Gu Yi must be the luckiest man alive. The protagonist of FMV dating sim Love Is All Around is up to his eyeballs in debt, a bit of a creep, and a personality black hole – but he still has a group of drop-dead gorgeous girls competing against each other to pay his bills and invite him to stay in their multi-million dollar homes. It’s all right for some, eh?
Chinese dev Intiny says it wants to realise the “dreams” of its players, and seeing as you’ve probably got more chance of being struck by lightning than being pursued by one of the ladies in this game, it’s clearly delivering on its ambitions.
The gameplay here is not original: you watch pre-recorded movies play, and then select options which branch the narrative. Occasionally you’re able to explore your environment to learn a little more about the characters you’re interacting with, but you’ll mostly find yourself selecting paths which alter the direction of the story.
Each decision you make will influence your relationships, and amusingly your primary goal appears to be to keep all of your options open, as you’ll only unlock new chapters if you have a strong enough bond with all of the characters involved. We found this frustrating because it feels like there’s a very specific path the game wants you to take, and you hit a brick wall if you deviate from that.
Fortunately, you can quickly rewind to previous scenes and see all of the different outcomes. In one chapter, after being hastily promoted to marketing manager by a beautiful businesswoman who we literally just met, we took a shady payoff from a rival firm and bankrupted our new sweetheart. Love is cruel!
All of the characters are assigned very specific personalities, from the intellectual art dealer to the kooky bunny boiler, and the actresses do a good job of completely exaggerating their roles – although, as is common in Chinese television, some of voices are actually dubbed (even though it’s all in Mandarin throughout).
The story’s ridiculous, but it’s not to be taken seriously, and it’s the kind of thing you can play with friends just to experience all of the silly outcomes. We were howling with laughter when we attempted to tape up one of the girl’s ripped dresses. If that sounds like something you’d also enjoy, then fill your boots.
Comments 26
Erhhmm? alright den...
Game of the Year, to be honest.
Hey, at least it's not Super Seducer.
"you’ve probably got more chance of being struck by lightning than being pursued by one of the ladies in this game"
Speak for yourself Sammy, I've got the plat in both Resogun AND Super Stardust
This is a game that will mostly be experienced as spoof material for some YouTuber.
Guy inexplicably ends up wooing the women of his dreams? Reminds me of something...
@ATaco It's not far off! 😂
Surprised this got a review, I kinda want to check it out. 😂
@shonenjump86 As soon as this was announced for PS5, I was never not going to review it.
I notice that you usually send all the FMV games to me to review but you kept this one for yourself. We see what you're up to, Sammy.
@johncalmc You’ll have to prise this one from my dead cold hands.
@get2sammyb I have to commend the opening paragraph of this review. Easily got my interest in this title!
@Kanji-Tatsumi I don't believe that. Can't imagine a lazy-bald-manc-twot such as yourself would have a platinum at anything
I do like FMV games for some reason
My kind of game, lol!
man something new really needs to come out soon. sony are you reading this?
@get2sammyb cheers, sold!!
Why would someone make this when people can just play duke nukem, together BnB or the sims
@TommyNL Concord is out in a couple of weeks.
@Kanji-Tatsumi this wins as my favorite comment in a while, gave me a good laugh.
How much is the game?
@code45709 £9.99 in the UK. $12.99 in USA.
@get2sammyb thanks, i do like FMV games and at a tenner it would be rude of me not to buy it👍
Thanks for the review. Sounds like a 'good' FMV that is on the very cringey side (well granted all FMVs are cringey) but will still give me a nice laugh in the afternoon.😄
Can't believe I'm asking this...
Does it have trophies?
Games can't lack trophies amymore since the PS3
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