My backlog of games about to get a bit longer. This looks amazing.
Question , do you need to play the first game in order to enjoy Alan Wake 2 ?
@Wiggo Just bought Horizon Forbidden West on PS5 complete edition with patches and complete. The Xbox should have the new format UHD Bluray discs that is weird so they choose to put in on normal Blu-ray discs I guess?
@DragoonZied Awsome avatar I love that game. 😁👍
If it's not physical i hate that but I makes one thing more easy waiting for a discount because I has no value if you buy im lucky there are so many games that I'm years behind already. 🤣
@DragoonZied many have said that it’s a good idea to play the first or to at least look up a YouTube recap.
@Ambassador_Kong There are so many options to stay physical the secondhand market is fantastic for that so I think I will be save for a decade atleast.
Wow I didn't expect to rank this high, It's cool.
And I love the only digital decision, I know, not a popular opinion, but we need to accept this logic transition.
No physical copies translate in better prices for digital in the future because Sony would be forced to let retainers sell codes. You just have to see the PC example where physical is already dead.
@Flaming_Kaiser my first rpg on the ps1 and my favorite one , the story is amazing
@kcarnes9051 I started playing the first one, it's amazing but I want to just enjoy more with the incredible graphics of the new one
No physical, so I’ll just wait for it to be on PS+. Both AW1 and Control were on there, no reason this won’t be a year or so from now.
@DragoonZied good thing it only takes like 10-15 hours to beat. You could probably knock it in week or much less if you have the free time. Will probably make the experience playing the new one even better.
@DragoonZied Remake this one Playstation and i will shut up straight away I even have the original PS1 disks.😁
@DragoonZied You should try Breath of Fire 4, Koudelka, Legend of Legaia 1/2 and Parasite Eve really fantastic games.
Wow wasnt expecting such a high score. 2023 continues to deliver.
I really enjoy Remedy games - i loved Max Payne and Control, but i didnt really get the hype when i played alan wake remastered - i think possibly a product of its time. I thought the story was quite clunky and the gameplay loop got old about half way through.
It sounds like Remedy has smoothed out a lot of the bits i didnt like, and i like what ive heard about Saga's mind palace etc. So i definitely will keep an eye on this one and get on sale down the road (or pick up if they ever do release a physical edition).
Pleased for their critical success with this game. It really will be interesting to see the stats on how much of an impact releasing this as a digital only title has on commercial sales
I only started the first game this week. The pulpy narration immediately stood out, that and the exceedingly clumsy running animation. I appreciate what they are doing with the narration, but I wouldn’t say I was particularly impressed by what I’ve played so far. However, thirteen years is a long time and the sequel does look and sound very good indeed.
Side note - is it just me that finds the use of the term ‘campaign’ completely out of place when referring to narrative-focussed games such as this? Whilst literally correct, the term was obviously adopted from military-focussed games such as COD, where the meaning is slightly different. Personally, I’ve never found myself referring to a campaign in any game, other than perhaps the aforementioned military shooters. It’s either the ‘single-player’ or more commonly, the ‘story’, because as with any narrative-focussed experience, we are organising our course of action to the goal in the STORY. In summary, ‘campaign’ sounds daft, bin it. End of rant.
Removed - disrespecting others
@viktorcode Total playtime for me was around 18 hours, with some things missed out.
@Jedihillis You definitely need to have some kind of understanding of what happened in the first game. You'd obviously get more references if you played it the whole way through, but I think you'd get away with a story recap vid on YouTube.
@Ravix You're gonna be happy, that's all I'll say
@DragoonZied It definitely would help. but a story recap would suffice I'd say.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Kraven Can you get anything back from your digital library if you lose your job and need money? No, you're stuck with it.
This game doesn't exist for me. I'm one of those rebels who won't buy it until a disc is on the way.
What did Remedy say: "This game wouldn't fit on a disc."
So 80GB doesn't fit on an Ultra HD Blu-ray which fits 100GB?
Sorry Remedy, but f... yourself!
@Sil_Am following that logic, should most PC games automatically get a lower score?
The lack of enemy variety was probably the reason I quit part 1, so I’m not convinced
Oh bugger! Another game I now need to buy.
Removed - disrespecting others
Yep gamers absolutely should have option of buying physical if they choose as I would've bought it as well but if they cut out options of how people choose to buy then they create their own problems and lose potential sales ,their problem not mine
Really hope gamers do really enjoy the game though that have chosen to buy it digital:)
Watch out that’s disrespectful round these parts…
@Sil_Am I don’t need to sell games to make a living, even if I lose my job. It’s called being smart with my money so if something does happen to my job, I have alternatives to still be financially secure until I find employment again. Plus, selling games hardly ever procures yourself a substantial amount of money, and certainly not what you paid for it originally, if half that. I’m not trying to be rude, but if $20-30 is going to make or break you, then you really need to start reevaluating your life and make changes.
Most of the comments revolving around the lack of a physical release instead of an incredibly high review for a single player, offline playable, possible kind of weird. The only physical releases that might be worthy of our dollars, are complete editions with no download required. Day 1's mean precisely zip. They ALL require downloads when it's a Disc. Even Big N rarely puts out a complete 1.0 that never requires updating. If the argument is for resale purposes to Gamestop or somesuch....gimme a break. I'd rather permanently keep a digital copy than have the possibility of a 10cents on the dollar of the original investment for a trade in. Can we stop nitpicking about a dying chunk of data filled plastic and get back to the most important part? One of the best years in games ever and this is one of the 10's? I don't agree with a bunch of Push Squares clickbait tendencies, but I'm glad to see a thorough playthrough review with genuine insight.
@Kraven It was just an example, and new games hold up to 80% value if resold in the first 1-2 months, not to mention Nintendo games, which are gold.
I'm delighted this game has reviewed well and I look forward to playing it.
The game evaluation here is, of course, completely independent of the format it arrives in, which is as it should be.
Those who wish to make a point about no physical edition should not be calling for it to affect the score. We start going down that road and we might never stop - points deducted for misogyny or glorifying violence? I don't believe a game evaluation should be evaluating the politics of a game OR the format in which it is delivered, and I hope this viewpoint is not interpreted as 'disrespecting others' - which I did earlier and regret.
@Sil_Am I have zero need to sell games. If that’s your prerogative, so be it. However, don’t detract a score/review for a games digital only release because the review is about the quality of the product, and not the physical aspect of it.
From reviews the game seems to be slower paced than the original. Almost closer to a walking Sim. Maybe that's due to what they couldn't show. Sadly this may keep me from the game as my patience for these makes me drop it faster.
@Kraven That's fair, doesn't mean I can't share my opinion. 😄
I will adapt to the new "non physical release" decision they made. Will wait for it to come on PS+ or Game Pass. Shame really cause I would have bought it day one otherwise.
I probably won't buy it as I usually don't finish horror game, never play Alan Wake 1 and the Remedy games come to PS plus. But I personally don't think digital only is a problem. Game preservation claims only concerns a very minority but very loud voice (still it is rubbish as a disc would only last so long). The only benefit I can see is you can trade-in/sell. I am also not sure why Remedy skipped physical, now that they are owned by Epic. The budget isn't an issue. Maybe they can sell more (as one can't buy used discs) and save some money by not putting on discs.
It intersects with Control?
Guess it's finally time to put that game on the 'to-play' list.
Pleasantly surprised to see full marks, wasn't expecting that beforehand! The positive reviews have caught my attention, never played the first game but added to library more out of curiosity when it was available on Plus recently. Certainly a series I'll start sooner rather than later!
copies too much from twin peaks and david lynch, and its in bad taste. (because you cant copy it)
plus the whole writer's work becoming reality, is really just an excuse to have a story where anything goes. A bit tiresome and cliche.
@mckracken At least it's better than the stories in Spiderman, Assassin's Creed, Horizon etc. The bar for storytelling has never been lower thanks to shiny graphics.
I buy once it goes physical
@AaronBayne should I play Alan Wake 1 then Control then Alan Wake 2 in that order?
thats all very much true. Especially "Horizon" has a really idiotic story and premise, yet it is loved by modern audience.
The big question is: if I didn't like Control, will I enjoy this game? Never played the original.
I appreciate what Control was getting at, but I just wasn't feeling it. And now I'm getting a similar vibe from Alan Wake 2's footage.
My point is that it should not be reflected in a review. The game should stand on its own merit.
I won't be buying it because it is not physical, so on that we agree. Vote with your wallet.
Even with the major hype and a review score of 10, I can't bring myself to be excited for this. The original was a corny homage to Twin Peaks, which is a bad comparison to invoke when you don't have any of the same creative originality at play... This really isn't a world that I was ever hopeful to revisit, no matter how slick the presentation has gotten.
There is not a great comparison of storytelling between large open-world games and on-rails narrative games. One could compare Alan Wake 2 to Last of Us, God of War (2018), Resident Evil, or Silent Hill as these games are able to pace the story properly to the gameplay. Horizon, Valhalla, and Spiderman have a disconnect in the story between the world and the narrative. I wonder if this is by design having open-world stories feel more like Hollywood blockbusters and less like well-crafted novels.
Personally, I think there is room for both. Some people may not like what open-world games have been doing for the last few years but there are still many people that enjoy them, me being one.
There are exceptions of course. Red Dead Redemption 2 for example does a great job making the world and story mesh in a very special way, but that took a herculean effort to accomplish and years of development that started a revolution against anti-crunch workplaces.
There is also a fair amount of crappy stories in narrative-style games too so neither style is immune to weak storytelling. It's just harder to do it in an open-world-style game.
Thank you for reading
@Sil_Am The lack of a physical version has nothing to do with the quality of the game itself.
Seeing such high reviews for this game makes me happy. I really want Alan Wake II to go well. Perhaps, we won't have to wait another 13 years for Alan Wake III.
@Chaotic_Goat CHILL karen XD
@Wiggo you just butthurt, why on earth would yo come to a PS site to give your points about xbox??? you just salty he proved you wrong LOL
@LordBakemono chuckle
Removed - disrespecting others
@Sil_Am that has nothing to do with the quality of the game. Come on, now. That's just ridiculous...
F*CKING FINALLY!! been waiting for this for like 5 years it's finally here!! I hope it sells as well as it's ratings.
@Terra_Custodes A 10 here is classified as Outstanding. Your interpretation doesn't have any bearing, and it all comes down to opinion anyway.
@Flaming_Kaiser I wish I could , but it's really time consuming and i'm not the young child without responsabilities anymore :'
@kcarnes9051 I started playing the first one , and was amazed by the game , that's I bought the 2 and now playing it. too many games and no time to play , so I went for the 2 to enjoy the graphics and modernity of the game
@Terra_Custodes that’s the inherent problem with assigning a numerical score to something that isn’t numerical (i.e. an opinion, or a review). Unfortunately the general public aren’t very clever and so need a score to avoid them having to read words.
How much did they pay You for 10/10?
@Ken_Kaniff it is 8/10
I see many appear to forget the original was critically slammed at worst and faintly praised at best, and having played it recently as many have in anticipation of AW2, it quickly reminds me why. The feel, the story, the world is all great, its just the combat is so so bad. Really bad.
Glad to hear this one is great though and importantly improves in every way on the OG. Will certainly give it a go on PC when the price is right.
No Physical = No Buy. They had the opportunity to partner with a publisher and they chose not to. I'll wait until the games 75% off Digital, but I think eventually a physical version will come out.
10/10 Really? I watched ful gameplay from 2 most wanted streamer, some-scenes it got my attention but most the time I feel bored cuz moni-gameplay and simple enemy to kill. For me, AW2 get 7/10.
I was really sceptical after seeing a 10, but my God, this is a belter of a videogame.
I'm playing on PC, and it is genuinely jaw-dropping both narratively and visually. I can't get over how good it is.
@x3King84 Its atmosphere is tense throughout so far, but not really scary. There's a few jump scares that have got me, but more than those it's just the general feeling that makes it.
Several times I've had full-body goosebumps; it's that good if you like the genre.
@Troubbble I hated the first, didn't care for Control, but this is gold. If you like survival horror with scant resources it's more than worth a punt.
@lindos same feeling for me , everything is great except the combat, makes you feel thisis not part of this amazing game
@radic202 @Sil_Am @VoiceWithin1991 @Glotny
Not sure who else was involved in the physical vs digital debate in this comment section but...Baulders Gate 3 just got a physical release in Japan. Presell is going on now and it will be released on the 21st of December so there is hope for Alan Wake 2 yet!!!
@DragoonZied Preach and im not even going to church but i feel your pain and I don't even have kids. 😐
For anyone who's bought this,
How does it look and run on the PS5?? I really want to play it, but the console version looks somewhat rough from what I've seen, and poor performance on PS5.
I'm particularly worried about the visual artifacts and blurriness from bad upscaling.
I always liked your reviews but since this 10/10 game, I‘m more sceptical now. If this was a pc review, I couldn‘t agree more but this review for ps5 is obviously a sponsored one. There are SO SO many bugs. Visual bugs like superbad anti-aliasing, the whole picture is shimmering, those weird white dot artifacts, ultra bad shadow quality, jittery UI elements. Audio bugs like super low audio in mind room, two or even three languages gets mixed up in cutscenes and conversations, lip desync. Not talking about those gamebreaking bugs that can‘t be fixed with a checkpoint reload. The second patch „fixed“ over 200 bugs and you gave it a 10/10 before that patch? First patch = „localization issues are fixed“ -> nothing is fixed. Second patch = „localization issues are fixed + better aliasing“ -> nothing is fixed. Those are bugs and issues you face literally in the first ten minutes of gameplay. I have never seen a game with THAT bad aliasing since ps3 era, I‘m dead serious. Go look at alan wake 2 twitter account, this game is FULL of bugs. Either the reviewer was lazy and played the pc version and assumed it wouldn‘t be that much different than the console version.. or we have 100% evidence that this is sponsored.
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