For years now, The Callisto Protocol has invited comparisons to the 2008 survival horror classic Dead Space. From the camera perspective and a lot of the combat through to the atmosphere and setting, it all screams silent protagonist Isaac Clarke and his great stomping boot. Wanting to emulate that tense undertaking 14 years later is understandable — particularly as it comes from one of the game's original creators — but it's a double-edged sword. In creating a tribute to a masterpiece, it already has a supremely solid foundation to work with. However, The Callisto Protocol has little it can really call its own.

While it does take place on a moon's surface rather than a spacecraft, the Black Iron Prison still attempts to capture the look and tone of the USG Ishimura. With its dark hallways and nightmarish inhabitants, a range of similarly designed weapons make up much of main character Jacob Lee's inventory, and there's still room for a rip-off of the Kinesis ability. The immersive HUD is a button press away, and your health ticks down on the outside of Jacob's suit all the same. It's like you’re playing the first few hours of a sequel, where the gameplay feels familiar before the developer begins to introduce some new ideas.
Whether this is actually a bad thing or not is difficult to judge because it makes for a game that's consistently good. It's certainly unoriginal — even one or two of the enemy designs feel copied — but there's no denying there's a decent level of quality built into The Callisto Protocol purely by virtue of its blueprints.
What's new, then? The story for a start, which sees Jacob Lee crash land on Jupiter's moon Callisto and taken prisoner. He doesn't spend more than five minutes in his cell before mutated monsters outnumber the security bots on patrol, giving him the chance to escape. What follows is your stereotypical narrative: the plot becomes just as much about making it out as it does uncovering what's really going on inside Black Iron Prison.
It's a serviceable narrative. It's okay, if unspectacular. You could say the same about the characters fuelling the story beats: the vast majority of them are forgettable, with little in the way of personality or defining features. Protagonist Jacob consistently comes across as just a bit of a knob, but Dani is the saving grace. The two begin the game as enemies, but eventually learn they need to work together to escape. She has a bit about her and elevates virtually every cutscene she's in.

It's a shame neither the plot nor any other character can match her prowess because the title actually has some really impressive cinematics. Clearly having received a lot of the budget, they're of a very high quality and turn the game into quite the looker when you're not controlling the action. What's happening isn't all that interesting, but it looks good whilst doing it.
That's at least one deviation from the Dead Space formula — which presented all its cutscenes in world ala God of War — and another would be the combat, which is just as much about melee attacks as it is bullets. At least in the early game of the roughly 12-hour campaign, your stun baton will see a lot more action than any gun as you get up close and personal with the mutants of Black Iron Prison.
As such, many of your encounters with the enemy will be one on one. Jacob comes equipped with a crowbar and then a stun baton, with which he can both block attacks and deal damage. Fights are largely centred around dodging, though, mapped to the left thumbstick. Timing is paramount as you read the telltale signs of an enemy attack, then create space so you can follow up with your own blows. The game never really develops beyond just mashing the R2 button to get as many hits in as possible, but a simple upgrade tree does introduce a few new moves to think about as you progress.

These melee fights will be tough at first; the introductory chapters are actually quite difficult. However, as your arsenal grows, the game becomes more manageable to the point where some enemies won't even get close to you — unless they've succumbed to the power of your GRP. This is essentially a rechargeable telekinesis skill that allows you to pick up enemies and throw them about the arena. The best place to put them is inside active machinery for easy kills. In combination with melee actions and standard weaponry, The Callisto Protocol has a nice curve to it where you eventually start to overpower monsters in later levels.
It all makes for a really robust combat system that has a nice weight to it. More options open up the further in you go, and since the title is pretty much devoid of puzzles, this is survival horror action pretty much all the time. It's easily the best thing about the experience, and also acts as a nice differentiator from Dead Space.
Although, where the game returns to its roots is in its structure — it's almost completely linear. Save for a few optional areas and rooms off to the side, Striking Distance Studios has a single path for you to walk and there's no deviating from it. In an age where 50+ hour RPGs are a common part of the release schedule, it's refreshing to be told exactly where to go and not get distracted by side quests or open world activities.

Yet another thing The Callisto Protocol riffs on is death animations. Jacob meets his maker in all manner of gory ways, from having his eyes poked out to his torso ripped in two. Obviously influenced by Dead Space once more, these scenes are at least inventive and incredibly brutal. Not that you ever want to die and put a stop to progression, but seeing how Jacob died next was at least a fun buffer to another failed run.
Like we said before, then, there's no getting away from the fact the title is of fairly high quality. Taken on its own, it's an enjoyable horror campaign that's let down by its story but redeemed by a good combat system. However, it's impossible to avoid comparisons to the series that so heavily influenced it. The Callisto Protocol isn't as good as Dead Space, so it's always going to live in its shadow. To create a game so similar, you're always going to have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you've already done all of this before 14 years ago. Even with the bigger focus on melee action, Striking Distance Studios will always be remembered as the team that tried to bring back Dead Space instead of really making its own completely new experience.

On the technical side, you're able to toggle between a Quality Mode at 30 frames-per-second and a Performance Mode targeting 60fps. While neither option offers a locked frame rate — small dips are fairly common, particularly during intense combat sequences — the latter is the one to go for. Fights feel a lot more fluid and engaging with the extra frames, and although you will lose a fair amount of graphical quality, the game still boasts some impressive visuals.
It's not entirely plain sailing, however. During our review process, we encountered such abysmal frame rate drops (less than 10fps) that we were able to crash the game on command. Reinstalling the title and loading an earlier save fixed the problem, and multiple updates were pulled while we were playing — a day one patch is also expected. However, there's no guarantee the same won't happen to you.
The Callisto Protocol is a consistently good game that, when it's at its best, gives many of the survival horror greats a run for their money. However, there's no getting around the fact the game has very little to truly call its own. In borrowing so heavily from Dead Space, there's always a sense of having been there, done that. With frame rate issues and an unimaginative story with poor characters, The Callisto Protocol is good. But it's not great.
Comments 152
personally it being like dead space is a positive not a negative
so does that mean with the dead space remake that will also get the "too much like dead space" comment
also "this is survival horror action pretty much all the time. It's easily the best thing about the experience, and also acts as a nice differentiator from Dead Space". erm confused there dead space is survival horror pretty much all the time ? very odd comment to make
@trev666 I was going to say exactly same thing, I don't see that as a bad thing at all.
Looked overhyped from the start. Perfect example of people worshiping games because of graphics solely.
@trev666 The key word there is “action”. Dead Space wasn’t combat combat combat pretty much 100% of the time like The Callisto Protocol is.
After seeing some early responses i'm glad i didn't pre-order, it seems good but maybe better holding off until the issues are fixed.
My gut instinct was to avoid pre-ordering when I heard about the review embargo lifting the minute it launched, and I'm glad I did. I'll wait for a sale and some further patches before diving in.
74 on opencritic.
Reviews on the same day of release always a flag of lack of confidence.
I'll definitely get it down the road. But I spoil myself with a maximum of one game per month, this month (time of writing) it will be FF7 Crisis core. Cannot wait.
I'll keep an eye out for a future sale to snag this beauty.
Like Dead Space with more combat sounds perfect for me. I’ve been looking forward to this one and think I’m going to enjoy it. People act like 74 on Metacritic is a piece of crap. Those are still “good” scores. Regardless, only critic that matters is me.
I saw the trailer and the plot felt like generic action game. I don't to play MW2 with monsters, I want a genuine horror experience.
This review and others confirmed what I thought, this is more Dead Space 3 than 1 which means it's a definite pass.
Hopefully, my copy will arrive tomorrow! Just like Dead Space works for me. I'm looking forward to playing this on my LG C1 OLED with the lights off and headphones on. Playing horror games on an OLED display is the perfect combination 👌.
So I gather that if one (me, for instance) has never played Dead Space, one would probably have a rollicking good time with this.
Another 10gb patch just dropped (could call it the day one patch since it's the day of release lol) maybe that will fix any frame rate issuea regardless I'm looking forward to playing it later they didn't charge £70 for it like EA with dead space remake either which I appreciate
About what I expected from the trailers they released to be honest. Hope people enjoy it who are buying it. I will be waiting for a sale
@LiamCroft really I just played that game a few months ago and it pretty much was. I honestly think Dead Space doesn’t hold up too well especially the combat so if the remake is just straight up graphically better and that’s it I can’t see it scoring very high
I liked dead space 1 and 2 and i'll pick this up at some point..a dead space clone with less puzzles and more action just ticks all the boxes for me. This always looked like dead space and i dont think the devs tried to hide that fact either so comparissons are a very moot point really as i dont think anybody really expected anything else. Glad it turned out half decent..
Steam reviews are mostly negative so far. Apparently the game runs terribly on PC
@Michael2008ish I probably would be at the old full price but I'm not paying the next gen tax lol
Yah I knew this was overhyped and not for me.
Cheap, not scary jump scares and repetitive combat with 12 hrs of forgettable everything else is just not begging a full price purchase for me especially being this linear.
The combat issues technical issues are concerning too.
It's almost always an overhyped product that ends up being lesser when the review embargo or review copies are made available so late. Here we have another one that supports that data trend.
For me, good horror games are nearly non existent and are either not at all horrifying and/or extremely shallow, this one seems to be both of these especially so.
Seems good so far. The combat is brutally satisfying.
Sounds like a wait for sale. Suits me. No need to rush to get it really.
@Shad361 Well, so what gives with Ragnaröks' scores then as it is one of the big AAA Sony games this year? I'm really curious as it has the same gameplay as the first and worse story that drags out for way too long for it's welcome. In my opinion if The Collisto Protocol is the real Dead Space 4 (with all it's issues in this review) and Ragnarok is a bloated gow2018 (though it's hard extensively here to talk about without spoiling) why they aren't about the same score? At the very least it sounds The Collisto Protocol story doesn't drag out and is mostly all about atmosphere and combat, then at least we get a harder difficulty in January plus new game plus.
It's hard to take some big reviewer websites seriously these days, as it seems they are reviews for people that just like summer blockbusters.
Still scratching my head as to how almost universally Elden Ring, Pentiment and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 as hardcore as they are came close to the reviews they deserved in the midst of some of these over scored AAA games in 2022.
I expected it to be a spiritual sequel to Dead Space, so the familiarity in gameplay isn't a issue for me. My main question will be "Is it better than the upcoming Dead Space Remake?"
Based on that result I will buy one of these two games.
Third-party multiplatform games has been kinda meh lately.
@kuu_nousee I don’t understand why you non PlayStation fans are here.
Well, after 2 hours of playing, it's alright. It ain't that bad, in fact they use the PS5 controller very well with the speaker and vibrations. The atmosphere feels claustrophobic. The graphics are great. The controls are simple but once you manage the timing you can dodge and block. Not at the level of GOW but not that bad. I'm playing on quality mode and I've got no frame issues
Wow, must be pretty bad game so you didn't give it obligate 8 of 10...
Black Friday has cleaned me out for games but I’ll definitely be checking this out, probably next Halloween sale.
I was kinda hyped for this game, but I think I can wait for a sale. My backlog is huge and I've been having fun playing games I bought back ages ago lol. Regardless, I can see it maybe dropping in price in a few months or so? I hope everyone who is playing it enjoys it.
Thanks for the honest review. My plans have changed now between this review and me still not having beaten Ragnarok yet with Crisis Core dropping in 12 days.
I shall wait for a future sale when Callisto is $30 New or cheaper.
@NomNom Same plan here! Here's hoping I can beat Ragnarok in time for Crisis Core's release.
@Sequel not ideal, no. Good, actually!
@Michael2008ish I hear you. But I've already played the original one, so the remake must be really good to make the experience feel fresh to me.
And on the other hand, everything that made Dead Space the successful game that it is, is because of the guy that has now made The Callisto Protocol, so I'm still undecided what to choose, lol.
If you've never played Dead Space before, that will probably be the best choice. If you have played it, I'm not so sure.
What gets me is the devs said this would be as long as DS1. 12-14 hours and critics have all but said 8 hours. Maybe an additional 2 more if you're discovering every cranny
@apilgrim008 doesn’t this review say 12 hours?
@4kgk2 Far from a non PlayStation fan. TLoU Part 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. Incredible pacing something Ragnarök blatantly struggles with especially in Ironwood. Still a fun game for a one time playthrough. But let's be real here it's not in the same realm of overall quality for pacing, to story, and build up of gow2018 (or for that matter the pacing of God of War 3) or TLoU Part 1.
I think you have your agenda pointed at the wrong person here.
Yeah this will be a "wait for a sale" effort for me, plenty coming in over the rest of the month and Jan that will get my attention before this. Was on the verge of a pre order as well but glad I held off, release day review embargo is never a great sign.
@Sequel yeah the one thing we can do for this is wait for sale or if you're a diehard horror fan, give it a shot sooner to make sure we keep getting these type of games. If all we had was Resident Evil that would be sad. At least we have Dead Space and Silent Hill 2 remakes coming to test the waters for more games.
I just read John at Digital Foundry saying he really enjoyed this game more than most reviewers. I'm gonna bite the bullet and keep my PS5 preorder.
@Michael2008ish So you wanted a new Doom game with no jumping and no ability to shoot up and down? Sounds like you should just play Doom 1 again.
@Sequel too many games are overhyped and get scores they don’t deserve, this being a solid 6 or 7 is okay by my book. But I agree it won’t help it shift numbers, especially not at full price. I want it but can’t justify it right now, hopefully someone gets me it for Christmas!
@kyleforrester87 Most reviews have it at 8 hours. Gamerant said slightly over 7 hours
@kyleforrester87 exactly my feelings for the majority of games in 2022 on all platforms.
7/10 is a pretty decent score, especially for their first game.
I think with the positives and negatives I have seen through many reviews, none of them overly bother me too much. Mines coming today and I'm still looking forward to it.
I briefly considered pre-ordering this a week or two ago to tide me over until Santa comes, but then I saw how late the embargo was and I instantly sensed there was a rabbit off with it.
I did wonder why tbe review embargo didn't lift until release date. That 's always a huge red flag. Glad I held off on this.
I haven't played Dead Space so maybe this will be for me?
These are the patch notes :
*Framerate optimizations on PlayStation 5.
*Added post effects tweak.
*Fixed game loading crashes.
*Fixed stuttering and lag issues.
*Addressed various audio issues.
*Added performance and stability improvements.
*Other minor tweaks
@kuu_nousee Sorry I thought you was one of the many anti- PlayStation accounts appearing randomly here lately.
I watched the Gmanlives review who compared it to TLOU. I can see the similarities. Will still give this a try though, I like the works of Glen Schofield.
@kuu_nousee yeah that’s going to get a big negative from me guy. GOW 18 was a masterpiece and so is Ragnarok which took everything 18 did and didnt do well and improved upon it. It’s def going to go down as one of the best duology’s in gaming history and is easily goty
About half way through now and the review is spot on for me so far. Aside from the visuals. Imo, they fluctuate a bit. Sometimes, it reminds me of the Supermassive games which can look super realistic in one scene and then there are sections which look noticeably worse. But I agree that the combat is the star of the game and it is really fun thus far. I was a bit more negative during my first impressions. But it has gotten better, never great so far though. It is a good, competent horror game which I don't regret buying.
@Michael2008ish first off he didn’t leave dead space ea quit making them because they weren’t selling to their liking and second this game does enough to differentiate from DS especially the combat which I think is better
@apilgrim008 what universe is DS 12 to 14 hours lol. I just played it a few months ago and it’s super linear like this game and on normal took me just over eight hours
@LiamCroft, what are the environments like? DS1 always felt like a journey to me, even though it was mostly on the ship (from memory), “linear” and few/no puzzles puts me off, but I might grab it in a sale. Might have to dust off the PS3 first!
@DTfeartheBEARD It has gyro aiming! Haha, I remember you because I always felt like I was the only one really loving it. So felt the need to tell you in case you didn't know
I’ve been enjoying this through about 4 hours so far. DEFINITELY has a very ‘Alien’ vibe to it in terms of the aesthetics and some of the environments of the game. And yeah - the Dead Space motif is absolutely undeniable.
@kuu_nousee the gameplay is way improved and evolved in Ragnarok did you play it or just watch a walkthrough which made you think you were an expert on the game. You say GOW was bloated but name Elden Ring has deserving of its score when that game is truly bloated with a almost universally disliked back half and it has tons of filler. The story was def better in Ragnarok like no contest it’s one of the best written games this year and was the perfect continuation of 18.
@Sequel it’s only one persons opinion though. One persons 7 could be another persons 9 or 10 (and vice versa).
Can’t wait for my copy to arrive.
It being too similar to Dead Space is a huge plus imo 😁
Good enough review for me to buy it especially at £40, Still on GOWR and Evil West 1st though - should be a good Xmas break
@ItsBritneyB_tch hope you have fun I’m really liking it so far
7/10 is a buy for me. Agree some of the comparisons raised in the review can be levelled at a lot of games tbf.
I definitely plan to play this at some point but I spent enough money on black Friday so I'm going to hold off for a bit. The game sounds like a winner though maybe a bit rough around the edges.
Lucky for me the last few games I've played that were rough around the edges have been great so hopefully this follows suit!
….mmmm linear how the heck is the actual original dead space gonna go down mere months after this as an obvious precoursor.
watched 2 minutes of it on twitch , looks like a god of war (reboot) re-skin . hope i’m wrong
@Sequel single player isn’t going anywhere , for every dud there always double successful games after ; meanwhile multiplayer gamers get screwed constantly with ***** cheap cashgrabs and indie garbage
for someone like me who never played any Dead Space before this is a must buy. I'm really looking forward to it
@Michael2008ish Glen didn’t leave. Visceral Studio was closed by EA after the fiasco with Dante’s Inferno & Dead Space 3. I actually enjoyed DS3, not as good as DS2 but still good. Only BS was with the payed unlocks for better weapons.
@Discol76 haha, FIFA 23 Review: too much like FIFA 22 (deducts 3 points).
I'm not surprised by the lukewarm reception at all. Glen came off as an extremely arrogant person, especially when he praised crunching and we all know how often that happens in the gaming industry. He seems like a terrible person to work with.
As for the game, I never understood his need to make a cheap Dead Space clone. The story from what I've heard sucks and doesn't hold a candle to DS. It's not an abomination but seems forgettable.
It’s weird that people today still bash a game so hard that’s a solid 7. I was hoping we were getting past that way of thinking. It may not be great or fantastic, but good is still good.
Still have RE2 Remake to play so that’ll scratch this itch until Witcher 3 update and I’ll maybe pick this up 50% in the summer. Next big new release I’m eager for is Forspoken which I feel like might do opposite and be a pleasant surprise since overall people seem kind of skeptical on it.
@OmegaStriver Preach brother.
Removed - off-topic
Im getting this today, looking foward to some Dead Space action
@awp69 yes, these scores will mean a lot of people will still rate it as a game they love, and some will just not enjoy it that much, but a 7 doesn't mean everyone will see it as a 7. People shouldn't base everything on reviews, but it just helps people in general to be wary of whether to go for it now, later or never based on their approach to gaming. A 9 or 10 would make people not necessarily interested beforehand want to check a game out, for example.
Personally this game genre doesn't interest me, so if I was reviewing it, I'd definitely focus on the worse aspects, but someone more die hard into this, might focus more on the good stuff. A lot of people will probably really like this game, but it might still be worth waiting patches to get the best experience.
The review embargo and the announcement of the 6 months of support, do kind of suggest, 'not quite finished yet'
Was really looking forward to this as I adore Dead Space but ... na. Buying a sub 75% reviewed game for full price just isnt worth it in this economic climate, especially when you consider all the really great games out there. Opportunistic, weasely companies/devs that ban reviews until after launch should be forced to accept returns. They mustve known the game wasnt top tier quality and tried to dupe people into preordering with that embargo. Poor form and sinister practice.
@kuu_nousee 7 doesn't mean YOU won't think it's great. 7 is a warning that it has issues and that most people in general probably won't think it's a 9 or 10 game. It helps people who haven't already decided it's going to be good whether it's worth buying or not.
The fact Elden Ring and God of War Ragnarok are both being voted heavily as games of the year by actual players should give you a sense of how this works in practise. Sometimes individual reviews will miss the mark, but it most reviews are 7, then that is a good warning sign, without completely damning the game.
They misjudged Stray here in this way, as it's a pretty well loved game, but I also fully understand that a lot of people who play that game will agree it's not for them, so the review would have warned those people of it, without negatively affecting those who went on to love it.
Bit disappointed I have to say ,will wait for it to drop to 24.99 in a few weeks
@trev666 not necessarily too many games are similar these days always good to come up with new ideas keep the game industry from becoming stagnant
"It all makes for a really robust combat system that has a nice weight to it."
"Taken on its own, it's an enjoyable horror campaign that's let down by its story but redeemed by a good combat system."
"Good, weighty combat system"
Every other review I've read for Callisto Protocol says how terrible the combat is, especially when taking on more then one enemy.
@liamcroft, what difficulty did you play it on?
krafton built up the hype. gamers believed it and preordered.
game fell flat, with nothing great in there.
until gamers pull back digital preorderers, we will get the same
A carbon copy of the first game, but shorter and in a much more forgettable environment , with tech bugs? I think the over hype has not helped it, and if it wished to avoid the inevitable comparison and loss to the original game, then it really needed to try and differentiate itself at least a little bit.
As a gore blast I might have some fun with this once its dead cheap in a sale, but I'm betting that Dead Space Remake will offer a far better experience.
I hope those that pre ordered get what they expected and enjoy it...
I love god of war but i also love how ppl r saying the The Callisto Protocol is too similar too a game that came out in 2008 on the ps3, but when I play ragnorok, im honestly not sure what the changed from gow 2018 yet. And apparently that one is perfect.
, considering sequels come out with the same assets, animations with slight tweaks to combat and get game of the year awards, i think it being similar to a game from 14 years ago will not bother me, or alot of ppl i think.
@Titntin people who buy something always say its better than it actually is because have to justify the money spent.
74 is not a crap score.
It's a score that tells me I have better things to do or play with my limited time.
@Gelly Callisto is a brand new game. it ISNT dead space 4.
of course gowR will be similar, its a sequel.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - trolling/baiting
He's actually right and you should treat gaming as a hobby that should have quality control just as any other consumer product. Just look at scarlet and violet. Would have been nice people got refunded for that horrible broken game. They keep going lower and lower.
@Futureshark I played on the normal difficulty setting.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I've played the first hour or so and I'm absolutely loving it!! Tbh I can't trust reviewers anymore. For example a plague tale requiem was sooo praised and I, personally, hated it. The first hour of Callisto already gives me the feeling that I am in for a treat. These days, it is better trust your guts than reviewers. All that said with all due respect to pushsquare and its comunity that is often great. Regards!
Cool.I will be getting the callisto protocol backlog of games is a lot.word up son
I never said it has to be 10 out of 10. Where did I say that?
I have limited time lol. I am not wasting, idk, lets say 40 hours for a 70 rated open world like Days Gone. The industry listens this way since ps1 so too late for that.
@LiamCroft So, the obvious question: what if I've never played Dead Space (and have no intention of doing so)? Do you think I'd enjoy this game, considering that I won't be constantly comparing it to Dead Space during play? I'm not trying to be snarky. Honest question as I'm interested in this game but have no familiarity with Dead Space at all. (I know you have no idea what I like. Asking hypothetically 😆)
For those who may wonder why I don't want to play Dead Space: I just don't have much interest in playing games over a decade old on my current gen system, for better or worse.
Liam's review seems spot on when you look at the range of scores coming in for this title and surely the point of coming here and reading this is to get a professional review of what works and what doesn't? At least two major sites have given it 5/10, and 7 seems to be the average.
Should you feel you need more information, Skillup has just posted his 25 minute review of this title, which he does 'not recommend'. Having so much more time, he can go into further detail, and he's a good wordsmith, so you will understand his issues with the game clearly should you watch that.
Obviously some will still love it, but its clear the title is not a complete success however much leeway you wish to give it...
I had a fried who worked in the game and he tempered my expectations by saying that this was a survival game if a survival game was made by Michael Bay.
@KeldorTheCursed If you still like the horror genre in general, I think you would enjoy it. It's still a good game even with the disappointment that it's a bit too much like Dead Space.
Adore true survival horror but I'm in no rush for this given some of its criticism in many of the reviews. FC6 and Dying Light 2 ended up a little disappointing for me and those had very similar reviews. Still very much looking forward to play it but without the urge of day one. Finally time to start A Plague Tale Requiem and finish off Wreckfest double platinum
I’ve got this and I am really enjoying it. Also got devil in me which got 5 or 6. You can’t compare the two in a smilies score though. Already this is a million light years better.
Easily an 8 and if it had Sony label on it and an exclusive it would have
I'm not going to judge this one as I have Dead Space and never played it; will wait for the new one I guess but you are dead on regarding Doom.
Doom Eternal is a horrific, unplayable mess imo.
Perhaps worth mentioning, Evil Within 2 has an identical 76% on metacritic and it’s one of my favourite games on PS4 and the best survival horror game I played since Dead Space 2.
Saw this coming but the game is not entirely bad, I blame the hype. The dev clearly has potential by trying some own creativity/ideas. The next one will be better as lessons will be learned. The facial animations/gore look amazing! I like the genre & Dead Space & will play this when it's a bit cheaper. They need to stop the "squeezing" feature in games though!
This game is good if you never played Dead Space like me. You won't keep comparing the two and you will actually enjoy it. This seems to be a major issues of all reviews, the constant comparison of the two titles which resulted in a lower score. I would give this one an 8
The game has no diversity. It is all dark, bloodstained and has boring caracters. Shame….
Well, the score is actually 1 point higher then I imagined, first time I saw the trailer.
@Notoriousmakavel elden ring wasn't abit too much like dark souls though because they slapped it into an open world maybe this wouldve reviewed higher if they'd have done that 😂
@Shad361 I agree, people were calling this a classic before even playing it
@4kgk2 no worries, it's hard to tell these days.
If this gets rated down for being too much like dead space, how do we rate the dead space remake?
@dschons I saw that it has gyro! That's definitely something I didn't expect to see in this game, but it's very welcome, indeed 😀. How are the gyro controls? Do you know?
God of War Ragnarok also has gyro with throwing the Axe playing as Kratos. And while using the bow, playing as Atreus. It was awesome 👌.
Removed - off-topic
All of these creepy, Sci-Fi games releasing recently/soon has me wishing for a remake of Dead Space Extraction for PSVR2. I loved that game on Wii and it had great replay value.
@Robinsad yeah this is my worry too. Dead Space 1 is one of my favorite horror games in the PS360 gen. If not much changed besides graphics it could fall flat due to that or come out swinging hard like The Last of Us Part 1 remake did on PS5. I'm hoping for the later.
@KaijuKaiser this is correct "not every game can be a masterpiece". Some people really need to hear that and let it sink in. Most games aren't and that is perfectly fine.
@DTfeartheBEARD it is serviceable but not as great as in TLoU or Horizon (being the best example for me still).
@dschons TLOU Part 1 gyro controls felt a little off to me. Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok & Quake gyro felt better.
Looks like my copy won't be arriving until Monday, unfortunately 😕.
@DTfeartheBEARD I agree but for me this was probably due to the weapon swaying. Once I get rid of that, it was a lot smoother. But Horizon is the bar for me, pretty much perfect imo.
@dschons Mabey, it was me, but even after fully upgrading my weapon sway, it seemed slow or something. TLOU Part 2 gyro felt smoother. I agree, Horizon did a great job with gyro controls.
Do you know if gyro was added to the Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection?
Story twist spoiler, please avoid that Psq.
Not too surprised, devs kept focusing too much on gore, graphics.
@DTfeartheBEARD not that I know of but now I'm curious as well, haha. Will check when I get home.
@LiamCroft thank you, sir
Well I think that game was overrated also
7/10 is good enough for me to give it a shot and support these guys. It’s tough competing against the big boys. If we don’t support them, we’ll soon be left with nothing but EA, Ubisoft, and Activision.
This game has screamed DEAD SPACE RIP-OFF from the first screenshots. The only shocker here is the shock that it's exactly that.
I expected this game to be like Dead Space, but the game definitely needs to have its own identity if it wants to make a legitimate splash as AAA experience (especially with Dead Space Remake right around the corner). I'm still interested in this game as a AAA survival horror games are slim pickings, but I won't pay more than $30 for this. Something seems very off from the gameplay i've seen.
It's important to not just focus on this whole it's just like dead space argument and whether that's a good. Or bad thing.
You need to do your research on this game beyond this shallow argument.
It is fundamentally broken with the way combat is designed, it simply does not work if you're fighting more than one opponent especially if one is anywhere but in front of you. it is a broken combat system that was not fully fleshed out. it's missing simple things that would fix it, but as it stands right now you literally cannot rely on its gameplay mechanics to work if there's a group of enemies..... it is broken. PERIOD.
Th game is technically broken on anything other than PS5. Yet aside from that it's clear this game was rushed out without being properly optomized or play tested and adjusted. It almost looks like what they decided to do in the end because they wanted to just push this bad boy out is they were like:
"okay we'll just make sure it has cool death animations because you're going to die a lot, not because the game is hard and not because the game is scary and nerve-wracking but because our combat system is fundamentally broken." "OH and we won't let them skip those death animations or cut scenes so they have to watch our pretty visuals over and over again after every death to ramp up their frustration further. Then maybe they will be dumb enough to believe this means it's just a hard game and not actually what it is.... A broken one. "
"Refreshingly linear".
That's an altogether odd and overly charitable way to describe what is a game that essentially charges one $10 per hour to play it.
@stvevan not true at all. I recently purchased the ps5 enhanced edition of warhammer inquisitor and considering all the much touted improvements its a bit of a dog at the mo. Yes the visuals are more detailed and crisp in 4k but that frame rate is really janky and its just not what was advertised at all..a 5/10 for me until they fix it..yeah we all praise sub par games when we buy them 🙄
@JohnGrey It’s not seven hours long and price has very little to do with a review.
@NeThZOR apparently runs real bad on PC and Xbox , wonder if it’s anything to do with the help Sony had with the development ?
How's the PS4 version?
Decided to hold off for a sale and I'm kind of happy I did. Dead Space is cool and being something of a spiritual successor this is turn looks cool but between still needing to finish Sonic Frontiers, God of War: Ragnarök and Gotham Knights and an upcoming re-release of one of my favorite games of all-time, Crisis Core, I don't see where The Callisto Protocol fits in. Will wait for a sale and if it's around the same time as the Dead Space remake releases it'll be interesting to play them at the same time and see how they compare.
Sorry, but it makes no sense. A 7 of a rating like Evil West? A game that is full of bugs, average story and characters and the only great thing about it is that it bring back nostalgia of the PS3 and Xbox 360 era. And adding that "A bit too much like Dead Space" makes even less sense, whats that's a good thing. Is hard to believe modern reviews....
Well I'm still waiting for it to arrive in the post. Can't wait to play through it. The funny thing is not every brilliant game gets a great review. Rewind back to Visercals Dantes inferno!! This site gave that awesome game a 5/10 unbelievable. Just because it was similar to God of war. What is original nowadays, most games borrow from each other. I take reviews with a pinch of salt, personally I can't stand Demons souls but look at the love that game received
@Toypop dang, I'm in the same boat. I was wary Xbox and PC (RTX 3080) due to Sony involvement with this game. Soooooo glad I picked up disc PS5 copy due all the good reviews of haptics too. If performance mode is that bad at 1440p60fps I'll just play it once and eBay it. Though the added gyro seems like another good extra too!
Yeah PlayStation digital games in USA as soon as you preorder and hit download it's yours no refunds unless a CP2077 situation, Xbox digital at least we get a chance at refund. I feel like I got lucky with my choose.
Would this have gotten a better score if it played out more non-linear with explorable sections?
Hang on, did you just say "price has very little to do with a review"....?
I think price definitely has to be something very much to include in a review. If not then what was all the noise about TLOU1 remake being £70, or all the other noise about Sony first party being £70 day one?
Callisto Protocol is £58 on PSN for day one PS5, surely you can't say that if it were £70 it would score less, or conversely £45 it would score better?
It has little to do with it for them because they get free review copies.
@Futureshark Your latter question is exactly why price is very rarely factored into reviews. It fluctuates and doesn't reflect the quality of a game. The Last of Us: Part I's situation was one of the very few situations where it was applicable. Besides stuff like that, we don't factor it into our reviews. Most outlets don't either.
@Toypop XSX is not a “catastrophe” I’m playing on it in performance mode at 60 GPS and it’s great. There are issues with quality mode with missing ray tracing but I was planning on playing it at 60 FPS anyway. Having a blast and no noticeable framerate dips.
If you plan on playing quality with RT, there’s no question that PS5 is the best option. Just saying XSX is perfectly fine in performance mode. Hopefully it gets an update to fix the quality mode and ray tracing.
Another patch has just downloaded version 1.006.000 only about 600 mb
too bad they botched the mechanics and did not go all in on the horror angle. it is more of a dodge infused, action game with some survival horror thrown in sparingly according to the reviews i have listened to. missed opportunity nontheless by the sounds of it, but good effort i guess?
@LiamCroft if there is one thing i've learned is that when i read the reviews here i treat them as an over view that helps me make a decision for instance you didnt like necromunga hired gun at all where i liked it quite a bit and thought all the rough bits added a touch of duke nuke 'em which just made me giggle like i was 15 again even though i was in my 20's when duke came point is that i'm quite able to decide what i like and dont like and your reviews only reflect what you think it should score..still think you are dead wrong on necromunga though 🤣
Same crap always, people here going on for weeks saying it's going yo be amazing, then reviews come..."omg a 7??? I knew this would happen suck its so bad" bunch of sheeplings 🐑🤣 Go and play it yourself who the hell uses reviews these days for more than a slight overview. Having online reviews completely decide for you is just stupid
An no 7 is not that terrible its fine.
Have any of those "from the creators of..." games that are more or less unlicensed spiritual successors ever ended up better than the originals? I'm sure there's some example but I can't think of any. Destiny I guess is close.
But yeah, generally have very little interest in these type of games unless they're real old school throwbacks. If they're bigger games they just end up being a similar game with a much smaller budget.
I was really excited about this when it was first announced, but after the Dead Space remake was announced I just lost most of my interest in Callisto Protocol.
I will probably pick it up once it is discounted or on PS Plus or something, but for now I am holding out for the Dead Space remake to get my Sci-fi horror fix.
So far I'm very underwhelmed with it. Such a shame.
Pretty on point review, though I don't think it's "too much like Dead Space." It plays very least from how I remember Dead Space.
I think it's worth noting, if you have a headset capable of doing the 3D audio, I would recommend playing it that way. It 100% elevates the experience for sure. The game isn't bad at all though, I can see why it's got mixed reviews and it's probably a game I'll forget about. But for a first attempt, it's pretty decent, graphically it's beautiful and they have the sound and atmosphere nailed! But the gameplay could do with some adjusting and some character development could have done with some tweaking as I'm not overly caring towards the characters involved. I agree with the score on this, and Id imagine the next attempt will definitely be much better.
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