Comments 8

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 352


Completed Astro's Playroom, which I absolutely loved, a few days ago so down to juggling two games, Spiderman and AC Valhalla. I have a soft spot for AC games and am loving the slow start in Norway, taking my time to explore the mountains before continue the story. Spiderman's just great fun swinging around doing the side missions, again still early in the story. Got Godfall rented and Bugsnax to try but Shadow of the Colossus is cheap at the moment - might not be able to resist.

Re: Soapbox: Demon's Souls' Difficulty Shouldn't Deter You from Playing PS5's Best Game


This article makes a great point. I'd always been put off the Souls game because of their reputation - I'd built up this image of dying multiple times to every enemy encountered and it being a total slog the whole time. Watching the first few hours of Demon's Souls being played on YouTube has completely changed my perception, it looks beautiful and the combat against common enemies looks fluid, fun and manageable (bosses...not so much). I may well hit a brick wall but looking forward to giving it a go soon.