For so many bookworms of the late 1990s to mid 2000s, Hogwarts Legacy is something of a dream game. After a long line of bang-average licensed titles, developer Avalanche Software is finally letting Potterheads realise their ambitions of attending Hogwarts, taking classes, and exploring the castle without restraint. It's a fantastic idea on paper, and the Salt Lake City studio has turned the hopes of that social and educational simulator into a reality. Hogwarts Legacy is a special experience for Harry Potter fans, packed full of magic, wonder, and charm.

However, it can't be ignored just how much of a problematic person the series' real-life author has become. J.K. Rowling holds views we strongly disagree with, and we're not interested in sweeping them under the rug in order to shower Hogwarts Legacy with unfiltered praise. No matter how highly we regard the game: trans rights are human rights.
Many members of the transgender community and its supporters have justified reasons for skipping the title entirely, no matter how much of a childhood dream come true it may appear to be. We respect their decision.
If you choose to look past the writer's opinions, then what awaits is the Hogwarts simulator you've been waiting more than 20 years for. Given the chance to create your own student at the school, your name will finally be on the class registers, there'll be a house to call your own, and the establishment's grounds (and beyond) are open for exploration. It's not like a Dead Rising or Persona 5 Royal, either — time isn't a factor, meaning you can role-play virtually whatever you like at any point.
What makes doing that so easy is the sense that Hogwarts Legacy comes from a place of immense love. The hundreds of people at Avalanche Software who made the game are the same ones that have been calling for a Hogwarts simulator for a generation. You can feel it as you walk the castle's hallways or browse the shops in Hogsmeade. The open world emits magic at every turn, from little pranks Peeves is pulling on students to conversations you'll overhear of other students' escapades.

It turns the game into one where you don't really have to do anything at all to find enjoyment. Simply taking an aimless wander around Hogwarts turns into fun, bumping into side quests and optional puzzles along the way. With so many secrets hidden out of view, the game successfully captures that sense of excitement you'd almost certainly be buzzing with during your first year at the school. It genuinely feels magical.
You haven't rocked up at Hogwarts as an 11-year-old, though: you're actually starting your wizarding education as a fifth year. It turns out you're a late bloomer, but while He Who Must Not Be Named hasn't planted a lightning-shaped scar on your forehead, you are still a special student. You're able to see and sense a form of ancient magic that's about to prove pivotal in the midst of a goblin uprising.
What follows is a lengthy campaign that combines classroom visits with deadly excursions to find out how this power can be harnessed to put an end to the revolt led by a goblin named Ranrok, who has formed a shaky alliance with a legion of dark wizards. Does he hold a candle to Voldemort? Standing at maybe a third of the height, absolutely not. However, he and the search for ancient knowledge still provide the foundations for an enjoyable story.

A cast of new teachers and students support your studies and adventures, with the house you pick playing a small part in who you meet. All have their own little quirks and problems to solve in side quests, but it's actually the protagonist you create who drops the ball the hardest. No matter how much you customise them, they'll always have the personality of a chalkboard. With boring line delivery and little in the way of pizzazz or swagger, they're a really dull character that feels more like an android than a real person. In fact, what appears to be a glitch in their voice acting quite literally applies a robotic tone to some of their expressions. It's really quite strange.
It's a good job they're not a chatty character then because exploring the gigantic open world wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as it is with random voice lines and jokes interrupting the mood. Hogwarts Legacy by no means reinvents the genre, and you could quite easily compare it to a typical Far Cry game. However, what it's got going for it is the magic touch.
Every location, assignment, and side quest is steeped in sorcery, from the enchanted brooms sweeping the hallways to students casting spells on their mates in-between classes. It's a world that feels alive with wonder and spectacle, with something new to see or do around every corner. The map is absolutely huge, providing a ton of content to complete off the main path. If you're bonkers about the Harry Potter universe, then this is an open world you could easily spend over 100 hours in, simply living and breathing it.
But there is one disappointment: don't expect the side missions themselves to be anything special. While there are a lot of them, they're never much more than simple fetch quests or a combat encounter consisting of just a single step. They're more like five-minute distractions than side stories worth investing in à la The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Some are better than others, of course, but you shouldn’t expect any optional plots to provide much of a captivating diversion from the main narrative.
Before you get cosy in the Forbidden Forest, though, it's worth levelling up and unlocking spells. Alongside exploration, combat is what you'll spend much of your time engaging in. New charms and incantations are learned from mainline classes and voluntary assignments, allowing you to increase your magical arsenal as you follow the movements of goblin overlord Ranrok. All the classic spells you remember from the books and movies return, letting you interact with the environment to uncover secrets and blast bad guys.
A basic attack (known as Basic Cast) is mapped to the R2 button, but then you can hold the trigger to gain access to more advanced spells on the face buttons. It makes the system really easy to pick up and start downing enemies immediately, with environmental attacks and ancient magic letting you really strut your stuff.
As you unlock more complex spells, the skill tree opens up ways of customising loadouts. Expanding your capabilities further, you can switch between them on the fly and start to build up some impressive combos as you transition from one charm to the next. Pull an enemy in with Accio and then set them on fire through Incendio. Or cast Disillusionment to go invisible and silently subdue them with Petrificus Totalus. The game offers quite a few different methods of approaching fights, making for a really fun combat system that meets your needs.
With exploration and combat encounters taking up so much time and energy, your character needs a place to rest up and replenish supplies. The Room of Requirement provides that home base, which can be customised to your liking with various decals and ornaments. It's a neat little feature that's a boon for the overall experience, and it at least helps to streamline what is far and away the most annoying thing about the game.
While they're not essential to progression, you're able to brew potions and grow plants so you have more ways of healing or improving your character during duels. You can craft them at specific stations, but the kicker is there are timers attached to making each individual potion or plant. Think of a free-to-play title where you need to wait a number of real-life hours before something in-game can take effect or be completed. It's the same in Hogwarts Legacy, albeit in seconds rather than minutes.

The most useful thing you can brew is a Wiggenweld Potion, which is the only way of healing during a combat encounter. You'll want lots of these in your inventory, but you need to wait 15 seconds for every single potion to fully brew. Therefore, you could be waiting multiple minutes until you're fully stocked up, and the timer only counts down when you're actually in the world; it pauses when you're browsing menus. It's a completely useless mechanic that seems designed purely to just slow you down. There are no microtransactions in the game, so you can't pay real money to speed these countdown timers up. As such, they serve no real purpose to you, the player. It's a really frustrating and baffling design decision.
Those moments would have served as a great opportunity to dive into the menus should the timer still tick down because they're just as poor as the mechanic itself. Navigation of them is poor and slow, with a Destiny-like cursor controlling your interactions. Information is spread all over the place, with challenges tying into a collections tab, but its rewards don't seem to actually grant you any items. Rather, they're simply unlocked and ready to be found somewhere in the open world. With a truly terrible map of Hogwarts on top, the menus can be a chore to rummage through.

However, they're complaints that simply fall by the wayside when you're caught up in a magical story beat or an intense duel with another wizard. Avalanche Software has expertly captured the magic and vibe of Harry Potter, thus creating the Hogwarts simulator we've always dreamt of. Kicking back and relaxing in the common room is a joy, while exploring the surrounding regions aboard a broomstick is delightful. When the title has so accurately recreated the school every Potterhead has wanted to attend, it's difficult to let a handful of clunky menus get in the way of the experience.
And while it's not even close to being the best-looking game on PS5, there's a lot of gorgeous scenery in the Scottish highlands to marvel at as you're exploring original locations not mentioned in the novels or films. The castle itself looks spectacular, too, towering over the landscape as you complete odd jobs in the Forbidden Forest. What lets the package down to a degree is the character models, but then there are some nice faces dotted about Hogwarts (particularly the teachers) that make up for the personalities not taking up much screen time.

The frame rate matches the visuals with smooth performance no matter which mode you pick. We opted for the Balanced Mode, which supports VRR to adjust the frame rate on the fly. Then there are the Fidelity and Performance Modes either side, allowing you to opt for better graphics or a smoother frame rate. Raytracing is also an option along with a high-performance mode for TVs that support up to 120 frames-per-second.
Sony's PS5 DualSense controller also receives a bit of love with haptic feedback turning spell casts into rumbles inside the middle of the pad. You can feel when a particularly powerful charm has been used, and your footsteps are turned into vibrations on either side of the controller at opportune moments. There's then a bit of resistance on the adaptive triggers, but you can't feel it quite as much as the haptic feedback.
Hogwarts Legacy has turned the hopes and dreams of Harry Potter fans into reality. Finally there is a proper simulator of the school of witchcraft and wizardry, allowing you to create your own student, attend classes, and explore the vast landscape outside. It's not without its issues — side quests prove far too basic, the menus are poor, and annoying timers hurt the player experience — but they don’t get in the way of something that so blatantly comes from a place of extensive love for the source text. Almost 26 years after Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone hit bookshelves, video game fans finally have a magical title to be proud of. It's everything we’ve dreamt of.
Comments 334
Hi everyone! If you have any questions, feel free to copy me in.
Glad its getting good review, sounds good. Cant wait for copy to arrive this week.
expected 8/9.
going to be biggest seller of the year imo.
glad it isnt a mess, as it would have disappointed many.
So pleased this got a positive review! 😁
Still not interested in playing it and I don't know why - especially considering I used to enjoy (and still would enjoy) HP2 on the PS2. Oh well, hope everyone gets their copies early and has a great time!
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HOLY **** LET'S ******* GO! THAT'S what I'm talking about!
Music to my pre-order digital deluxe version ears.
Interesting. Same negatives as Forspoken but gets an 8.
With psvr2 around the corner and little interest in hp it's a pass for me but glad it seems like a well made game it's a huge franchise and I know a lot of fans will be happy
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The last Harry Potter game I enjoyed was the Half-Blood Prince because of the exploration side of Hogwarts, it's about time we're getting a great new game that's basically that times 100.
The game's getting 9s, 9.5s everywhere ...
Got the Deluxe version downloaded and waiting to be unlocked tonight. Very excited to finally play it, 10 year old me would be so jealous of 29 year old me right now haha
The voice acting for the girl is so much better than the boy, you can feel emotion in her tone while the male's voice seem robotic and reading off a script.
Looks like this game will be a huge success just like ER of last year.
Good to see this reviewed well. It sounds like the developer has done an amazing job and added to an already great franchise. Can’t wait to get playing it at the weekend.
It is a shame the reviewer had to take sides in the debate over the author though as I think it would have come across better without that.
@LiamCroft I'm buying the deluxe edition now!
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have to say for a game review to mention JK is not needed. it doesnt add anything to a well written balanced review.
i like the added 'second opinion' good to see other thoughts.
biggest difference to PureXbox review seems to be sidequests.
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Really glad to see this getting positively reviewed, the devs seem to have nailed it.
Can you actually swap genders once you've chosen your character at the start of the game?
@Golem25 No, I don't believe you can.
@LiamCroft Not particularly out of the ordinary I guess, I'm struggling to think of a story-driven game that lets you do so. Saints Row The Third, maybe?
This game will be a Harry Potter fans dream and likely the game many of us dreamt of as children. There is definitely a magical feel to the game and I’m glad the reviews highlight that.
As for the controversy. It really should be a non-issue. And I think Push Square pinning their flag to a single viewpoint is disappointing/unwise.
I thought this site was better than IGN in regard to airing their personal beliefs/ideologies that have no bearing on how a video game plays. Guess I was mistaken.
Oh man, I can’t wait to get off work tomorrow! This is such good news! Looking at all the other reviews too. It’s reviewing like I hoped, which is better than I expected. That one review saying that it belongs with Elden Ring and BotW… yes… watched Sorcerer’s Stone yesterday to get the vibe started!
My copy will be delivered in the next hour. Can't wait, pretty excited for it. Got a day off today, not for the game but it is a nice coincidence indeed
Was gonna take a 9 or a 10 for me to buy at release as I’m not massively into the Potter-verse. An 8 means I’ll definitely pick it up at some point, there’s just no rush.
@colonelkilgore its getting 9s in alot of places, 88ish on metacritic
Good to see it reviewing well! So excited to play
As far as I have seen & read it seems a little bit short in gameplay hours but I'm still going to get my son the game because he loves the harry potter franchise, hopefully he just explores the world more and gets more hours out of it, it will then save me some extra cash ready to get a new one for him before he gets interested in a new game 😂.
One of my must play games of 2023. I will save some money for later hehe Love the Wizarding World.
I'm surprised. I was kinda expecting it to be a flop (especially if you look at the studios past games) but it seems like it actually good. Nice
@stvevan hmmm, I’ll watch a few reviews on YouTube when I get the chance 👍
Looks like this is the first real GOTY contender so far, can't wait for Friday to come.
As is clear from the sheer number of moderated comments, push square is ok with raising a controversial issue but gagging anyone who may have an opinion they do not agree with. So I won’t voice mine since it will be deleted anyway.
My buddy surprised me last night with a Christmas gift. A pre-ordered Hogwarts Legacy! So excited, especially since favorable reviews are coming in!!!
I'm glad the game is good, it's been a long time since I read (or watch) harry potter, can't wait to try this game
Can Devs please stop making menu navigation happen with a pseudo mouse cursor in console games! Having a simple grid/list with the d-pad/ analogue stick is fine. Is this literally because Destiny does it?
Fantastic review, Liam. I'm absolutely thrilled the game is as good as we hoped it would be. I can't wait to dig in and experience Hogwarts for myself!
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Sounds great. And given the first few paragraphs I’m sure we can add another point to the score to bring it in line with the scores from elsewhere. Hoping to get this finished by the 22nd, but with the wife also playing I don’t think it will be.
The good folks at push square just lost a bit of my respect by interjecting politics into a video game review. J.K. Rowling's certainly had absolutely nothing to do with the making of this game and slandering the game because of the author of the source material is an injustice to the many people who worked tirelessly on this game and likely do not hold the same beliefs as the author. People play games to get away from this crap, not to have it interjected into the medium at every possible opportunity.
I really, really want to buy this for release date, but I’m trying to work through some of my backlog ATM. Unless my brother whips out his PS5 and says he wants it, I’m going to wait.
BUT, it sounds fantastic. I’m excited to explore Hogwarts when I play. The side quests kind of disappoint me. I’d take a couple or so “questlines” focusing on different characters rather than huge quantities of meaningless fetch/similar tasks. It’s a crappy way a lot of games expand play time but it’s become the norm. Anyways, have fun playing everyone!
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It’s averaging 88 on metacritic. Lots of 9 reviews. I have a feeling this score would be higher if reviewers weren’t imposing their personal politics on the rest of us too. That’s just from the fact that lots of reviewers are mentioning these things as a negative in their reviews.
So, do you mean it needs to be a 9 on this one site specifically?
“so blatantly comes from a place of extensive love for the source text”
Exactly what we should have been focusing on all along. The hundreds of developers putting their heart and soul into this experience. So glad its getting universal praise.
After reading this it seems like the graphical options are similar to GoW Ragnarok? So if you have a 120hz TV you can turn VRR on and fidelity mode to essentially be fidelity with 40fps? Curious if I'm interpreting that correctly.
I’m looking forward to play the game. I might have to buy it again on PC. I can’t see my daughter letting me play on the PS5
Feels unfair to criticise the author and not celebrate the studio who worked so hard on this game and have publicly distanced themselves from the views of the creator. If we are not in a vacuum, then the employees of the studio must be recognised and celebrated.
Beyond that, good review and sound like the game we wanted. Im very excited to pick this up on Friday, and its one of those rare cross over games that has piqued the interest of non gaming friends and family
I am super excited to play this. Docking points because of the JKR controversy is not fair in my view, because creative works should be able to stand on their own without pulling in the views of their creators. And in this case the creators were Avalanche and not some person on the internet.
So glad it’s scoring well everywhere. This is going to be the biggest game of the year 😁
The JKR section of the review was unnecessary imo.
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@JaaackTommyyy same here
@LiamCroft Thank you for the review! It seems like amazing game for HP fans. (like me!)
Just for the giggles the score should've been 9¾
My questions is: Is there a cemetery in the game and any quests associated with it?
@NeThZOR The review score hasn't been lowered because of J.K. Rowling's views. That's not a factor in the final rating of the game.
@Zuljaras The answer to both your questions is yes! The quest is a fun one.
Can PushSquare please show some receipts regarding their statement about JKR, to back that up. Otherwise I’m off to
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@R_Ryder no, they can’t.
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Speaking as a member of the lgbt+ community I honestly couldn’t give a damn about the J.K.Rowling drama. Most people in my circle don’t. It’s mostly met with a shrug.
Anyway, glad the game has been received well. Well done Avalanche!
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Good to hear that Hogwarts legacy is a good game. A 8 is a really good
Score.word up son
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@LiamCroft can you clarify something. For the graphical options, can I select Ray Tracing and with my 120hz tv have it come through as 40fps, sort of similar to Ratchet and Clank?
@yeayeanaynay it's truly pathetic. Can't have a even debate when one side dictates what can or can't be said. Not an even debate then.
Sorry, am I making sense @pushsquare
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This comments section is going well, I think.
Mildly back on track, I don't actually care about this game at all, but how is the character creator? I'm a sucker for a character creator. I might play it one day on the cheap or on Plus or whatever.
How do you delete your profile. Hit em where it hurts they’ll learn then
@LiamCroft Will you guys do a separate review for the PS4 version?
As a massive PotterHead it looks like a dream come true. Disappointed by the delay, but understandable.
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I'm going to keep an eye out for more reviews, might be one for my Daughter.
Also going to keep an eye out for a different site to get my PS news.
IMHO PushSquare have overstepped the mark this time and it doesn't look like I'm the only one feeling that way. If you're going to actively take a position on something, and publicly state it, you must expect and allow others the same opportunity.
ALL people must have the right to express an opinion on things that may directly affect them.
An appeal to PushSquare. please, either remove your personal views from the review or allow others to comment on it.
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@SJBUK could not agree more with this.
Really detracted from the review and what appears to be a great game. And was oh so predictable to happen the way the whole saga has been handled by this site
The number of people in this comments section thinking that discussion of, and supporting of, human rights is somehow a political statement... I give up, seriously.
Delighted to see the game so well reviewed across all channels - I've never read the books and seen maybe 1.5 films (fell asleep) but even so I'm excited to give this a go.
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@Fight_Teza_Fight There might be a Hands On article for the PS4 version or something, but we won't do another review.
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@render exactly this. Once I saw those views mentioned I just scrolled to the the end of the review. However you feel about that, it has no place in a game review.
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I think you should bring back downvoting rather than removing the comments. If a post gets 5 or more downvotes it gets hidden (but can still be viewed). It’s the only fair system. Not to mention how hard it is to follow the bloody conversation when half of it is gone 🙄
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@LiamCroft Nice! Looking forward to it.
I still think the Switch version will get cancelled. They’d have to be actual Wizards to get it running.
I agree with other commenters that the second and third paragraphs of this review detract from the piece as a whole, and are not relevant to the discussion of the game in any way. I'd remove them, personally.
They are arguably a slur on the creator of the Harry Potter franchise and universe. While the Glamour article linked in the first comment gives a one-sided re-hash of Rowling's alleged 'transphobia', other journalists have looked into it too (and more recently) and reached different conclusions. See, for instance:
I agree with PushSquare's right to moderate it's comments as it sees fit. It does however strike me as hypocritical to take a stance in the review and then forbid discussion of that stance.
In case it makes any difference to a moderator, I support both trans-rights AND women's rights. As the father of a little girl, I share Rowling's concerns over women's spaces being opened up to anyone who claims to be a woman (which is available to anyone under a de-medicalised system of gender self-ID). This is not even a view on trans-folks, but a view on safeguarding women, because predatory men (again, emphatically NOT the overwhelming majority of law-abiding trans-women) have and will continue to avail themselves of any loophole they can to gain access to victims. I view this stance as also being supportive of trans-rights, which will only lose political support as scandals occur (as for example in the recent Scottish cases involving rapists being placed in women's prisons).
Aren't you better off just locking comments at this point? It's really sad to see but its just a mess.
Game looks really good. Not willing to drop £70 on any game but once it hits a decent sale I'll pick it up. Glad to see it turned out well.
@MrMeeeseeeks given the type of comment that seems to be getting lots of likes in this comment thread (the ones that are left, anyway), I think there's a pretty good reason ("good" in terms of the kind of outcome they're trying to achieve) why they'd never even consider that
Im not even into harry potter but im just here to read the comments
@Fight_Teza_Fight lol. I expect it to be a cloud version.
@StrickenBiged Eloquently put and, I suspect, by far the most common view.
@StrickenBiged good post 👍
I will wait for a sale here…. Hopefully….. my backlog across many systems is too vast to pay full price, as cool as this looks…
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@StrickenBiged Very well said. If more people did their research instead of just jumping to conclusions then we’d end up with more discussion about these things.
I don't understand what is wrong in safeguarding. Every father wants their daughters to be safe. This is why The Last of Us struck such a strong chord with many gamers.
The game does sound like an 8 to be honest A review has to take into account that potter fans will probably love it (9/10), but gamers with a mild interest might still like it quite a bit, but not like some of the elements that make it a bit boring or repetitive (so more a 7/8) I know that poor voice work for a main character and pointless side quests put me off games. And I sensed a bit of this in the previews I've seen. The character sounds like a Harry Potter impersonating robot programmed to annoy. And some of the quests seem to be point your wand at a statue or flying book. Like the very very pointless AC chase the flying scroll type stuff that I ignore, but perhaps without some of the more interesting stuff to balance it out a bit in Hogwarts.
I also think that every time there is a Harry Potter article there is always arguments and Push Square decided a while back to try and seperate praising the potential of a game and the controversy, and by now it's just not worked out very well, because they mention it so damn much.
You can simply ignore the controversy hype, praise the game and not be vilified for it. And if necessary then go on to moderate any arguments or irrelevant attacks out of the comments.
Just review the game as a probably-fair 8 and move on.
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@StrickenBiged a sensible person appears!
perosonally I have nothing against trans rights. "What JKR said" isn't as interesting to me as the effect of this whole hate campaign over some fairly reasonable ideas on her part.
It's not as though I think JKR was necessarily 100% right at any point, more that she was far from the point of wanting to deny anybody their human rights. As something of a darling of progressives for a decade, she might have even adjusted her message/view in line with reasonable concerns brought about in a reasonable way. But she wasn't given reasonable concerns in a reasonable way, she was subjected to a tirade of abuse and made persona non grata by the people who'd loved her most outspokenly for years. Is it any wonder that she ended up expressing stuff that said people disagreed with even more?
@SJBUK couldn't agree more than with your last three paragraphs. Says it all 👍
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@LiamCroft can balanced mode (for graphics) still be used if your tv doesn’t support VRR?
@danlk1ng yeah, I do feel myself sympathising with her more and more as the attacks against her intensify. It’s crazy. She has been treated appallingly.
Very happy to see the how well the game has been received - it will only boost sales, which is a good thing.
watching everyone patting themselves on the back for thinking they're saying anything other than values are subject to change when anonymous people online are varying degrees of mean to them. Very agreeable!
Sounds great! I got it ready to go tonight. Very much looking forward to playing it!
Well this comments section went well 🙂
Anyway I'm just waiting for release day to get here, I'm glad is getting good reviews and looks like the second goty contender along with Dead Space.
@LiamCroft I must know, can you learn/cast Flipendo?
@Broosh Yes you can!
@Octane Honestly I’m worried about how it’s going to run on the Pro. So will probably wait for a DF video. Anyone picking it up on Switch & then complaining about it only has themselves to blame.
@LiamCroft How does the killing curse work? Is there a specific scene where you get a choice, or do we just get the chance to turn into Jack the Ripper?
Im delighted this has lived up to the promise we all saw in this title. Im relieved too as I pre ordered, but im digital so Im waiting till friday.
Props to the developers who seem to have crafted an excellent and complex title with few reported bugs. Its a shame tgats such a rarity these days!
I'm really tempted to get this on release. I'm not into Harry Potter at all but this game sounds enjoyable even if you're not a fan.
The game being published by WB, I'm heartened to read that there are no microtransactions in it. But now I'm scared that it will do what Activision did with Crash Team Racing and simply wait until they've had glowing reviews across the board before sticking microtransactions in at a later date. While I'm keen to play this game, I think I'll hold off for a little while to see whether that comes to pass. It doesn't hurt that my backlog is sure to keep me busy while I wait.
@Toypop That's good for you but I personally think you should judge what you're getting by what the reviewer is saying than a number is telling you(At least in the pros and cons section). A number does not tell you anything.
Looks like I'll be picking up a copy of Hogwarts soon! I kinda figured this would get an 8 or 9/10
I just Platinumed Dead Space this morning, so the timing couldn't be better!
@DTfeartheBEARD Good work on the Dead Space Platinum!
@Fyz306903 I could not agree more. It is bad UI design and shows that the developers didnt really put any effort in designing a UI that fits a controller input scheme, they just emulated a mouse with the analog and called it a day.
@Jey887 You don't need to spend £70. The PS5 standard edition is still available to pre order from a well known electrical retailer for £47.99 including the pre-order 20% discount.
Video games first and foremost for me are about escapism. It's about forgetting my dull and meaningless little life and pretend that I am a wizard going to school in a magical castle for a few hours. I couldn't care less about the behind the scenes politics of it.
Is the game good? Yes? Then I am buying it. It doesn't get any more complicated than that.
@get2sammyb Thank you! Impossible difficulty was a little stressful but not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Very enjoyable game! Now I'm really looking forward to RE 4!
I must say, I’m disappointed in the comment section. A lot of drama is being made out of two small paragraphs that don’t show up in the conclusion of the review.
PushSquare gave it a great review. It was very detailed and nuanced.
Rowling just spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to evacuate Afghani women lawyers and their families after the US withdrew from the region. I will be happy to purchase this game for full price.
Massive preorders ,great reviews ,people are buying a console to play this game,its gonna make Warner bros and Rowling a barrel full of money, so much for this ridiculous boycott ,as the phrase goes...all publicity is good publicity.
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Absolutely crazy that this game is constantly pointed about to be controversial, of ALL the things going on in the world 😂
Crazy times. Game sounds a lot better than I thought. Will probably download Friday as my girlfriend loves HP and it'll be a good game to play together
@LiamCroft how long did it take you to complete? How much of the optional stuff did that involve?
How about Hogsmeade exclusive quest? Is it worth it or just a gimmick?
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I’m glad it’s good.
I won’t be getting it because I’ve never been a Harry Potter fan.
It does look solid and looks like it’ll do the mega franchise proud. I know you Potter kids have been waiting for a game like this for a long time.
@LifeGirl wish more ppl thought that way i agree, i enjoy games to play thats it not politics, i also form my own reviews i dont listen to others and if i like or dont like it i found out myself. cuz watching someone play is completely different then playing it yourself. watching my brother vs playing it. day and night difference
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Honestly, I would have ate this game up back when I was in school years and years ago. It looks like a fun time for fans.
Very excited to play this later this week! Relieved that it’s good!
Glad it's doing well and fair play to you Push for your bit about JK. I respect that.
@Cpt-Price probably half of that amount still readable
Just wanna say, thank you for the review! I wish we could have more civilized conversations, but alas.
So just to make sure, if you buy the more expensive version it's playable at midnight tonight?
Tiny Tina Wonderlands lets you go from feminine presenting to masculine presenting with your choice of voice and pitch at any time after you unlock the custom character vending machine.
Not like it matters just thought you would like an example.
I’d say this is been marked down reading other reviews. Absolutely the right of the reviewer to feel the way they do.
Can’t wait to play it myself.
@naruball it’s not a conversation though when anything that isn’t 100% agreement is silenced. That’s the problem unfortunately. By silencing people, you only make them angry and turn them against the issues you claim to support. It doesn’t help matters at all - it makes them much worse in fact.
@naruball Thank you for reading!
@LN78 Do you mean where the HUD disappears on the fly? I don't believe so, but you can turn every individual HUD element off.
If you can mute the characters voices then the 3 cons don't matter to me so this sounds like a must buy.
Pushes statement about JK isn't a discussion, it's how they feel, that's the end of it, it's not up for debate so others getting angry over this need to chill, take a step back and realise that your view is different and that's it. If you actually want to debate the issue at hand then maybe go a find some where to have that conversation but this isn't the place. Take care all 👍🏻
Oh no! You liked it. Imagine that. 😁
I am looking forward to my copy arriving.
I think i will gasp enjoy it too.
I will say the review looks fair and honest, but the bit about jkr in the review really saddens me,
I understand there is a lot of pressure on review sites with people being terrified of the negative press etc,
but your stance and virtue signaling is not needed.
Please in the future leave the culture war out of your reviews and do what you do best, reviewing Games.
Can't wait for this game, it's a dream come true to finally walk around a Hogwarts that looks as beautiful as this. As for the controversy, i never gave my opinion on the matter because I don't want give one person so much power and a bigger platform to voice her opinion. There are thousands of people working on Harry potter projects, it's not fair to them to punish past and future projects because of one crazy person's opinion. Nearly no one that works or have worked with her agrees with it.
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@Valgore, Correct! This isn't the place to discuss such an issue. But when the opening paragraphs of the review (plus pinned comment) include opinions on the issue, you can't expect people not to respond.
If the review didn't include it, then no one (or very few) here would be talking about it. Just looking at the last couple of Hogwarts Legacy articles on PS and there is five removed comments out of 91.
Wow can't believe the comments section has not been closed yet!
Nice... I know what I am playing next weekend!
I feel my Wife will join in this one. I am more of a fan because of her, so great if now the game pulls her into my hobby.
Imagine going into Waterstones to buy a Harry Potter book and being lectured to by the shop assistant about how nasty JK Rowling is.
That doesn't happen because they're booksellers, not politicians or activists.
I'm glad Push Square has decided to address politics briefly (!) in their review. Not talking about politics is a political decision to accept the status quo; for an oppressed community that means continued oppression. Push Square isn't the publisher or retailer and are thus free to discuss these things without it affecting their bottom line.
Things aren't made in a vacuum and the increased prominence given to the creator of the IP means increased trauma for those affected by it. Suggesting that trans women pose a risk to the safety of biological women is perpetuating a dangerous stereotype (as some comments here are doing). It'd be nice if people would at least recognise that.
@SleepyNick As I said though I stand by Push for making thier stance clear and I stand by them for putting it out in this review due to the issue being so closely intwined, You can have a different opinion and that's fine but This is the push site so I respect thier right to type what they believe and if I had an issue with that then I would contact them directly.
@Toypop majority of games score 8 which is a great score so you must not play a lot of games smh
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Unfortunately catering to a minority for press/inclusivity points will lose you the majority, therefore lose everything.
Keep that in mind
Can't wait to play it at midnight. I still don't know which performance mode I will pick...maybe balanced. 120fps is pretty cool but I like the eye candy
@tgt you have to consider where such dangerous sterotypes come from though - and no, I'm not saying that they necessarily have basis in fact. But they do have a basis in fear - and the trouble with ideas that have a basis in fear is that it's a bad idea to simply say "you can't say that" or "you're a horrible person for thinking/arguing that" - people don't generally like having their fears spoken down to. I'm all for informing people better, but the collective effort towards JKR has been less of an effort to inform her, more of an effort to make perfectly clear that both she and her views will not be tolerated. It's been awful to watch, hence why her detractors haven't exactly done much to persuade people who weren't already concerned for trans rights
Lol at the people who go "politics have no place here" and then leave fifteen comments about it
I’ve never seen a comment section on here look like this lol it’s crazy. I don’t think the disclaimer should have been before the review just like I have a feeling atomic heart will have one and it shouldn’t either but I’m not going to be mad about it so people let’s just chill.
@SJBUK Well that's the joy of making your own decisions. If you don't like what they have written then you're more than entitled to not read anymore and go somewhere else, it's very simple.
@Marquez I agree with this fully. I am a civil rights lawyer, and the community we are talking about is still subject to shocking discrimination and violence. I have no problem, and I in fact encourage, Push Square devoting two small paragraphs in an otherwise glowing review to the defense of human rights and a notation of the controversy that was a big news item well before this game was released. No one is keeping anyone from buying the game, or expressing their own opinion about the issue in a non-troll way-they are just expressing their own. I would rather err on the side of advocating for human rights than not, especially since we live in a country where large groups of marginalized people who cannot simply go about their business in peace. We may want to ignore it, but it is true. Slightly noting it in a highly positive review is not too much to ask.
I am glad the game is good-it looks like Avalanche did a good job. I will pick it up during a sale and have some Hogwarts fun. I do not like the way JK Rowling has been using her vast and in no way incumbered by this review platform, so I will make a donation to a group that advocates for human rights when I do.
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@Valgore Ah, so, if you had an issue you would contact them directly? Such as leaving a comment on the article? Well if that ever happens I wish you luck in not getting your comment removed.
Also, I personally don't care that they included this in the review. You mentioned on #180 that it shouldn't be discussed here, that is what I was responding to on #189.
As I stated on Pure Xbox: I for one am very glad Pure Xbox and Push Square have opted not to ignore the issues at hand. If Rowling gets to use her platform to spread hate, it’s fair to use this game reviews to spread awareness.
As for the game, I’m actually glad it turned out good. I’ll likely give it a shot at some point in the future, even if there was nothing making me feel dirty about spending money on it, I refuse to pay $70 for games I’m not 100% hyped about. But I’ll likely play it, eventually.
@danlk1ng The problem is your view champions one groups rights while ignoring, if not trampling all over, another's. That ain't never going to work out well for anyone.
If PushSquare want to push personal views outside of gaming and don't welcome it being questioned, they need to make that clear. Then I and I suspect many others will quite happily go elsewhere.
@tgt Yes, I saw that subtle bit of stereotyping woven through an otherwise sensible seeming post and wondered if anyone else found it more disheartening then the rest of the childish complaints littering the comments. Glad it wasn’t just me.
@Westernwolf4 if you were a human rights lawyer… you would know the struggle women still have. It’s real. Violence towards women is still normalised in society. Women wanting to discuss issues, that demonstratively exist is important.
You should know this.
I wouldn’t usually comment on such matters but it seems mostly men are offended by JKs statements.
I am a man.
I believe in the rights of Trans, Gay, all sexual persuasions, all races, creeds and religions AND women.
We have to discuss repercussions of large cultural shifts.
When a whole community wants to shut down discussions and safeguards it sounds to me very much like when Metoo started and ill informed men started spouting “not all men”
I am a man and I never felt offended by metoo.
So don’t tell me as a civil rights lawyer you don’t understand why some people are concerned about safeguarding.
Some people are evil and will take advantage that isn’t vilifying any community it’s a fact.
I never felt vilified by metoo.
I wanted to make the world a safer place for everyone. Is that so wrong?
@Valgore Absolutely true. I have no desire to be anywhere where free speech is not allowed, especially where my presence brings someone revenue.
@LiamCroft I loved the original PS1 games, especially due to exploring Hogwarts, solving "puzzles" with spells and the fun lessons. How would you compare Hogwarts Legacy to those?
@Stocksy Agree 100% It's a shame some simply are unwilling to have the conversation.
I wish I could heart your comment multiple times.
@HeroYoshiko If only things were that simple.
@RenanKJ Hogwarts Legacy puts them to shame haha, it’s not even comparable
@HeroYoshiko Forspoken had a boring empty world that wasn't fun to explore, this is the exact opposite. And The chatter in that game was outright bad, not dry at times.
I’m excited to wake up tomorrow morning go to Best Buy and pick up my deluxe edition copy. Gonna be hella stoned while immersing in this magical world
@Valgore @Matroska @naruball You are 100 percent correct in that, this isn't the place for that debate. Which is why it should have never been mentioned in the review to begin with. An author who has nothing what so ever to do with the making of this game making controversial comments should have nothing to do with the review of the game.
Removed - offensive remarks
Good review.
Really been looking forward to this game.
Pre-ordered my copy just before Christmas.
Only four more days for me to wait now.
Been re-watching all of the HP movies recently, and it has been fun immersing myself in that world, again.
And as for all of the other drama - shall we say?
Someone once said “I may disagree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it”. JK Rowling’s personal opinions do not detract from her creations as a writer.
These same people who attack JKR for her personal opinions - do they also attack all vegetarians as being “evil” on account of Hitler being a vegetarian?
@theGoodChap if you really want to know and understand, there are plenty of outlets covering it. I’m not going to highlight that here. Google it up.
@theGoodChap Why don't you read the responses to her statements in that article concerning why people find it offensive and make your own judgements? The statement Daniel Radcliffe made is a good summary of how I feel about it. There are lots of others there and elsewhere.
On a game related note, the more I see of it the more I'm inclined to give it a go. Once I've paid off the VR2 🤔
@Tharsman So it's practically everyone else posting on here that's wrong and need 'educating'? Nah, you're alright.
Simply not covering the game would have been more effective but I do appreciate the disclaimer being ahead of the review and therefore being read by everyone.
@LeeHarveyOzgod Then as a reader you're more than welcome to not read any further and go to another site. I'm very surprised that people don't think like this.
Cancelled my pre-order and bought the deluxe edition so I can play tomorrow as I have the day off.
Crazy to know that an opinion about women wanting to go to the bathroom only with people with the same genital organ as them is considered controversial, and the person in question, a modern-day Hitler for some people.
But extremely relieved to see that the HUGE majority of people don't think that way on this site, and seeing the game's sales around the world, the vast majority of people outside of this site don't think that way either.
All people, regardless of sexual orientation, deserve respect, what each one does with their life is nobody's problem. But when it starts to affect other people's lives, like a little girl, in a bathroom, with a grown man, it should at least be DISCUSSED. I have a daughter, and for me, not even being able to discuss this type of subject shows me how the world is increasingly authoritarian, it's scary.
About the game, as a huge Harry Potter fan, so happy it is great.
Was holding fire for reviews. Now they are in i have just pre ordered the game. 51 quid from shopto. Cannot complain. Looking forward to jumping into hogwarts and getting my wizard on.
The comments section reads like a deep state redacted file. 🤣
@tgt I think this was the first comment made that supported the insertion of the disputed paragraphs.
The fact it took nearly 200 comments says it all about the general attitude among readers. I enjoyed reading everyone's inputs very much.
@Westernwolf4 I think it's more important to read her statements first. Try to understand them from her perspective and then the responses.
Then search out the horrendous threats made to those who express support for her.
Then wonder at what point society lost the ability for reasoned debate.
@Valgore Exactly what I am doing. Already unbookmarked and unfollowed on youtube. Sticking around for this topic and after that I will never log into this site again.
I see a lot of people here saying: "why is what she said so hateful?" and I am just really floored by that. However you feel about what JK Rowling said: How do you think you would feel if someone denied who you know in your heart that you are? If you knew you were a woman in spite of the gender you were assigned at birth, and someone with a huge platform said everything you felt was BS, that would really hurt.
I am a person with an obvious physical disability. Being marginalized sucks. I really don't think some people understand what that feels like or what it means.
I didn't mean to get into this today, and I won't continue. People can have whatever opinion they choose. I just don't understand how it isn't obvious why Rowling's statements are problematic.
Yep. This political climate and culture war has everyone shaking in their boots including corporations, media, and individuals. Everyone feels the need to quickly make their stance clear lest they get accused of being phobic of one kind or another.
Anyway, we people in the east are just watching the show from a safe distance in amazement of first world problems. We will just enjoy the Hogwarts Legacy and have fun. 👍🤗
@SterlingEyes How did you do this. I bought the game for my girlfriend, but I pre ordered the cheapest version since the more expensive versions are usually useless. I've tried to use PlayStation support several times, but the bot is useless and never connects me with a real human being.
Looks like you need to walk on eggshells to post in this comment section. I'll just say the basic "It's good that the game was made with passion instead of being a blatant cash grab" and be on my way.
@LiamCroft Great to know, haha. I've been waiting many years for a game like this! 😁
1.I have read them, well before today. I reject her statements and the assumptions behind them.
2.I don't condone threats against Rowling or anyone. Anyone doing something like that should be condemned also. I don't see why troll or inappropriate reactions to what she said should change my view about the validity of her statements one way or the other. Trolls on both sides should go away, because there is a legitimate discussion to be had here.
3.Our civil discourse is truly a cesspool, but I can only control my own conduct. I have endeavored to conduct myself appropriately and politely here, and I will continue to try to do so.
@Westernwolf4 perhaps because, at the start at least, that's not remotely what she said at all. Sure you can find lots of stuff online that paints her as saying exactly that, but never simply by letting her use her own words.
Which is kind of funny, in that there are plenty of people out there who have no qualms at all about saying something like that.
Maybe JKR got more extreme over time, but in all honesty I don't know what you expect to happen when you decide you no longer want anything to do with someone that was practically an icon for progressives for about a decade. That she just would just comply because you said so, and not talk to the people who disagree with you, who didn't make her persona non Grata?
Man, I really want to get in this debate but it will likely get us banned so let us just focus on the game and have fun. 👍
@OneWingedAngel The fact that you are afraid to speak your mind without fear of being retaliated against is just as bad as being banned.
@LeeHarveyOzgod I had to use the live chat. It said less than ten minutes to connect but ended up taking about 45-50 mins in the end. It sucks but I think it’s the only way. Once I got through it was very easy.
Good review but that intro about JKR just makes you look like hypocrite (maybe you are).
Still not sure about the game, since I'm not really a fan of the HP but also it plays so good that it makes me ignore that!! Maybe I'll watch others play, it might change my mind!
Ordered the deluxe edition from the game collection for the Mrs, less than £62.
She'll be over the moon with this.
@Westernwolf4 Fair, you are entitled to your opinion, I just happen to completely disagree with it.
I'm sure if we could all work on point 3, though, the gap could be closed. Just needs point 2 sorted out first. Get rid of the extremist views and allow everyone to have a say.
I don't think a game review site is the right place for it, though.
@HeroYoshiko Inconsistency is key!
So many deleted comments. What's going on here 🤔
@theGoodChap I read that before, it’s far from a comprehensive take on the topic. Tangentially, I find the burning/destroying/etc things they love and already own is an absurd practice, regardless how problematic a creator involved on it might be. Self-depriving of things you already own does nobody any service.
Anyways, there is plenty more out there if you care to actually find out, but I can tell you the article you list (intentionally or accidentally) didn’t bother showing most of Rowling’s anti-trans statements.
@SterlingEyes dang. I'll give it one more try, I gave up after 20 last time
@SJBUK he has managed to not reply to anyone and once again is a man telling us our views are problematic.
He hasn’t read any of what’s been said, he is not interested in engaging and can only see one solution.
The issue here is people are confusing saying that a community can be infiltrated and exploited by preparatory men; to an attack on that community it isn’t.
Anyone that believes this doesn’t happen just doesn’t understand human nature.
Not everyone that joins the police force is a predatory man that will use the position to commit acts of violence against women; but we need safe guards in place because it demonstratively has happened and so has it happened in the community we are discussing, I have no doubts they are not genuine members of that community but even so they exploit the new rules. We can demonstrate this has happened.
That is problematic: the fact people want to deny it is problematic. JK pointing out horrible people will exploit that community: is not.
These are all facts.
If he was really a human rights lawyer he would know that womens rights still have a long way to go.
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I always imagined Hogwarts Legacy as being a decent to good game with a metric truck ton of controversy and, based on what I've been hearing the past few days....yeah that seems to check out. Not interested in it myself (never been into HP outside of Fantastic Beasts funnily enough) but it's nice to see that it's a good game.
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Yeah... sad, isnt it? You just basically have to agree or keep silent. I have already seen the bloodbath in the comment section above so not worth the trouble.
@theGoodChap I feel like you're coming at this in reasonably good faith, and I know the comment section isn't the place to disagree on this (but I'll do so anyway ):
it sounds like from your explanation, you're coming at this from your personal experience, which is fair because that's usually how we engage with the world. Maybe you don't have a strong attachment to your gender (how you present, how it influences your behavior/perceive yourself), and generally you don't see a difference between being born a male and being treated/roughly seen as a man in society as a result. All of these things are perfectly normal, fine, and we share basically all of these sentiments.
I think you'd also be able to agree that there ARE people who do strongly associate their gender with their identity, even taking trans people outside of the conversation. Someone could easily not remove being a girl or being a guy from how they view themselves to varying degrees (sometimes to harmful degrees, with a need to be perceived as hyper-masculine or for a woman that could not remove motherhood from their identity and feels lesser if they can't procreate).
I feel like if you can understand this concept, which I don't think is controversial, the concept of gender being important as part of someone's identity is probably not hard to grasp. It's just sometimes it seems that gender in someone's head does not match up with how they are seen/expected to be seen in broader society.
While I agree with you that there is no definitive male or female feeling, and trans people would probably also agree with us, there are broad expectations of how a man and a woman behave in relation to each other, and it differs depending on the region and time period. It is this difference that makes it easy for them to separate sex and gender, acknowledging that a male is born with certain genitalia/body differences, but the idea of a what it means to be a man could differ depending on the values of the society they inhabit. I think an example of this in the west at least is that while a man could or should be expected to be strong and providing, we have broadly worked to amend what it means to be "strong," emphasizing that being vulnerable does not equate weakness, as we see there is a disproportionate effect on men's' mental health in their pursuit in being perceived as strong (men's high suicide rates being tied to their broad feelings of loneliness due to not being afforded as many opportunities to connect to other people as women can).
Anyway, thanks for being civil. And especially for not acting like your first amendment right is being stripped away because they're getting comments removed on a review page, some of these users are trippin.
So I read that your charachter is referred to them/they/theirs by other charachters in the game. Would this be an option to turn off/on? Or are you stuck with non-binary pronouns? @liamcroft
I don’t want to fuel the fire with this ongoing discussion, just want to know if I am “stuck” with the NB option….
@tgt She doesn't though. JK's point is that reforms such as de-medicalised self ID make it easier for people who are NOT trans (such as predatory men) to PRETEND to be trans to gain access to women's spaces and potential victims.
@LiamCroft Hi, does the game run at 120fps on PS5?
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With how overblown this controversy has been, I'm even more eager to buy this game than I would have been otherwise. Other than some minor quibbles about how side quests and NPCs could better, it sounds like the game I've been waiting for.
As of just now ShopTo UK have 1215 people ordering PS5 version.
Game is going to be massive.
@StrickenBiged nail on the head. Anyone that’s actually bothered to read and listen would know this. It isn’t an attack on any community it’s an attack on predatory males that will exploit rules.
This is a REAL issue.
It’s a shame so many men seem to want to water down women’s rights again.
Including this website.
@AlesXXVI I really hope not. I’m glad the NB options are there but I hope I am not misgendered as a result. That would be ridiculous
@Stocksy Right? I am really struggling to find someone who can confirm this. Somebody on a discord group said “well it makes sense, since you create a genderless charachter” Ok, but why choose between a male/female voice and which dorm (male/female) you sleep? I’m a guy and I don’t like to be addressed as a non-binary person. After all the controversy this game has had about said subject, this would be embarassing…
@AlesXXVI it would be the height of irony if 95%+ of the population is misgendered in a game shrouded in controversy about gender issues.
If gender issues are that important, they can’t have got this wrong surely. It’s not ok to misgender anyone.
We are going backwards on this front, women’s rights especially. I feel very strongly about protecting those.
@Stocksy I don't know if it's been a while since English, but "they" isn't a non-binary pronoun, it refers to a person without invoking gender. Example: "How's your son liking their new playstation?" "oh, they love it!"
The parent isn't misgendering their own son, they're just using language in the way we've been able to use it for quite a while.
@tedinthepaint That's actually improper English. If you want to be strict about English, they is plural word, not a singular.
@tedinthepaint well, no. It’s”his” Playstation. Not theirs.
@AlesXXVI @Jaz007 The usage guide for "they" as singular pronoun can be found here: Is there some other dictionary you're using?
@tedinthepaint people do say that. It's technically not correct but it is used for sure.
@Jaz007 you should have said incorrect english...
@blockfight I think you're right. It's moreso the idea that using they when referring to an individual is a new concept tied to trans people that I'm arguing against.
@Jaz007 you are wrong, @tedinthepaint (and of course Merriam Webster) is right.
Glad the games turned out to be great. Good review too apart from push square choosing to voice where they stand when we kind of got that from the disclaimer..
@tedinthepaint Sure, but “son” is a gender (male). So it’s not “their” playstation, but “his”.
Looking forward to the next time there's an article about a game Activision is making to see their stance on Bobby kotick the CEO who is an actual scumbag although I doubt they'll say anything about that
I cannot be the only one here who sees -
“Removed: Comment is unconstructive. User is banned”.
I guess that we shall never know, and leave it to our imaginations.
Presumably these people are banned for their refusal to behave in a civilised manner?
I am just disappointed that it is deemed necessary, that it happens at all.
@Jaz007 that's not at all what happens when "you get strict about English" - getting strict about English usually involves going around, correcting perfectly understandable posts on the internet because of their slightly less than immaculate grammar.
As for "they" - it is a term for a group of people, but it's equally usable as a term for referring to someone if you're not sure what their gender is. You don't even need to involve trans people in this one - you might be referring to someone with a first name that you're unfamiliar with, and you've never met them, you've only ever seen their name written down in print but know nothing else about them (this sounds like a convoluted situation but as someone who liaises fairly often with a helpdesk based in India, this happens to me all the time). Notice that even that sentence I just wrote, doesn't look the slightest bit weird because of the context, despite the fact that I purely used "they" to refer to some hypothetical individual, not a group.
On the other hand, if you do know someone's gender or have good reason to assume it, it can come across a little more odd in that context. I'll admit that the example from @tedinthepaint isn't the best, IMO - but it's not because "they" isn't a term that people can use to refer to a single person - it's just that it's rare to refer to someone as both "a son" (or another word with a clear gender assigned to it) and also as "they" - it's more commonly used to refer to someone where the gender is uncertain, for whatever reason (maybe you're writing an FAQ for future use and have no way of predicting the gender of the person you're referring to - e.g. "how do I reset my child's password? - you can reset their password by doing X..."). But just because it's a bit jarring to refer to "my son" as "they" doesn't mean it's incorrect.
In the case of the game though, I imagine they stuck with "they" pronouns simply because it was simpler than recording two or three sets of variations of all the dialogue, and because it's not incorrect for the reasons stated already
@danlk1ng also, the character creator is very ambiguous. There is no “male” or “female” voice, there is “voice one” and “voice two” and you get to change the pitch of either selection. You never pick gender. The closest thing to a binary choice is deciding what dormitory you will be sleeping in, so there is just actual flag the player can pick to base pronouns off.
It would had actually been a nice thing, for everyone, to further allow customization by selecting your own pronouns, but that then that goes into the stuff you mention about re-recording several lines multiple times. As it is, the usage of they/them is good enough.
@Tharsman for you maybe but some of us are more alert and in tune with how damaging the use of the wrong pronouns can be.
Some people have struggled with their gender identity for years. This struggle is real and can be very damaging.
He/she are a very important part of this struggle.
The explanation of the English language is incorrect.
I wish people would not try and force their limited understanding of gender issues on others. You don’t know or understand the struggle many have been through and your generalisation that they/them is “good enough” is ignorant at best/dangerous at worst.
This website should be a safe space for everyone and everyone is on a different journey.
If the game has made such a huge and monumental mistake when gendering its characters it will be a real set back in the community.
We can’t pick and choose when we want gendering options or who gets to own the right to be upset when misgendered….
Mental health does not work that way.
You do not speak for everyone and you do not get to say what is “good enough” you sound like a caveman thawed out that clearly doesn’t understand the issues at all.
@Matthewnh whats even more funny is it says "user is banned" and then there are more comments from the same user that dont get removed...its bloody odd to say the least..
@Stocksy the appeal to the rules of English language is absolutely not correct. There's nothing stopping you referring to a single person as "they", in fact there are situations in which it's polite to do so (see my previous comment for actual examples). Anyone parroting the idea that "they" is a plural pronoun and nothing more is just fishing for a reason to be offended, rather than having an actual grasp of the English language.
That said, personally I'd prefer it if the game did use male/female and he/she - I don't really see the need to remove gender entirely. But at the same time, it's the dev's right to do so and there's very little that someone not going out of their way to try to be offended should really be offended by, since all the game is doing is using neutral (not even specifically "non-binary") language
@danlk1ng You know that’s not what I meant with being strict.
But pushing that aside, I find the lack of recording things twice rather lazy and off putting. The voice acting already wasn’t always the best from the record, and they can’t put basic character creation reactions in in addition? I expect more.
Literally only bought this game only because of some people trying to get it banned. Glad it’s actually good, looking forward to playing!
@Jaz007 obviously I know that wasn't what you meant, but what you meant was incorrect. "They" is not necessarily plural (details in my reply that you're replying to). And if it isn't necessarily plural, it certainly isn't "strictly" plural
@Stocksy So I watched some of the gameplay, and it is indeed non-binary/neutral. No he/she pronouns for the main charachter.
Do you know what is worse than buying and playing this game and upsetting marginalized communities?
Buying and playing this game and having bigots congratulate you on making an informed decision.
I'll just wait for Like a Dragon: Ishin
@Savage_Joe "it" is the correct pronoun for an object, not a person. And a person referred to as "they" isn't necessarily genderless, the pronoun is simply sitting on the the fence with regards the gender of the person/s being referred to
Spoilers going round now from trans activists had the ending spoiled how lovely of them 👎🏻
@Savage_Joe 5 stars for effort with that argument, but all it really shows is you can Google something to support your case without really understanding what's in front of you. The definition of "it" that you're referring to is
Used to IDENTIFY a person, e.g. "it's me"
On the other hand, a pronoun like "he" has a very similar but distinct definition:
Used to REFER TO a man, boy, or male animal previously mentioned or easily identified, e.g. "everyone liked my father—he was the perfect gentleman"
The pronoun "they" has a very similar meaning:
Used to REFER TO a person of unspecified gender.
"ask a friend if they could help" (this is a perfect example of using this pronoun outside of trans stuff - because you're referring to some potential individual but you haven't a clue what the gender of the person who turns up might be)
The fact is, you've picked an extremely specific use case to make your point that "it" is a gender neutral pronoun, but nobody is actually talking about the "identify" pronoun (much as there's much talk of identifying as things when pronouns come up), all of the pronouns that any fuss is being made over are "refer to" pronouns. To use "it" as one of these, you can't just say "it's me", you need to say something like:
"It's looking at me"
"It's wearing those clothes again"
You wouldn't last 5 minutes in society if you want around referring to people as "it", whereas if you referred to people as "they" you might get some funny looks but at least people wouldn't get the impression you were referring to them as an object/animal/monster
I don't know why some people have such an issue with a person's use of any kind of language to support how they feel. English is a living language and thusly can be bent and shaped to express evolving ideas and changing tolerances. So to argue that grammatically THEY/THEM is incorrect, for me, is the weakest argument for their use. Especially with some of the extremely spotty language use that is being splattered around in this comment section.
@grapetrap are you saying that people who grew up with Harry Potter and love the universe shouldn’t be allowed to buy and enjoy this game because if so gtfo with that *****
Have we just given up discussing Hogwarts Legacy in this comments section, then? I see discussion about virtually everything apart from the game.
While we obviously appreciate there's a lot to discuss here, let's at least try to remain on the topic of the game and Liam's excellent review.
Thank you!
Nope, that is not what I said. I said it would be worse to have bigots congratulate you for buying the game in spite of the controversy.
However, it is a good review and under better circumstances, it seems that we have a fantastic game on our hands. The review was very good and to the point and convinced me it is a game worth buying.
@grapetrap I’m playing it right now and being a big potter fan it’s a dream come true game it’s really that good. I can’t quit smiling walking around Hogwarts and seeing all the details that Avalanche absolutely nailed
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Is there a 40fps mode? I need that sweet spot, I was hoping every high level game would offer this as an option going forward.
It looks MUCH better than 30fps.
EDIT: thank goodness it has such an option! It's an acceptable stopgap to 4k 60fps.
Thank you so much for writing up a very detailed and honest review!
Re-assures me that I made the right decision in pre-ordering the game last night. I'll be picking it up from my local Best Buy on Friday, but sadly won't have time to play until Sunday at the earliest.
At least I should have the advantage of the Day 1 patch though.
@HotGoomba you win the day for using one of my favorite tv moments ever
Lol. On the video game front, this looks pretty great. I've never been much of a Harry Potter fan myself, so won't be picking this up anytime soon, but as an open world game based on a beloved franchise, it looks really good and I'm happy for the fans. I'm sure they've been waiting for a gaming experience like this, and it certainly looks like the developer poured their heart and soul into crafting it. Hope everyone who bought this is enjoying it 🙂
Love the game myself. I'll probably buy it twice on ps and pc. Get to support these fantastic devs and JK.
In regards to comment #301 from push square asking for the discussion to stay on track..what did you expect exactly? With the current state of affairs regarding the authors views and the fact that the game devs tried their hardest to be as inclusive as possible it was inevitable that discussions were going to be about the lgbtq+ communitys and womens rights. Just about everything is on topic in these comments,even the ones you deemed were worthy of being removed which incidently shows exactly that push square is not sitting on the fence here because you stated in the review exactly where you do stand and its not a neutral position either. In future maybe certain subjects or anything such as this game should not have a comments section at all thus keeping everybody must be difficult for you guys to moderate this section and i dont envy you because there are elements on both sides that will never see eye to eye or accept each others views..ever..
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@WillMerfi Playstation Universe is a great alternative. They solely just focused on the game for their review. We come to gaming sites to focus on our passion, not to be caught up in the culture wars.
@danlk1ng the irony of you saying in the context of all the posts we have both put in this thread that I’m on the side that’s ready to be offended at everything……
Sometimes one should sit back and have self reflection.
I am not the one subverting the English language to suit a narrative.
I’m asking respectfully that people are careful not to misgender others and use the wrong pronouns.
This is the modern world and it’s really not asking too much that we could all respect each others pronouns and genders.
It works both ways. Often an issue for people that are only willing to see it one way.
@PushSquare to be fair you state your own stance on it. Two users I know no longer see this website as a safe space due to that and are not using the site. It’s a shame the review didn’t stick to the review. Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected. That point has been lost.
@Stocksy I mean maybe you're not "subverting the English language to suit a narrative." but you're certainly choosing a particular way of interpreting the English language, which conveniently fits your narrative
The idea that the pronoun "they" can only apply to either groups of people, or non-binary people is incorrect, as has been demonstrated already. Anyone who claims that these are the rules of English language either doesn't know what they're talking about, or is wilfully lying - either way they're doing so in service of their own narrative.
It's worth pointing out that I've stuck up for JKR on this very thread. We're probably not all that different in our overall outlook and our views on this game and the issues around it - it's just that I've bothered to actually find out the ways that you can use the "they" pronoun in English, and have been able to for a long time
@danlk1ng I don’t disagree it can be used that way. Honestly no hate from me mate. I’m just saying that it’s more complex than just saying it’s used that way.
Plural and singular is a thing too.
I’ve been guilty in replies of using it that way too.
My issue is the cherry picking that goes on.
We have to respect all pronouns. Not just the ones that suit.
I respect you mate, I agree most people involved in both sides are close in how we feel, for sure, some are more chilled out about stuff, others are rightly more invested, I have issues with how the whole discussion is being framed by the gaming media, here in push is a fine example.
The Brit awards - a British music award - recently went gender free….. many said this would lead to a dominance of traditional male artists…. It was scoffed at and said non binary artists were uncomfortable with male/female categories…. This year the main award “best artist” - is all male…. This has set back work to make female artists have a platform massively. Then we have the Scotland fiasco with prisons. I truly am an advocate for rights for all. Especially those most persecuted… but we must make sure we protect women’s rights on top…. They don’t need to be in conflict. We can all live together and respect each other…. There is a way. It might just not be easy.
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It's one of the best games I've played in a long time! it's so easy to get lost in Hogwarts. I think technically it's a little dated and can be slightly buggy, but the enviroments, characters and story really make up for it.
FYI (everyone, no one in particular) according to SteamDB this is already the game with the 23rd highest all-time peak concurrent players.
The sentence is a bit convoluted so to simplify in case it's unclear - if you were to rank all games on Steam by the largest number of players that have been playing them at the same time, across their lifetime, Hogwarts Legacy is already #23 on that list (with 323,839 players). Which doesn't sound massively impressive - #23 is hardly a gold medal or anything, but it does mean that it's already beaten Skyrim (#27- 287,411 players) and Destiny 2 (#26 - 292,513 players), to name just a couple in the same region of the chart. Obviously this is only on Steam - but in summary, I don't think the devs have anything to worry about in terms of sales
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I rarely buy games day 1 but this is a no brainer as a massive Harry Potter fan. Going to be playing along with the fellas all weekend.
Could you tell me what the game’s actual file size is going to be, please?
I realised that when I asked that question a moment ago, I hadn’t actually directed it to anybody in particular.
@Matthewnh It’s 78GB on PS5
Very disappointing that Push Square jumps on the JK Rowling bashing bandwagon. This has nothing to do with this game, nor with rights for that matter.
Not for me. I refuse to give JK Rowling any cash. She’s a noted transphobe and TERF who makes a mockery of real feminism.
Her rhetoric is offensive and dangerous to some of the most vulnerable levers of society.
Push Square is correct in saying the game doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
I understand that the world-building and characters created by her are beloved by many, but I also think that we need to have an honest discussion around whether it’s ethical to bankroll someone who actively makes the world a more oppressive and dangerous place for many innocent people who have never hurt anyone. People who only want to exist peacefully in the world we all share.
It’s important to also recognise that she has both real-world and social media audience of millions. Her views are then amplified by right-wing media who have audiences in the literal billions.
@Vorlon As they said, the game doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Her views have a very really effect on millions of the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society.
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Removed - offensive remarks; user is banned
Here is a game made by devs who have tried to be as inclusive as possible and still getting mud flung at them..i am starting to wonder who the real biggots are..
I have been thinking about this for a few days now.
I'm just very disapointed in Push Square that they open the review with a statement, and it is their way or the highway.
Like someone mentioned above, this entire thing has been blown up.
I was not a very frequent replier, but I visited multiple times a day.
Yes Past Tense, as I have decided to leave this website as it just bugs me with the stance they have taken on this issue.
This post will prob get deleted, but just knowing they have read it, is enough for me.
I hate political crap in my games, movies, comics etc etc.
I came here for the Playstation news/reviews, not what Push's stance is on something that has NOTHING to do with the game.
Goodbye, it's been fun.
@BlaBlaBla in fairness to them, they've allowed more discussion on the subject than it would initially have appeared that they were going to, for example there's a slew of posts expressing the exact sentiment you've expresed here, as well as others not in line with PushSquare's stance on the topic - but then there are also a bunch of comments deleted due to being "off-topic". The threshold for getting a comment deleted isn't exactly clear
Totally off topic but I am about 9 hours into Hogwarts, just got my broom and I have to say this game is fantastic. I was really looking forward to its release and I am so happy it has turned out this good.
Just seen some bits of a video (over on Pure Xbox) comparing game footage with scenes from the movies.
The attention to detail just looks phenomenal.
Really looking forward to tomorrow.
It's absolutely appopriate and right to give a statement regarding Rowling and the controversy surrounding this game when discussing it. As it is their outlet, and as a business they have rules and responsibilities to uphold, not to mention possible employees who care or are directly affected by this in one way or another.
However, the issue that is being raised here is just people wanting to bandwagon. If this nonsense regarding WORDS by a bigot hadnt gained hive mind internet momentum no one would be talking about it. Just as those that claim they won't bankroll oppressions continue to do so with literally hundreds if not thousands of purchases they make throughout their lifetime under our current system.
So dont tell me this is your stand, when the minerals and labor in your phone, game console and TV promote slavery war and genocide, when you applaud the newest Fromsoft title in which they dont pay their employees for the forced overtime it took to produce. When you wash your hair or take medication that was first tested on the primates sitting in cages right now as you argue about this one womans words. When you eat your dinner made via mistreatment and the opposite of peace for the lifeforms that sit on that plate. Don't forget the predatory practices of the employer you work for or the advertising you allow on your site in the name of profit to continue feeding the system and pay their life tax on you.
If you are going to pretend like you care about peace for something you had better mean it beyond a 6 month internet hype cycle surrounding this one sad woman's words.
What she said is garbage and ignorant, yes. but seriously? This where you draw the line? a friggin' Potterverse game?! That's it?
I'm not buying it. Don't' tell me somehow this person's interpretation of a community in the form of WORDS is somehow more important than the myriad of actual physical, mental, and emotional destruction that your day-to-day consumption finances. To suggest that buying this game is financing some sort of anti-Trans campaign, is also to suggest that feeding yourself, and your very existence finances warlords, enslavement, global environmental destruction, imperialism, racism, as well as the very thing you criticize this woman for. who merely wrote a few books and thus has a few million social media followers.
Trust me, much more influential and powerful people that actually affect global human trajectory are directly financed by you whether you want to face that or not.
Do something meaningful if you care, because more words and your lack of 'contextual understanding based' one-time 70-dollar boycott of this video game ain't it......
@KundaliniRising333 that’s really why I have been struggling to reconcile how I feel about this situation, to be fair. There is obviously an issue here that warrants some discussion and I am aware that some wrong appears to have been done from the perspective of some. I have been struggling for a while to get my head around exactly where I stand on it all and I’ve frankly been a bit worried that I can’t come to a conclusion on something that is apparently so important, it’s a bit alienating. But I have just realised it’s because there are way more important things to worry about, or worse things happening that people are happy to let slide. I guess subconsciously I knew that. I feel better knowing that this particular situation just doesn’t really matter in the context of everything else. I have no objection with people living however they want and welcome the opportunity to learn more about it.
@kyleforrester87 Yah i hear you.
Sorry for the somewhat direct rant. It's just me. As an environmental researcher, whom has to watch my community lie, sugar coat, and suggest non solutions as an arm of the powers that be, all the while knowing we are already past the point of reversal on these issues in our field...
it's frustrating to see that it is issues like that surrounding this game that gain traction..... People are so willingly allowing themselves to be distracted and divided by those whom know a different world is coming fast, and simply want to take as much as they can before the wheels of this runaway wagon fall off.
So yes, there are for more important things that need dire attention.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Speaking from 15 hours or so of play on the PS5 in Fidelity with Ray Tracing mode, the game is gorgeous and plays smoothly for me. I did search up some recommended HDR settings which helped extensively, though as some sites recommended turning off frame capping, i chose not to as i felt it made the backgrounds pretty bad when moving the camera. Capping the framerate has kept it smooth. I haven't experienced any loading screens transitioning from room to room, only when using the Floo network to travel have i had a brief loading screen. As for the story and content, if you are a fan of the Wizarding World and lore, then you will likely find this a 9 as you are likely to overlook the fact that the story is somewhat cookie cutter like most of the usual tropes used in RPG games these days. Like most modern media, the ability to tell truly original tales gets harder and harder. If you know absolutely nothing about Harry Potter or the world it all exists in, you will likely find the game pretty, but once the sights' and sounds' newness wears off, you will find it entertaining but not earth shattering. In that respect i'd say a 9 if you enjoyed any of the Wizarding World movies, books, or previous games, 7.5-8 if you've heard of Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts but never actually watched a movie for any of them. You might like it, but it won't wow you the same way.
As for the hooplah surrounding JKR, I think folks can think for themselves and make their own decisions as to whether they buy the game or not. The views of the world creator that optioned rights to use her world and lore to a game company is not germane to how good or ill the game itself is. If your personal views and politics means you won't play the game, that is not commentary on the quality of the game. There are plenty of games, movies, books, and other entertainment vehicles where the views/behaviors of the creators, or the subject matter of the content does not sit well with everyone. This is especially true in film. That doesn't mean the quality of the production itself is poor. For all the slinging of names at JKR and for all the aspersions as to her character that have been hurled, what has become quite obvious is that there will never be discussions that can lead to changing hearts and minds as long as one side claims sole authority that any counter view automatically is null and void, and can only be attributed to the worst motivations. There are a host of competing rights surrounding this issue, and it is pure arrogance to assume that any one side has the sole monopoly on determining whose rights are more important. Regardless of all of that, games CAN be a unifying force where gamers can check their personal beliefs at the door and enjoy a game for what it is with their fellow gamers. That all of the social commentary is turning this game into a source of division in some circles is probably the greater tragedy.
We must all say no to hate and discrimination. I must say though that JK is pretty progressive in general, she's entitled to her opinion about biological sex, and i don't see it under the banner of "hate speech". Anyway Dune's author had some pretty controversial views too. That wont make me boycott a great movie/game
HP is kind of dumb and childish. i don't get the hype behind this game. easy pass.
Funnily enough, you can care about multiple social issues at the same time. It’s not a competition where we need to create some imaginary tier list of what’s important and what’s not.
It’s blatantly obvious that a significant section of cisgender, heterosexual males have deemed JK Rowling’s comments innocuous and are (as usual) downplaying anything that doesn’t directly pander to their privilege.
@Arnna such nonsense. You just made a ton of assumptions about me to fit your narrative. I can assure you are way off. Nor am I defending The waste of life that is Rowling. If all you digested from my statement is to respond with the stereotypical victimization and privilege narrative. Then so be it.
I wish you well.
I feel like i've slipped into reddit somehow..
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@Arnna i'm sorry but you are off the mark here. I am a white heterosexual male and i am not against the lgbtq+ movement at all. I cant be because i have friends and family members that belong to the lgbtq+ community and i support them but what i dont like is the constant insistence of being included in everything under the sun and the way that people are being made to feel as if they cant watch,read or buy certain things because one group is not represented or is portrayed in a negative light. Rowling's views were not an issue for me nor any of my afore mentioned friends and family members. My trans friend at work stated she would never use the womens toilet out of respect for other women. This game lets you create a transgender character which the lgbtq+ people out there should applaude (it is a poke in the eye for rowling if she really is transphobic) but no they are really going over the top. Death threats to devs and fellow gamers is not acceptable at anytime but here we see people that are against hate speech carrying out the exact thing they say is being used as tool of oppression against themselves. My friends and family understand my view point and they agree because we can talk about these issues in person face to face and not get annoyed because the context is there and cant be misconstrued..wont happen in these very exclusive and one sided comments..
@KundaliniRising333 i know we dont see eye to eye on most things but i agree 100% with what you are saying.
This game is fantastic! I hope they turn it into a franchise and it becomes incredibly successful.
I can see them turning it into a movie to revive the wizarding world! We need more Hogwarts
@Kundalinirising333 sorry my bad i just realised one of my comments was directed at the wrong person..sorry 🙄
@Northern_munkey I never once said or implied that cisgender people or heterosexual people have anything against trans people.
I said they often diminish the damage that people like Rowling make because they can’t see past their own privilege.
Then they get on the defensive when that is pointed out. I’ve seen it thousands of times. Wholesale fragility and victimhood from the majority.
Kindly don’t put words into my mouth.
@Arnna lets not throw stones...i think at this moment in time there is a fair amount of "privilege" on both sides. And i wasnt trying to put words in your mouth at all as you came across (as per usual) quite confrontational. You usually make fair comments but in this instance you just look like you are trying to stoke the fire..
@Arnna in all honesty I find it hard to accept that JKR's words themselves have that much of an impact "in a vaccuum" as it were. At the end of the day all she really did was put words to genuine concerns that she had from a place of fear due to her own experiences - and even if you don't believe that, she put words to genuine concerns that a lot of ordinary (as in, there's a hell of a lot of them) people share. IMO the much more damaging things for the Trans community were/are:
-the massive effort to make perfectly clear that JK Rowling's opinions will not be tolerated at all costs
-the actual right wing, who, given the previous point, snapped Rowling up as their new poster child and example of how "the left eat themselves"
Lots of perfectly nice, reasonable people were already concerned about the kind of things JK Rowling has expressed before she expressed them - but because of the fallout from Rowling expressing stuff that they were already thinking, their perception of the trans community changed from "people we want to try and help but we believe there might be safety issues to consider" to "people who don't care about my opinion and will go out of their way to silence people who express it" (I mean, some people did already think that anyway, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that the JKR stuff is the sole cause of this particular narrative). And like I say, part of the blame for that is on the right wing media anyway, as this is exactly the kind of opinion that they want to propogate when it comes to the left/the trans community. Also worth pointing out that "the trans community" isn't in itself to blame for the backlash against JKR, since this is a different group of people to "trans-allied twitter warriors".
I mean you can kind of see it in this very comments section. PushSquare readers aren't necessarily representative of the world as a whole but, look for any comment here that vaguely expresses support for JKR or Hogwarts Legacy (in the early comments anyway, back when there was lots of traffic to this article as it was fairly new) there are tons of likes on those comments - far more likes than there had been commenters at that point, in some cases maybe more likes than all the unique commenters in this whole thread, because (I think) a lot of people are afraid to express their opinion, but aren't afraid to back it up anonymously. And this is my concern for the trans community - if people feel like they're being silenced (regardless of whether it's true. I do realise that JKR is not truly "silenced" - this is more about the narrative around what's going on), they're only going to get resentful, and one thing you can't take away from them is their voting power..
@danlk1ng well said and very well communicated.
The is an article over on Pure XBox which suggests altering the settings to make the game smoother, and easier to control.
Turning the “camera acceleration” all of the way down will make the camera react faster.
It also suggested turning the “camera sensitivity” up a little bit.
This should make the whole thing easier.
I don’t how easy it is find those settings in the menus, though. But will give it a try once my copy arrives.
@danlk1ng I wish this could be at the forefront of every argument based on JK/Harry Potter. Brilliantly worded.
@danlk1ng None of what she has said fall under the banner of ‘genuine concerns’. She is spreading fear-mongering rhetoric which has no factual basis whatsoever. None.
She isn’t qualified to pontificate about the lived experience of being trans and isn’t qualified to relegate decades of peer reviewed science around gender dysphoria, transitioning, and physiology to the dust bin because she doesn’t agree with it.
This isn’t subjective - she is catastrophically incorrect and needs to stay in her lane.
A lane that is informed only by a grotesque misunderstanding of feminism, and equally grotesque white, cisgendered, hetero privilege and obscene wealth.
So please don’t contribute to the already disproportionate pain and hardship of trans people by trying to tell us she has ‘genuine concerns’. It’s both ignorant and offensive.
Oh, and Rowling isn’t even vaguely ‘left’. She’s a TERF and a transphobe. A bigoted extremist.
@Northern_munkey It’s clear you don’t understand what ‘privilege’ means in this context. The societal privilege of cisgender heterosexual males is so vastly disproportionate to non-binary and trans people, it’s absurd. You’re making a ridiculous false equivalency.
@Arnna do you think the average voter gives a damn about peer reviewed science? I'm not saying that the peer reviewed scientists are wrong. I'm also not saying that the "genuine concerns" I referred to are even valid - more that they're sincerely held. I even left it a bit of an open question whether Rowling herself genuinely holds these views - the fact is, a lot of people do. People who don't necessarily even know what peer review is, let alone know why peer reviewed scientists would know better than someone like JK Rowling. You (not just you personally, the whole "angry trans allies community") need to find a better way of engaging with these people in particular than just shouting their opinions down because frankly, the kind of manner in which you've just responded is exactly what I'm talking about. It's not going to win any friends, and it's certainly not going to win any votes for trans causes
@Arnna give it a rest will you..
@Gamakazil - ahhh, Gamakazil. Your comment was short lived, but it was particularly funny in light of the fact that there are plenty of perfectly polite replies from various different points of view in this, the very bottom end of the comments section - and most of them seem to have been deigned acceptable by our overlords. But not yours, for you made one fateful mistake, for you had to discuss the "M" word. Never discuss the "M" word
and if you're going to discuss the "M" word you should do what I did, and report your own comment for violating the rules. For some reason the comment I did that on is still standing. I like to think I'm finally breaking through to the "M" word's sense of humour, but in all honesty it probably just wasn't worth the effort
I appreciate & understand there's a lot to discuss here but please can we try to remain on the topic of the game, thanks.
Thanks everyone for their comments on our Hogwarts Legacy review. We have now decided to close the comments on this review.
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