Comments 26

Re: PlayStation Move Wins Popsci's "Best of What's New" Award


It's not really odd to say Kinect is kid stuff. Sony has really walked the walk by releasing/patching core titles for Move. There's not really anything out on Kinect yet that could be considered a core title. Companies talk about using it, yes, but there's not that much that has really been confirmed in how Kinect will work with genres outside workout/dance/sports/augmented reality titles.

Re: The Official Reason for LittleBigPlanet 2's Delay is a Little Patchy


If you have move you're pretty much screwed already if you don't have internet it seems, because most of the compatible games out now were made compatible through patches.

I think they mean mainly that they don't want to release a game with game breaking bugs/flaws and let the first buyers be beta testers who will need patches in order to actually play the game.

Re: Move Can be a Bridge Between PC Gamers and DualShock Lovers


While it is much closer to the Mouse/Keyboard setup and can actually RUN most of the games coming out for PC (which is probably the big reason PC gamers didn't jump all over the Wii), I'm not sure how much of an impact it'll have. You can aim with a mouse much more quickly/precisely than you can actually point and shoot, even with Move (some would complain unrealistically so). You can hook up a PC to play on your TV as well.

I'd be willing to bet it'll convert a few, due to the realism factor, and the convenience of playing on your TV, and the affordability of not having to upgrade your system all the time. I'm betting most PC gamers enjoy the tinkering with the computers aspect about it, the ability to mod games, the prevalence of MMORPGS (are there any decent console ones?), and/or the precision of the controls too much to be swayed by Move.

Re: Move Is Not a Peripheral Killer, says Activision Boss


It can't replace the guitar hero guitar, because then Activision doesn't make money by selling it's own peripherals. Move along, there's nothing to see here.

*That's why I don't buy guitar hero. It was fine, I suppose, when it was just the guitar, but it costs like $200 to get the freaking band kit. Lame

Re: EA Believes Move Can Snaffle Wii's Audience


Probably not as much as they'd think. PS3 + enough move accessories for true multiplayer is EXPENSIVE! I'm still of the belief that the Wii won out for offering something new at a reasonable price point for a current gen machine. These things are still really "next gen" though coming into their own.

Re: Those Embarrassed by Wii Will Flock to Move, Reckons Take-Two CEO


Really the PS3 came out before it's time. Now that more people have HDTV's it makes sense that they're willing to drop the cash for an HD System. Seeing you can get started with move for about $400, that's a fairly reasonable price for a system. Now that the tech is within the price range for new systems finally and HDTVs are everywhere, of course it'll sell.

Re: Latest Kevin Butler Ad Shows Our Most-Wanted Move Add-On: Vikings


The bike game was Tron? Darn. I was hoping to see a new Extreme G racing. .

But, uh...Nintendo's been having old people, teens, and young adults in their ads forever. They haven't really done much in the way of ads with kids playing. I don't really get the marketing war here, seeing as we all know who they're REALLY talking to with the snark is the 15-35 male demographic (mainly).

I guess that's why they just focused on the games. Besides being a pretty sweet selection, there is something for everyone. While they'd like the hardcorez to buy move, what they'd really like is everyone else to buy systems. I know I want.

Re: Move Tech Demos Show War, Robotic Puppets and Chameleons


Very cool! The only thing I didn't like was the computer like interface with the windows. A multitouch screen/touchpad with the compy helping on window sizing is much more attractive and easy to look through (like on a mac). Even just a standard controller flipping through windows would be preferred (imho). For games this looks super sweet though. Too bad it's so expensive.