TT Games released the original LEGO Star Wars in 2005, completely changing the studio's direction such was its popularity. Since then we've had countless brickified movie tie-ins, but a few years have passed since one of these family-friendly platformers has graced PlayStation. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is finally here to plug the gap and, fortunately for the fans, it's been worth the wait.
It feels like a simultaneous celebration of the Disney sci-fi series and the games based on those colourful Danish building blocks. This huge title spans the entirety of the nine major films, marking the debut of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker in LEGO game form. While it can initially feel overly familiar — there are numerous iterations in this franchise, after all — the grand scope, attention to detail, and sweeping gameplay changes make it all fresh again.

You start off by choosing the opening episode of your favourite trilogy, and very quickly the scale of the game comes into focus. There are several hundred playable characters and ships to unlock, not to mention the thousands of collectibles littered across the galaxy or the billions of studs you'll obsessively vacuum up. While you're started off playing through the opening scenes of a given Star Wars adventure, it quickly opens up, revealing all these things to find and collect.
Playing through one of the film stories has you taking control of particular characters, and you're led through linear levels connected by wide open spaces. For example, you'll start A New Hope in a straightforward stage ending with C-3PO and R2-D2 escaping to Tatooine. Shortly after, you're free to explore the sandy planet at your leisure, able to pick up the story whenever you're ready.
This combination of linear and free-roam design is part of an effort to make the entire game as seamless as possible. You're not funnelled through a movie's main beats; you're given some breathing room to have fun poking around familiar sights. Each planet consists of one or more sandboxes, and they're all stuffed with collectibles, which can either be out in the environment, locked behind a puzzle, or a reward for completing a simple mission. Basically, when you're not furthering the plot, you can do as you please, even flying into space and to other worlds you've unlocked.
This sense of freedom is exemplified outside the episodes themselves. You can opt to freely explore the galaxy, choosing whichever characters you like from your unlocked roster, flying any ship you have, and going anywhere you've previously visited. It coheres all the things you've seen into one galactic map, essentially turning the game into a sort of open world experience. If you've played through all nine films and unlocked all the locations, exploring in free play almost overwhelms.
Fortunately, it's all a joy to discover, as The Skywalker Saga is full of personality and detail. The typical humour is on display big time, with more knowing winks and nods than you can count. Great voice acting and some brilliant visual gags make each abridged movie a pleasure to play; cutscenes and environments are packed with details that'll have franchise fans grinning from ear to ear. On top of all that, it looks excellent too — the image quality is generally quite crisp and the plastic sheen on characters and other LEGO structures is very convincing. We did spot some rare framerate dips, but by and large the game runs smoothly, maintaining 60 frames-per-second even in split-screen co-op.

What makes this version of LEGO Star Wars better than the rest, though, is the overhauled gameplay. You have manual control of the camera, which is brought in much closer. Characters wielding firearms can aim and shoot with the triggers, while a combo meter now gives more importance to varied melee attacks. It's all pretty simple stuff, but these fundamental changes make the game feel far more modern. There's still not a huge amount of challenge — this is largely aimed at a family audience — but the gameplay's flow is much improved. We will say that there are occasions where the camera can misbehave, particularly in tight interiors, but it's nothing too egregious.
What you'll actually be doing is similar to what's come before. You'll be hot-swapping between a handful of characters as you fight baddies, solve simple puzzles, and engage in basic platforming. That said, boss fights and space battles are more involved, and there are some unique setpiece sequences that keep you on your toes. The essence of LEGO games is still here despite all the changes, and it's hard to have a bad time playing something so easygoing and lighthearted.
Playing through an episode actually doesn't take very long; each film consists of five core levels, and while there are those open environments to explore in between, you can rush through in a couple of hours. The real meat of the game is in free play, whether that's going through those levels again to scoop up anything you missed or exploring planets to their fullest. The beauty of the game's structure is that you can get what you want from it — you can blitz through the stories fairly fast and have a great time, or spend dozens of hours more tracking down Kyber Bricks to purchase upgrades, Datacards to unlock fun extras, and more.

It's all double the fun with a second player, of course. Local co-op is part of the LEGO game identity, and it's as fun here as ever. A vertical split screen makes it so you can both explore as much as you like, although it can be pretty easy to lose each other in the sandbox spaces. We do think it's a shame there's still no online co-op, but what is here works well.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a meaningful step forward, smartly evolving the gameplay without losing that fun-loving core. Kids will love the slapstick humour and colourful sights and sounds, grown-ups will appreciate all the elbow-in-ribs jokes, and both will enjoy just how much there is to do. Despite some very minor issues, it's gram for gram the best LEGO game in a long time, and it's up there with the top Star Wars games to boot.
Comments 58
Any questions, let me know
And on the wishlist it goes! I also just picked up the Lego Harry Potter Collection for $4 in the current sale. My son is going to have a great year with these!
Sleeper hit for GOTY, this game is
My kid surprisingly asked me if this had 2 player last night. I thought they had outgrown these games but apparently my kids - now older teens - still like playing them together. I think they may have each purchased a copy if it had online - my oldest living away at college - but I suppose they'll play it over the summer.
I suppose I could play it w/ my wife but I think I'm over both Lego games and Star Wars. But I suppose maybe someday.
Nice. I'll get it when it hits $19 as usual.
This would also be the perfect PC GamePass game in my book. Would pull tons of people waiting for the Steam Sale.
Buying it later this week, very excited for this one as it looks fantastic
One of the few games I would actually like to play online.
Definitely grabbing this for me and my brother to play through together!
This is going to be the first LEGO game I play since 2005 Star Wars. It's a testament to how good Skywalker Saga looks that I'm really excited to play it even though I'm sick to death of Star Wars.
Downloading as we speak...erm, type.
My copy arrived a few hours ago, played an hour before heading to work. Really really good, haven't been this hyped for a Lego game in years!
Definitely one to play! Will pick it up when its on sale as I have so much to catch up on.
There's something disarmingly fun about Lego games, and that's almost enough by itself to make me wanna play.
Booked the day off tomorrow for this. I've been waiting what seems like an eternity for this game.
No disrespect but never understood why some one would take a day off to play a game.
Mine arrived today ordered deluxe edition put had too get ps4 version as ps5 was sold out or people wanting silly money, but putting the disc in it doesn't give the upgrade option, does the upgrade not go live till day of release or is another game with problems with upgrade?
@suikoden I believe to upgrade to the PS5 version you must own either the PS4 digital version or disc version. Insert the disc into the PS5 and go to the store page and it should give you the option to add the PS5 version to your Library. Just make sure to insert the PS4 disc into the PS5 each time if you want to play the PS5 version. It's stupid but that's what you have to do.
Have done it wants me too buy it. Try again tomorrow had same problem with disco and think it was about a week before it was fixed
“You start off by choosing the opening episode of your favourite trilogy.”
Episodes 1-3 for me 😁
I pre-ordered this last week, I've got it preloaded on PS5. Haven't ever bought a Lego game & have only ever played a little of the first Lego Batman with my nephew in co-op when he was a wee boy. I wanted this just because it finally is a video game that allows you to play through the Star Wars movie saga. That alone sold me, plus it looked really fun. Looking forward to booting this up tomorrow!
I am so incredibly hyped for this! It will be a fun plat to do!
Me and my nephew got our copies today and are loving it. He's having the time of his life lol
@Quintumply whats better, old school noises or fully voice acted?
@suikoden maybe because people have jobs and don’t get much time to play midweek, then on weekends they have other stuff to do.
So taking a day off to fully enjoy something you’re looking forward to becomes an attractive option
Got mine ordered; first physical PS5 game I’ll own!
@Quintumply good review; cheers. Are there any use of the Dual Sense haptics? What’s the loading time like - not expecting to wait ages, nor expecting Digital Foundry measuring, but good to know
I'm not a Star Wars nor a LEGO fan, so this one isn't for me, but those games are normally pretty fun. I end up trying to do everything and collect every single thing because I'm a completionist, and there is so much stuff to collect that ends up being tedious and not fun for me, so I end up not enjoying the game as a whole. But that's just me. They are fun, just not my cup of tea.
Easily a 9 maybe even 10 out of 10. Got my copy early thanks to Game Collection. Definitely not an inferior 8. Buy this game people, never mind this review.
@michaelf load time is virtually non existent. Haptic I've not noticed as I'm playing through an alexa speaker but game is silky smooth and looks great plays great.
@AFCC its a very long platinum as you have to finish all challenges and there are 1386 of them.
@Resi32 cheers. All sounds good to me 😃
I think the only Lego game I played in my life was the original Lego Star Wars with a friend. Crazy it's been how many year since release.
My son and I are so excited about playing this together! Can't wait!
Have you played Lego: The Force Awakens or any of the other Lego Star Wars games that already exist? I'm wondering how the overlapping content compares to what already exists. It seems the gameplay is much improved, but it should follow the same story, right? I'm just wondering because my daughter didn't care much for the Lego Episode VII game.
GOTY for me. I'll be playing the episodes in the order of the film releases: 4,5,6,1,2,3,7,8,9.
Randomly decided to buy this on my work break, ready for me to play when I finish at midnight.
My PS4 Deluxe edition arrived this morning (£49 from Game Collection) - just need to stick the Luke mini-figure together at some point!
@Quintumply Does the game support any of the Dualsense controller’s features?
Episode 3 when lego sidious kills lego mace windu is even creepier than the film.
I'll be playing this for months there's that much to collect.
I bought this and a second PS5 controller to play with my step-daughter. I feel like this should be a fun and overall enjoyable game to get her acquainted with the series and gaming in general. I’m excited about it.
@Quintumply If I may ask you something not closely related to the review.
I have never seen the movies or anything Star Wars related.
Can I understand the story and enjoy it from the game alone?
Great honest review, thanks for taking the time to buy the game and platinum it!
Sadly I will be waiting until Black Friday/Christmas sales, the Deluxe Edition should be $40 New or cheaper by then...
I'll wait for Jedi Fallen Order 2.
Can't stand these Lego games. I bet, you can still die a 100 times in a level without punishment. Or get a 1000 lego stud as soon as revived.
@Jacko11 I prefer the voice acting on to be honest. They've done a great job with the voice lines, but I appreciate the option is there!
@michaelf Thanks for reading! DualSense haptics/triggers aren't really put to very much use. To me the rumble feels the same as it would be on other controllers. Oh, and there are sometimes loading screens but they don't hang around for more than a couple of seconds.
@TheCollector316 I've played LEGO Star Wars 1 and 2 on PS2, and this obviously covers similar ground. However, story levels are generally shorter, while in between you have these big open areas to explore freely. So, you are seeing familiar sights but the structure is very different.
@kingv84 Not really, unfortunately.
@Dr-M Hmm. The game is great fun on a fundamental level, but I would say a big part of the appeal is the movie angle. The game does take you through the storyline of each film, but it's seriously condensed. You'll probably be fine but you'd get an extra level of enjoyment from watching the films beforehand.
The review says you can finish the campaign quite quickly. Was that the same for these games when released individually in the past? Or have they been cut up and butchered for this release? I mean, if they used to take 10 hours to complete that would be 90 hours of gameplay. If they now only take 2 hours that's only 18 hours. That's a big drop in value for money.
My only concern about mumble mode is that they only mumble. They used to do more than that, eg SPOILER,........
in empire darth vader has the proof that he is lukes father. He doesn't just mumble the words. I'm worried that mumble mode is just the mumbling and there's no physical comedy.
This is a game
I never played a LEGO game before. Still scratching my head after watching some gameplay footage. Will I actually enjoy it?
It does look pretty good, I gotta admit.
Wow, this had a 36.4GB Day 1 patch - that's pretty much the same size as the code on the blu-ray disc!!
Anyone else remember the days when games were play tested BEFORE release? I mean, it's not as if this hasn't been in development for years.
Why does Qui-Gon sound like Sean Connery? 🤣
@sanderson72 strange... both Day one & Day Two patches were below 200mb for me. Did you install from disc, or did you get a digital copy? Top tip if installing from disc... unplug or disconect from network, then reconnect and it will get the patch. I have had it where the entire game gets downloaded instead of installing from the disc.
@sikthvash Got the PS4 disc version of the Deluxe edition for the good old Pro.
Still, gave me enough time to redeem the extra character bundle code on the PS Store and build the Luke mini-figure while I waited!
Day 2 patch was about 200Mb so that took about a few seconds to download and install.
Just seems odd for a brand new game to reinstall pretty much everything in order to play it!
@sanderson72 that is bizarre... maybe some kind of Pro related patch? I have had it happen to me on other games & on other systems too though.
I'm keeping my Luke mini figure wrapped up at the mo, that is until I get some future Star Wars Lego to build & put on the shelf ^_^
Hope you're enjoying! I'm finding it a little bit buggy with FPS drops at the mo. Hoping a few more patches will tidy things up.
@sikthvash Not sure - I always assumed the PS4 and Pro were one and the same edition?
Didn't take long to download (about 15 mins - my fibre's not too bad) and the Pro has an SSD inside so the usual minutes of install time went in seconds.
I couldn't help myself i got it & I've already got so many games to play , I must have a problem lol.
Nooooooooooooo. I just bought Elden Ring. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
I give it an 8. I really like it but the obtainable are much harder this go around and I feel a little lost some of the time. I would direct that at the new gameplay style.
@nyXhc420 Glad it's not just me!
"the jundland wastes are not to be travelled lightly" and yet I found myself wandering around them for AGES, not being sure where I was going! I could hear Ben Kenobi talking in the distance but it took quite a while before I found him again! Kind of miss the PSP and Vita straightforward versions...
@Resi32 yeah, I'm currently working on it and it's a loooooong one...but it's super fun to play so it's fine!
@sanderson72 Yes it is a little overwhelming for a Lego game.
After playing for two months I went from a 8 to a 6. This new Lego game format stinks. It makes it so much harder to get to 100%. It’s supposed to be a family game and it’s harder than Tomb Raider.
Very glitchy game. Over a dozen times I have had to reset the game while in 2 player Co-op.
I would wait for this to be ~$20 before purchasing
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