The absurdly titled F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch begins in Torch City; a dirty, dieselpunk dystopia, inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, and a few years prior to the beginning of the game invaded by the robotic Legion and their 'Iron Dog' army. Our hero is a gruff rabbit named Rayton - a former ace pilot in a slump, struggling to deal with defeat in the war.
When his only friend is taken prisoner by the Iron Dogs, Ray has to come out of retirement for one last job to infiltrate the enemy stronghold, armed only with his wits and his massive, mechanical fist. Rayton sets off on this 2D Metroidvania adventure, punching his way through the Iron Dogs forces in battles that are easy to deal with at first but quickly escalate, and soon it becomes apparent that even standard encounters pose a significant risk if you're ill-prepared or careless.
At times, F.I.S.T. looks astonishing. There were moments when we found our thumbs idling over the controller as our eyes wandered, seeking out the small details that have been lovingly baked into each backdrop - from grimy, industrial cityscape, to snowy, mountain village.
It's a world that is fascinating to behold; a cold, grim, metallic slum inhabited by humanoid animals - cats, rats, rabbits, bears - that affectionately refer to each other as 'furtizens' rather than citizens. The tale isn't groundbreaking by any means, but the flesh versus machine narrative is expertly complemented by the striking visual style of Torch City, and it makes for a compelling playground.
F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch is a stellar Metroidvania adventure set in a beautifully realised world, replete with challenging combat encounters, rewarding exploration, and some spicy platforming action. Rayton Rabbit might be of diminutive stature, but he's punching well above his weight here in what is one of the best games of 2021 so far.
Comments 50
Awesome, this was always on my radar
I love a punchy (pun intended), short positive review. Will stick this on the wishlist.
Love a Metroidvania and haven’t played anything like one since Hollow Knight which I adored!
Pre-ordered, pre-downloded and ready.
@Ward_ting Then you must check out Ender Lilies and Axiom Verge 2! They'll comfortably scratch that Metroidvania itch.
“Where’s the bunny, Lebowski?”
I hadn't heard about this in a while but your review definitely makes it worth a look.
How long was the game roughly @johncalmc ?
What exactly are the technical issues?
@Thrillho Depends. It took me 28 hours which involved finding a lot of the secrets and struggling a lot with two of the bosses. I would imagine someone good would do it in maybe 20 - give or take. Completionist is going to add a bit because there's quite a lot of hidden bosses, items, etc.
Just wanna say. I know it's a mini one, but that's a well written review @johncalmc 👍
@johncalmc That's bigger than I expected. Nice.
@Reeneman On two occasions during my playthrough, when dodging an enemy attack, Rayton was left floating in mid-air, unable to move. Just had to wait for the enemy to kill me so I could continue. There's occasional silly little glitches like that but we're not talking Fallout New Vegas here. It's minor things, not very often.
@johncalmc Thanks! Sounds pretty good overall, especially for £25.
@Thrillho I'm biased because I love Metroidvania games but this is one of my favourite games of 2021 and well worth a punt for £25.
Was hoping this was going to land on psplus. Trailer looks amazing!
Always here for Pushsquare's green light, Pre-ordered!
@JB_Whiting thanks for the heads up! Will check them out.
@johncalmc thank you
ok so the usual small patches over the next weeks.
Curious to see if they are going to add RT to the game.
This game looks amazing definitely getting it.word up son
Freaking awesome looking game. What a great year for Metroidvanias.
I'm glad to see that we only got a good chinese game but also a good China Hero project game, right after Hardcore Mecha. I guess it was a good move for Sony to promote this game.
This actually sounds awesome. Definitely on my radar now.
Btw, if there's any more questions then feel free to ask. I'm around all day.
Is exploration similar to Hollow Knight where you back and forth after unlocking new skills?
@CynicalGamer Hollow Knight itself is modelled after Metroid and Castlevania (SotN) so that would be a resounding yes.
@CynicalGamer I haven't actually played Hollow Knight, but that's a Metroidvania so yeah it sounds about right. You walk around and you'll see, say, a platform you can't reach. But then later you'll unlock double jump. So you can go back and double jump up there and then you'll find a secret or something. It's like that with all the skills.
@johncalmc @JB_Whiting Thanks. Sounds great. The genre is one I have started exploring recently.
@CynicalGamer Welcome to the Metroidvania sub-genre! May I recommend the following to quench your thirst for exploration
Ender Lilies
Axiom Verge 1 & 2
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
The Mummy Demastered
There are tonnes more but these were just off the top of my head from what I've played and enjoyed!
@JB_Whiting Will check out. Thanks.
Great to hear. Hopefully this gets a physical release but I'll probably pick this up after I clear up my backlog more.
Great review....I love easy stuff like this to read that gets straight to the point. Too many sites have hired english majors and journalist that want to wax on and prove they know multiple synonyms in the English language lol. Gonna support this developer!
@CynicalGamer @JB_Whiting I have one more word for you:
@CynicalGamer salt and sanctuary and blasphemous are both great games too
@CynicalGamer For whatever it's worth, my votes for absolute best of the genre would go to:
Metroid Zero Mission
Super Metroid
Ori and the Blind Foreset
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Shadow Complex
Axiom Verge
Dammit, ps5 only? I was hoping to get fisted...wait..
@PhhhCough It's on PS4, too.
As a 40 year old I'm not sure I can legitimately play as a robotic rabbit without feeling like an idiot
@kris0000 If it helps, he's not robotic. He's just a rabbit. The mechanical fist is attached to him like equipment.
oops, I did realise that after posting, must be losing my marbles. Haha - I should be fine then!
We'll just get a physical release in North America?
Hopefully I'll be able to download & play this either tomorrow or the next day, hoping to play it before Life is Strange True Colors releases, but man I just have too much on my plate, I still need to finish Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, Spider-Man Remastered, Kaze and the Wild Masks, Among the Sleep, Dark Souls Remastered & Dark Souls 3, and I still haven't had a chance to play Returnal, Biomutant, Baldo: The Guardian Owls and Timothy's Night. Not to mention all the games I wanna go back and replay sometime soon, like Sly 3, Infamous, Kingdom Hearts 2 & Birth by Sleep, Detroit Become Human & Spider-Man Miles Morales.
@johncalmc HELLS YEAH!!
Have this in my cart, definitely intrigued by the gameplay.
Happy this reviewed well, will def pick up in a few years during a sale.
Playing the PS4 version and while the frame rate isn’t the smoothest and I’ve encountered a couple of technical issues, I’m really enjoying it so far.
Man wish this was the ps plus game this month 😞
@jrt87 was your case language in English?
@JB_Whiting Thank you.
First half of the game is awesome, but the boss fights need patching. The first few boss fights were a breeze, but currently stuck about halfway through the game after a remarkable difficulty spike. This game would be so much better if the dodge granted I-frames. Saying this as someone who has beaten every game in the souls series, albeit with an optimized build and some farming before bosses.
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