Comments 223

Re: Gamescom 2014: Sorry, PS4 Firmware Update 2.00's Share Play Has a Time Limit


@hadlee73 now now... no need for the name calling! Share Play is good in your opinion because at least the publisher gets one purchase. Of course if the game had a good trial they'd get more sales but lets not let facts stand in the way (as the title of the article indicates) of rumours of a system no one knows anything about. But, given PSN's flakey service and the fact it's difficult to often even party chat on PSN I don't hold out much hope for this service.

Re: Gamescom 2014: Sony Refuses to Rehash Previous Generation on PS4


Here's what Jim actually means... 'We'll keep doing rehashes because there are fools out there that keep on buying them even at the silly prices we charge. Plus we're kind of bust and desperate for the cash'. Rehashing a game and pretending 1080p at 60fps makes it significantly better is a lie. The PS4 has had too many rehashes already. Jim isn't doing me a favour he's taking money for old rope.

Re: Store Update: 13th August 2014 (Europe)


I can preorder Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition for the PS3 for £29.99. I can also preorder the exact same game for the PS4 for £59.99! That's almost 100% more expensive for a game that looks virtually identical to the PS3 edition. How about dropping the fanboy persona adopted by this site where Sony can do no wrong and actually asking someone at Sony how they can actually get away with such a blatant and criminal rip off?

Re: Reaction: PS4's Variety Shines at Gamescom 2014, but Sony's Presser Lacked a Show Stopper


@get2sammyb were you not giving off about people hyping up games that were only announced and showed nothing more than a CGI trailer? Now you're hyping a game that doesn't even have that.

Sony's show was to many games with no firm release date that might be released in 2015. They've invested to much in indies and remakes and Microsoft have shown them it's the AAA games people get really hyped for. Sony had no answer to the Tomb Raider megaton or no game that looked as next generation as Quantum Break. They're spread over too many platforms and their one game for all platforms approach is weak.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Hopes and Fears for PS4 and Vita at Gamescom 2014?


I don't want any more remakes on the PS4. I want a PS4 game that actually takes advantage of the PS4 and isn't limited because it has to run on the Vita or PS3. I'd like to see a commitment from Sony to charge fair prices on the store and stop ripping customers off. Some improvement in PS4 PS+ IGC would be nice with better network support. I'd like to see SCEE closed down and a new global service put in its place.