Kena: Bridge of Spirits was positioned by Sony as a key game coming to PlayStation 5. While it's great that the company puts some indie titles on the same level as triple-A experiences, it can sometimes lead to inflated expectations. Developer Ember Lab's debut game has always looked fantastic in the lead up to launch, but does its gameplay match the beautiful, whimsical art style?
The good news is that, on the whole, it does. With the studio's background in animation for TV and movies, it was almost expected that this would look great, and it does have lovely, colourful visuals with lots of personality. As alluded, though, the actual game underneath the lush environments and expressive characters is solid good fun.

You play as Kena, a young spirit guide on a quest to visit the mountain shrine. On the way, she discovers the Rot, a species of magical creatures that offer her a helping hand in her journey. We won't be going over any spoilers, save to say that the story doesn't really stray from what you'd expect; able to help lost spirits find peace, it hits an optimistic yet bittersweet tone, akin to any number of animated films you've seen in the last decade.
While the narrative hasn't surprised us, what has is how much the game takes us back to those PS2-era action platformers, in a good way. Think Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, or even Tak and the Power of Juju — it's in that wheelhouse. This is a mostly linear action adventure absolutely stuffed with collectibles, light platforming, and combat arenas, all stitched together in a large map. The feeling of moving through the world — hunting for hidden areas, gathering the Rot, and unlocking more paths with new abilities — puts us in mind of those old-school action platformers. It has a straightforward structure, but it's a compelling one that'll have you exploring every inch of the game for secrets.
The early influences are definitely there, but that's not to say Kena hasn't also borrowed from more modern titles, too. Platforming, especially when you're scaling cliffs and shimmying across ledges, is very Uncharted, while combat has your attacks on R1 and R2, putting it in line with any action game released in the last five years. It pulls from all kinds of places, but it gets away with it because everything feels good.
The combat and puzzles are where the game comes into its own. The Rot isn't just a cute troupe of followers, they're useful in all kinds of ways. Outside of fights, Kena can command them to lift and move heavy objects, help find more Rot creatures, and rid the world of a blight known only as corruption. None of the puzzles are particularly taxing, but it's fun interacting with the Rot, whether for objectives or just to relax. Pushing right on the D-pad sits Kena down with her diminutive buddies, and you can play some adorable animations, just because.
When faced with enemies, you have light and heavy attacks in addition to a block and dodge roll, but the Rot comes into play here as well. Dealing and taking damage will build courage in the little things, and when ready, they can perform an action, such as finding flowers to replenish your health, attacking enemies themselves, or powering up some of your own moves. It adds a small layer of strategy to what is otherwise pretty standard, and surprisingly challenging, combat. Sometimes the fact you can't heal whenever you like can feel frustrating, but it's a relatively balanced system most of the time.

As you play, finding more of the Rot to level up and using Karma to upgrade your abilities, Kena will gradually learn more techniques, used both in fights and in exploration. For example, the bow lets you attack from a distance, but it also allows you to sling across the environment via blue flowers, grapple hook style. There's a good sense of progression, and it all moves at a fair clip, keeping you engaged for the 10 or so hours it takes to finish. There is a bit of backtracking if you want to see and do everything, which can be dull when there are no enemies present to keep you on your toes. However, warp stones at key points let you fast travel around, which helps to keep things moving.
Again, the game's presentation is generally very good, but we did spot one or two hiccups. Occasionally, Kena's movement can feel somewhat stilted, and some of the character designs are a bit lacking. Having said that, the level of polish is impressive for a team's debut effort, and we haven't encountered any serious bugs at all. Meanwhile, load times are swift, and the DualSense's features add some nice tactile feedback to the action, which is always appreciated. Playing in the default performance mode, it runs smoothly at 60 frames-per-second, although we did notice some hitches when the game autosaves.
Despite borrowing from all manner of modern hits, Kena: Bridge of Spirits just about stands on its own. The wonderful visuals and music leave a strong impression, while the gameplay is simple but enjoyable. If its story went beyond the expected, and one or two small issues were scrubbed away, this would be a real winner. As it is, this is a solid action platformer with lots of personality, and a strong debut from Ember Lab.
Comments 136
Please let me know if you have any questions
What's it like on the old-school PS4? Any Pro enhancements?
I’d like to give it a go, but it’s not worth more than £10-£15 to me based on everything I’ve read.
Nice solid review. Was looking forward to this all morning.
7 seems like a fair score based on the observations made.
Some of the cons that are listed probably won't bother me so much, but the stiff movement was something I had been worried about since the first trailer.
I have it ready to go on the TV behind me. I'm excited to get stuck in. I just need to get through the work day...
Edit: Spent a few hours with it. I'm loving it. It feels like a PS2 game with modern visuals through and through.
Completely hooked.
@Quintumply did I see that right, the game is only 10 hours long?
From the reviews I’ve read this morning, it seems like one more gorgeous PlayStation game where you spend most of your time gathering collectibles and levelling up your character. Same sh*t, different game basically. Not that I mind that tbh.
I’ll definitely pick this up eventually.
Well you get what you pay for I guess. Can’t expect an excellent gaming experience for what equates to about half the price of a “normal” game
@Quintumply Do you know where I put my keys ?
@Elodin 10, 12 hours. Thereabouts, I'd guess. It's not super long.
@hypnotoad Have you checked the drawer?
Happy to see it get a “good” rating. I’d have gotten it either way but this is reassuring.
@hypnotoad Have you checked your bu.... nevermind.
It just sounds really… conventional? I don’t know what I expected.
@Quintumply What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
@Terra African or European?
@lolwhatno Does not compute
no this game is an 8 you did it wrong
Sounds like a good game and about in line with what I was expecting. If I didn't have such a huge backlog I'd be picking it up sooner but as it stands this is probably one that will go on the wishlist to get further down the line. Hope it does well though!
I played it for about an hour yesterday, and I could not believe my eyes regarding this game's visuals. They are quite literally jaw-dropping. The music is also almost equally phenomenal.
@Quintumply am I a robot?
@Just_2_milky No
My mate messaged me today basically saying I wouldn’t like it. Very structurally repetitive without a killer story to make it worthwhile. According to him it’s good for what it is but yeah, he’s probably right that it isn’t my bag. Never mind!
Just spent 4 hours playing it, needed to take a break from it, but so far I'm pleasantly surprised how big the world is, and there's a lot more mechanics at work than I thought there'd be, combat is fun but a bit simplistic at first, but combat mechanics deepen as you play, explore and collect. So far the only criticism lies with the story, to me it feels like an afterthought, as I'm playing, I'm not entirely sure what the end goal is meant to be. HOWEVER I should clarify that I did have a mate over and we both took turns playing, and I wasn't paying as much attention whilst he was playing, so my opinion on the story will likely change upon a second playthrough. .
@hypnotoad where you left them?
Good review. Watched ACG’s review this morning, read this one, seems like my kinda game so I’ll give it a whirl once I’m finished with Lost in Random. Looking forward to it.
@Terra African or European? 🤣
10 hour games don't bother me in the slightest. Quality over quantity.
Great review. It sounds about what I was expecting, maybe a little less impressive. I definitely will pick it up, but I’ve got too many other games in the way first, so maybe I’ll wait for the physical version.
Ha ha. Brilliant!
I thought this had five at a max written all over it. Pleasantly surprised it’s good.
I played for about an hour last night and yeah the comparison to PS2 style platformers like Jak and Daxter is spot on. Not that this is a bad thing though I liked what I played and can't wait to continue today.
Oh and yeah presentation wise it's pretty incredible how pretty to look at and great the soundtrack is. I only ran into one bug where there is a small invisible hole to fall through the floor in the beginning stage but thankfully the autosave is pretty generous so I didn't lose any progress.
@kingbreww Then why is Hades £20? Nonsense comment.
85 average on Metacritic so once again Push Square is at the low end of the range. I’m excited for it (based on other reviews I’ve read)!
@Sebatrox I received the game on Sunday and I've not had to download an additional patch since installing it, so I don't know.
Given the length, I’d either have to wait for a deep sale or just buy then trade back the physical version when released. Seems like a pretty and chill game though.
A 7 is a really good score.but i will wait for the. Physical copie .word up son
Removed - unconstructive
The game looks interesting, I'll play this after I've finished one or two games from my backlog, maybe I'll buy the physical version.
@Axelay71 ..that's what I say to my Mrs.
I still want to get it eventually (assuming the PS4 version is up to snuff), but it's definitely not in the "rush out and by asap" category for me, so I'll wait for a decent sale.
Looks great can't wait
Just a thought, as if I would know, but it would be good if you concluded with a short list of "in the same vein and, in the reviewers humble opinion, even better than this" and "in the same vein and, in the reviewers humble opinion, this is even better than".
Helps to pin these middle ground ratings based on the readers eperience with other games.
@kyleforrester87 Cheap skates shouldn't game period
@marty8370 you'll be okay buddy
@marty8370 gimme 5 bucks. Cmon don't be cheap.
... metacritic have it at 85, and most sites are giving it 8s and 9s... so if you are interested in this game, read around for other reviews alongside this one... just to get a balanced view!
People happy to pay money for a boring shooter yet we finally get something different and everyone is talking about waiting for Price drops. I love this Community sometimes :/
@RubyCarbuncle it’s not different though is it. Most reviews say the gameplay and story is by the numbers. That’s probably okay for someone who doesn’t game much, or if you’re on the young side. But for £40 I know I can get a more entertaining gaming experience by my own metrics. The fact it’s not a shooter, or that it’s “only” 10 hours long has nothing to do with it 🤷♂️ To be honest aside from the pretty graphics and cutesy mascots it does not seem to have a hook.
That’s why my £40 has gone on Diablo 2 this week 😉
Yeah I have to admit That the price is just not making this a day one purchase for me. Its more than half price that of a full game, and with all reviews regardless of their score making note to point out its underdeveloped systems, it's just a tough sell at that price.
Once released and discounted, I will absolutely check it out.
Can’t wait to boot this one up and see how I feel about it myself. Haven’t read anything truly concerning across the reviews that I’ve read, so I’m breathing a sigh of relief on my preorder. Honestly, a souped up PS2 action adventure type of thing that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome sounds like exactly the type of game I want to play at the moment.
@kyleforrester87 Diablo 2 comes from a Company that treats women like dirt. Have fun with your game knowing that.
Think I’ll get this at a later date. I’ve got Deathloop keeping me busy, and Diablo 2 resurrected is out in a few days.
@RubyCarbuncle gaming is my hobby, and that’s not my fight.
@kyleforrester87 That's fine. You do what you feel is right and so will I.
8-10 hours is poor for a game especially at that price. Needs to be £10 less for that amount of gameplay. I would have paid more for it if it was 30 hours plus in length. I was going to buy it before I knew the length.
@RubyCarbuncle Yah I have to reiterate what another said. I here what you are saying but the game is in fact not different. It is a fairly straight forward and already done story framework with gameplay systems already well trodden and more fleshed out in a great many other games over the course of decades now.
If anything, we are not buying into a game at full price BECAUSE all it offers is a short experience WITH gorgeous visuals but WITH the above shortcomings. I would pass on a 9 or ten hour shooter and have on literally every one, just as I will pass on full price for this, and also passed on full price ratchet and clank all for these same reasons. Lack of innovation in favor of setpiece moments and gorgeous visuals.
Its not triple A versus indie in this case. It's a bio product of the gaming industry continually rehashing, repackaging, and reselling old gameplay mechanics with a fresh coat of paint.
Couple that with an excessive greed focused remake and remaster trend, the industry needs something fresher than a half baked narrative experience, pretty art style, or another metrodvania copy and past from indie and AAa studio alike.
I want to play this, I just don't want to pay an inflated price for it as if its some grand new experience and not just a half baked platformer with a pretty art style and endearing disney movie story. Even just 15hrs with a more fleshed out platforming, progression system and combat mechanincs, utilizing the staff gimmic in the game and I'd be sold at that price or even more.
@Elodin since when is 10 hours a bad thing? Game is 40 euros too. People nowadays are thinking too much about how long a game is.
@Quintumply hello there How easy to get the Platinum? Does it need more than one playthrough?
Coolcoolcool. I'll definitely pick it up, but I've got a few to work through, so I may just wait for the first price dip. Glad to hear it turned out well.
I'm really looking forward to the physical copy being released.
@Tatarimokke Yes you have to complete is on Master difficulty which I believe is unlocked only after you complete the game. (from the Kinda Funny review)
I also hear it's quite hard in places too
I will say this though with an attitude like that I guess that means when workers go on Strike standing up for their rights you don't care, it's not your fight after all.
@RubyCarbuncle Now that all depends, doesn't it. But I am not here to save the children or to teach the world to sing. Not sure how any of this relates to Kena, though.
@kyleforrester87 You said you're buying Diablo 2 but it doesn't matter. I'm not here to tell you what to do. I was just thinking out loud, pretend I didn't say anything.
Do yourselves a favour and buy Returnal..the game feels and plays next-gen. I've spent around 50hours so far with no intent to stop playing it..As for the amount of difficulty the game rewards longthrough and patient runs. It's a AA game done right.
@Stonecold "8-10 hours is poor for a game especially at that price"
Νο, it's not. God of War games were shorter and more expensive than that and still sold incredibly well and no one complained back then about their length. But now for some reason it's an issue.
I'm choosing not to give a penny to Acti/Blizzard until we see some kind of resolution either. If you're desperate to buy one of their products, get it second hard.
Though I think Diablo II is digital only, I'm sure there will be a physical release in the near future, if not, well perhaps wait for a sale.
As for Kena: for me the length isn't an issue so much as it's geared more toward younger, or more casual players. The gameplay itself does look a little "stiff" and perhaps on the simple side. A light, jaunty affair to be sure, just not perhaps one as a mid-thirties gamer such as myself is thirsting for.
@AFCC yeah, I’d rather have a good 10 hour game than a game like AC Valhalla that takes 150 hours to 100% (and gets old after 10-15).
Is there any replay value to the game? Or is it more of a one and done experience?
@fR_eeBritney This is under the assumption that short games are always good, which obviously isn't always the case. It's totally possible to find a game that gives you dozens of hours of enjoyment and is a great experience just the same as you can find a 6 hour game that is terrible.
Very good 😆 🤣
@naruball it is in my opinion. I’m used to playing very long games,just my opinion. Everyone’s different in what they look for in a game.
@themightyant ok thanks! That sounds great!
@Tatarimokke As mentioned, you need two playthroughs for the platinum. It's a pretty straightforward Trophy list aside from that, though
I wonder how many here complaining about the price bought Ratchet and Clank for full price £70 at launch. A 10 - 13 hour game.
@zebric21 I was on the fence due to the perceived difficulty but youve just convinced me to buy it. Thanks fella
Only got to play the start this morning before work
Already love the music (always a good sign when I whistle playing an intro section 😀) characters and world (beautiful at 4K as expected). Also for what I played, voice acting seems good.
Had no idea I would use the little guys to interact with the world. Cant wait to see if they expand on that.
85 Metacritic after 22 reviews. But this is a game I will make up my own mind by playing it tonight.
For an indie studio first game, it did a good first impression for sure. This can be one hell of a new Indie studio in the making.
@KingPev You won't regret it if you give it time.
@Fenbops don't worry, I didn't. I'm consistent with my complaining.
Guess ill wait for discount
@Quintumply Nice review, always important to mention the fast travel. Bonus points for mentioning Tak & The Power of Juju.
Still waiting on a PS5, game will probably be on PS+ by the time I find one so... I waited a year for Concrete Genie only to play it or an hour then stop. I have no follow thru.
I’m also in the disco camp, will buy cheap! Too short & too much backlog.
@Quintumply can you re-map the buttons? I’m not a huge fan of the R1/R2 as the combat buttons. Thanks!
Ive got it downloading. It's too cute to say no.
People buy products from China where they have suicide nets around some factory's and never bat a eye. Food from farmers that use underpaid migrant workers. Sweat shops for clothing. Even Apple has been called out. In order to mitigate all bad practices you would need to grow your own food and make all your own products. Yet Blizzard with 5 guys out of 100's of employees is the line they choose not to pass.
I pre-ordered Diablo 2 because I tend to judge the product over looking into internal practices of every company's product I purchase.
Kena looks and sounds like a great game I look forward to purchasing it soon as I have time to play it hopefully on physical Disc.
@JMills Yes you can
After playing 3 or 4 hours last night it kinda boggles my mind how you could only land at a 7. This game is absolutely incredible. From the visuals to the combat, the exploration, and the soundtrack, MY LORD, that soundtrack. It's just knocking it out of the park in every direction. I can't wait to get home from work and play more
@Quintumply will there be a ps4 review?
Removed - inappropriate
@Fenbops No kidding. Whenever an 80 hour game or whatever gets released, there’s complaining that it’s too long and padded. When a game is a simple, linear experience, it’s too short and there’s no value to it. Personally, I’m more than happy to spend $40 on 10 hours of gaming if I like it. Honestly, gaming is a cheap hobby. $40 is cheaper than taking my family out to a restaurant for an hour. Lol.
That said too, sort of a shame that this wonderful indie game’s comments have turned into a squabble over Activision. Does Activision really need any more attention? I’m about an hour into Kena and so far, I think the game deserves the attention instead.
@naruball Agreed. Sonic 1 takes little more than an hour to complete and cost £50 which is equivalent to £100 nowadays. Imagine a game with about 7 short areas, that only uses one button to play, that you can easily complete in one go - all that for £100. Ah, the good old days.
@PhhhCough It's unlikely, to be honest. Sorry about that.
@Stonecold fair enough. I just think that even a person's opinion can be inadvertently influenced by others. For example, I used to love Tekken and fighting games in general. Now I don't find them that enjoyable. Is it just my opinion or is it partly due to their lack of popularity?
The more people say that 8 hour games are too short, the more likely is that others will start to believe so. It's how trends work. In other words, I'm not talking specifically about you; just an observation.
@Matroska wow! I had no idea it was that short.
@KundaliniRising333 Fair enough. Sorry for late response btw. Admittedly I'm surprised by the game's length myself but then again games back in the day were even shorter. I used to be able to beat Sonic 1 on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis in about 30 minutes or so. Back then you didn't give length and other such things a thought. Quality over quantity I always say.
Still though with so many games today being so long and immersive I can understand people being disappointed or apprehensive here, it's what they're used to.
Not sure why but from what I’ve played of this so far reminds me of Biomutant. That’s not a bad thing because I liked that game despite the bad review here.
@Matroska Haha you beat me to it. After I posted my response to somebody else I noticed you thought of Sonic 1 too.
I'm still playing through my backlog so it'll be a while before I get to Kena. It looks like a fun game though.
The game still looks great to me and is perfectly priced, can't wait to give it a go!
@Quintumply A day one physical release buy on PS5. 😁
Played a few hours so far and it looks and sounds really nice, going to keep it till the weekend I think and have a good session and try and finish the rest in one day. It looks like it's going to be a good game overall.
@AFCC i never said it was bad. It is just surprising. I was expecting longer. Honestly there should be more high end short games. More often than not i don't finish long games. Don't have the time.
@Elodin I know the issue and quality shorter games can be a blast not everything needs to eat up your time. Thats why i get annoyed when people compare quality with the game length.
I am quite surprised that this review is currently the lowest Critic review on Metacritc. Honestly, I appreciate your honesty, PushSquare. I can't wait to pick this up in the not-to-distant future.
@johncalmc That's what I have been saying for a while. This site has become the new GameSpot when it comes to scores.
This is my next game after I finish Neo: TWEWY. Looks excellent! It reminds me of playing Harry Potter action adventure games back on PlayStation 1/2.
Skill Up gave it a great review. AUD$60 Reasonably priced here in Australia, considering the size
Played for about an hour after work and I really enjoyed it. I work 50-60 hours a week so I really appreciate games that provide escapism and relaxation without demanding too much time or concentration. Visuals and audio are amazing and it has a pretty feel good vibe to it so far. Looking forward to playing more of this after being slightly disappointed by Deathloop.
@SamMR Gamespot was dreadful. Don't compare that website to this one because I would rather be here than there any day. Glad I left that place to come here when I did.
I paid £39.99 for it and so far think its well worth the price and if your happy not to get a soundtrack, and couple if digital items you can get it for £32.99. The standard edition is a fair price i think. Runs well on PS4 Pro so far looks great to, games pretty much as i expected, im fine with 10 to 12 hrs as some bigger budget games can often be short, and many just extend via grinding etc.
@RubyCarbuncle I am talking about their scoring system, this site used to give great deserving games 8s and 9s all the time, now they are acting like GameSpot with their strict scoring system that even GameSpot themselves became more lenient nowadays..
To me, the graphics/animations alone warrant an 8, especially given this was done by an indie studio on their first game.
@Quintumply yeah I was wondering what you meant by some character designs aren’t great because I’ve yet to see one that looks bad or doesn’t fit the game. IMO they have been on point and this is easily one of the best games this year and deserves way better than a 7.
@dark_knightmare2 I just mean that, in my opinion, some of the character designs aren’t great. I think some are good, but others are kinda forgettable. I’m glad you’re enjoying the game!
Only played a few hours so far but really enjoying it. I like the more old-school feel. Combat is very simple but not a bad thing in this game's case.
Very nice game.
I really love this game.
Very beautiful 😍😍😍😍
Nice review! I appreciate that you all see that a game isn't bad just because it lacks an original concept. Few games are and while plenty of reviewers will highly recommend a game like Eastward, even though it rips from Zelda and the Mana series, they aren't treating this game as fair.
And I think for a 20+ hour platinum with these production values, the price is fair.
@Ralizah the PS4 version is pretty good so far, I've played it on pro, only one glitch happened when you wear the spirit mask, sometimes you can't take it off and you have to reload a save.
@SamMR Scores are only subjective though and honestly 7 is fine plus tbh I just don't understand why people make such a big deal over a Score if it isn't an 8 or higher.
@naruball you used to play teller and now you don’t isn’t anything to do with anyone’s opinion you may or may not have read it’s just how you now feel. I read lots of comments on here and at the end of the day it’s my opinion if I don’t want to buy the game or want to make a comment that others may or may not read. It’s up to that person whether they buy the game or not. I just prefer to play longer RPG games than shorter ones. Some people prefer shorter games. If someone said a game want very good but I still wanted to buy it then I would providing I get my money’s worth
@Stonecold totes.
@Gizmo4383 Cool. I'll have to grab this at some point after the bugs are addressed, then.
This review don't looks like 7, it's not fair! Its deserve more...
@JohnKarnes Tbf growing your own produce is a great idea if you give a toss about keeping the planet alive for more than 10 years or so. At least locally sourcing things for a second option. I have to admit I know of the malpractice in gaming sectors but strive towards vegetarianism/locally sourced food and sustainable living much more than what games I should and shouldn't purchase.
Legend of Kay, Jak and Daxter and the ilk were games I enjoyed back in the day so will give this a go at some point no doubt.
Highly surprised and disappointed at the 7/10 score, I pre-ordered the game and have been LOVING it, easy 8.5/10 for me.
Only problem I have is with certain bosses, but I just need to "get gud" I guess lol.
@Jayofmaya Oooh yes, Legend of Kay and Kena seem to have a comparable vibe going indeed!
@awp69 right now it’s 9.1 user score which means it’s a great game and I will buy a physical copy of it. Push square made a bad review.
@fR_eeBritney SAME! I was thinking about the exact same game too. I liked Valhalla, but it's not a memorable experience
@Bartig Yeah, the ps2 ones I had were Rayman Revolution/3, Ratchet and Clank 1/2/3/4/5, Jak and Daxter 1/2/3, Legend of Kay, SpongeBob the Movie, Spyro 4/5 and Anubis II. Only just recently played through Psychonauts HD as well. Pretty dark, that one. On my to do list of that era cartoon like platformers are Blinx, Dr. Muto, Voodoo Vince, Scaler, Haven and the Sly Trilogy. If you know of any other ps2/xbox ones let me know. We could also include wii I suppose but there are probably far too many on that platform. XD
@Jayofmaya That's awesome. I found Scaler surprisingly good, even though it got a little repetitive. Good luck with Blinx though... oof.
@Elodin same. But I see so many people say games are bad because they are short, it seriously bothers me
@ViolentEntity yeh I’m not into rouguelike but a ten hour game like this one is isn’t for me. Not at full price
Review doesn’t even mention the difficulty level of this game. Mostly in relation to the bosses.
Even if you play on the second easiest level the bosses are no joke.
Just a heads up in case you see cute graphics and think about buying it for a small child.
@SamMR..... They are definitely like GameSpot used to be..... They are strick on everything except FIFA and COD......they even make excuses for these two games even when they are released in bad state
@Hurblyburbly Damn right. I bought this game as a nice little platformer to break up my FPS habit. The basic platforming and exploring are simple and straightforward.
However, the bosses are ridiculous! And have some questionable mechanics:
-Health bars that fill the screen
-exceptionally fast movement
-1 kill combos that are unavoidable once started
-some of the high powered skills / abilities you unlock are made redundant with the bosses!
The bosses became quite rage inducing and for two of the bosses (woodsman and hunter) i dropped the gameplay down to easy which i was disappointed in myself with.
This game is easily a 9 or 10/10.
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