Tag: Firmware Updates
News Sony Remembers the PS3 in Surprise Firmware Update
Update 4.92 available to download now
Turning the clock back roughly 15 years to the heights of the PS3 generation, Sony has supplied its third home console with an unexpected firmware update as of today, 5th March 2025. The system patch updates the console to a version number of 4.92, but don't expect it to come with any dramatic changes for the...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Available Now in Beta Phase
Sony invites you to try
Select PS5 owners have reported receiving emails from Sony that invite them to test out its current-gen console's latest firmware update for February 2025. This is not available to all users yet; instead, you need a code provided by Sony that can be used by you and up to four friends. Here are the patch notes for the new PS5...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Is Coming Today in Phased Release
What does version 25.01-10.60.00 do?
Sony has confirmed a new PS5 firmware update will be made available for its current-gen system today, updating the console to version number 25.01-10.60.00. Just like the previous one, this patch will be deployed in a phased release, so it may not be available for download immediately depending on your region...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Available Today in Phased Release
What does version 24.08-10.40.00 do?
Sony has confirmed a new PS5 firmware update will be available for the console today, releasing worldwide in a phased format. At the time of writing (11:35 am GMT), the patch isn't available in the UK, but users in other territories are saying they can download it now. It's a 1.3GB update, and Sony has provided...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available Now, Tweaks Activity Cards
What does version 24.07-10.20.00 do?
Sony has released a new system software update for PS5. Bringing the firmware to version 24.07-10.20.00, this isn't a major one, but it's a little more than the usual stability update. Coming in at just over 1.3 GB, here are the official patch notes for this latest firmware: Activities now display as In...
News PS5 Firmware Update Annoys with Unwanted Deluge of Ads, News Feed
This never would have happened under Jim Ryan
Over the weekend, we dimly became aware of a change that had taken place on our PS5 UI. Presumably added in the recent firmware update, it lay dormant, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, not unlike a horrible trapdoor spider. Whereas previously, the information underneath each game tile was mostly...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Aims to Fix Final Fantasy 16 Issues, Available to Download Now
What does version 24.06-10.01.00 do?
Update: Square Enix has confirmed on social media that this PS5 firmware update is primarily to address the recent issues with Final Fantasy 16: Hopefully it fixes things for those affected. We'll update this story when we can confirm the update has indeed sorted it out. Original Story: Sony has just rolled...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Adds Welcome Hub, Adaptive Controller Charging, Much More
What does version 24.06-10.00.00 do?
Sony has today released the latest system software update for PS5. Bringing the console to version 24.06-10.00.00, this 1.3GB patch adds a fair amount of new features and enhancements. The main new addition this time is the Welcome hub on the console's home menu. For those in North America, Welcome replaces the...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Update Adds Game Session Sharing via URL, Here Are the Patch Notes
What does version 24.05-09.60.00 do?
Hold onto your hats: it's firmware time. Sony has just released PS5's latest system software version, namely 24.05-09.60.00 to give it its full title. Weighing in at about 1.2GB, what can we expect from this latest firmware update? Well, there's more to this one than just stability and performance improvements...
News New PS Portal Firmware Update Adds Better Wi-Fi Features and More
Available to download tomorrow
Sony has today announced its handheld streaming device, the PS Portal, will receive a new firmware update tomorrow that brings with it a couple of new features. Most importantly, the wi-fi capabilities of the PS Portal are being expanded to support "select public wi-fi networks". Sony still recommends you use your home...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Adds Full Discord Calls and More
What does version 24.04-09.40.00 do?
PS5 firmware version 24.04-09.40.00 is available to download and install right now, and if you can believe it, the new update actually does more than just improve your system's stability. What a time to be alive... Discord is the headline act here. This update adds additional functionality for Discord users,...
News Upcoming PS5 Update Will Allow New Ways for Players to Connect
Save a spot for friends with a shareable link
Sony will add a new feature to PS5 later this year, allowing users to invite others to a multiplayer game by generating a shareable link on the console or via the PlayStation App. This link can then be shared on social media or via direct message, allowing AFK, offline, or even players you aren't friends...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Adds Community Game Help Feature, Here Are All the Patch Notes
What does version 24.03-09.20.00 do?
Sony has just released the latest PS5 system software update — always a glorious day on Planet PlayStation. Coming in at just over 1GB, it's available to download and install now. The question is, as always, what does the update do? As per the official patch notes, there are a few improvements, mostly...
News PS4 Is Still Getting Firmware Update Improvements, By the Way
Not forgotten
We suspect the vast majority of our readers will have moved on to the PS5 by now, but there are still millions upon millions of lingering PS4 users around the world. Sony has remained committed to the console, despite it now being over a decade old, and earlier this week it released a brand-new firmware update which actually makes some...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Available to Download Now
Beta testing complete
Following just over a month of beta testing, Sony has now rolled out the latest PS5 firmware update to all. It's available for download now for everyone that wasn't included in the beta phase. As per the PlayStation Blog, here are all the new features included: Controller speaker enhancements. The controller speakers can now...
News New PS5 Firmware Beta Improves DualSense Sound, Adds Share Screen Interactions
Starting today
Sony has just announced a new PS5 firmware update that's going into public beta testing today. A selection of PS5 users will be invited via email to try out the firmware's new features before it's rolled out to everybody. Time to check those inboxes! So, what's the deal with this firmware beta? Well, it's not an enormous one, but...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 24.01-08.60.00 do?
Our very favourite thing has once again come around: Sony has just dropped another firmware update for PS5. Coming in at about 1.1GB, what the devil does this new system software patch add to the party? Well, it's nothing huge, but it is more than the usual system performance update. You can now see Parties...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.02-08.40.00 do?
There's nothing like a fresh PS5 firmware update on a cold winter morning. Sony has just released the latest system software update for PS5, bringing it to version 23.02-08.40.00. So, does this one add any handy new features, or is it another that just improves system performance? It's closer to the latter, but...
News Secret PS5 Firmware Feature Makes a Change to Reflect PS5 Slim
Give it a rest
The patch notes for today's PS5 firmware update will only tell you to expect improved system performance, but another — more secret — tweak has also been made to Sony's consoles in the last day or so, and it concerns the updated PS5 model. Either place your PS5 in Rest Mode or begin the process to switch it off entirely and you...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.02-08.20.02 do?
Update: Sony has updated the PlayStation website with illuminating new details about this firmware update. Here're the official patch notes: This system software update improves system performance. We can all rest easy, now. Original Story: The best way to start the day is with a hearty breakfast a fresh new...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.02-08.20.00 do?
There's nothing like a firmware update to get your Thursday off to a good start. Sony has just pushed out a new system software update for PS5, weighing in at approximately 1.2GB. This is available to download and install now, bringing PS5's software up to version 23.02-08.20.00. So, what does it do? Actually,...
News Secret PS5 Update Finally Makes It Possible to Check for Updates on Games in Your Library
Update: It’s taken an obscenely long time to roll out for everyone, but you should all now have the ability to check for updates on PS5 software in your Game Library. Sony has quietly rolled out the feature without a firmware update, but if you dig into your catalogue of installed software and hit the Options button, you should see the...
News Secret PS5 Firmware Update Feature Spotlights Your Wall of Shame
What've yer been playin'?
As previously announced, Sony has phased out the underutilised Accolades feature on PS5 user profiles, and in the latest firmware update it’s stealthily redesigned the presentation of this area. You’ll now see a clearer breakdown of your Trophies in addition to your three most-played PlayStation games – a wall of...
News Stealth PS4 Firmware Update 11.00 Is Adding New Features
PS4 patch 11.00 available to download now
The only firmware update you'll see Sony actively promoting today is the PS5's new 23.02-08.00.00 patch, but the firm's older console, the PS4, hasn't been left to rot just yet. It's also been treated to a new firmware update, bringing the old girl up to version number 11.00. Weighing in at 495.4MB, it's...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Update Out Now, Adds Support for Dolby Atmos, Larger SSDs
Beta complete
Sony's latest firmware update for PS5 is here, and it's the one that's been in a beta testing phase since the end of July. System software version 23.02-08.00.00 is available to download and install now for all users, and it's a big one, adding support for Dolby Atmos, larger capacity SSDs, and much more. The update is just over 1GB in...
News PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition
Letter to Digital Foundry digs into the details
Mark Cerny, the lead architect of the PS5, has sent a candid letter to tech experts Digital Foundry, explaining exactly how Dolby Atmos works with the system’s upcoming firmware update. Fans had been hoping for the surround sound functionality to be supported from day one, but Sony instead emphasised...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.01- do?
Sony has just released a new system software update for PS5. Not to be confused with the firmware that's currently in beta, this update is a minor one — although it does require installation before you can sign back into PSN. Weighing in at 1.15GB, what does version 23.01- do, then? Here's the...
News New PS5 Firmware Beta Starts Today, Bigger SSD and Dolby Atmos Support
Mute the PS5 beep sound
Sony has today announced a new PS5 firmware update will enter the beta testing phase for qualifying users later today, bringing many more features to the current-gen console. If you've been selected to participate, you will receive an email invite within the next 24 hours. The countries the beta update will be available in...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available Now, Here Are the Patch Notes
What does version 23.01-07.60.00 do?
It's PS5 update day! Sony has just pushed out a new system software update for PS5, weighing in at just over 1GB. So, what's the deal? What does this new firmware do, exactly? System software version 23.01-07.60.00, to give it its full name, does what we all expect (and want). Here are the official patch notes:...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.01-07.40.00 do?
It's everyone's favourite news story: Sony has just released a new firmware update for PS5. It's been a little bit since the last one, but before you get too excited, this is just a small one. Nothing too crazy here. So, what does PS5 system software version 23.01-07.40.00 do? Here are the full patch notes for...
News PS5 Firmware Update Has Fixed an Overlooked PS4 Backwards Compatibility Issue
Fix up
There was much scepticism of PS5’s backwards compatibility prior to release, but it turned out really good. Practically the entirety of the PS4’s library works on Sony’s new-gen console, and benefits from improved performance and faster loading times. That means the transition between PlayStation platforms has never been easier, and...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Available to Download Now
What does version 23.01-07.20.00 do?
Sony has put out yet another PS5 firmware patch that you'll need to download before booting up a game for an evening play session. Weighing in at 1.151GB, it's on the smaller side so it should not take up too much of your time. The patch notes taken from the PS5 read: We've improved system software performance...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.01-07.01.01 do?
Sony has not long made a pretty major system software update for PS5, adding support for Discord voice calls among many other improvements. Since then, it's released a smaller update (with everyone's favourite patch note), and now, the platform holder has just pushed out another one. What's this one all about,...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 23.01-07.01.00 do?
Sony released a major PS5 firmware update just last week, adding Discord voice chat integration among many other changes. Despite that, it's already time for another one. Yes, there's a new PS5 system software update, and it's just over 1GB in size. What the flip does this one do, then? As you might expect, this...
News Some PS5 Fans Think This New Firmware Feature Is a Potential Spoiler
Depends on who you ask
Unless you've just emerged from deep underground, you are probably aware that that massive PS5 firmware update dropped yesterday, bringing with it Discord integration, VRR at 1440p and various other features and improvements. In addition, it also changed the way game discs work on a shared console.
News PS5 Firmware Update Finally Changes How Game Discs Work
Digital and physical games brought closer together
The latest PS5 firmware update is here, and you can see the full patch notes through the link. While the headline features bring Discord integration and other improvements to the forefront, one smaller change has flown a little under the radar, but it's worth highlighting. It's a tough thing to...
News PS4 Firmware Update 10.50 Available to Download Now
Happy firmware day
Not only has Sony released a big new update for PS5, its last-gen console, PS4, has also received new firmware. PS4 system software version 10.50 is available to download right now, weighing in at a pretty small 488MB. So, what does it do? Well, it doesn't have quite so many features as the PS5 update, but there's still more here...
News Huge PS5 Firmware Adds Discord Voice Chat, VRR at 1440p, Much More
Available now
Sony has just released the latest system software update for PS5. If you're keeping tabs on the version number, we're now at version 23.01-07.00.00. What does this 1.1GB update actually do, though? Quite a lot, as it turns out. This is the official release of the firmware that's been in beta for a while, integrating Discord as well as...
News What Year Is It? There's a New PS3 Firmware Update Out Now
Strong and stable
The year may be 2023, but Sony’s just released a new firmware update for the PS3! No, that’s not a typing error: the Japanese giant has just updated its 17-year-old last-last-gen system. Don’t expect any major new features in version 4.90, though: this one is all about that all-important stability. “This system software...
News PS5 Firmware Update Beta Invites Discord to the Party
Alongside raft of quality of life improvements
Sony is in the process of rolling out a new PS5 firmware update beta today, which brings with it the long-awaited integration of Discord. Unfortunately, the implementation isn’t quite as deep as we’d originally hoped, allowing you to join cross-platform party chats – albeit with the use of the...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Update Available Now, Prepares for DualSense Edge Launch
In control
The time has come once again: Sony has just released the latest firmware update for PS5. Fire up your console and you'll find it's ready to download and install (you'll also need to sign in after agreeing to the updated terms of service). At just over 1GB in size, it's not going to take you too long to sort out. This time, the new system...
News PS5 Firmware Update Makes Massive User Interface Improvements
Quality of life
Sony continues to refine and iterate on the PS5’s user interface, which was a little undercooked at launch but is gradually making great strides. One area it continues to champion and tweak are the Activity Cards, a feature designed to improve the speed at which you can access in-game activities. When used correctly, you’re able...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Right Now
What does version 22.02-06.02.00 do?
Slow down, Sony! It's only been a week since the previous PS5 firmware update, and now we're back again with yet another. Yes, today marks the release of the latest system software update, which is available to download and install now. Weighing in at just over 1GB, the new firmware does exactly what you'd...
News New PS5 Firmware Update Available to Download Now
Improves system performance
A new firmware update for the PS5 is available to download and install now, but don’t expect any major changes. The latest software – which weighs in at around 1.08GB – promises “improved system performance”, so expect various bug fixes and security tweaks behind-the-scenes, rather than any forward-facing...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Available Now, Adds Folders, 1440p Support, Much More
Beta complete
It's an overcast Wednesday morning, and we all know what that means: new PS5 firmware! Sony has just released the latest system software update for its current-gen console, weighing in at just over 1GB in size. So, what's the scoop on this one? What does the newest PS5 firmware actually do? Good news: it's a big one. After a short...
News PS5 Folders, 1440p Support Part of New Beta Update Out Today
Plus new social features
Sony has announced a new firmware update is rolling out today for PS5 beta testers that includes support for a 1440p resolution, folders (named Gamelists on PS5), and a variety of new social features. Available to download now for beta participants, Sony plans to offer the update to all PS5 users later this year. "As always,...
News The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now
What does version 22.01-05.50 do?
It's Thursday, everyone, and you know what that means. That's right, it's Friday tomorrow. However, before we concern ourselves with the future, let's focus on the now, because the now is quite exciting. Sony has just pushed out a brand new firmware update for PS5, and you can download and install it right now...
News PS4 Firmware Update 9.60 Is Available to Download Now
Patch note time
Sony seems to be updating PS4 as often as PS5 these days, keeping both consoles looking healthy. Earlier today, the company pushed a firmware update to its current console, and now it's PS4's turn. System software version 9.60 is available to download and install now. Weighing in at 492MB, you can probably guess what the single...
News Latest PS5 Firmware Update Available Now, Here Are the Patch Notes
What does version 22.01-05.10.00 do?
You just know when the morning starts with a new PS5 firmware update, it's going to be a good day. There's just no better feeling than when Sony pushes out the latest system software version, making that black-and-white beast the best it can be. You get to download the firmware update, then you get a...
News New PS3, PS Vita Firmware Updates Strengthen Account Security
Two-factor authentication required
Sony has improved account security on two of its legacy machines through new firmware updates deployed today. For PlayStation 3, we're looking at update 4.89 while PS Vita is now on version 3.74. Essentially, the two console patches remove the ability to create a PSN account on the systems themselves, now requiring...