Comments 68

Re: Review: SSX (PlayStation 3)


Very well written review, but maybe someone else should have done it.... This is one of the funnest games i've played in a long time..... I would hate for this to deter someone from experiencing it.

Re: Round Table: Let's Talk About PlayStation Vita


Fun and interesting conversation, wish i was there with you guys...

Personally, I love the system completely, I worry about it's future as far as developers sticking with it.... It's got so much potential and could be something really special, but since when has that ever mattered to the general public?

Re: First Assassin's Creed III Shots Hit the Net


I started the first.... got a little monotonous. Loved the 2nd. Didn't even attempt Brotherhood or Revelations....

But, this looks unbelievable. I can't really think of a better direction that they could've taken it... Will definitely keep checking in on this one

Re: Review: Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (PlayStation Vita)


I just want a giant wonderful RPG to get lost in.... Dragon Age (Origins) would be lovely. Remake or a true sequel, either would be great. Or just a new title all together.... this system is just begging for something like that... and it's the first that could actually accomplish it.

Re: Out Today: PlayStation Vita (North America and Europe)


It's beautiful.... can't stop staring at it. I haven't even turned the thing on yet. I traded in my 360 and MW3. Got around 135 in credit. Picked up the system, Uncharted, and an 8g card. The memory's so small. People complain about the new mandatory card, but that's just BS. They've put that much into something so small, in order to keep the size and weight of the system down, and to prevent piracy. Which is what really devastated the PSP and kept developers from investing. I don't have any problems at all. And it's just so pretty, and a LOT lighter than i thought it would be. Couldn't be happier.

Re: Review: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (PlayStation 3)


I've beaten every R&C several times... but i could never even get to the end of this one.... I wanted to love it SO bad.. but it just didn't happen. Tried multiple times, it's probably just me. I never got frustrated with any one in the entire series, but this game just made me mad several times...

The emphasis on multiplayer(which was something i've always wanted before, because i almost always play through these with a friend), the fixed camera, the monotonous enemies, and the juvenile puzzles and gameplay.... it just felt like a completely different game.... maybe aimed towards more of a family friendly/younger audience... maybe trying to cash in on the leisure gamers, which kind of pisses me off... I don't know.

I still recommend it to anyone that wants to give it a shot, but to me it felt like cheating on a girlfriend with a dude.... but some people like that, so there you go.

Would LOVE to see a true Insomniac title for the Vita.... that would be fantastic

Re: Sony Not Planning PS2 or PS3 Titles for PS Vita


I think the PS2 game collection would be a terrible thing to waste.... So many amazing games that appeal to so many gamers..... And it's been a generation sense most people have even played most of them, if at all. They would attract fans new and old..... doesn't really make since. I love Sony, but most of the time it seems like they just don't want to make money

Re: Tretton: "I'd be Very Distracted by PS4 Announcement"


I'm trading in my 360 slim for a Vita next week. I'm a completely unbiased gamer, but i honestly played my 360 probably ten times in two years..... The PS3 is still extremely relevant and has plenty more to offer. I want Sony to just focus on the Vita, and games. The guy knows what he's talking about, surprisingly.

Re: Talking Point: Do We Need PlayStation 4 Yet?


No, they need to just pay attention the still plenty capable PS3. But mainly they need to just throw everything they've got at the Vita. I honestly wouldn't even be aware of it's existence if it wasn't for these sites.... and that's sad. I'm getting one next week and would love these 3rd party rumors to be false. They need marketing and development.... GAMES make a system, or break it.

Re: Feature: The Positives and Negatives of PS Vita


I'm more excited for the Vita each day. It's an unbelievable piece of machinery that my childhood self would dream about. Honestly, why do we try to find the down sides in everything. Our first world problems are so ridiculous... If you don't like it.. don't buy it. It's in no way necessary. But if you enjoy life in general and enjoy to play video games... how in the hell is this a bad thing? Little gripes about prices, or memory cards, or digital media(as opposed to filling another landfill, and don't get me wrong i love to hold and smell that manual too)... It's just an amazing little thing that could only bring happiness to your life, and if it doesn't.. get over it and go make a sandwich or something. I'm not attacking any of you, just the complete ludicrous idea of finding the negatives in even the most enjoyable aspects of our lives. We're so lucky it's insane.

Sorry for the rant, just bothers me.

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