Tag: Team 17 - Page 4

  • Review Sheltered (PS4)

    Crawl out through the fallout

    Sheltered is a strategy game about ensuring that your family survives after a nuclear apocalypse. To be totally fair, it's about a lot more than that – resource management, adventuring, trading, etc – but you'll spend the majority of your time with this plucky indie not thinking about those things in the abstract,...

  • Review The Escapists: The Walking Dead (PS4)

    Daily Grimes

    The Escapists: The Walking Dead is an aptly named amalgamation of the prison break indie game, The Escapists, coupled with the smash hit comic book and TV series, The Walking Dead. It takes all of the original game's mechanics and fits them into the world of Rick Grimes' undead uber-brand. As expected from a game set in that world,...

  • News The Escapists: The Walking Dead Bites into PS4 in February


    Team 17 recently lunged at t he PlayStation Blog to announce that The Escapists: The Walking Dead is set to release on the PlayStation 4 on 16th February in North America and Europe. We sense that it's slightly after Valentine's Day because your days will be over before you know it – may as well enjoy time with your other half before you're...

  • News PT's Spiritual Successor Could Sport PlayStation VR Support


    This author's been thinking about horror on PlayStation VR a lot lately. Regular readers will have gazed at our article on Kitchen, the virtual reality tech demo by Capcom that caused this author to come out in cold sweats. The thing is, that experience is nowhere near as frightening as PT, so the

  • Review Overruled! (PS4)

    Case dismissed

    Overruled! is a frantic, diverse brawler in which yourself and three other players compete against each other in order to amass points, with the highest total winning the match. Your score is determined by your performance in a selection of objectives, as well through more conventional means, like attacking your opponents – but...

  • Review Beyond Eyes (PS4)

    Feline fine

    Video games are like empathy generators. More than any other medium they allow us to feel what it might be like to be another type of person. Beyond Eyes is great example of this – a game which attempts to simulate the experience of being blind. But while it plays host to some fiendishly clever design, its slow pace and slightly...

  • News Team 17 Worms in on PS4 Platformer Yooka-Laylee

    Publisher brought in for 'boring' bits

    It feels like eons ago that Yooka-Laylee double-jumped onto Kickstarter and took crowd-funding by storm. The platformer holds the record for the highest earning British game on the site, but its mere £2 million tally has been overshadowed somewhat by the successes of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and...

  • Review Schrödinger's Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark (PlayStation 4)

    Dead and alive

    Brandishing a rather fetching title, Schrödinger's Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark (Schrödinger's, henceforth) introduces itself as somewhat of a novel addition to the 2D platforming realm, boasting eccentric stylised graphics and an intriguingly educational premise. Once you dig deeper than these cosmetic oddities, however,...

  • Review The Escapists (PlayStation 4)

    Bored behind bars

    Every great prison break in history has been executed by someone with the ability to make a fully functioning machine gun out of two plastic forks, a DVD of Adam Sandler's 1989 cinematic masterpiece Going Overboard, and three inches of wire. The Escapists teaches you everything that you need to know when you inevitably get locked...

  • News The Escapists Flee to PS4 from 29th May

    No plans for a Vita version, though

    We're not quite sure why it's taken Team 17 so long to bring its roster of intriguing indie titles to the PlayStation 4, but with the somewhat disappointing LA Cops now out of the way, it's the turn of The Escapists to break free from the shackles of other systems – and find sanctuary on Sony's new-gen machine...

  • Review LA Cops (PlayStation 4)


    Hotline Miami's not necessarily the kind of game that you'd expect to attract a string of copycats, but LA Cops follows developer Dennaton's brutal blueprint down to the most specific of details. You play as one of six clichéd LAPD law enforcers, with your objective to bring justice to some of America's most wanted. You'll do this by...

  • News LA Cops Styles Its Afro on PS4 Next Week


    Team 17 is on a bit of a PlayStation 4 binge right now, as it's announced that LA Cops will be cuffing itself to Sony's next-gen machine starting next week. The afro-adorning isometric shooter can perhaps be best compared to Hotline Miami, as you tactically infiltrate criminal settlements in your shades and proceed to, ahem, take out the...

  • News The Escapists Is Finally Making a Run for It on PS4

    Leg it, lads

    Innovative indie The Escapists is finally breaking out on PlayStation 4, Team 17 has revealed. Playing as prison inmates as you attempt to plan and carry out an escape attempt, the 2D title can be quite brutal, especially if you haven't sewn up all of your loose ends. It's a rather in-depth release, too, boasting plenty of content to...

  • Review Flockers (PlayStation 4)

    Sheep thrills

    In the nineties, Lemmings was so popular with gamers that it appeared on a mind boggling number of platforms, as millions tried – with varying degrees of success – to guide the careless rodents to safety. Since those heady days, you don’t see many titles that follow the Lemmings formula, but with the release of Flockers on the...

  • Gamescom 2014 Have Your Own Great Escape in The Escapists

    You didn't see anything

    You can commit plenty of crimes in games these days, but you can get away with them scot-free just by hacking a few traffic lights or getting a paint job on your car. In The Escapists, developed by Mouldy Toof Studios and published by Team 17, you find yourself locked in a high security prison, seeking a way to escape...

  • News Worms Battlegrounds Will Bring Bonkers Brawling to PS4 Very Soon

    Come on then

    The long running Worms franchise is essentially the anti-Highlander, as there seems to be an endless supply of the humorous strategy games to go around. Sony's super machine will soon be getting its very own iteration, with the announcement of Worms Battlegrounds. The game will be launching on 30th May in Europe and 3rd June in North...

  • Review Worms: Revolution Extreme (PlayStation Vita)

    Extreme port

    Originally released for the PlayStation 3 last year, we found Worms: Revolution to be “a game that will appeal more to old school fans, as newcomers will find it frustrating due to its control issues”. Having made the jump to the PlayStation Vita with all three of its DLC packs and a subtle name expansion, does the touch-friendly...

  • Review Superfrog HD (PlayStation 3)

    Princely or wince-worthy?

    Superfrog HD is the remake of an Amiga classic from 1993 and was made by the trusted people at Team 17, who are famous for the Worms series. The narrative is not really groundbreaking, but it tells the sweet love story of a prince and a princess. As with all magical kingdoms, though, fate has something else in mind for the...

  • News Alien Breed Stalks the European PlayStation Store This Week

    Showing its teeth

    Team 17 will pay homage to James Cameron all over again this week, when its Amiga classic Alien Breed fires onto the PlayStation 3 and Vita in Europe. The top-down blaster will set you back just £6.49 for both versions, and will be buoyed by a further 20 per cent discount for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Those of you in North...

  • News Alien Breed Infects the PS3 and Vita Next Month

    They're coming out of the walls

    Not content with its recent PlayStation Mobile port, Team 17 has announced that its retro run-and-gun arcade blaster Alien Breed is coming to both the PlayStation 3 and Vita next month. The British studio – which is best known for its anthropomorphic annelids – is aiming to take advantage of various cross-platform...

  • News Worms Revolution Attacks PlayStation 3 This October

    Early bird

    Worms Revolution is set to slither onto the PlayStation Network on 10th October, developer Team 17 has announced. The latest entry in the long-running multiplayer series promises a host of new features, including “new physics objects, dynamic water and an awesome class system”. In order to celebrate the announcement, Team 17’s...

  • News Team 17 Releases Brand New Worms Crazy Golf Footage

    Throwing grenades is one of the most fun things you can do in Team 17's Worms series, so golf seems to work fairly naturally in the franchise's natural 2D environment

    But of course, this is Worms Crazy Golf, and so there are a hole [snigger - Ed] manner of hazards and obstacles along the way. Check out the gameplay trailer after the jump for a...

  • News Team 17 Announces Worms Crazy Golf For PlayStation Network

    We love arcade golf games

    Clap Hanz's Everybody's Golf series is one of our favourite PlayStation franchises of all-time, even if it rarely changes with each new iteration. So we always get a little excited when we learn about a brand new, whimsical golf game. Take Team 17's Worms Crazy Golf, "a brazenly bonkers mixture of classic 2D Worms and...

  • News Team 17 Announce Worms Ultimate Mayhem For PlayStation Network

    Not got enough Worms from the PlayStation Network yet? Team 17's got your back, with a new title in the series Worms Ultimate Mayhem

    But wait just a moment — this is a "souped-up" version of Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem, so naturally it's 3D. All of the content from the aforementioned games will return, in addition to bonus missions and...

  • News We'd Buy A Worms Themed Crazy Golf Game

    Fact: everyone likes Worms, and everyone likes crazy golf

    Therefore the two mixed together must be an example of serious retail potential right? That's exactly what the American ratings board, the ESRB, has hinted towards, with Worms: Crazy Golf due for release on PlayStation 3. A similar game was released on Java-enabled mobile phones several years...

  • News Team 17: PSPgo's Issues Are Price Related, Not Digital Distribution

    We love our PSPgo here at PushSquare, but it'd be fair to say that it's not been the most well received hardware re-release for some time

    Talking up digital distribution in an interview with IncGamers, Team 17's Martyn Brown reckons the PSPgo's issues are inherent of price. “Digital Distribution is here to stay. I think the issues with the PSPgo...

  • News Alien Breed: Impact Coming To Playstation 3 This Summer

    Team 17's finally announced that Alien Breed: Impact - an expanded version of XBOX Live Arcade exclusive Alien Breed: Evolution - will launch on the Playstation Store this summer

    Alien Breed: Impact's a new entry in the classic Alien Breed franchise. It's a game where you shoot things. Lots of them. The press release notes: "Alien Breed: Impact...

  • News Alien Breed Evolution PS3 As Late As June

    Team 17 has confirmed to Gamerzines that their franchise reboot, Alien Breed Evolution, will not hit the Playstation 3 until as late as "perhaps June

    " The announcement comes after Team 17 announced a December 17th release for the XBLA version of the game, timed exclusivity they contribute to the "way of the world." No offence Team...

  • News Team 17's Head Gets Arsey About Timed Exclusivity & Pissy Playstation Owners

    Team 17 are to release Alien Breed Evolution as a timed exclusive on the XBOX Live Arcade

    Studio head Martyn Brown had the following words of "comfort" for disappointed Playstation 3 owners. "I appreciate PS3 owners getting pissed off because it's not on their platform immediately, but that's up to Sony I guess to address that."...

  • News Team 17's Alien Breed Remake Screenshots Materialise

    Team 17's Amiga classic Alien Breed is set to see a release on the Playstation 3 in the form of the remade Alien Breed Evolution

    Generic titles aside the game looks flipping awesome. Here's what Team 17 had to say:"Team17 are absolutely delighted to formally confirm the return of one of its most cherished properties in Alien Breed Evolution...