Comments 56

Re: Sony: We Put Time and Money into PS2 Titles on PS4


I believe it's fair to charge a little something, there are costs involved in the process. Having purchased a game before should not be the excuse for these to be free. Nothing works that way in the real world.

If Sony wants to lower the prices though, I won't complain. The PS2 was by far my favorite system.

Re: Time to Tell Sony Which PS2 Games You Want on PS4


Thank you for doing this and not making me reactivate my desert wasteland of a Twitter account. I'm sure I'll think of more, but so far here are mine.

1. Blood Will Tell
2. Rise of the Kasai
3. Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
4. Champions of Norrath 1 & 2
5. Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
6. Soul Reaver series
7. .hack// series
8. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
9. Castlevania Lament of Innocence
10. Bloody Roar 3
11. I-Ninja
12. God Hand
13. Onimusha series
14. Hunter The Reckoning: Wayward

Re: Review: Final Fantasy VII (PS4)


I had never played the original and was thinking of picking this up. But I've had several people tell me to wait for the remake. So I'm on the fence now about getting it.

Re: Here's Your Custom Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 PS4


I'm not too crazy for it, but I do like the orange on it, it's different. Nothing has tempted me to buy one of these special editions yet. I'm still happy with my plain black PS4, but.... if they do one for KH3, I will probably have to get it.

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