Praey for the Gods will no doubt look instantly familiar to PlayStation veterans. Developed by No Matter Studios, the team has always been open about the game's stark similarities to Shadow of the Colossus, one of Sony's most iconic games. It largely follows the same structure, tasking you with traversing a frozen landscape to find and eliminate a number of large entities called 'Gods'. In addition, the game utilises survival mechanics, with hunger, temperature, and stamina all affecting your ability to handle the harsh conditions.
Despite the glaring fact that this is essentially Shadow of the Colossus 1.5, Praey for the Gods immediately feels like the lesser of the two. On a more positive note, the game's scale and artistic direction is impressive, especially considering the small size of the development team. The Gods themselves look superb, and display a more sinister, macabre design when compared to the more mechanical look of the Colossi.
Aside from this, the game suffers from a frustrating lack of polish. At multiple points during the journey, we got completely stuck within the environment to the point where a full reboot would be required. This is the most severe of the issues present, but otherwise the gameplay generally feels a bit sluggish, and the actual act of climbing the Gods often feels like a chore, with movement not completely syncing properly with the controller input.
The survival mechanics feel remarkably similar to Breath of the Wild, with item management and weapon degradation taking centre stage. These are reasonably well implemented, but are at odds with the otherwise minimal nature of the game. The devs would have perhaps been wise to focus more on polishing up the boss battles, as these are the true stars of the show.
Comments 21
So wait for a sale then?
The technical issues are disappointing, but I played enough of the early access on PC to know I'll still enjoy this one. Especially with SotC as an all-time favorite of mine.
@Th3solution ouch!
"with item management and weapon degradation" taking centre stage.
Why make two of the most annoying a bif thing of your game. And why make climbing a chore the biggest part of your game.
Its a pity i really loved the look of the game maybe after some patches it can get a LRG release. I think games like this gain a massive boost in quality if they have the time to get patched before the physical release.
A team of 3 people work on a game for years only to see a 'mini-review' written on the back of a fag packet in 10 minutes score your game a 5.
I think the superficial format of these mini-reviews can be as damaging to indie developers as they can be helpful in terms of exposure.
"Lacks originality"
I find this pretty unfair tbh considering all the yearly releases that get a pass.
@colonelkilgore Hmmm… it definitely gives me pause. I’ll keep it on the back burner. Maybe some patching down the road will iron things out…
But controller input not being in sync with what’s on screen is a pretty glaring issue.
This is a shame, as I've been following the game since it was announced as Pray for the Gods. I'll still check it out at some point though, I'm sure.
To be fair, SotC was a 6/10 at it's best. Praey For The Gods has a somewhat "interesting" appeal, but it's definitely a game that will suit a very niche audience that is probably nostalgic for those "janky" PS2 days.
I don't see a single average gamer that would enjoy this.
@lolwhatno It's Mother from Othercide, a tactical RPG that was released in 2020. As for why, I guess I love lesser known games that have a unique appeal. Push Square reviewed it so you can always find out more about it.
@lolwhatno No problem lol! I didn't loop it myself so that credit goes to an awesome person on the internet.
I have to really really disagree with this review. The game is great especially the exploration. I love finding tons of hidden puzzles or caves with puzzles that reward new gear or totems to increase stats. Ive so far beat three bosses and the fights so far have been epic and def give sotc a run for it’s money with their designs and grandeur. I would easily give this an 8.5 to 9 and just don’t see how this could be considered a five and the lack of originality comment is comical since there is like one other game like this which is SOTC. Oh and I must be the luckiest dude in the world because I’ve been playing for eight hours and haven’t hit one glitch let alone severe technical issues like this review says the game suffers from.
@dark_knightmare2 i agree. I have the game too. Doing a mini-review on it is grossly unfair
I personally don't like the weapon degradation and the survival stuff but to hold that against the game is kind of unfair since it is a survival game at heart. The lore basically tells you that. I did hold that against breath of the wild because Zelda had never had that stuff and didn't need it to be good. This is a new ip. Now I totally agree about the button synch issues. It also doesn't do a great job of explaining basic things like holding onto the beast. I think the controls could definitely be more streamlined. I have found 4 beast but only taken down the one so far. But I do like how they make a puzzle out of fighting them instead of just finding them and climbing like sotc. I think you have to do a different scale when reviewing these games with small development teams and that are lower priced so I don't agree with a 5 but the button synch issue is a big thing in a game that totally depends on that so I think that's it's only real flaw though a big one. So my score would be a 7.
Trying to compare to SOTC !!!!
What were they thinking ffs !
Thanks for the honest review, shame it scored so well but shouldn't be surprised with a shadow drop.
@Integrity yeah that was the other thing that bothered me. I know this was shadow dropped but it feels like they barely interacted with the game besides beating the main bosses just to get this mini review out. The more you put into the game the more it rewards you which is the thing I love most about it.
@lolwhatno it was in early access for pc it just now released complete across pc and consoles
I find it a little hard to hold "lack of originality" against it, I mean, the Kickstarter literally stated it was an SotC clone, it was why I backed it. And I honestly can't think of too many other SotC clones either, it's not like GTA or Smash Bros clones where they're a dime a dozen. At least they cloned something that doesn't already have ten thousand clones
As for me, I've been playing it on PS4 standard, and while I have seen getting some texture pops, I don't think I've run into many outright "glitches", if any, and I have yet to get completely stuck somewhere in the environment geometry either.
I do, however, wish the checkpoint system could be a bit more generous at times. If you die in the middle of a boss, you do have to start it again, but sometimes, you'll also have to redo the puzzle that let you get to the boss, I think it could've been a bit nicer on that front.
Also, this could be a plus or a negative, depending on your view, but I've found I was able to get to the first 4 bosses with barely touching the survival stuff or side stuff. Great if you just want to run to the bosses, but I also feel like I'm missing out on stuff. Since a lot of stuff is hidden in caves, I could definitely argue that the caves shouldn't just look like a black shadow on the cliff side, maybe an otherworldy subtle glow might've helped them stand out a bit more. Think about Breath of the Wild, you could see the shrines at a distance and couldn't mistake them for anything else ever.
@Grimwood because I don't rely on reviews too much, this might be a 5/10 for this reviewer but I could play it and be a 6 or a 7.
Let's take your favourite game, and some reviewed it and scored it 5/10, would you stop playing?
Maybe it's because I waited for a patch or two, but I really don't understand the complaints of this review. I'm having a blast with it.
I am playing on easy with survival factors turned to minimum, so maybe that's making it more enjoyable.
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