Comments 56

Re: Sony Rolling Out New Gold Wireless Headset This Month


Mine cracked at the fold and so did my husband's. When you look it up it's a common issue with them. It's a shame because for the money the quality is amazing and they're quite comfy. Mine are currently being help together by duck tape lol. If they fixed the cracking issue I will definitely grab a pair.

Re: Sony Officially Details PS4 Firmware Update 5.50


I like the ability to hide apps and demos. It'll be nice to not have to see the demos anymore. The time management addition will just be for pure amusement, and guilt, when I've realized I've spent my entire day playing a game lol.

Something I would love to see in the future is trophy progress tracking. Like a trophy for kill x amount of enemies, it would show you have killed x out of x.

Re: Sony's Platinum Headset Delayed into January


My current headphones, the limited white gold version, suffered the same fate as many and cracked on each side of the headband. I'm rocking some sexy duct tape on them at the moment! Is there any word on the durability of these? I'm willing to shell out the cash if they'll actually hold up.

Re: Soapbox: Why Do We Treat Gaming Like a Chore?


I am guilty of this as well, although if I don't like a game I don't feel forced to play it. But there are games that I really enjoy that for some strange reason I haven't beat yet. Ni No Kuni is a good example. I really really like the game, a lot, and it seems like I'll play for a few days strong and then leave it for months. I almost come back to it because of guilt. It's silly, but I feel bad! Being a perfectionist doesn't help either, gotta get all the trophies!

Re: It Sounds Like Street Fighter V Is Grabbing an Arcade Mode


I've been a SF fan for many years but I haven't picked this up yet because of the lack of content. I'm thinking it may take a little more than Arcade Mode for me to grab this title. Sadly because of all the bad reviews it's getting I will most likely pick it up pretty cheap by then.

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