Comments 263

Re: Hands On: PS5 Backwards Compatibility - The Good, the Not Bad, and the Ugly


I think its important because think how many have saved up on games like GOT and TLOU2 for the ps5, also having those big hitter games available on ps5 will help sell consoles. Guy I work with, having those games that he's never played available on PS5 was the deciding factor in buying a ps5.

Anything that adds value for us is a good thing, even if some don't ever use it.

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have Quick Resume, But Loading Is Lightning Fast


@Zeke68 likely event of any data corruption is very very slim and unlikely to ever happen these days, if it were old standard non ssd then maybe then it would be a slight risk due to its moving parts that increase the risk of R/W error.

While it's nice to have feature this will not impact your ps5 in game experience so no problem.

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have Quick Resume, But Loading Is Lightning Fast


@SAR97 quick resume works for physical disk games as well, removing
the disk has no impact on the saved state. The game does not have to boot again either. As mentioned above it still holds the state when the powered down, think of it as hibernate from Windows for a console.

It's a really useful feature:

I could be mid game and then dinner is ready, or I need to go out, or my fav TV show is starting, or the football or sports game is starting, or need to take call, or work emergency, or I want to
take a break and I could then turn off console go do what I need and go back and carry on an hour later or a month later when I choose with out needing to re start at check piont or save.

I would not so no to have this feature on my ps.

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Takes Four Seconds to Load on PS5, 22 Seconds on PS4


@TurboTom yea df did a video with some interesting results. Point was that the results showed with series X you can store and play backward compat games off a usb ssd with same load times as if they were on the internal ssd, meaning you don't have to ever copy them to to internal leaving that free for the games designed to use the velocity architecture. If you can do this with ps5 that would be nice.

Re: PS5's Crazy Cooling Solution Should Make for One Quiet Console


@lacerz one of the people that reported on the heat as gone on to clarify that his comments were taken out of context.

"People are using something I said on the podcast, clipped and out of context, where I said it was enough heat to warm up a room... except I go on to say that's like a high-end PC, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, etc. Electronics make rooms warm unless you have AC."

Re: PS5 Teardown Video Gets Up Close and Personal with the Console


The series X heat reports though seem to have been blown out of proportion and taken out of context, if there were an issue with the amount of units out there I would expect there to be 100's of reports which there are not. Also with the amount of airflow (70% more air flow than One X) and with power of these consoles I'd expect it to be venting hot air like a PC.

One of of the 2 people that mentioned the heat went on to post this later

"People are using something I said on the podcast, clipped and out of context, where I said it was enough heat to warm up a room... except I go on to say that's like a high-end PC, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, etc. Electronics make rooms warm unless you have AC."

Re: PS5 Pre-Orders from Some Retailers May Not Be Fulfilled Until 2021


Amazon UK did say this in the email they sent with the info about when the pre-orders would start.

"We will make every effort to deliver all pre-orders as soon as possible once the PS5 is released. If you pre-order, we will email you with an estimated delivery date, however this may be subject to change.

We look forward to seeing you again soon at"

Re: Which SSD Drives Will Be Compatible With PS5?


The Microsoft Seagate cards will cost $220 or £160 for 1TB.

Samsung just recently announced the 980 which is £220 maybe a candidate for PS5
Capacity: 1TB.
NAND Flash Memory: Samsung 12-layer V-NAND 3bit MLC.
DRAM Cache Memory: 1GB LPDDR4.
Read Speed: 7000MB/s.
Write Speed: 5000MB/s.

Re: Amazon Contacting Customers with PS5 Pre-Orders Warning Launch Day Delivery Is Not Guaranteed


@get2sammyb have you seen the horrible situation with Argos, Very and John Lewis where with Argos people didn't receive confirmation email and the in chat with Argos support they told people if you didn't get confirmation with in 2 hours it didn't got through. Then very and John Lewis have been canceling orders, seems they maybe allowed to many to go through.

Re: PS5 Pre-Orders: Where to Buy PlayStation 5


FYI - Amazon UK email did say to keep checking they may release more

"If you have trouble placing an order while the stock is available, or if we have sold out, we encourage you to keep checking back during the pre-order period as we may release additional stock.

We will make every effort to deliver all pre-orders as soon as possible once the PS5 is released. If you pre-order, we will email you with an estimated delivery date, however this may be subject to change"

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have an Optical Audio Port


If not included probably because of the same reason MS didn't put one on the Series X, they can see how many people actually use it and because it was so low saw it as a way to cut costs or better spend it on something that would benefit more people?

Yamaha just announced 2 amps that support all the new gaming HDMI 2.1 features, RX4VA and RX6VA