Comments 31

Re: Reaction: Sony Has Outwitted Microsoft at Every Opportunity with PS4


@ShogunRok No one thought it was craptastic, just underwhelming. Even if we say the PS4 games are better than the Xbox One games, Microsoft still only focused on the games and wowed us with new games in their conference, but Sony showed off lots of games we already knew about, for the most part, and had pretty bad pacing. Of course, whenever Sony shot the Xbox One in their conference, it just gives a smile on your face.

Re: Talking Point: Has Microsoft's E3 2013 Showing Lessened Your Interest in the PS4?


@Sanquine Newsflash buddy, I use the same sites as you. That's why I'm not leaving. I don't understand how complaining about Xbox One hate on a Sony thread (about the Xbox One), on a Sony site, where many (not all) users are being unreasonable on the topic of Xbox One is a reason to make me leave.

Am I interested in the PS4? Ha, I'd like all games and consoles if possible, but unfortunately I can't afford them. I would love to get an Xbox One and PS4, but I can only afford to stick with my Wii U if I want a dedicated library.

Re: Talking Point: How Has Xbox One's Reveal Affected Your Anticipation for PS4?


I'm a Wii U owner, so I wasn't sure if I had the need or even wanted to buy another console. I saw the PS4 event back in February, and it was interesting to say the least. None of the exclusives other than Knack (I don't think the other games are bad games, of course) interested me. I really didn't like the idea of streaming, and I thought, and still think it wouldn't work unless Sony does it right.

The Xbox One's hardware appeals to me much more. Similar specs to PS4, and simple and instant, rather than simple and elegant, I like that. Motion and voice controls aren't exactly appealing, but surely there is an option to use the controller.

In the end, it all still depends on the exclusives will get on the consoles. I'll stick with my Wii U, unless I really like the exclusives, and I have enough cash. If they both equally have a great number exclusives I like, I'll probably get the "One" out of the two.

Hopefully, it doesn't have Always-online. They really need to clarify that.