My god not another article on Tomb Raider... exclusive or not? Who cares!!! Seems to an article every day about it on this site. It's boring now! Flaming the fears of the fanboy.
@hadlee73 now now... no need for the name calling! Share Play is good in your opinion because at least the publisher gets one purchase. Of course if the game had a good trial they'd get more sales but lets not let facts stand in the way (as the title of the article indicates) of rumours of a system no one knows anything about. But, given PSN's flakey service and the fact it's difficult to often even party chat on PSN I don't hold out much hope for this service.
That list makes me sad. With the exception of Wild which we don't really know much about it's short on originality and innovation. Too many sequels and ports.
@hadlee73 I fail to see the difference. They're both try before you buy, effectively demos were you get to try out all the game functions for 60 minutes.
@Dodoo there is no progression to the game and you have to be pretty useless not to finish it on your first play through. It offers zero challenge. It's no more an emotional experience than any other game. I'll think you'll find I'm entirely entitled to think it's poopy if I want.
@SanderEvers The game is already on the network, you download it and start the trial. It doesn't involve any extra servers. The are numerous trials already on the PS3.
I bet buying out right exclusivity for a game like Tomb Raider works out cheaper and a lot more profitable than their deal for Agent or the profit they made from Gran Turismo 5 or The Last Guardian.
@Gamer83 well you know if Sony released a game that has you poking a steaming turd with a big stick and marketed it as an indie, 1080p 60fps, exclusive, some people will think it's fantastic and just the best thing ever.
Here's what Jim actually means... 'We'll keep doing rehashes because there are fools out there that keep on buying them even at the silly prices we charge. Plus we're kind of bust and desperate for the cash'. Rehashing a game and pretending 1080p at 60fps makes it significantly better is a lie. The PS4 has had too many rehashes already. Jim isn't doing me a favour he's taking money for old rope.
Nope.. absolutely zero interest. 1080p 60fps will add nothing to this game, maybe if they'd add another dozen levels to push out the 3 hour game play to something more respectable.
Will it be a mandatory function for all games or up to the developer or publisher to implement it if they want to. Unless it's mandatory its really just a bit of marketing guff.
Of course they could just make every game have a 60 minute trial on PSN.
I can preorder Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition for the PS3 for £29.99. I can also preorder the exact same game for the PS4 for £59.99! That's almost 100% more expensive for a game that looks virtually identical to the PS3 edition. How about dropping the fanboy persona adopted by this site where Sony can do no wrong and actually asking someone at Sony how they can actually get away with such a blatant and criminal rip off?
@get2sammyb really... it's a game that's completely rebuilt but still has to use quick time events to cover the Move elements of the game. A fact entirely missed in the article. It's a straight PS3 port.
there will be another article in 10 minutes when they see the post from Crystal Dynamics confirming it's exclusive. Sony could have blown this out of the water by showing off some Uncharted 4 gameplay and failed.
@get2sammyb were you not giving off about people hyping up games that were only announced and showed nothing more than a CGI trailer? Now you're hyping a game that doesn't even have that.
Sony's show was to many games with no firm release date that might be released in 2015. They've invested to much in indies and remakes and Microsoft have shown them it's the AAA games people get really hyped for. Sony had no answer to the Tomb Raider megaton or no game that looked as next generation as Quantum Break. They're spread over too many platforms and their one game for all platforms approach is weak.
@thedevilsjester I bet if the shoe was on the other foot and Sony had snatched up Tomb Raider as an exclusive you'd be singing a different tune. It's a massive move by Microsoft. While Sony were sitting all smug and arrogant signing up indie exclusives no one cares about Microsoft have blown them out of the water and shown they'll take whatever they want.
@thedevilsjester you know how you can tell it's a massive blow for Sony? By the sheer number of fans on here rubbishing the game even before they know anything about it. Tomb Raider made its name on a Sony platform. It's a massive blow for them. Well done Microsoft.
Follow this up with Unfinished Swan running in 1080p (even though most of the game is black and white) and Microsoft will be in danger of cleaning the floor with them.
Twist it any way you want it's a blow to Sony. How's that Rockstar exclusive Agent coming along for Sony? If you want to complain about anyone misleading or not telling the whole truth look no further than that announcement.
Massive blow to Sony considering Tomb Raider has such a history on the PlayStation brand. Hopefully it will kick Sony out of their 'we're just so fantastic' phase and they'll start listening to customers.
They should have made a walking dead style tv show and launched it on the PlayStation TV channel. I don't think this will work as a movie. It won't have the time to show the relationship between Ellie and Joel developing.
I don't want any more remakes on the PS4. I want a PS4 game that actually takes advantage of the PS4 and isn't limited because it has to run on the Vita or PS3. I'd like to see a commitment from Sony to charge fair prices on the store and stop ripping customers off. Some improvement in PS4 PS+ IGC would be nice with better network support. I'd like to see SCEE closed down and a new global service put in its place.
Comments 223
Re: Is Horror Sequel Silent Hills a PS4 Exclusive?
My god not another article on Tomb Raider... exclusive or not? Who cares!!! Seems to an article every day about it on this site. It's boring now! Flaming the fears of the fanboy.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Sorry, PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Has a Time Limit
@hadlee73 now now... no need for the name calling! Share Play is good in your opinion because at least the publisher gets one purchase. Of course if the game had a good trial they'd get more sales but lets not let facts stand in the way (as the title of the article indicates) of rumours of a system no one knows anything about. But, given PSN's flakey service and the fact it's difficult to often even party chat on PSN I don't hold out much hope for this service.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Sorry, PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Has a Time Limit
@hadlee73 there is no difference and you know it.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Half of Tearaway Unfolded's Content Will Be Brand New on PS4
Well when you cant afford to develop new games... develop half a new game and pretend it's not a port.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Cringe Through Over 20 Minutes of PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn
The only thing scary about this game is it's total reliance on quick time events. Last generation game with last generation control system.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game of Gamescom 2014?
That list makes me sad. With the exception of Wild which we don't really know much about it's short on originality and innovation. Too many sequels and ports.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Sorry, PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Has a Time Limit
@hadlee73 I fail to see the difference. They're both try before you buy, effectively demos were you get to try out all the game functions for 60 minutes.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
@Dodoo there is no progression to the game and you have to be pretty useless not to finish it on your first play through. It offers zero challenge. It's no more an emotional experience than any other game. I'll think you'll find I'm entirely entitled to think it's poopy if I want.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
@Dodoo so you can't answer it
Re: Gamescom 2014: Sorry, PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Has a Time Limit
@SanderEvers The game is already on the network, you download it and start the trial. It doesn't involve any extra servers. The are numerous trials already on the PS3.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
@Dodoo already played it... again... what's it about?
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
@Dodoo so tell us then.... what's it about?
Re: Gamescom 2014: We Don't Need to Buy Outright Exclusivity, Says Sony
I bet buying out right exclusivity for a game like Tomb Raider works out cheaper and a lot more profitable than their deal for Agent or the profit they made from Gran Turismo 5 or The Last Guardian.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Far Cry 4 Still Looks Stunning on PS4
Still looks stunning?
Re: Gamescom 2014: Sorry, PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Has a Time Limit
So why not just give a 60 minute full trial for all games on PSN?
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
@Gamer83 well you know if Sony released a game that has you poking a steaming turd with a big stick and marketed it as an indie, 1080p 60fps, exclusive, some people will think it's fantastic and just the best thing ever.
Re: July NPD: PS4 Still Best Selling System as The Last of Us Tops Charts
There isn't one exclusive PS4 title in that top 10. That's sad.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Sony Refuses to Rehash Previous Generation on PS4
Here's what Jim actually means... 'We'll keep doing rehashes because there are fools out there that keep on buying them even at the silly prices we charge. Plus we're kind of bust and desperate for the cash'. Rehashing a game and pretending 1080p at 60fps makes it significantly better is a lie. The PS4 has had too many rehashes already. Jim isn't doing me a favour he's taking money for old rope.
Re: Gamescom 2014: How Does PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Feature Work?
@get2sammyb that's not what I asked. I asked if the developer will allow it in their game.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
@get2sammyb because you'd find out just actually how dull the game is?
Re: Gamescom 2014: How Does PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Feature Work?
@Demi_God you need to go and find out what back on topic means. The topic is 2.0 firmware update. You're obsessed with my comments for some reason.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
Nope.. absolutely zero interest. 1080p 60fps will add nothing to this game, maybe if they'd add another dozen levels to push out the 3 hour game play to something more respectable.
Re: Gamescom 2014: How Does PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Feature Work?
@Demi_God just trolling now?
Re: Gamescom 2014: Wow, Sony Actually Cut PS4 Games from Its Press Conference
Hinted... Could you guys clutch any more straws?
Re: Gamescom 2014: PS4 Titles to Take Centre Stage at the Tokyo Game Show
All aboard the hype train once again for destination let down
Re: Gamescom 2014: How Does PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Feature Work?
Will it be a mandatory function for all games or up to the developer or publisher to implement it if they want to. Unless it's mandatory its really just a bit of marketing guff.
Of course they could just make every game have a 60 minute trial on PSN.
Re: Gamescom 2014: The Last Guardian Still Exists, But You Won't Be Seeing It Anytime Soon
The game is dead. Sony will never get the sales to recoup the cost and it's just a bit embarrassing for them now.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Rockstar Wants Grand Theft Auto V PS4 to Blow You Away
Unless this is sold with a significant discount for those who bought it before I won't buy it.
Re: Store Update: 13th August 2014 (Europe)
I can preorder Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition for the PS3 for £29.99. I can also preorder the exact same game for the PS4 for £59.99! That's almost 100% more expensive for a game that looks virtually identical to the PS3 edition. How about dropping the fanboy persona adopted by this site where Sony can do no wrong and actually asking someone at Sony how they can actually get away with such a blatant and criminal rip off?
Re: Reaction: Sony's Gamescom 2014 Press Conference Proves It's Finally Learned How to Pace Properly
All filler no thriller.... that sums up the show from Sony.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Until Dawn Fuses Heavy Rain with Horror on PS4
@get2sammyb really... it's a game that's completely rebuilt but still has to use quick time events to cover the Move elements of the game. A fact entirely missed in the article. It's a straight PS3 port.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Until Dawn Fuses Heavy Rain with Horror on PS4
Ah yes... a cliche ridden QTE fest.. a last generation game rehashed for the next generation before it's even released on the last generation.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Microsoft All But Confirms That Rise of the Tomb Raider Will Release on PS4
@k_andersen lol
there will be another article in 10 minutes when they see the post from Crystal Dynamics confirming it's exclusive. Sony could have blown this out of the water by showing off some Uncharted 4 gameplay and failed.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Microsoft All But Confirms That Rise of the Tomb Raider Will Release on PS4
but but but the game is rubbish... it doesn't sell... no one wants it....
Re: Gamescom 2014: Pix the Cat Brings Crazy Arcade Action to PS4 and Vita
It looks rubbish! Seriously! How can you actually be happy to see a game that would look at home on the Ipad on a next generation console?
Re: Gamescom 2014: PS4 Exclusive WiLD Looks Wacky, Wonderful, and, Erm, Wild
How can you be excited for a game that shows no game play, you know next to nothing about and probably won't be released for another two years?
Re: Gamescom 2014: The PS4 Has Sold a Staggering 10 Million Units Since Launch
@Demi_God are you for real? It isn't Sony's fault there are very few AAA games for the PS4!! Who's fault is it? Hitachi's?
Re: Reaction: PS4's Variety Shines at Gamescom 2014, but Sony's Presser Lacked a Show Stopper
@get2sammyb were you not giving off about people hyping up games that were only announced and showed nothing more than a CGI trailer? Now you're hyping a game that doesn't even have that.
Sony's show was to many games with no firm release date that might be released in 2015. They've invested to much in indies and remakes and Microsoft have shown them it's the AAA games people get really hyped for. Sony had no answer to the Tomb Raider megaton or no game that looked as next generation as Quantum Break. They're spread over too many platforms and their one game for all platforms approach is weak.
Re: Reaction: Why Lara Croft Will Still Raid PS4 in Rise of the Tomb Raider
@thedevilsjester I bet if the shoe was on the other foot and Sony had snatched up Tomb Raider as an exclusive you'd be singing a different tune. It's a massive move by Microsoft. While Sony were sitting all smug and arrogant signing up indie exclusives no one cares about Microsoft have blown them out of the water and shown they'll take whatever they want.
Re: Poll: What Did You Think of the Sony PlayStation Gamescom 2014 Press Conference?
Average at best. Vita is dead, none of the games were particularly exciting. Microsoft definitely walked away the winners.
Re: Reaction: Why Lara Croft Will Still Raid PS4 in Rise of the Tomb Raider
@thedevilsjester you know how you can tell it's a massive blow for Sony? By the sheer number of fans on here rubbishing the game even before they know anything about it. Tomb Raider made its name on a Sony platform. It's a massive blow for them. Well done Microsoft.
Re: Gamescom 2014: You'll Traipse Journey's Desert in 1080p on PS4
Follow this up with Unfinished Swan running in 1080p (even though most of the game is black and white) and Microsoft will be in danger of cleaning the floor with them.
Re: Gamescom 2014: You'll Traipse Journey's Desert in 1080p on PS4
Zero interest. 1080p adds nothing to the gameplay.
Re: Reaction: Why Lara Croft Will Still Raid PS4 in Rise of the Tomb Raider
Twist it any way you want it's a blow to Sony. How's that Rockstar exclusive Agent coming along for Sony? If you want to complain about anyone misleading or not telling the whole truth look no further than that announcement.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Wait, Rise of the Tomb Raider Isn't Coming to PS4?
Massive blow to Sony considering Tomb Raider has such a history on the PlayStation brand. Hopefully it will kick Sony out of their 'we're just so fantastic' phase and they'll start listening to customers.
Re: There May Still Be Hope for the PlayStation 4 in Japan Yet
@Gamer83 what has it sold in Japan? 3 million units? That's hardly successful. The Vita has pretty much bombed globally.
Re: There May Still Be Hope for the PlayStation 4 in Japan Yet
The Vita is doing well in Japan? Really?
Re: Gamescom 2014: DriveClub Special Edition Lines Up at Launch in Europe
Approximately £55?.... £60 by the time Sony finish with it.
Re: The Last of Us' Movie Adaptation Will Change Things Up, Says Neil Druckmann
They should have made a walking dead style tv show and launched it on the PlayStation TV channel. I don't think this will work as a movie. It won't have the time to show the relationship between Ellie and Joel developing.
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Hopes and Fears for PS4 and Vita at Gamescom 2014?
I don't want any more remakes on the PS4. I want a PS4 game that actually takes advantage of the PS4 and isn't limited because it has to run on the Vita or PS3. I'd like to see a commitment from Sony to charge fair prices on the store and stop ripping customers off. Some improvement in PS4 PS+ IGC would be nice with better network support. I'd like to see SCEE closed down and a new global service put in its place.