Comments 312

Re: Talking Point: Will You Still Buy the PS4 If It Treats Game Ownership Like the Xbox One?


I will buy a PS4 but I won't be buying many games other than those I trust where as now I buy ALOT of games lol..I also trade those games in when done. Games like GTA Elder Scrolls are games ill buy without a doubt but games with shorter stories (10-25 hrs) I will have nothing to do with seeing I can't get value back after completing. Sports games are always a pretty good buy but unless 2k is able to make an NFL game I will opt out of buying a football game for I will be banning the evil empire (EA) until they learn to appreciate those who made them the powerful game devs they are.

Re: Talking Point: The Increasingly Complex Issue of Used Games on PS4


@Gamer83 I feel your anger..these companies are greedy and will feel the wrath of intelligent consumers if they keep this up.. My fear is the intelligent consumer is becoming less and less (as they fill their fragile minds with jersey shore and other crap shows spawned by mindless money grubbing brain cell rotting non human scum) but these idiots are what they should fear seeing they only see the price and IOS gaming is so much cheaper and accessible..but game companies won't get it..I remember when I bought a game and got the entire game!! Not having to pay extra for DLC these publishers should be ashamed

Re: Talking Point: The Increasingly Complex Issue of Used Games on PS4


Console gaming has few advantages over IOS and used games is one of them. To make this obsolete is to help in demolishing console gaming. Both companies need to smarten up and do so fast before they lose the interest of those on the thresh hold of console and tablet (console obviously better but to some people not as much as you'd think) it's bad enough developers are half making games to cash in on DLC (any smart gamer can see that I.e assassins creed 3) now they want to tax used games!! This is greed and the console could go the way of sega dreamcast leaving console gaming something we explain to our great grand children.