Notable as the series' debut on the PSP, as well as for being developed by High Impact Games — and not by Insomniac Games — Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters stumbles slightly by slowing the pace of progression through the franchise's classic weapon and gadget upgrade structure.
With a humdrum story set after Ratchet: Deadlocked, for modern gamers used to more open sections in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters is linear to complete. Charmingly, the return of the original Ratchet & Clank's composer, David Bergeaud, gives the music in this 2007 PSP game a retro feel. However, old school annoyances like a clunky camera that's often too close to our hero, and sluggish controls make strafing while locked onto enemies cumbersome — which impacts the core feel of Ratchet's third-person run-and-gun action.
Multiplayer modes that included deathmatch and capture the flag options were welcome on PSP in 2007, but it was arguably a superfluous addition in hindsight. Note that the game's 2024 re-release on PS4 and PS5 is single-player only, although it offers 33 Trophies, which highlight distinct challenges like defeating the boss Mungo using only Ratchet's wrench.
Impressively, varied gameplay is abundant throughout, due to fun diversions like Clank's minigames, Skyboard racing, and a Giant Clank on-rails space shooter section, plus there are imaginative location designs like a hallucinogenic Dreamtime mission, and one level that's creatively set Inside Clank.
Unfortunately, navigating menus becomes finicky when you acquire an abundance of weapons and gadgets, and unnecessarily weak early weapons like the Concussion Gun and Scorcher feel feeble and uninspiring to level up. Therefore, it becomes tempting to focus on a generic blaster like the Lacerator, until you find a substantial weapon such as the Shock Rocket later in the game.
The classic Ratchet & Clank replayability of searching for hidden Titanium Bolts, and unlocking Challenge Mode after initially beating the six hour main story is enticing, because continuing with all weapons, bolts, armour and skill points intact is appreciated. However, while traversing grind rails is fun, the persistent grind of progression derails your upgrade path, so tasks like farming 9,999,000 bolts to buy the sought-after RYNO feel like a chore.
Perhaps High Impact Games included sluggish advancement due to PSP's "come out and play" portability, but it can sap your motivation to return to Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters for multiple playthroughs.
Comments 14
My least favourite in the entire series. Couldn't stand the stupid hoverboard racing mini games because of the awful controls. I played it on PSP back in the day, it was probably better on PS2.
I find these reviews so weird cause the cons only exist in a modern lens.
Definitely one of the weakest Ratchet games in the series.
@Jacko11 From my perspective, the way we've been approaching these is through a modern lens but with respect to the era they released.
So no reviewer is panning a game from 2002 for having unwieldy controls or difficulty spikes. However, I think it's fine to appreciate that those are issues that exist today.
If you have any better ideas of how to approach, though, we're always open to feedback and ideas. It is a tricky balancing act, but I'm generally quite happy we've been appreciating the environment within which the original released while still explaining any potential flaws a modern player may experience.
This was my first ratchet and clank game, had. Blast with it on the PSP. Just Platinum the PS5 version and game definitely doesn't hold up
Plays quite well on the twin-stick Vita when you map the 2nd analogue stick to move the camera.
Even better, I got it as a freebie when I bought the Vita.
Finished Daxter yesterday and started this game today. You can definitely notice the quality difference between both titles. Compared to Daxter this game sucks donkey balls, but it's still a decent platformer and has the classic R&C gameplay.
@get2sammyb that’s an entirely fair response tbh.
It is a hard one to approach anyway you look at it.
I just worry about those who just skip to the end to read the final summation and score, but I guess if their not willing to read the full review they shouldn’t be playing the game anyway.
How much better are the graphics in this version?
The Clank arena aside which is cool but also not great for weapon grinding only the armour rewards at the end (same with the races) or bolt grinding yeah they messed up there by trying something new. The Size matters aspect is cool being small. Using it for grind rails is ok then offering puzzle gadgets of Hacker, Trespasser and others or the more platforming focused of Hydro-Displacer. Though it doesn't offer the same appeal as a Grounded, Mushroom Men or Toys Story 2 kind of thing but it's fine. What's offered is still good enough.
Giant Clank, races that expand, typical adventure with a few tweaks, weapon mods, armour combos (wrench combos in SAC) and others do a fair job to mix SM up. 6/10 is what I'd put it too, but some cons are pathetic.
I'm sorry but mundane story. XD How is that NOT a modern lens dig oh it's not cinematic and emotional/with cameos level of trash. Even besides the characters being experts/through so much it's still trash. Fan grew up, Insomniac staff grew up. So what. I didn't ask for a GOW Ratchet story Sony/Insomniac. I do agree the plot isn't great, Otto isn't great, Luna is ok, a few Ratchet 1 references in the story too, but at the same time since when did the series have good story. Never.
They do the job or have fair references/humour for the era. Size Matters tries to not be 2 & 3 with business jokes and movie stars and other nonsense. It is trying it's best to focus on the adventure it has and also less edge then 3 and Deadlocked offer as well. It feels like a Ratchet 1 type game but with later games features among it's own new ideas.
As far as other Insomniacs at High Impact trying to make something different and what ideas could have been cut from other games (not necessarily but in a sense I know from the museums and the Useless Podcast are all) I think it's fair execution of the universe gameplay wise with some good some bad and passable stories that get the job done.
RA and the Future saga are trying to be movies and while Future does it fair especially Crack in Time with the gameplay dramatically being different in the series to support it as well as the fair scenes in it's story.
RA is trash and while the gameplay is so weak and Tools/Nexus successors not Crack in Time enough and while it's not 2016 Illumination wannabe of Rainmaker's writing skills.
RA feels like it knows Ratchet/Clank are experienced, they know the fans are older and they want to offer a God of War 2018/R style story, and I want NONE of that.
Yet Insomniac is older now/have families and aren't in their 20s anymore and that's totally fine, I don't expect a 00s era story I get that but it's so 'were older, fans are older and have families/grown up'.
Yeah and can we not have such newcomer (nothing wrong with that) but still fan nostalgia level milking it (could say cruder but won't) to show off to the fans with a multiverse/references and characters story telling/cameos it's really annoying. I'm all for alt history but in this case no.
But people seeking Sony cinematic stories or what RA offered, why? That's a bad and weak con. It's not even a 00s crude tone like the others it's just less Future saga sappy/drama/cinematic. What a load of garbage to con it for.
Part 2
I play the series for gameplay & dropped current Sony IPs I just can't stand how boring to play they are. I play for gameplay not emotionally UNCONVINCING garbage because people want to be reminded they are emotional human beings or what memories or other nonsense because they have no brains. I don't even find dating sims good writing just funny and passable not immersive or hypnotising by any means with people that play them with desperation. Characters tropey or not are still weak in them.
With boring emotional stories that make me just never touch them. Other than Horizon's world being cool (as Guerilla did well with Killzone too even if the lore was better outside the games then inside them) I couldn't care less. GOW 2018 & R/Last of Us weren't for me. So why give us a Ratchet one of that?
Uncharted just happened to balance puzzles/platforming and combat well enough besides being an Indy/Tomb Raider/Pitfall type game and film then the 24 the game or Jet Li, Strangehold John Woo type of thing.
The camera was always a problem with SM/Clank regardless of PSP or PS2 so that's fair, though the d-pad is good enough for lock strafe, they could have tweaked it but it is mostly a emulation job not tweaking the game further so not surprised but feels like and unfair cons as they couldn't change it it's not a port it's emulation so more a word of warning I think then a fair con.
It is tough to judge/review by. Playing Stitch on PS2 camera is old as part tank/almost racing game of old like to turn in strict ways the 360 and kind of PS1 like but I still got through it even if some levels were tough with it for platforming or combat it's still playable. Theme Hospital on PS1 (not using PS1 mouse) or Project Highrise on PS4 besides mice same can be said d-pad or too many buttons mapped.
Weak weapons. I mean so is the case in EVERY game in the series. Uninteresting I mean sure but who wants to give you the Mootater early on anyway or Ratchet 2 & 3's lava gun, Bouncer (explosive popcorn that's an overrated grenade launcher weapon) or others early on.
That's the stupidest con you can put they ease people into the other weapons/into the game, you want the best weapons to come first, talk about game balance or player surprises, it's the stupidest con you can give a game.
The variety is what it is they have to put some dull weapons in there mixed with creative ones, and fill in gameplay types of players so we get dull but useful weapons in there for pistol, area of effect grenade, shotgun, of course they have to put them in there. They only have so many ideas to put crazy ideas for weapons for, I can understand that with limited ways to make it functional or limited ideas to attach something cartoony/silly and fun to.
Item management, the Quick Select is fair it does the job. But otherwise the menu is the same as the series has always had it from that era. I don't like the fancy newer menus. Crack in Time I found it more confusing & just used what I needed & if I needed to read something I would not equip it as I think you couldn't do that and by that logic made the menu look fancy but useless to me. Same with later entries I just stopped using the inventory. While older entries I use the inventory all the time besides the quick select for quick access if I want a gadget I don't mind swapping them out.
Part 3:
Too much grind I can agree with the RYNO price of bolts to skill points to the armour collectibles yeah they did go too far with it. Most Ratchet games do not offer that level of nonsense in them. SM/Clank are the most grindy in the series even besides the challenge mode or whatever RYNO plans of the Future saga onward that annoy me. Just being challenge mode was enough or the 150k/2 mill bolts not RYNO plans that while I don't mind finding collectibles and no interest in the skins to collect bolts for but collect them anyways for fun.
Music is ok not as good as 1-3 or Future saga. Missions are fair for what they were going for and the locations are creative of Inside Clank, Dreamtime and a few other planets. Dayni Moon while scripted moments is still cool too. More exciting then the Technomite city/clone factory to be honest the shrink to size levels with the cutscenes for it. XD
We don't see a Junkyard much either in the series so Metalis is great even if the frame rate for the flame on that level for the Titanium Bolt aren't great on PSP or PS2.
There is my not so mini response to the mini review.
Rift Apart was too short. This is too grindy. I just wish there was some consistency with reviews.
I was excited about this one, but the controls ruin it for me.
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