Comments 4

Re: Guide: PS5 Controller - DualSense Features, Design, Price, and PlayStation 5 Controller Battery Life


Same here! Almost! I got almost 3yr from the ps4 controller that came in the box with my ps4 system. I wonder if the manufacturing quality has fallen off in recent years? All manufacturers eventually produce a few lemons! Maybe I'm the lucky guy that always manages to grab the one lemon while leaving behind 49 other perfectly built and long lasting DualShock4 controllers!! While doing some serious research on the DualShock4 I've found about 1 in 10 ps4 owners have the same stick drift issues!! They are also experts at identifying, picking, and purchasing multiple lemon controllers!
Are "The Stick Drift Kids" unlucky lemon picking losers?
Has Sony been hiding a serious problem with the DualShock4?
Do "The Drifters" use and abuse the DualShock4 way more than most causing catastrophic joystick failure?!?!
The only thing I can be sure of is how bored I must be to leave this long and useless comment. I really need to get a life or a working DualShock4 controller.

Re: PS5 Controller Looks a Lot Like DualShock 4 in New Patent


Forgot to say great job on the USB-C charger! For those of you that aren't familiar USB-C is far better than the micro USB. The "C" doesn't have those 2 little tabs on top that are supposed to hold the "micro" version in place. We all know the tabs get worn out won't hold the cable in place and your phone or whatever else won't charge. In my experience the "C" doesn't get worn out!! Not to mention it is capable of twice the charging speed (I think this depends on the battery). Anyway great job on the USB-C charger swith

Re: PS5 Controller Looks a Lot Like DualShock 4 in New Patent


I'm very happy to see that the DualShock 5 has kept the classic Dual Shock design and shape. This way players are comfortable and have to make very little adjustments. I would assume this means some of the DualShock4 parts and components will be repurposed into the new DualShock5. This would be an obvious way to save money. Which is perfectly fine and understandable. All that said I hope and prey the components and mechanisms for the analogue sticks are replaced, redesigned or somehow upgraded! NO STICK DRIFT!!!! PLEASE!!! In the last 3 months I've purchased three DualShock4 controllers due to stick drift. The most recently bought controller lasted all three weeks before MAJOR DRIFT occurred on the left stick. Meanwhile the right stick was just beginning to wonder. I'll admit I'm a bit rough on controllers so I made sure to be extremely gentle with my most recent controller! Gentle didn't help at all. Hey Sony before you add all these new features that may or may not be helpful please consider addressing the old problems and Beef up the analogue sticks on the DualShock 5.

Re: Guide: PS5 Controller - DualShock 5 Features, Price, and PlayStation 5 Controller Battery Life


I wouldn't care if the battery life was zero hours!!! A wired controller would be awesome if it had NO STICK DRIFT!!!! In the last 3 months I've purchased three DualShock4 controllers due to stick drift. The most recently bought controller lasted all three weeks before MAJOR DRIFT occurred on the left stick. Meanwhile the right stick was just beginning to wonder. I'll admit I'm a bit rough on controller so I made sure to be extremely gentle with my most recent controller! Gentle didn't help at all. Hey Sony before you add all these new features that may or may not be helpful please consider addressing the old problems and Beef up the analogue sticks on the DualShock 5.