I just picked up Xblaze, and that's it for me. I don't think there is anything coming to PS3 anymore until whenever BlazBlue Central Fiction releases in Europe. ...At least, I certainly hope it will be released on PS3 outside Japan!
Didn't Troy also voice Batman in Arkham Origins? In any case, I'm sure he'll do a fine job in this game. Hopefully Telltale can get this game up to the high standards that Tales from the Borderlands brought to the table.
I think Capcom could've fixed all the problems with the game by just having the game at a low price at the beginning, and then steadily ramping up the price to 60 euros/dollars as they release more content. That way the pro scene can get started early, and the non-pros can get the game either for a low price or whenever it has all the content they wanted. Sadly, Capcom got greedy, and I really want to punch them for giving this awesome game such a bad rep from the start, just like with SFxT.
It is probably one of my favourite fighting games to watch right now, and for all intents and purposes Capcom slowly adding content actually helps the game stay fresh for months or even years!
I literally just got Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires yesterday after a sudden pricedrop on the Playstation Store, and whilst playing it, I thought "I wish there was a Empires game for Samurai Warriors..." Koei Tecmo, are you spying on me?
Comments 8
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience Announced, Contains All DLC
Not for PS3, huh. I suppose I'll just wait until the next big PSN sale and get the games that way.
Re: Berserk Looks Bloody Brilliant in New PS4 Screenshots
You guys weren't kidding about this looking better than the current anime.
Re: Store Update: 21st June 2016 (Europe)
I just picked up Xblaze, and that's it for me. I don't think there is anything coming to PS3 anymore until whenever BlazBlue Central Fiction releases in Europe. ...At least, I certainly hope it will be released on PS3 outside Japan!
Re: E3 2016: Holy Cel-Shading, Batman! Telltale Tackles the Dark Knight in New Series
Didn't Troy also voice Batman in Arkham Origins? In any case, I'm sure he'll do a fine job in this game. Hopefully Telltale can get this game up to the high standards that Tales from the Borderlands brought to the table.
Re: Soapbox: Street Fighter V Gets a Lot of Hate, But It Succeeds Superbly as a Tournament Game
I think Capcom could've fixed all the problems with the game by just having the game at a low price at the beginning, and then steadily ramping up the price to 60 euros/dollars as they release more content. That way the pro scene can get started early, and the non-pros can get the game either for a low price or whenever it has all the content they wanted. Sadly, Capcom got greedy, and I really want to punch them for giving this awesome game such a bad rep from the start, just like with SFxT.
It is probably one of my favourite fighting games to watch right now, and for all intents and purposes Capcom slowly adding content actually helps the game stay fresh for months or even years!
Re: Store Update: 8th March 2016 (Europe)
Ooh, I wonder what that mysterious Bonus is (with capital B, of course) for Samurai Warriors 4 Empires?
Re: October's PlayStation Plus Freebies Will Be Revealed Next Week
Well, considering that I just got a PS3 and right now it's basically a Fighting Game and Musou Simulator... maybe more of those games?
Re: TGS 2015: Samurai Warriors 4 Empires Conquers Europe and North America in Early 2016
I literally just got Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires yesterday after a sudden pricedrop on the Playstation Store, and whilst playing it, I thought "I wish there was a Empires game for Samurai Warriors..."
Koei Tecmo, are you spying on me?