RoboCop: Rogue City is an incredibly faithful exploration of the armoured enforcer, a first-person shooter with an RPG foundation underpinning the action. It's a little rough around the edges but manages to tell an original tale in the iconic cyberpunk universe, reminding us why we still love this relic of the '80s all these years later.
Taking place after the events of RoboCop 2, players slip into the titanium-reinforced greaves of Alex Murphy, a good cop and family man brutally gunned down in the line of duty. Having signed a waiver to let mega-corporation Omni Consumer Products (OCP) reconstitute his physical remains into a crime-fighting cyborg, the melding of human experience and modern technology combine to form the best hybrid police machine the world has ever seen: OCP Crime Prevention Unit 001, better known as RoboCop.

Rogue City does a great job of bringing the mean streets of Old Detroit to life. As RoboCop (the role reprised by the original Peter Weller), you progress through a linear single-player campaign of missions occasionally broken up by opportunities to side quest. In these moments, players can venture off the beaten path, interact with the downtrodden citizenry, and serve and protect them to the best of their abilities. Doing so will be rewarded with XP, which can be used to develop RoboCop's skill progression system, as well as fleshing out this dystopian vision of the near future. How efficiently and consistently the player engages in police work will not only determine how much XP is earned, but which ending they get as well.
Telling a fairly straightforward tale, Rogue City is distinct enough to be its own thing while still serving as something of a setup for the genuinely awful RoboCop 3. A mysterious figure known as "The New Guy" arrives in Detroit and shakes up the local criminal elements, who are all keen to advertise their unique and chaotic services. What starts as a simple investigation of the Torch Heads gang leads to a sprawling tale touching on corruption in the OCP leadership, the shadowy Project Afterlife, and the public's reaction to an imperfect RoboCop.
Visually, the game looks great when it comes to the principal cast, but less so when it comes to environments and supporting NPCs. This isn't for lack of trying, as the love and dedication to the setting shine through. Instead, these limitations are likely budgetary, and there is a distinct "AA" feel to the game in many aspects. The open sections in between missions lack detail and are pretty sparse, but they succeed in creating a believable and atmospheric setting. The uniformly green HUD and UI support this analogue-future aesthetic, but come off about as harshly as they did in Fallout 3.

Each of the game's missions take players through set-pieces filled with chaff enemies to dismember in shockingly brutal fashion, and combat is where Rogue City is at its strongest. RoboCop's signature Auto-9 service weapon steals the show and can be modified using a surprisingly in-depth upgrade system based on the motherboard used. Depending on preference, players can modify the hand cannon to fire powerful single rounds, accurate bursts, or relentless automatic fire, with various tradeoffs and upgrades adding further complexity.
Guns feel appropriately impactful, and Rogue City offers a plethora of pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, and heavy weaponry for players to pick up during deployment. This stops things from getting too samey, and as the Auto-9 has unlimited ammunition, it encourages players to change up their loadout as the situation requires. When all else fails, RoboCop can pulverise steel, flesh, and stone with his bare hands and pick up enemies, using them as a human shield, before hurling them back to their friends, which never gets old.
It's a tough needle to thread, but we think developer Teyon has done an admirable job of capturing the weight and armoured heft of RoboCop in action, a tricky proposition because players never want to feel plodding. Instead, using tools like a flashbang shockwave and augmented reflexes that slow down time, players can remain constantly on the offensive, deflecting incoming fire and relentlessly engaging enemies in an undeniably satisfying power fantasy.

Love it or hate it, the writing is about as authentically RoboCop as it gets, which is to say it's satirical, schlocky, and bad, but charmingly so. Characters are pretty wooden in their delivery, which is fine for the protagonist, but remember that Rogue City's runtime is several times the length of the first two films combined (15-20 hours). This means your mileage may vary on when the one-liners start to wear out their welcome. Similarly, the enemy variety leaves much to be desired, mainly consisting of generic goons with guns, and their limited combat barks, too, quickly start to repeat.
Throughout the game, players can make dialogue choices that will affect the storyline and allow for some level of roleplay, which mostly boils down to enforcing the law at all costs or letting some humanity shine through. It's pretty binary, though, and not the focus, but it does spice up what would otherwise be lengthy exposition dumps.
RoboCop: Rogue City is a serviceable shooter aimed squarely at fans of the IP, and is unlikely to win over any new converts. Purists will appreciate the passion with which the still beloved RoboCop universe has been brought to life. Still, for everyone else, its relatively standard gameplay conventions will likely wear out their welcome long before the credits roll.
RoboCop: Rogue City does an admirable job of bringing the gritty universe of the films to life and of capturing the feeling of playing as the armoured enforcer himself. However, there are only so many cyberpunk lowlifes one can blast to bits before the repetition sets in.
Comments 71
I'll buy that for...£44.99!!
A slightly janky, but satisfying shooter with some diversity in roleplaying and skill development/weapon modification sounds exactly what I was expecting. A proper game of old, when it’s on sale this’ll be a definite purchase for a breather between the blockbusters.
I´ll say that this game is a 8/10 for Robocop fans! "Your move, creep."
That word "Linear" pops up again, probably why it lost a mark or two. I personally love Linear games not everything needs be open world. Definitely will be getting this.
It’s the score I thought it’d be
Will wait for a sale and then may be tempted... but realistically I'll just forget all about it as a result of other games taking my attention.
2023 isn't exactly the year for having a spare week to play an average rated game.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Expected score but I enjoyed Terminator Resistance so looking foward to this
Sounds like everything I hoped it would be. Can’t wait to play this.
I've seen a few quotes..but nobody put my favourite...."can you fly..bobby" I feel better now thanks 😁
Getting this day 1, I grew up with the movies and the first one is my all time fav movie ever!
'B*tches, leave'
I’m enjoying it so far. The shooting is really satisfying.
Like with Ghostrunner 2, again, this got way better score elsewhere. I'm starting to give a crap about reviews here.
I really enjoyed the terminator game by these developers, and I lost count of how many times I watched the 1st film, so its a day one for me! I'm glad they got the look and feel of the films spot on!
Please tell me it releases today. I'm going to get it if so.
@Nintendo4Sonic it also got lower scores elsewhere. People have different opinions 🤷
It’s weird but again PS have been building games up in other articles on them, then it comes to reviews and it turns out bang average.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner This score is an outlier (copying sister company EG), with most reviews so far giving this an 8/10. It's much better than I expected.
Robotic cops are even spookier than goblins and ghosts, so I'll have to pass on this one! Way too spoOoOoky!!
@Axelay71 couldn't agree more!
I’m still going to buy this game — whether or not I’ll wait for it to go on sale is another story. It turned out exactly how I thought it would, which isn’t a bad thing in my opinion. Question, though - how is the road to the platinum trophy?
Yeah I think I'm down to play this
@Bingbongboyo thanks mate, these reviews make me laugh. Starting to realise the certain demographic that review these games.
I pre-ordered this early this morning.
Oh well.
@Axelay71 Exactly my thoughts.
Pretty much the score I expected, enough for a RoboCop fan like myself to warrant a purchase. As long as it didn’t get a score below 5 I was gonna be interested. I’ll have to read some other reviews, to see if anyone mentions performance issues and bugs.
Even then, it’s still gonna be hard to keep my strict policy of “wait for a sale, when the game will be cheaper and patched.” I might see how much I can save with my PlayStation Stars points.😄
Why is thin RPG mechanics a negative? Not every game has to have fully fledged RPG mechanics. Do they negatively impact the experience, and if so how that it makes it a begative bullet point in the summary?
@Markatron84 yeah, and others also know better every time. 🤪
@hypnotoad glad I'm not the only one.
thats a fair price for a launch.
i wouldnt say thin rpg mechanics is necessarly bad ?
im playing nier replicant, it has pretty barebones rpg mechanics and its really good !
As a Robocop fan Im definitely down for this. Of course its stupid goons you are shooting down most of the time - thats the film you are playing? Would be weird if they started to introduce aliens!
I remain unconvinced by any scores given on this site, and note that reviewers I do trust have this rated higher, so Im likely to jump into this one some time.
'Dead or alive, you're coming with me'...
This site seems positive...
linear is a plus point not a minus
AA gaming should be supported not everything has to be AAA or indie there's a whole section in the middle
I'm so excited to pick up my pre-order Thursday. Unironically this has been at the top of my most anticipated releases this year and the demo on Steam was the most fun I've had in a long time. I don't think thin RPG mechanics and being linear should bring down the score. If anything I think those are a plus.. not every game needs to be like Baldurs Gate.
@Axelay71 You're not alone at all. mate.
What would The Uncharted series be without linear for starters !
@Nintendo4Sonic Yep, crap review. Someone throw the reviewer an RPG so they don't have to review a FPS.
@trev666 Agreed. I'd rather have a properly crafted linear experience than a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none open-world sandbox.
@hypnotoad exactly. Amazing games, but you know if another comes it will be open world dross .
I really liked Teyon’s take on the Terminator so I will definitely get this at some point.
From what I've seen of the demo, 6-7/10 seems like a fitting score.
I'll give my score when I get the game and have played it for a while.
@hypnotoad I like what I see. The locations look great, love the realism and detail it looks right up my alley. Going to be hard to not pay full whack now 😬
@SystemAddict It cost me 43 quid at Shopto, mate but I did have points towards it so it cost about 40 quid.
Money well spent in me 'umble.
Seems everything is exactly as i thought. Pass
@Darylb88 "This score is an outlier (copying sister company EG), with most reviews so far giving this an 8/10. "
really? I'm not sure how this is an outlier score. The game is averaging out as a 69 right now among 15 reviews. That would suggest this sentiment is in the middle of the pack among the outliers....
If it's remotely like Terminator: Resistance I'll give it an 8/10. It's preordered already
Regarding the low score.. expected it to be a stable 7. Also I don't agree at all with Pushsquares Alan Wake 2 review, but at the end of the day it's always subjective, so it's alright..
So far reviews from RoboCop fans have been really positive and others have rated it slightly lower. That's obvious and to be expected, IMO. I've really been enjoying it, but I'm a RoboCop nut, so...
@Exerion76 According to ShopTo I'm due to get it tomorrow.
This is great to hear, mate.
Our Saturn had it last week on the shelves, but since I already peordered with coolshop I let it slide... Damn fomo I'm really jealous now xD
Getting this over same old same old coll of duty
@KundaliniRising333 There are a lot more than 15 reviews on YouTube. MC has never been a fair way to judge a game. It's not a perfect game by it's definitely exceeded expectations if you look at the online reviews or even PureXbox (7/10) IGN (7/10)
@Hyena_socks Yup. Sounds good to me. We actually could use more games like this nowadays. More and more I'm liking games that I can just switch on and play for half an hour and not have to get reeled into some giant, AAA narrative with 20 minute story sequences and levels that take two hours to progress through. Just give me something simple, stylish and fun. Robocop fits that bill to perfection.
I wish this review mentioned whether or not it has sound cues from the film scores (especially from 1 and 2). I'm sure it does, but seems like an obvious mention in a review.
I wonder what their next release might be... Maybe another cop... A Dredd'ed one?
@BrotherFilmriss Oh yes please.
My only knock so far other than the (expected) jankiness is that there is no manual save option. It's a little hard to know when it's autosaving. But seriously, I'm having a blast with it.
Trying to wrap up sonic frontiers so I can be ready for this on friday.
Since when is Robocop 'cyberpunk'? Dystopia yes, but it's never cyberpunk in a million years.
Adore the first film and love the character so i'm glad its getting decent reviews, these Devs have come a long way from Rambo so good for them for improving with each game they make. Got the Alex Murphy Edition downloading as i type this.
Gmanlives was also very positive about it
I picked it up on PC and it's a solid 8 for me, everything I'd want in a Robo game, only issue I have is Peter Weller is a bit too old for this now, but great they added him.
I just love that it is silly, it acknowledges its silly and it realises it's a videogame rather than some deadly serious thing that is going for a bafta.
It's just a really fun refreshing game, just wish we had more.
@DennisReynolds It was the publishers that realeased Rambo, the devs did the Terminator game.
@Axelay71 I agree. A lot of reviews complained about the linearity in The Callisto Protocol but that was actually one of the aspects that I really enjoyed about the game
@Fishnpeas The same Devs made the Rambo game, Publishers release and fund games not make them.
@Tchunga yes another brilliant game I have. Totally agree.
@Fishnpeas great username and what made you laugh the most during the game or put a smile on your face?
@AndroidBango It's almost like a precursor to a cyberpunk setting. The technology isn't widespread enough to be considered cyberpunk, but the society is on its way.
Dated visuals?? wtf? I played the demo on pc with DLSS and the visuals was amazing!
I’m loving this game. So happy I chose this over call of duty. Graphics are good too so don’t worry. Bought Wrc ea too and the graphics of that are rubbish. No review here yet but cannot see that doing well at all. I’ve already gone back to generations and stuck it up for sale!
@DennisReynolds When I walked into the convenience store and the shopkeeper said to a guy "that costs more than a dollar"
Definitely tempted by this, robocop was a brutal movie when it first came out,
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