There’s an argument to be made that 2014’s Tales from the Borderlands is actually the best game in the Borderlands series. Now, hold on. Don’t go typing up your angry comments just yet. Hear us out.
Sometimes you just want a capital V capital G Video Game that’s about running and jumping and shooting and looting and the proper Borderlands games are a safe option to pick up and play on that front. But it’s hard to ignore that the franchise has a somewhat inversely proportional relationship between the tightness of the gameplay and quality of the writing: as the shooting got better, the dialogue got worse and the jokes grew more irritating.
Within their respective genres, taking into account what they set out to do, Tales is probably the most successful game in the series: it’s funny, with an interesting story, likeable characters, and at times it’s genuinely moving. Nobody was as surprised as us about that. A Telltale Borderlands game? Madness! But it worked.

Fast-forward eight years and here we are with New Tales From The Borderlands, less a sequel to the Telltale original and more of an alternate reality version of the same idea. What would have happened in 2014 if instead of partnering with Telltale in their prime to make a more story-focused game in the Borderlands franchise, Gearbox just made it themselves? Well, this is the result. And it’s rubbish.
Taking place after Borderlands 3 but without really requiring any knowledge of any previous Borderlands games to understand the story, New Tales has three playable characters that you’ll control at various points throughout the ten hour adventure.
There’s Anu, a smart but anxious scientist who’s a pacifist inexplicably working for a weapons manufacturer. There’s Fran, a frozen yogurt seller in a hoverchair who has anger management issues. And there’s Octavio, a hipster moron who is introduced to us in a cutscene in which he rebukes a pizza vendor for their “problematic” exaggerated-a Italian-a accent-a. It’s as cringe inducing as it sounds.

The three heroes aren’t so much characters as they are merely vessels for the next insipid gag. Anu, for example, is the clever one in the gang right up until she needs to be an idiot for a joke to land. One minute she’s solving complicated physics problems, and the next she doesn’t know how a door handle works. And that’s the punchline. LOL.
Fran and Octavio are similarly troubled. Fran’s entire personality is based around her talking about frozen yogurt, creepily offering to give people mouth-to-mouth when they obviously don’t need it, and punching people real hard. That’s it. Octavio just does the stupidest thing imaginable in every situation to drag the story out a little longer. At one point he forgets what the place he works at — where he's spent half the game, by the way — looks like. They get about ten minutes out of that zinger.
The side characters are a mixed bag. There’s a robot assassin going through a moral quandary about how they make their living and they’re probably the most well-rounded and interesting character in the game. There’s a woman who shouts a lot. There’s a talking gun that says “Bang!” every time it shoots. Most of the side characters either disappear for half the game and then turn up for the last chapter or simply go nowhere.

Rhys from the original Tales from the Borderlands has a small role in the first chapter and if you think what they did with him in Borderlands 3 was a slap in the face to fans of the Telltale game then this isn’t going to make you feel any better. Not content with ruining their own characters, New Tales from the Borderlands retroactively ruins the original Tales from the Borderlands by turning its protagonist into just another Borderlands gag™. So thanks for that.
Every now and again between inane comedy routines there’s a story to be told. It involves a magic rock that has the power to help humanity but there’s baddies who want to use it for their own nefarious ends. It’s a slight, low stakes narrative and even at only ten hours it feels drawn out, with long, boring sections where nothing remotely interesting happens to push the tale forward.
By the final chapter we just didn’t care any more. None of the growth feels earned or deserved. And then as a final insult, when we got to the ending we were told that one of the main characters had died, off screen, with no explanation whatsoever for how or why. It was like Poochie flying off to his home planet and dying in a crash in that episode of The Simpsons. Utter nonsense.

Everything about New Tales feels like a poor version of the original, even down to the music. The first game featured a licensed soundtrack that was at times expertly employed. Here, there’s licensed music but it’s thrown together seemingly at random. There’s a cheesy montage scene of the gang getting to know each other backed by a low key, almost dream-pop track, and later a quiet, more reflective scene backed by a jaunty, more upbeat piece.
Gameplay-wise, you’ll mainly be walking about and solving very simple puzzles, talking to people, and making choices. There’s minigames, too, for things like hacking and fixing things, but these are borderline impossible to fail so we’re not sure why they exist. There’s quick-time events to take care of the action scenes but these are similarly forgiving, and even allow you to hit the wrong button and then just try again until you get it right.
One such quick time event — which we have to mention because it’s so absurd — involves a character fighting sharks. But instead of seeing them fight the sharks, we see Octavio commentating on how the fight is going while button prompts pop up on screen. It goes on for way too long and it’s so wildly unfunny that we don't know if it’s even intended to be a joke.

We’re not sure if the developer just couldn’t be bothered to animate the fight with the sharks or if this whole bit is some sort of subversive commentary on the futility of quick time events that just doesn’t land, but whatever the reason for it, let your ol' pals at Push Square give you a fiver's worth of free advice: if you have a shark fight, you show the shark fight. Everyone wants to see the shark fight. It's a f****** shark fight!
We can scarcely recall an occasion where we were more disappointed by a sequel than New Tales from the Borderlands. We wanted to love this. We'd have accepted liking it. But we hate this game. This is a ten-hour narrative adventure that feels four times as long as it needs to be, with dreadful characters, and appalling, relentlessly unfunny jokes. It's a spectacular misfire, its only success to speak of being the rare example of a sequel so bad that it ruins the original, too.
Comments 56
I really hope their expanse game isn't this bad or I may cry
I also loved the original Tales from the Borderlands, and this was exactly what I feared when I saw Gearbox was doing this in-house.
The writing in the mainline Borderlands games is terrible, and I was very sceptical they could pull something like this off.
@QualityGeezer That's by Deck Nine, I believe. Not related to this at all.
From what I've seen of this so far it really is painfully unfunny. It's so hard to get comedy right in anything, not just video games, because if it goes wrong it's usually a disaster.
@get2sammyb oh ok that's good too know, I love the expanse so very much looking forward to that
Yeah this review is horrible the game is in no universe a 3 lol like come on. It’s not as good as the original which is overrated anyway but it’s averaging mostly 7 which is what I would give it so far. If you’re a borderlands fan it’s def worth playing
The part about how the quality of writing goes inversely to the quality of the gameplay is so accurate! 🤣😂😭
@dark_knightmare2 Glad you’re enjoying it!
To be fair, this is how QTE works in every game when you fail. You just try again. They're not exactly high stakes, they don't erase your save and mail your mother a letter about what a disappointment you are for missing a button press.
At least chapter 3 has at least one funny joke. I've gotta buy the game to see the funny joke.
Hate to say it because I really liked the original Tales from the Borderlands and would have massively preferred for this to be, you know, good, but I had a feeling about this one. Thanks for the refreshingly candid review.
@dark_knightmare2 I have seen some 7’s, but Destructoid also gave it a 3. Not saying it isn’t a good game (and it is great you like it), but it is certainly divisive.
As much as I enjoyed the original Tales, I am waiting for a deep sale……..
The original one was great. This definitely sounds nothing like it which is a shame
I adore the first Tales from the Borderlands but I was not at all interested in this. It sounds so much worse than even I imagined it would be from that reveal trailer.
@dark_knightmare2 I hate this logic. It's not a horrible review just because you don't agree with it. Why do people always say "it's mostly getting 'X' scores elsewhere"? That's the whole point of reviews, different opinions.
Hmm. Chapter 3 has a funny part. The score is a 3. Sammy has so far commented 3 times on this post.
Half-Life 3 confirmed!
This comment makes about as much sense as the game!
@get2sammyb i know it’s just your sites opinion and I love this site it’s my main I just can’t agree with this score. It feels like years of it being cool to hate on Gearbox and especially Borderlands 3 on the internet as seeped into people so things are blown way out of proportion relative to the problems their games might have. Like there are tons of games worst written than Borderlands 3 but you won’t see the vitriol like BL 3 gets aimed at them because it’s not cool to hate on those games and companies like it is with Gearbox and BL
@Kanji-Tatsumi I understand reviews it’s just funny when there’s a review that is so far below the average and just like people are allowed to agree or disagree with reviews I disagree with this one because it doesn’t line up with what I’ve played of the game so far
Oh god this sounds like my worst nightmare. Borderlands writing has always been unbearable but without the shooting, what’s left? Butt Stallion’s left I guess.
@Westernwolf4 yeah I saw that 3 which is the only other one I saw. Other places like ign,gamespot and gamesradar gave it 7’s and 8 which is about the range I would give it so far with what I’ve played
@dark_knightmare2 Fair enough, I might have come across a bit aggressive in my comment which wasn't my intention. Glad you're enjoying it
Chuckle, as if boredRlands ever had a good plot to work off of. It's a fun looter shooter in co-op but has nothing else to stand on. Really wonder how the movie will turn out, but I'll give it an honest chance if it works.
🤣 Great review. I'm sure I've enjoyed reading the review more than I would enjoy playing the game. I enjoyed the 1st Tales but I've always found the Borderland games severely lacking. For me the funs always been in playing it with others.
From what I saw I really hate the main characters with a passion, and this review just confirmed my speculation. I can't imagine paying for this dreadful game
“There’s a funny bit in chapter 3” being the only positive feels more brutal than saying there’s no positives lmaoo
Damnit, loved the first so had high hopes for this one. Such a shame! I’ll wait for it to be on plus to try it out. Maybe buy it if its on a deeeeeep sale…
The review could be better. Seems this review is trying hard to be as funny as the game is.
3/10 is so low it makes me want to play it. I consider the first Tales of the Borderlands to probably be Telltale's best Story based game so this should be up my alley. I mean, at least it's a new story (however bad it may be) and I'd rather have a crappy sequel than a remake/remaster of the original Tales of the Borderlands in all fairness.
I had a feeling from the trailers that this one would kinda suck but not this bad. I feel the shark moment could've been this games finger gun fight if it had been done right. Ah well
I really want to know what happened after the first tales. Oh well hoping wolf among us 2 is really good
Unrelated but is there a way to filter out reviews on this site so I can only see news?
Whoever put the Gearbox writers in charge of a narrative-driven game needs to have a word with themselves
borderlands is dead
The only good Borderlands writing-wise were 2 and Tales.
The head writer for 2 left the company after it released. And Tales was done by Telltale.
Why is anyone surprised by the writing? Gearbox has literally proven they suck at managing their own most impressive IP. They don't succeed as much as they fail upward.
I dunno, a qte with just voice commentary could be ironically funny.. Or at least might've been if I wasn't expecting it lol.
I’m liking it so far. Surely you could of come up with more positives? Graphics don’t make the game, but it is a good looking game.
@Balosi I haven’t got to that part yet, so I can’t say if it works or not in this game, but there’s a bit in South Park: The Fractured But Whole that has a similar idea and I found it hilarious.
@Kanji-Tatsumi oh no problem I didn’t think you were aggressive
Just give us the Game of Thrones sequel already....
I totally forgot about this game. The original tales from the borderlands is my favorite of the telltale games, but the initial trailer for this game looked terrible. Such a shame they couldn't recapture the magic
This looked terrible from the reveal so not surprised at all , love the Simpsons reference lol
This is a huge bummer, I still remember how much fun I had reviewing the first Tales back in the day, and I was really hoping this would be a worthy successor, even if I was skeptical it would be. A damn shame
Thanks for the warning, guess I'll wait until the game is free with PS+.
@GloriosaDaisy Yes mate, top of the page, tab called News just click that - Notable Events, Weather and Sport.
Gearbox are a one trick pony that peaked with Borderlands 2 and they’ve been milking the same cash cow ever since.
Glad I took a pass on this. My adoration for the original shouldn't be tainted by a crap cash grab.
Removed - harassment; user is banned
Big pass for me that it gets a bad treatment like this.
I’m wondering why most other reviews gave it a 7/10?
So it's pretty much borderlands 3. Gearbox writting seems to be getting worse and worse.
@QualityGeezer Not even being made by the same devs
What a crying shame. The original was fantastic, but this sounds like it was created by people with no sense of comedy writing pretending to understand that type of writing.
Seems like this genre is getting worse and worser and worstest... The orignal Tales was so much fun: fun script, fun humor, and fun characters.
@Mikey856 Because humour is subjective and this reviewer didn’t find the game funny. I’ve just finished the game and I quite enjoyed it. Not as good as the first game, but it made me laugh out loud on several occasions. I definitely don’t think it’s a 3/10 game.
Easily the worst thing about Borderlands is the writing so this was expected. Also is it me or all post BL2 games have a terrible artstyle. These characters look like they're shriveled up, too many lines
While it wasn't exactly the height of comedy, I didn't mind the tone in Borderlands 1; the jokes were relatively few and far between some solid shooting and looting, but from 2 onwards, where the jokes became the focus of the games, it became unbearable.
@QualityGeezer Yeah I really hope The Expanse is going to be good.
@GamingFan4Lyf Yes! Pumped about Half Life 3. I knew this was coming after they did Alyx- it was just a matter of time!
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