Comments 281

Re: Yet Another Blow to E3 as Presenter Geoff Keighley Skips Show for First Time in 25 Years


To me this is 100% I don't care at all. E3 is 100% about the games for me and anything else is ignored. I never watch live streams or anything like that. I don't want to see some developer trying to act cool or be funny. I don't like any of the over blown PR garbage they present. I don't care what the developers are trying to accomplish in a 1hr interview etc. I only watch game videos and nothing else from these game shows.

Re: LittleBigPlanet Recreated in Dreams Is the Video Your Monday Needs


@ILikeStake No incentive? Passion is the incentive. Look at all the mod makers over the years with half the tools they get here and look what they can do. Look at all the Minecraft creations etc.
Look at all the one person indie game makers that spend years on one small project. The incentive for these people is great tools to make their dreams happen.

Plus these things can make great portfolio pieces for future employers.

Re: E3 2020 Will Be 'a New and Revitalized Experience' Filled with Celebrities and Insiders


Wow a bunch of streamers paid to gush about new games. That sounds awful. Just as bad as ces tech streamers gushing about the new Samsung phone. The difference is they are just at ces, not apart of ces.

They will be saying how great a game is, then abandon it soon after launch. How well did that work for apex? Now mix that with not one game,but spread it to many games.

Re: Sony's Latest Wave of Godfall Marketing Begins, PS5 Event Speculation Grows


Geesh people this is the internet. You don't need big press warnings of the announcement for the world to take notice. Heck they could just have 10 second vine like announcement videos of them "unboxing" fortune cookies with the specs,pricing and game lists on tiny pieces of paper and the world would be talking about it.

This is sony and the ps5, it will be huge news no matter if it is a big event or a video. Heck just the logo on IG was a huge hit.

Re: Sony and PlayStation Will Not Be at E3 2020


E3 had its importance long ago but the way the internet is now,is it any real loss if it is gone? Will the ps5 get any less hype without it? Will big news outlets on tv or other sources not mention it without e3? Ofcourse they still will.

What benefit to Sony is an e3, and what benefit to those around the world is it if they were there? I don't see any benefit to e3 at all anymore.

Re: Poll: What PS5 Box Design Should Sony Adopt?


I want programmable led lights in a clear box that will pulsate a color for the theme. Light blue for slow casual games or red for fast paced action games for example. So no color, but in reality all colors. Go down the ps5 isle and it will be a beautiful light show.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Has Entered Its Final Stage of Development Ahead of April 2020 Release Date


Will we get crunch hell stories by the devs about this time later?

I'm still waiting for 3rd ppov. Yes I know they claim no 3rd ppov is coming but I don't believe it now. When they first said that it was a single player only game. It made sense why no 3rd because that means they don't have to animate everything when in 1st, like full body movement for each action(you can be just arms sticking to a camera). But since they announced multiplayer, they now have to do all those animations anyway making it pointless not to include a 3rd.

I know they haven't announced it, but I believe it will exist by the time ps5 version rolls around.