To figure out what they will give just look for what sequels or big dlc is coming out. So even though division 2 is cheap in USA store it still may show up as the freebie.
@Paranoimia and that's why I have avoided the game. It sounds like fun in parts but that building grinding part seems like it's too much the core of the game.
Basically everything but the traversal and combat mechanics. It's not going to charge for the new version outright, it's going f2p with a big store and a season pass. That's my guess.
I'd want to grab it at this price, but why am I feeling this will be a PS+ game soon like the original was a year ago. With a big paid expansion coming I wouldn't be surprised.
To me this is 100% I don't care at all. E3 is 100% about the games for me and anything else is ignored. I never watch live streams or anything like that. I don't want to see some developer trying to act cool or be funny. I don't like any of the over blown PR garbage they present. I don't care what the developers are trying to accomplish in a 1hr interview etc. I only watch game videos and nothing else from these game shows.
I would get this but I had the same excitement for LBP. Then I tried to make my own levels and they were lame. I'll prob get this down the line to enjoy other people's creations.
Clearly using the word port was intended. If it automatically can play on the ps5 and they release enhancements via online it's not a port, it is an update patch.
@ILikeStake No incentive? Passion is the incentive. Look at all the mod makers over the years with half the tools they get here and look what they can do. Look at all the Minecraft creations etc. Look at all the one person indie game makers that spend years on one small project. The incentive for these people is great tools to make their dreams happen.
Plus these things can make great portfolio pieces for future employers.
I have no doubt it will continue to look beyond amazing. I just hope they can freshen up the gameplay a bit. I love the games but it does need some fresh elements.
Wow a bunch of streamers paid to gush about new games. That sounds awful. Just as bad as ces tech streamers gushing about the new Samsung phone. The difference is they are just at ces, not apart of ces.
They will be saying how great a game is, then abandon it soon after launch. How well did that work for apex? Now mix that with not one game,but spread it to many games.
This is why they don't need e3 or anything else big. I'm seeing ps5 rumors everywhere, even non gaming places. It will be a huge announcement when ever and how ever they do it.
Geesh people this is the internet. You don't need big press warnings of the announcement for the world to take notice. Heck they could just have 10 second vine like announcement videos of them "unboxing" fortune cookies with the specs,pricing and game lists on tiny pieces of paper and the world would be talking about it.
This is sony and the ps5, it will be huge news no matter if it is a big event or a video. Heck just the logo on IG was a huge hit.
I used to be a pc gamer but happy now with the simplicity of console gaming. I don't care if they play games I can play. Exclusivity means nothing to me. As long as I can play it I'm happy.
I don't care. Im not getting any game that wasn't made in 2019 until I get the ps5. I have a huge backlog and anything that comes out this year will wait to the 5.
Why should anybody care if they or anybody is at E3? "I refuse to watch a stream of a new console unless it is at E3. It feels wrong if it's in a different room".
Any reveal will be the same no matter where it is.
E3 had its importance long ago but the way the internet is now,is it any real loss if it is gone? Will the ps5 get any less hype without it? Will big news outlets on tv or other sources not mention it without e3? Ofcourse they still will.
What benefit to Sony is an e3, and what benefit to those around the world is it if they were there? I don't see any benefit to e3 at all anymore.
We all know Anthem and Fallout 76 top the charts. They are so epically good that you have to block them out of your mind to be able to enjoy these other low quality games afterwords. That's why nobody lists them.
They don't need E3, but they should make an appearance after their reveal a week earlier. Just for PR and showing off their games purposes to put the hurt on their competition. You dominate the news cycle before the show and dominate it during.
I want programmable led lights in a clear box that will pulsate a color for the theme. Light blue for slow casual games or red for fast paced action games for example. So no color, but in reality all colors. Go down the ps5 isle and it will be a beautiful light show.
It is not the logo people care about,but rather it is like its a huge announcement. Playstation has a huge fan base and only a tiny fraction of them follow the news on places like this. So a big logo reveal like this is an official announcement to the masses on IG. It probably is the first time many heard the ps5 is coming out.
Great games but I rarely, go back and replay old games. I find older games nice to think about but not fun to play. More often than not, it either is visually or gameplay mechanics wise or both are very dated. They had their time in my library, I have moved on. Like an old girlfriend, great at the time, but not what I'm interested in these days.
Thank you. I'm so sick of game companies refusing to release a demo. I've passed on tons of games because of that only to get them for free on psn+ a year later. Turns out I enjoyed it and you lost a new release sale. Demos get me to buy more games than turn me off games.
Why do people keep saying it's a V (out side of v=5 aspect)? Considering the pov, it looks like a stylized A or point, pinnacle. Like we have hit the pinnacle of gaming with the ps5.
But is that the back, and the slot is for the rumored ssd drives perhaps?
I keep wanting to play it because of the cool things I hear. But then I keep hearing that first and foremost it is a mining game and then I lose interest. Sounds like it has the parts to make an epic rpg, but not the substance. Bummer.
Asylum was my favorite and my enjoyment dropped rapidly after each one. I didn't enjoy Knight at all. Was bummed when I heard it will be another Batman game.
I want to see them make a John Wick game. I think they are probably the only ones who could do it justice.
Will we get crunch hell stories by the devs about this time later?
I'm still waiting for 3rd ppov. Yes I know they claim no 3rd ppov is coming but I don't believe it now. When they first said that it was a single player only game. It made sense why no 3rd because that means they don't have to animate everything when in 1st, like full body movement for each action(you can be just arms sticking to a camera). But since they announced multiplayer, they now have to do all those animations anyway making it pointless not to include a 3rd.
I know they haven't announced it, but I believe it will exist by the time ps5 version rolls around.
@Paranoimia It is all a part of the con to trick us into thinking that that it's been cancelled when they just changed the name. They've been secretly working on it for 12 years, quietly, like a secret agent. Shhhh
But a medieval open world game sounds too much like another rdr with all the horses. Online and microtransaction wise, best to do something more modern because you know that's their focus now.
That being said, no matter how good you may think the game actually is, a trailer of gameplay and description makes it sound boring AF. That's why it's dropping so fast.
Comments 281
Re: In An Alternate Timeline, We'd Be Playing The Last of Us 2 Right Now
No matter. Im still waiting for the ps5 before playing any 2020 release games. My backlog will keep me busy till then.
Re: Talking Point: What Free March 2020 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
To figure out what they will give just look for what sequels or big dlc is coming out. So even though division 2 is cheap in USA store it still may show up as the freebie.
Re: No Man's Sky Gets Living Ships in Latest Major Update on PS4
@Paranoimia and that's why I have avoided the game. It sounds like fun in parts but that building grinding part seems like it's too much the core of the game.
Re: Three Fields Entertainment Announces Dangerous Driving 2, Speeds onto PS4 in 2020
You had me at split screen but lost me at open world. I hate open world racers.
Re: Outriders Gameplay Reveal Leaves a Lot to Be Desired
I don't know if it's fair to call this a PS5 game. Yes it's on the ps5 but seems like mainly a ps4 game that was enhanced for ps5 as well.
I'd call a game a PS5 game if it's only for PS5 and not the ps4. More like a PS4+ game.
Re: Disney Wants to Empower Game Developers to Leverage Its Intellectual Property
The only thing missing from his speech was "I have spoken."
Re: Soapbox: 7 Things BioWare Needs to Fix to Rebuild ANTHEM
Basically everything but the traversal and combat mechanics. It's not going to charge for the new version outright, it's going f2p with a big store and a season pass. That's my guess.
Re: The Division 2 Reaches Bargain Bin Price of $2.99 on PlayStation Store
I'd want to grab it at this price, but why am I feeling this will be a PS+ game soon like the original was a year ago. With a big paid expansion coming I wouldn't be surprised.
Re: Criterion to Get Need for Speed Franchise Back on Track
I hate open world racers. The last Criterion racing game I enjoyed was Burnout Revenge. Would love a ps5 remaster of that game.
Till then I'll just enjoy Mario Kart.
Re: Yet Another Blow to E3 as Presenter Geoff Keighley Skips Show for First Time in 25 Years
To me this is 100% I don't care at all. E3 is 100% about the games for me and anything else is ignored. I never watch live streams or anything like that. I don't want to see some developer trying to act cool or be funny. I don't like any of the over blown PR garbage they present. I don't care what the developers are trying to accomplish in a 1hr interview etc. I only watch game videos and nothing else from these game shows.
Re: Dreams - Media Molecule's Magnum Opus Is One of PS4's Absolute Best
I would get this but I had the same excitement for LBP. Then I tried to make my own levels and they were lame. I'll prob get this down the line to enjoy other people's creations.
Re: No Plans for PS5 Port of The Division 2, Says Dev
Clearly using the word port was intended. If it automatically can play on the ps5 and they release enhancements via online it's not a port, it is an update patch.
Re: LittleBigPlanet Recreated in Dreams Is the Video Your Monday Needs
@ILikeStake No incentive? Passion is the incentive. Look at all the mod makers over the years with half the tools they get here and look what they can do. Look at all the Minecraft creations etc.
Look at all the one person indie game makers that spend years on one small project. The incentive for these people is great tools to make their dreams happen.
Plus these things can make great portfolio pieces for future employers.
Re: ANTHEM Is Being Reinvented Over the Coming Months, Says BioWare
It has to be f2p or its dead. I'll give it a shot if it does. If not, I'll pass.
Re: PS4 Controller Will Give You a Heart Attack When You Pause Zombie Army 4
This is like the old Eternal Darkness sanity effects.
Re: PS Now's February Update Adds The Evil Within, LEGO Worlds, and Cities: Skylines
May be a lul now but you better believe it will ramp up big time around the ps5 launch. A lot of big ps4 names will be there to entice new ps5 owners.
Re: Literal Couch Co-Op Game Moving Out Furnishes PS4 in April 2020
I'm really looking forward to this and glad it finally got a release date. Looks like a lot of fun.
Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War - Rebellion's Best Game Yet
I'm guessing no couch coop split screen?
Re: Rumour: Ratchet & Clank Could Be Locked and Loaded for PS5 Launch
I have no doubt it will continue to look beyond amazing. I just hope they can freshen up the gameplay a bit. I love the games but it does need some fresh elements.
Re: E3 2020 Will Be 'a New and Revitalized Experience' Filled with Celebrities and Insiders
Wow a bunch of streamers paid to gush about new games. That sounds awful. Just as bad as ces tech streamers gushing about the new Samsung phone. The difference is they are just at ces, not apart of ces.
They will be saying how great a game is, then abandon it soon after launch. How well did that work for apex? Now mix that with not one game,but spread it to many games.
Re: PS Plus February 2020 PS4 Games Announced
I can't play a sims game without it becoming a murder simulator in 10 mins. Still waiting for an official Saw dlc.
As for bioshock, why now? Can't help to think a surprise new game in the series reveal coming up at e3.
Re: Innocuous Gag Drives Fresh PS5 Reveal Rumours
This is why they don't need e3 or anything else big. I'm seeing ps5 rumors everywhere, even non gaming places. It will be a huge announcement when ever and how ever they do it.
Re: The Witcher Tracking to Be Biggest Netflix Season One Ever
Never played the game or read the books but really enjoyed the show.
Re: US PlayStation Store's Totally Digital Sale Brings Down Prices on a Massive Range of PS4 Games
Donut country looked cute.
Re: Rumour: Cyberpunk 2077 Was Delayed Because It Runs Badly on PS4 and Xbox One
Another reason I'm not buying any post 2019 games on my ps4. Just play my back log and get these games on the ps5, doesn't matter to me.
Re: Sony's Latest Wave of Godfall Marketing Begins, PS5 Event Speculation Grows
Geesh people this is the internet. You don't need big press warnings of the announcement for the world to take notice. Heck they could just have 10 second vine like announcement videos of them "unboxing" fortune cookies with the specs,pricing and game lists on tiny pieces of paper and the world would be talking about it.
This is sony and the ps5, it will be huge news no matter if it is a big event or a video. Heck just the logo on IG was a huge hit.
Re: Descenders Is an Extreme Mountain Biking Game Riding onto PS4 This Year
I just want another ssx tricky but that's not going to happen.
Re: Poll: Will PlayStation Exclusives on PC Affect Your PS5 Purchasing Intent?
I used to be a pc gamer but happy now with the simplicity of console gaming. I don't care if they play games I can play. Exclusivity means nothing to me. As long as I can play it I'm happy.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Most Likely Coming 2022
If it will take it that long then they clearly going for a GTA:online kinda of thing.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Receives Hefty 5 Month Delay
I don't care. Im not getting any game that wasn't made in 2019 until I get the ps5. I have a huge backlog and anything that comes out this year will wait to the 5.
Re: Microsoft Confirms E3 2020 Attendance for Xbox After Sony Exit
Why should anybody care if they or anybody is at E3? "I refuse to watch a stream of a new console unless it is at E3. It feels wrong if it's in a different room".
Any reveal will be the same no matter where it is.
Re: Sony and PlayStation Will Not Be at E3 2020
E3 had its importance long ago but the way the internet is now,is it any real loss if it is gone? Will the ps5 get any less hype without it? Will big news outlets on tv or other sources not mention it without e3? Ofcourse they still will.
What benefit to Sony is an e3, and what benefit to those around the world is it if they were there? I don't see any benefit to e3 at all anymore.
Re: Is Rockstar Readying a PS5 Game Reveal?
I thought they were aiming to do more but smaller projects. No more massive games like rdr2. Still big, just not that big.
Re: The Last of Us Is the Best Game of the Decade, According to Metacritic Users
We all know Anthem and Fallout 76 top the charts. They are so epically good that you have to block them out of your mind to be able to enjoy these other low quality games afterwords. That's why nobody lists them.
Re: Rumour: Xbox Not Expecting PlayStation to Be at E3 2020
They don't need E3, but they should make an appearance after their reveal a week earlier. Just for PR and showing off their games purposes to put the hurt on their competition. You dominate the news cycle before the show and dominate it during.
Re: Poll: What PS5 Box Design Should Sony Adopt?
I want programmable led lights in a clear box that will pulsate a color for the theme. Light blue for slow casual games or red for fast paced action games for example. So no color, but in reality all colors. Go down the ps5 isle and it will be a beautiful light show.
Re: Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated PS4 Game of 2020?
PS5 versions of Ghost, last, cyber but thats most likely 2021.
I've got such a back log(I just played GoW two months ago) that I will wait till next gen for these big titles.
Re: PS5 Is a Key Influence on Sony's Upcoming Range of TVs
I doubt the 8k will be used much for the games but rather the video content out there.
Re: PS5 Logo Is the Most Popular Instagram Image Ever Posted by a Games Company
It is not the logo people care about,but rather it is like its a huge announcement. Playstation has a huge fan base and only a tiny fraction of them follow the news on places like this. So a big logo reveal like this is an official announcement to the masses on IG. It probably is the first time many heard the ps5 is coming out.
Re: Soapbox: Why You Must Play Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection While It's Free on PS Plus
Great games but I rarely, go back and replay old games. I find older games nice to think about but not fun to play. More often than not, it either is visually or gameplay mechanics wise or both are very dated. They had their time in my library, I have moved on. Like an old girlfriend, great at the time, but not what I'm interested in these days.
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo File Size Revealed, Features First Full Bombing Run, Is Around an Hour Long
Thank you. I'm so sick of game companies refusing to release a demo. I've passed on tons of games because of that only to get them for free on psn+ a year later. Turns out I enjoyed it and you lost a new release sale. Demos get me to buy more games than turn me off games.
Re: Mini Review: Tools Up! - An Entertaining Co-Op Game That Almost Captures the Overcooked Magic
I'm not really interested in this one but looking forward to Moving Out and Phogs.
Re: Rumour: New PS5 Devkit Leak Shows Console and Controllers
Why do people keep saying it's a V (out side of v=5 aspect)? Considering the pov, it looks like a stylized A or point, pinnacle. Like we have hit the pinnacle of gaming with the ps5.
But is that the back, and the slot is for the rumored ssd drives perhaps?
Re: Synthesis Is the Latest No Man's Sky Update, Adds and Refines Even More Features
I keep wanting to play it because of the cool things I hear. But then I keep hearing that first and foremost it is a mining game and then I lose interest. Sounds like it has the parts to make an epic rpg, but not the substance. Bummer.
Re: Rumour: Upcoming Batman Game Will Be Officially Announced Next Month
Asylum was my favorite and my enjoyment dropped rapidly after each one. I didn't enjoy Knight at all. Was bummed when I heard it will be another Batman game.
I want to see them make a John Wick game. I think they are probably the only ones who could do it justice.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Has Entered Its Final Stage of Development Ahead of April 2020 Release Date
Will we get crunch hell stories by the devs about this time later?
I'm still waiting for 3rd ppov. Yes I know they claim no 3rd ppov is coming but I don't believe it now. When they first said that it was a single player only game. It made sense why no 3rd because that means they don't have to animate everything when in 1st, like full body movement for each action(you can be just arms sticking to a camera). But since they announced multiplayer, they now have to do all those animations anyway making it pointless not to include a 3rd.
I know they haven't announced it, but I believe it will exist by the time ps5 version rolls around.
Re: Rumour: GTA and Red Dead Developer Rockstar Is Working on a New Open World Game With a Medieval Setting
@Paranoimia It is all a part of the con to trick us into thinking that that it's been cancelled when they just changed the name. They've been secretly working on it for 12 years, quietly, like a secret agent. Shhhh
Re: Rumour: GTA and Red Dead Developer Rockstar Is Working on a New Open World Game With a Medieval Setting
Im still waiting for agent.
But a medieval open world game sounds too much like another rdr with all the horses. Online and microtransaction wise, best to do something more modern because you know that's their focus now.
Which leads back to agent.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Death Stranding Falls Out of the Top 10 as Call of Duty Reclaims Its Crown
Damn this thread is a longer read than the game.
That being said, no matter how good you may think the game actually is, a trailer of gameplay and description makes it sound boring AF. That's why it's dropping so fast.
Re: Rumour: PS5 Release Date and Price Allegedly Leaked, But It's Just Some Guy on Twitter
This just in, the internet is full of BS. Shocking.
Btw I'm guessing it will be $599 at least.