Comments 340

Re: PlayStation Plus Will Rake in $1.2 Billion a Year, Reckons Analyst


I have been a PS+ member for about a year and I think it is more than worth it and I don't ever see myself canceling my membership. Obviously I will need it to play online multiplayer in the future but this was my mindset before that announcement. Now if they use that extra revenue to make improve the PSN that would be awesome! Which they have already started on right path, they just need to keep it up.

Re: Feature: Eight PS4 Titles That Are Changing the Game


@Reverend_Skeeve @get2sammyb At SDCC I was able to watch some gameplay of Watch Dogs and they did show a scenario where someone was hacking into your game and then you go and get revenge on them in their game. It does alert you when someone is hacking into your game. It's kinda hard to explain without seeing it but from what I saw it actually made the game more interesting. I don't think you will be disappointed.

Re: Don't Expect Any PS4 Specifc Features in The Division Just Yet


This is the kind of crap that pisses me off and if more developers think this way whats the point of having consoles that are different or unique. If using the touchpad or the lightbar is more efficient or makes the game better how is it the "best experience for both systems"? No, you are just making a generic experience that can be utilized by either system instead of creating a game that utilizes the strengths of each console. It's not like I am expecting you to develop the game to use the Move, just the basic controller that comes with the system.

Re: Review: Tekken Revolution (PlayStation Network)


@get2sammyb Maybe I am getting my titles confused but it was the first Tekken games you could download off the PSN and it had random generated character names. It seemed very buggy and appeared like it was an unfinished game. I haven't touched it since I bought it so I can't remember all the details. I will have to double check the name when I am near my PS3.

Re: FAQ: What Are the Differences Between the PS4 and Xbox One?


I am getting the PS4 at launch. There was no "wow" factor for me with the XBone and most of the games that I would want to play are rumored to me timed exclusives or I could just play them on a PC. Other than that the only game that I got excited for was Killer Instinct which sounded cool at first until I saw it in action and it just looks like Street Fighter IV with Killer Instinct fighters instead of a modern Killer Instinct game so whats that point?

Re: Sony Wants You to Be Able to Store 300GB of Data on a Disc


4K TVs have already hit the market and in due time I am sure we are going to see content in 4k. The way the network infrastructure is in the US I don't see digital media being feasible to handle 4k or even 8k content in the near future. For now I think another disc option will be needed until our infrastructure improves and I definitely see it being used in the business environment. There is already a 1,000 TB disc in development.

Re: Talking Point: Should All PSN Games Include a Platinum Trophy?


I can see the issue with games being easier than others to get platinum trophies but the last time I checked a platinum trophy means you just completed all the other trophies in a game (100%) and I think all games should have platinum trophies. If you want to make trophies more of a skill than there needs to be a restructuring of the trophy system.

Re: PS4 to Take Centre Stage During Sony's GamesCom Showcase


I would like to see them reveal a release date and more details on the HDD drive (ie. form factor, type of SATA it supports, etc). I don't think 500GB is going to be enough especially if you get a lot of digital content. I plan on upgrading the HDD right away so I don't have to worry about it for a long time.

Re: Killzone: Shadow Fall Pre-Orders Strong, Knack Stomping Beyond: Two Souls


I have a PS4 on pre-order but I haven't decided on any games yet, I am leaning towards pre-ordering both Killzone and NFS; Rivals. If Gamefly adds PS4 games to their library before launch then I might only get one. I did have a chance to play Driveclub at SDCC, the game looked cool and had some cool features but I didn't really like how the cars handled. It was just a demo and it is only 36% done so, hopefully there is an improvement when it launches.