Comments 281

Re: BioWare Rebrand Underway Following ANTHEM and Mass Effect Rumours


The problem is reports say they said they are making Anthem 2.0 but still have no idea how to accomplish it. It is like their plan for it simply says "1. Make it good. 2. Profit"

I know people are comparing it to NMS but this is a different beast. GAAS have a focus on profit. That means every decision they make will be tempered with "but how do we profit off of this?"

Best bet I think it needs to shut down temporarily, and focus on turning this into a good f2p game then bring it back. Just give original owners a free 1 yr battlepass when it re-launches.

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - One of the Best Star Wars Games Ever


Since day one all I want was a star wars version of uncharted and I'll be happy. Looks like this is it. I'll definitely be getting it after reading many reviews. But, not till bugs ironed out.

This is why I never buy day one anymore. So many people say "I'm sure the bugs will be fixed". Yeah, but by then I'll be done with this 20hr game. I'm not going to replay it just to enjoy it bug free. I'll just wait till patched and get it in a few months.

Re: Of Course Death Stranding Is Getting Review Bombed on Metacritic


Wait, you mainly point of why it is being review bombed but also acknowledge that a portion of the perfect 10s are not real either. So why again are you only knocking the negative posters but not the positive. Before you also knocked being negative before playing but some reason it is ok to think it will be amazing before playing is ok. So now fakely saying it's 10 is ok but fakely saying it's a 0 is not? Why is this? If you denounce review bombs then you have to denounce review medkits(I don't what to call the opposite of bombs lol).

Re: Sony Wants to Transition Players from PS4 to PS5 At an Unprecedented Pace


For me it's all about backwards compatibility. If I can play all the old's games I have in my ps+ que and some other digital games I own then I can sell my ps4 with the physical copy games I don't play anymore and save maybe between 30-40% on the price of the ps5.

I normally don't get new consoles for 2-3 years but if I can do that I'm in from the beginning if the new games/upgraded games are good.

Re: Death Stranding Achieves a Rare Perfect Score from Japanese Bible Famitsu


And once again this article's response illustrates why games should not have scores. Imagine how much more pleasant gaming comment sections would be if games only had a verdict opinion like "highly recommended" and people had to read or watch the review to understand why.

No more "but they gave X game .2 higher of a score, that's BS!" "No way it deserves X, I'd give it a Y" I'm sure people find a way to complain anyway, but sure would cut down on a lot of it.

Re: Soapbox: The Most Frustrating Thing About Enthusiast Gamers


If you thought DS was trash and gave it a 1/10 would you be posting an article questioning why people who never played it are obsessed with getting it day one? Or is it only acceptable to voice positive opinions of a game they haven't played but negative opinions are not acceptable?

I'm sorry, but Death Stranding isn't being panned because it is trying something new, it is getting hate because it sounds boring AF to many people. It sounds and looks like a walking simulator wrapped in a weird package. If DS was a game where you spend 90% plucking nose hairs would you really be defending it as "trying something new?" Of course not because new isn't always good.

The DS defense online is like the 'what is good art' debate where if somebody doesn't like what you like the response is "you just dont 'get it' ". No I get it, I just don't like it.

Look at how many people have a hate on for the Sims games and many never played it but people don't get grief for that. Did people hate sims because it is new compared other games or is it because it simply doesn't look good to them?

So no, it's not because DS is different, it just doesn't look good to many.

Re: Death Stranding - Hideo Kojima's Next Revolutionary Masterpiece


update on seeing other people's structures just saw this on skill up's review. You only see it if you play online. And if you play online you won't see it the first time through an area until you unlock the way station. Still don't know how messy it will look a month later though. Seems like early players can do some useful stuff and when it your turn its all been done. You will see names of players who built bridges etc and when you play it sounds like "what is left to do, we don't need another bridge here".

That could be the fatal flaw. You want to build and help other players, but if every stream has a bridge, every cliff has a rope down, every gap has a ladder...well then what is left to do?

Re: Guide: Long PS4 Games


My Name is Mayo should be on the list. Ive been playing for over a year and probably racked up 200+ hours. The story line is intense and action is non stop in this real life sim that inspired death stranding. There is so much to do that I'm still working on getting that platinum.

Re: Google Stadia Brings PS Now's First Real Competitor on 19th November


I honestly believe Stadia or game streaming Is the future. Tech is not there yet, so for now I don't touch it. But in 6+ years, tech will be better and bandwidths and caps will be better as well. But when the tech works, I'm in 100%

But I think it is for gamers like me. I don't care about saving my game for decades or replaying them year after year. I can't think of a single game I've played for more than a few months other than wow and warframe. I get a game, play the he'll out of it and move on and never look back.

Plus you will always be playing on the high end tech. Since their servers keep updating its like playing on a updated high end pc all the time without hassle of upgrades.

I can see why some may still want hard copies , but for me, I couldn't careless. So I'm looking forward to the future of cloud gaming, it's just not ready yet.

Re: Poll: Is PS Now's Price Drop Tempting You to Subscribe?


Can you download all the games or just some? I am in the Asia region and we don't have it. But I have some money left in my old USA account that I could use for this. I never wanted to try it as I figured streaming would be terrible from here. But if it's download now, them I'm in.

Also can anybody confirm if a USA cc is required to use it and not just wallet funds?

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Single-Player DLC Is Looking Increasingly Unlikely


This is why I think gta6 will be kind of a single player online hybrid. I believe they will blur the lines between the two a lot in the next game to encourage players to be in their online world. For example, they could have an option to 'call in reinforcements' on hard missions, which is actually other players. So instead of leaving single player and going into online, it blend together seamlessly. News events on TVs or radio will talk about things that happen in the online world etc. Heck maybe even things you can earn for the SP mode, by using these online features.

By blurring that line it will get more people to try the money making online mode. The more online they get people to use, the less SP content they need to make in the first place. Its all about money now, doing all this makes sense.

Re: Forget PS5, The Last of Us 2 Looks Unbelievable in 4K PS4 Pro Gameplay


I don't think it will be ports or remasters. From what I can tell it seems all ps4 for games will run natively on ps5 (meaning not through an emulator). From my understanding, it's like playing game on PC but on upgraded hardware, it can run better(fps,res) but wont automatically run with new features of new graphic cards. However patches can upgrade the experience to use some new features or better quality old features.

On consoles, games have many different levels of effects they can use(aa, shadows, reflections, lighting), but only use lower levels of them because the console can't handle 'turning them all on max' because it is not powerful enough. So the designers pick a level and lock it in. Like a slider bar on PC that you turn up or on/off different features to get the fps you want. The ps5 will allow more ps4 games to crank it up to 'ultra' settings after being patched up.

I can't believe Sony isn't going to be upgrading some of the biggest games from the end of the current gen to help sell a new console. New system generally have minimal launch titles. But if they can have "enhanced ps5 editions" of TLOU2, GOW, Spiderman, Death Stranding, RDR2 and Cyberpunk, at or near launch, then you have an amazing launch of a new console.

Also, the mass of ps4 sales are non pro systems. So for original ps4, the upgrade will be even bigger.

Re: Death Stranding Won't Require PS Plus to Access Multiplayer Features on PS4


I think the confusion comes from the fact this is not a game box but a console and game box. So it has to say games online require psn+ for that's how it generally works on psn for other non f2p games and also has to state info about the specific game.

This is why it may sound contradicting, it's trying to describe both in the one yellow box. Should be written in two different little yellow boxes.

So while I did read it originally as multi requires + but solo doesn't, now I'm not sure either way.

Re: You Can Now Watch Death Stranding's Lengthy PS4 Gameplay Demo with English Subtitles


I was on the fence but the more I see the less interested I am. One thing that really annoyed the heck out if me was the signs left by others and like system(yes you see the thumb and a like count on signs people leave). There is a part where he drives a few feet and there is a sign already. Then a bit up a hill is a sign about bumpy terrain and many likes on it. I really don't want this social media like system in a game.

I know they said you get no reward from it, but same as in real life people crave the like attention. So now people will be making signs or bridges everywhere hoping for likes. I have no desire to see this.

The idea of questing with others sounds better than just seeing hints from other players everywhere. I'd hope you can turn it off, didn't watch English version to see if that was mentioned. But he is making a big deal of connections and connecting people, so thinking that may not be turn offable. I'm sure many love this idea. I'm not a fan.