Tag: Hardware - Page 15

  • News Amazon UK Offers One Last Chance to Snag PS4 Stock Before Christmas

    Last minute miracle

    If you’re in the UK, there’s still time to secure a PlayStation 4 before Christmas. Mega-retailer Amazon.co.uk has updated its product pages for the next generation console, indicating that it will have fresh supply of the sought-after system before Santa slips down your chimney. You’re going t

  • News Sony Shipping Significant Quantities of PS4 Stock to Australia in February

    Don't panic

    Now that they've won the ashes, Australians can turn their attention to a much more pressing and important matter: where to purchase a PlayStation 4. We recently learned that the Japanese giant intends to keep store shelves stocked over the Christmas period, but if you haven't locked down a system yet, you probably won't be getting one...

  • News Best Buy Refreshes Online PS4 Stock Ahead of the Holidays in North America

    Going, going...

    Sony’s currently flooding both the UK and North America with one final batch of PlayStation 4 consoles before Christmas, and Best Buy.com is the latest retailer to put the system up for sale. At the time of writing, the online store has a slew of different options, including some decent bundles featuring the next generation device...

  • Rumour Asda to Temporarily Replenish UK PS4 Stock on Tuesday

    Get them before they're gone

    There’ll come a day when you’ll be able to walk into a shop and purchase a PlayStation 4 without needing to worry about whether or not it’s actually in stock – but that moment is not now. Sony’s next generation system has been in short supply in the UK since its release on 29th November, and remains difficult...

  • Rumour PS4 Loses Black Friday Battle Against Xbox One

    One console to rule them all

    There’s been nothing but good news surrounding the PlayStation 4 of late, but Microsoft may have finally uncovered a chink in the Japanese giant’s armour. According to research firm Infoscout, the Xbox One beat Sony’s new super machine to the top of the Black Friday sales charts last week. The research group...

  • News Can't Find PS4 Stock in USA? It'll Be Available at Target Soon

    Snag a system before Christmas

    Just like fellow North American retailer Best Buy, a leaked advertisement has revealed that Target is expecting new PlayStation 4 stock imminently. A promotional slip for the store dated 15th December states that the sought after system will be r

  • News PS4 Stock Available at Best Buy in North America This Sunday

    Only in limited quantities

    We’ve been fairly thorough with our PlayStation 4 stock updates in the UK, but we appreciate that our readership spans further than the British Isles. Part of the reason for our focus, however, is down to the fact that Sony’s next generation console has been incredibly supply constrained across North America following...

  • News Looking for a Cheap PS4? You Should Probably Avoid eBay

    At least there's plenty of stock

    It was perhaps inevitable when the PlayStation 4 started selling out that wild consoles would begin fetching enormous figures on auction sites such as eBay. As we’ve been reporting over the past few days, Sony’s super machine is pretty difficult to find around the globe ?

  • News Where to Find PS4 Stock in the UK Before Christmas

    GAME, Argos, and Tesco in-stock for the holidays

    You want a PlayStation 4, and we’re determined to help you to find one. Sony’s next generation system has been a smash success in the UK, selling a record-breaking 250,000 units in just 48 hours – but the platform holder has still struggled to meet demand. That means that consoles are in short...

  • News PS4 Stock Sells Like Lightning at Amazon in North America

    Zap 'em up

    Sony’s next generation console is breaking records all over the globe at the moment – and there’s no sign of that enthusiasm slowing down. Amazon.com temporarily restocked the next generation console in North America earlier this week, but it sold out in approximately 25 minutes.

  • News Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 Mega Bundle In Stock at Amazon UK on 11th December


    You may yet be spending the holidays with the Helghast after all, as Amazon.co.uk has revealed that it will have fresh PlayStation 4 Mega Bundle stock available on 11th December. The cost-effective Gamer Pack – which includes a 500GB console, a copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall, two DualShock 4 controllers, and a PlayStation Camera – will...

  • News Phase 3 PS4 Stock Seeping into UK GAME Stores Now

    Add to basket

    Are you still struggling to find a PlayStation 4? New stock is arriving around the UK as we type – but you’re going to need to be speedy if you hope to secure one of the sought after systems. GAME outlets throughout the country are reporting that they’ve received Phase 3 stock of the next generation platform today, and while much...

  • News PS4 Christmas Bundles In Stock at Zavvi in the UK

    Available for a pretty penny

    Are you hoping to get a PlayStation 4 before Christmas? The consoles are becoming scarcer than fairy dust, but UK retailer Zavvi has the system in stock right now – assuming that you’re willing to pay a premium for the privilege of spending your holidays with the Helghast. Available for the paltry sum of

  • News Sony Thanks the Players for Contributing to 2.1 Million PS4 Sales Worldwide

    Just the start

    It’s been little more than two weeks since the PlayStation 4 first debuted, but the console has already shifted an incredible 2.1 million units. Regular readers will recall the device moving one million units within 24 hours in North America. This impressive figure was followed in the UK, where the system smashed s

  • News What's New on PS4? The Social Feed Has Been Switched Back On

    Connected consoles

    There’s a lot to like about the PlayStation 4, but one of its strongest assets is how social it is. Unlike the PlayStation 3, the console makes it easy to keep track of your friends – and that’s about to get a lot simpler, as Sony has switched back on the ‘What’s New’ feed. This was disabled dur

  • News How Much Money Did PS4 Make in 48 Hours in the UK?

    It only prints money

    Sony has smashed records in the UK, making the PlayStation 4 the country’s fastest selling console of all time – but how much money did the platform accrue within 48 hours? Industry publication MCV estimates that the system raked in a whopping £87 million ($142 million) during its first two

  • News Wow, the PS4 Is the UK's Fastest Selling Console of All Time

    Like hotcakes

    A recent report from Chart-Track has revealed that the PlayStation 4 is the fastest selling console in UK history. The brand new machine beat out the previous record-holder, Sony's own PlayStation Portable, which sold 185,000 units during its 2005 launch. It seems that a policy of listening to gamer feedback is paying dividends for the...

  • News Wow, These PS4 Queues in Berlin Are Absolutely Insane

    Lining up for the launch lineup

    You may have heard people refer to Europe as ‘Sony Land’ in the past, but what does that actually mean? Well, this video of a PlayStation 4 midnight launch event in Berlin should give you a good idea, as it takes one amateur cameraman almost four minutes to sprint from the back of the line to the front. It’s the...

  • News Sony: PS Vita's Not Our Biggest Seller, But It's a Loved Machine

    Organisation optimistic about portable's prospects

    Nearly two years since its original launch, the PlayStation Vita finds itself in a bit of a strange spot. The console has amassed a reasonable selection of must-play games, with Soul Sacrifice, Killzone: Mercenary, and the absolutely exceptional Tearaway among the highlights – but it’s still...

  • News Sony Will Be Shipping More PS4s Down Under Before Christmas

    'Tis the season

    With all of this talk of the European PlayStation 4 launch, it's easy to forget that the shiny new console debuted in Australia overnight as well. And it seems that, as has been the trend worldwide, Sony underestimated the huge demand for the machine. SCE Australia managing director Michael Ephraim was shocked at the numbers that he...

  • Out Today PS4 Provides the Best Place to Play in Europe

    The console cometh

    We’re not sure we can come up with any different ways to say that the PlayStation 4 has launched. Regular readers will know that we’ve already typed a dozen articles pertaining to the release of Sony’s next generation console in November alone, so hopefully you’ll forgive us a basic block of text as we’re creatively...

  • News Not Got a Pre-Order? Here's Where You Can Buy a PS4 in the UK

    Cutting it fine

    You really should have pre-ordered a PlayStation 4 a long time ago if you wanted to get one in time for launch, but there is still hope at some stores around the UK. To be in with a chance of nabbing a wild console, you’re probably going to need to consider queuing up soon as we’re expecting the system to sell out quick. Still,

  • News Sony: We Are Expecting Record Sales for the PS4 in Europe

    Player power

    While those of you in North America merrily fill your faces with Thanksgiving turkey, the majority of Europe is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the PlayStation 4. The next generation console may be old news by now in the Land of the Free, but the platform is poised to deploy in the Old World imminently. And writing on the PlayStation...

  • News You Can Substantially Speed Up Your PS4 by Swapping in a New Hard Drive

    Gotta go fast

    The PlayStation 4 comes with a suitably large 500GB hard drive. But between those staggeringly huge mandatory installs, the system's memory-guzzling operating system, and the inevitable slew of free PlayStation Plus games, it's likely that you'll find yourself running out of space sooner rat

  • News Are You in Europe? Don't Worry, PS4 Is Right Around the Corner

    Let's do this again

    It’s been a mad month so far with the North American launch of the PlayStation 4 – but it sure isn’t over yet. While we’ve had a week or so to calm down as the lucky folks in the Land of the Free get to grips with the next generation console, we’re psyching ourselves for round two, as the system readies itself for...

  • News Discover the Best Way to Play with PS4 and Vita Ultimate Bundle

    Forever friends

    It’s been rumoured for an eternity, but MCV reports that an ‘Ultimate Bundle’ collating the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita is set to hit UK store shelves this year. According to the site, the platform holder has decided to lump the two systems together ahead of Christmas, allowing flush consumers to key into the entire Sony...

  • News Sony Swapping Faulty PS4s As Fast As Physically Possible

    Beep, beep

    Sony doesn’t want you twiddling your thumbs while you stare at the dreaded ‘Blue Light of Death’, and so it’s committed to swapping faulty PlayStation 4 systems faster than The Road Runner from classic cartoon fame. Perhaps in an effort to subdue any mounting social network backlash, the company has confirmed that anyone unlucky...

  • News PS4 Smashes Canadian Launch Sales Records

    Platform holder now looking to the future

    Sony has claimed that the PlayStation 4 enjoyed the biggest Canadian launch in gaming history – and given last week’s incredible sell-through tally, we don't think that it's exaggerating at all. Speaking with our friends over at

  • News Sony: PS4 Launch Is Just the Beginning for the Console

    The game is just the start

    Don’t go thinking that on the back of unprecedented first day sales Sony is going to slip into its old arrogant persona, as SCEA marketing executive Jon Koller has told GamesBeat that the PlayStation 4 is just the beginning for the next generation console. Speaking as part of the system’s launch event in New York City,...

  • News Get Hot and Bothered with These Thermal Images of the PS4

    Pretty cool

    Perhaps the most glaring oversight in the PlayStation 4's design is its inability to withstand shots from a sniper rifle. However, if this shocking omission is forcing you to reconsider your pre-order, we have some good news for you. We're happy to report that, barring any heavy military intervention, your shiny new system isn't likely...

  • News No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight

    "Have you tried turning it on and off again?"

    While the PlayStation 4's launch seems to have run fairly smoothly, there are still some isolated issues plaguing the system. The first reported problems were related to faults with the machine's HDMI ports, but these seem to have been cleared up relatively quickly. What continues to rear its ugly head,...

  • News Sony Unfazed by Isolated Instances of Faulty PS4 Consoles

    Failure rate within expectations

    While there was widespread hysteria yesterday when a batch of early PlayStation 4 consoles bricked, last night’s North American launch hasn’t exactly brought a glut of bad news. That’s because it seems that, aside from a few isolated cases, the next generation console is pretty well built – and the platform...

  • Out Today PlayStation 4 Paints North America Blue

    Tears of joy

    We’re running out of ways to say that the PlayStation 4 has launched, so let’s skip over the awkward introductions and get straight to the point: the next generation has finally arrived. It’s been a rollercoaster year filled to the brim with policy reversals, rumours, and more Talking Points than we care to count, but that’s all...

  • News You'll Want to Rip These Tearaway Bundles Off Store Shelves

    They'll tear a hole in your wallet

    Sony has today announced these fantastic European PlayStation Vita bundles that are set to include Media Molecule's upcoming papercraft title Tearaway. The first package features a Wi-Fi Vita model and the whimsical platformer. Bundle number two also contains the same handheld model, as well as a voucher to...

  • News Don't Worry, Sony Believes Defective PS4s Are Isolated Incidents

    Keep calm and remain hyped

    In the aftermath of Microsoft’s red ring of death blunder, there’s more than a little anxiety surrounding the build quality of the impending PlayStation 4. Unfortunately, it’s an inevitability that electronics will fail, and following reports of broken consoles overnight, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei...

  • News This inFAMOUS: Second Son PS4 Bundle Will Bring You Good Karma


    One of the more highly anticipated PlayStation 4 exclusives is undoubtedly Sucker Punch's open world action – and angst simulation – game inFAMOUS: Second Son. The upcoming sequel sees good-for-nothing graffiti artist Delsin Rowe battling against the totalitarian DUP, as well as some other nasty conduits. And from what we've seen so...

  • News Your 500GB PS4 Is Essentially a 400GB PS4


    It seems that you're going to have to keep a close eye on your storage space on the PlayStation 4 – just look at our recent reports on the large mandatory installs for next-gen games such as Call of Duty: Ghosts and Knack. With such huge installs, the black box's 500GB of internal storage is beginning to look smaller and smaller, and a...

  • News What Can You Use PS4 Voice Commands For?

    PlayStation, play Killzone: Shadow Fall

    Unlike the Xbox One, voice commands will be pretty limited on the PlayStation 4 – but that’s hardly surprising considering that the functionality was only announced a couple of months ago. Speaking as part of a press session in New York City earlier this week, the platform holder confirmed that you won’t...

  • News Want to Know How Skilful You Are? PS4 Trophies Will Be Classified by Rarity


    Sony’s popular Trophy system has always been good at distinguishing different types of players. While other achievement systems plump up for a big fat score, PlayStation’s solution is able to separate the completionists from the samplers. However, the format’s set to get even more specific with the upcoming PlayStation 4, as it will...

  • News Tretton: We're Very Confident We're in Great Shape with PS4

    That's the spirit

    Sony has been bullish about a platform launch before – but with the PlayStation 3, that buoyancy felt phoned in. With its impending next generation console, however, there’s a swagger from its executives that seems believable – and Jack Tretton has furthered that in an interview on the eve of the PlayStation 4’s launch,...

  • News How Does the PS4 Deal with Those Massive Mandatory Installs?

    Largely painless

    There was an industry-wide panic attack when Call of Duty: Ghosts’ leaked PlayStation 4 box art revealed that you’ll need 49GB of hard-drive space in order to play the first-person shooter. Installs have been a blight on the PlayStation 3 for the entirety of its seven year lifespan, with some games seemingly taking longer to...

  • News Here's What the Inside of the PS4's Packaging Looks Like

    Hype levels rising

    The PlayStation 4 is only a few short days away, and if you thought that your hype levels were at their absolute peak, wait until you watch this recently released official unboxing video. Donning a pair of slightly bizarre leather gloves, Sony Worldwide Studios president – and all-around awesome guy – Shuhei Yoshida gives a...

  • News Received Your PS4 Early? Don't Worry, Sony Won't Ban You

    That's reassuring

    Microsoft may have attracted even more ire this weekend by banning a pre-release Xbox One, but Sony has confirmed that it won’t be following suit. In the Redmond-based manufacturer’s defence, it has said that it will reverse the block nearer to launch, but the Japanese giant has promised that you won’t have any similar issues...

  • News Wow, the PS4's Packaging Is Slimmer Than You Might Think

    Has a handle, too

    For a system packing as much power as the PlayStation 4, it’s impressive just how small its chassis actually is. The console’s svelte appearance is mimicked by its packaging, however, as these warehouse images indicate. With the system just over seven days away from release, retailers across North America are starting to rece

  • News What Does the PS4 Look Like Outside of Its Beautiful Black Case?

    Not safe for work

    Phew, we can’t help but feel a little hot under the collar as we write this. Wired has posted an exclusive teardown of the PlayStation 4, which includes full commentary from Yasuhiro Ootori, the director of the mechanical engineering team responsible for constructing the next generation console. In the video found through here,...

  • News PS4 Makes a Song and Dance in Korea on 17th December

    Geez, geez

    Spare a thought for Japan, which is pretty much the only region not set to get the PlayStation 4 this year. Not content with deploying across the majority of the Western world, Sony has announced that the next generation console will arrive in South Korea on 17th December. Way back in September, the firm confirmed that Hong Kong,...

  • News PlayStation 3 Smashes 80 Million Worldwide Sales

    Like hotcakes

    Sony has announced in a press release today that, as of November 2nd, the PlayStation 3 has reached a total of over 80 million combined worldwide sales. That's right, our beloved black box has finally caught up to its competitor; the Xbox 360 reached this momentous milestone last month. Not content to rest on its 80 million laurels,...

  • News Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag PS4 Bundle Makes Prize Plunder

    Worth a real or two

    You may need a treasure map to track down a PlayStation 4 this Christmas, but should you locate an Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag bundle, we reckon that you’ll be sailing home a happy mariner. Sony has confirmed that it’s teamed up with Ubisoft to concoct a brand new hardware package, which includes a 500GB next generation...

  • News Greatness Approaches with Sony's Latest PS4 Hardware Trailer

    Days away

    If you’ve been following this site since Sony’s big PlayStation 4 unveiling back in February, then there’s a good chance that you already know everything that there is to know about the next generation console. That fact shouldn’t make this brand new hardware trailer any less exciting, though, as it takes you on a tour of the...

  • News Sony: PS4 Demand Surged Following Xbox One's Delay

    Company can't keep up

    Sony is struggling to keep up with demand for its impending next generation console. Despite increasing its internal estimates after an outrageously strong E3 showing earlier in the year, the company conceded that it may not be able provide everyone with a system this Christmas – and