Tag: Dissidia Final Fantasy
News Square Enix Undecided About Dissidia For PlayStation 3
Later this year Sony will launch its PSP Remasters Series for PlayStation 3
The initiative will bring upgraded versions of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and both handheld God Of War titles to Sony's home-system. With two top-tier PSP titles already pledged to get the remasters treatment, many have been wondering which games will follow their lead...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 5th November 2009
Price Drops TV Show King ($6
99) X-Men Origins Wolverine - X Arena Pack ($4.99)</ul>Qore Episode 18 ($2.99 episode / $24.99 subscription) Downloadable Games Military Madness: Nectaris ($9.99) Numblast ($4.99) Gex (PSone Classic) ($5.99) Demos Trine Demo Military Madness: Nectaris Demo Add-on Content LittleBigPlanet - Anniversary...