Comments 312

Re: Microsoft Will Pay You to Dump Your PS3 for an Xbox One


Xbox one is awesome but I would never trade in my PS3 for anything. Okay maybe for a lifetime supply of sam adams boston lager but thats about it

Edit: stop being fanboys.. its obnoxious, both systems are friggin sweet and ur missing out if you have plans on staying so narrow minded in the future. Id absolutely suggest getting a PS4 before XB1 but would also absolutely suggest getting an XB1 in the futur. Dont punish yourself by missing out on great exclusives and an overall fun experience.

Re: Feature: Mad About Madden - Then and Now


I wish 2K was able to make NFL games again. EA is a horrible company for purchasing rights to the NFL and not allowing for competitors. Madden has been much worse off since making the deal and without fair competition EA has become lazy with its madden series.

Re: Talking Point: Is the Vita Really Dying a 'Slow, Painful Death'?


The lineup is far from strong, FAR FROM STRONG! I love my vita but devs are not giving it near as much attention as it deserves. To call the vita lineup strong is just stuuuupid consumerism. If Microsoft had a lineup like this on one of their platforms after well over a year it would be mocked by most of you and snickered at in a loud fanboy fashion.

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts' First DLC Will Be Scaring You Silly Soon


@The-Sega-KiD that's what it looks like.

Campers are destroying this game, even in modes that promote moving around people friggin camp! The series will become less and less relevant until a way is found to punish camping.. Maybe no plantable explosives and this may seem a bit drastic, but no more sniper rifles. I can't tell you how frustrating it is when I'm playing kill confirmed and my team is hiding with a sniper rifle not picking up tags, nevermind being abused by snipers in a objective based game mode.

Re: Desperate Shenmue Fans Beg Sony to Save Series on PS4


@RyoHazuki very true on all fronts.. My first experience with the game was on the first Xbox. My first PS2 stopped playing DVD format so I grabbed an Xbox, and in the bargain I saw shenmue 2 so grabbed it.. Very happy I did because it is now a top 5 game in my list. I truely hope we and those who never had a chance to experience this masterpiece get HD remakes and a continuation to the series.

Re: Microsoft: Sony's Done a Nice Job Defining the PlayStation 4



I mean come on, the guy is obviously sincere and true as Sony does a great job committing to franchises.
KiLLeRCLaM stating Microsoft even may be "left behind" is laughable. As a fanboy you should prey that never happens as without compitition Sony is free to do as they wish.. Let's not forget Sony also considered DRM and only revered corse to win over more consumers. (Key word consumers) I own a Xbox One as well as PS4 and they are both amazing machines and awesome experiences in their own ways.

The mans words were sincere, no need to get uppity.. These companies strive off each other and the industry would be much worse off without these two competitors. this is business not gangs of New York dead rabbits vs the natives.

Re: Massive NBA 2K14 Patch to Shoot onto the PS4 in the Next Few Days


I bought madden last week (a early X-Mas present for me lol) and it's decent I suppose. I have ghosts which I loved but now the game has been over run by campers and has become unplayable. I have AC and I love it, but NBA 2k14 is beautiful!! It plays great, the commentary is great, presentation, everything! If you are a fan of sports, even if not a NBA fan specifically this game will satisfy you visually and make your heart smile my only gripe with the game is how they turned MyPlayer into more of a story mode so I just play GM mode now.

Re: Review: Gran Turismo 6 (PlayStation 3)


I can't play racing games without cockpit view anymore since midnight club LA (not that MC could ever compete with the GT series) I understand why they don't have my preferred camera view though with the amount of vehicles. I may buy it but then again I may hold off for Drive Club. Awesome review!

Re: Sony to Reduce Digital PS4 Prices Prior to EU Launch


@Ginkgo very insightful point on the topic of retailers, never crossed my mind. I'm also with you on you're thoughts about digital incentive and don't download unless there is a good sale or the game is only available via download... I did download GTA5 though hoping to download a few days earlier, but that was a debacle.

Re: Sony to Reduce Digital PS4 Prices Prior to EU Launch


Digital should be significantly cheaper. It's a slap in the face by these company's charging the same (if not more on older games) as physical copies. One of the reasons these company's want to go all digital is its cost efficient for them, being able to cut the cost of discs cases and retailer profit. It's absolute nonsense that they see us as stupid consumers and continue to charge retail on digital content. Gamers should ban digital until the prices lower greatly!